Chapter 662
The Asian Games roster, like dropping a bomb in already boiling water, caused even bigger ripples.

[The top pick is neither zoom nor Letme. 】

[What's wrong, Flandre is also the champion. 】

[One thing to say, I am watching the Snakes game now, and I only like the director to cut scenes for Flandre. 】

[I don’t know if Flandre can stand up to Khan and Kiin. In S6, Duke basically had no help on the road. 】

【Brother, I'm also a little worried about going on the road. Flandre hasn't played a big game for two years. 】

[Kiin is lucky to say that before the intercontinental game, the Korean media raved about this stuff, but it doesn't look good, and the situation is bad, and it's very urgent. 】


This list is somewhat different from the names imagined by some viewers.

Look roughly.

The audience mainly complained about these aspects——

One, there are so many people from RNG, why didn’t they choose zoom, since it’s better to communicate with one team;

Second, can Xiye play in the Asian Games?The best result is the quarterfinals. I often give opportunities in the competition, and I don’t think it is particularly stable;

Three, there are Xiaohu and Xiangguo in the middle field, why choose Ning?As far as he is an IG, there is a question mark in terms of communication and cooperation.

In general, the audience had the least complaints about Xialu and the most doubts about Xiye.

After all, Xiaoming won two championships in his debut, and everyone saw his performance in the final of the Uzi. He felt that he had a psychological advantage. No matter how bad it was, Flandre had the S2 championship. ring.

Among them, only Xiye was the weakest.

Although WE fans are desperately defending, don't forget that the public opinion environment of WE fans is worrying, and they are accused of lemons every day. The more they maintain, the more they will provoke ridicule.

Coupled with the end of the S7 World Championship, the coach of Redmi had some unhappiness with the people of WE, but the audience knew that Beggin had partnered with Redmi, and he usually interviewed and praised Redmi.

After going back and forth, the audience generally sympathized with Redmi, labeling WE Club a shabby label.

Everyone is not a fool. The front foot coach contract is about to expire. The WE official blog said that it is trying its best to keep Redmi. On the back foot, a self-proclaimed WE insider came forward and broke the news, saying that the work was not serious during the Redmi World Championship. No matter how you look at it, it looks like The rumors released before the negotiation are used to lower the low price.

18 was a difficult year for WE fans.

Lemon Man, the team's performance has seriously regressed, the brother-in-law is more playful after being exposed, not as clean as his face, and then IMP chatted with PYL in private, complained about WE training games and played randomly... all these things, I don't know how many WE fans have lost——

The home team is scolded and slapped with lemons every day, and the mentality is a bit difficult.

What's more, what netizens like to do most is to praise the high and depress the low. It's good if WE doesn't take the lead.

But just like this, we can still maintain WE at this time, let alone whether the combat power is strong or not, the psychological endurance will not be so low.

Therefore, no matter how much the outside world ridiculed Xiye for not being a champion, WE fans just emphasized, "This is selected through layers of selection, and I believe in Coach Beggin's vision."

"I admit that Xiye can be rough sometimes, but he has a good mentality and dares to attack anyone. At least there is no need to worry that Xiye will show cowardice."

"Believe first, question later."

Amidst the noise, there was no one to "fight the injustice" for the left hand.Although the contract incident raised a wave of impression points, and the audience sympathized with being cheated with their left hand, but compared with the domestic mid laners of Xiye and Xiaohu, they are still far behind.

Speaking of which, fans have been arguing for so long about who is the representative of the domestic mid laner and who is the representative of the domestic jungler. As a result, the protagonists of the fan debate, such as Xiye, Xiaohu, Ning and Xiangguo, were all selected.

There is a comment that said it well, "It is the best to prevent those who do not play. This Asian Games is the big test to determine the status."

"During the Asian Games, don't say 'what kind of champion are you?'. It is clear at a glance who is playing well and who is not playing well."

"Heh, maybe Xiye and Ning won't have a chance to play."


3 points in the early hours.

The room with the lights off is very quiet, only the breath from the body can be felt.

On the soft dormitory bed, Xiye suddenly turned over, opened her eyes unconsciously, thinking about something on her mind.


Wechat is very lively, and there are many congratulations on being selected in Moments. To be honest, Xiye didn't expect to be included in the list of the Asian Games. In his opinion, in terms of familiarity, Xiaohu has a natural advantage, and he has no way to compare.It's not that Xiye thinks he's inferior to Xiaohu, but that he hasn't worked under Qin Jiao before, so he thinks it's impossible to choose him.Xiye felt that from the perspective of Qin Jiao, he would not choose a mid laner who had never played before. Doesn't it take time to get to know each other again?
The so-called running-in is not just for the players to understand the players, but also for the coach and the players to evaluate the scores.

With such entanglement and melancholy, Xiye sleeps until noon and wakes up, still feeling unable to cheer up.

"I'm going to Shanghai to stay for ten days."

Xiye packed her luggage and greeted the team leader.Behind him, several teammates looked at him enviously.They are all from WE, how come Xiye has the chance to play in the Asian Games? !
It’s too sage to say it’s not sour. Isn’t this what fans like to compare? I don't know how happy I am.

On the contrary, once the world championship is over, it is completely incomparable with Xiangguo.

Kandi also participated in this selection training camp. It's a bit embarrassing to say that he didn't pass the first round.Compared with those ruthless people, his thinking obviously couldn't keep up, and when it came to the operation side, he was being exploded.

I want to know why the WE team in 18 declined so quickly.It's only been two or three months, and the configuration has basically remained the same. In the summer game, IMP and newcomers from the youth training were also signed, but the results just couldn't improve.

What do the outside world think of WE?
Spending money is worse than not spending money, LGD is obviously bad, and the points are similar to WE (both teams are bottom).This is considered a rescue effort, but it’s actually not as good as a bad factual argument. I blame the WE management for losing their temper. Compared with 2, the gap is too big. It will be full of motivation. I feel that this team will continue to fight. Great opportunity to compete in the world championship again, the result...

After Xiye left the base, the others chatted a few words and regained their calm.

Sitting in front of the computer, Kandi felt that there would be no appointments for training matches in the next ten days. He spent a lot of time at night, so he quickly focused on the WeChat group.The people inside are nice to speak, discussing how to make money every day, and Kandi thinks this is the life he wants to live.

Can Kuhaha's tempering technique be much better than others?Not necessarily.

Instead of taking advantage of the opportunity to make money, why not go to work in the factory when no one wants it?
Candy felt that this was the social experience.

Just in time, the manager of LGD said in the group, "The Asian Games are out..."


Xiye felt uncomfortable when he was recruited. In 16, he worked as a sparring team, but the sparring does not need to be done offline, playing games online is no different from normal training games.

This time is different, online to offline, except for the year-end awards, in fact, I rarely deal with so many professional players, I am still thinking about how to greet people, should I be more natural or polite...

There are many ideas, but the results are useless.

Qin Jiao was very familiar with his arrival, which made Xiye very emotional: Is this the champion coach?Compared with the red rice, it is even more generous, and there is a sense of unambiguousness when waving hands.

But in fact, Qin Ming just greeted him a few words, saying that Flandre would arrive on the road.


The environment adapts quickly.

The contestants all know each other—even if they are not that familiar, friends are friends, and they know each other.

In addition, unlike Xiye's imagination of making an appointment for a training match, the information taught by Qin was very clear.

"The time is very short. Let's fix a few sets of ideas first, and practice until we have a tacit understanding with each other and know what to do at what time. I think it will be fine."

Version 8.15 is familiar to everyone.

For Qin Ming, the truth is that, the version lineup is relatively fixed, and the rest is either to solve it, or to use the same strong lineup to compete in execution.

"Practice first, let's replay."

I decided to train in IG precisely because the training team is strong enough.

When entering the room, Flandre was still typing, 【Brother Shy, put some water! 】

This is of course a joke, but as a teammate with Uzi, Flandre thinks it is very strange. As a senior player, he directly shouted during the BP stage, "Don't think about me, just take care of the bot lane first."

"The bottom lane advantage is equal to my advantage."

"Proud, do you want Kang Te?"

Uzi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm an AD, why do I need Conte, there are not many heroes that AD can take in this version."

The first training game.

Ning partnered with Xiye, while Xiaohu and Xiangguo stood beside Qin Ming to listen to the explanation.

Such a division is very simple, Xiangguo and Xiaohu have worked together for so long, and there is no need to get in touch again, so, in Qin Ming's heart, Ning and Xiye can be used as unique tricks.


According to Qin Ming's instructions, Xiye and the others brought out Daomei, Zhu, and top laner Akali, and then chose the middle lane ice girl, jungler Bobby, and the top laner AD to take the big core route, with hard support.

Seeing such a distribution, Xiangguo was a little shocked.

After playing in the LPL Summer Split for so long, it is difficult to play in team battles by default.The disarmed sword girl cooperates with the eternal freeze, and the ability to cut the back row is top-notch.

But looking at Ning's way of fighting a team, he has obviously practiced Bobby for a while, and W is better, blocking Daomei and Akali from entering the field several times.


A sense of crisis rose in Xiangguo's heart.He thought that the biggest pressure in competing with Ning for the starting line-up was on the spot. Who would have thought that someone was hiding something special.This restraint made Xiangguo feel bad.

He touched Xiaohu's shoulder, his eyes were a little weak.

"I knew Qin Jiao had something."

Near the water tower, get the month first.

Making moves against the heroes of the version is a big test to test the coaching staff. Xiangguo doesn't believe that this is Ning's own idea.Seeing that Ning is so familiar with the game, it is estimated that IG has not practiced less, and the team will stand around the double c.

Xiaohu also felt a little slanderous in his heart, but after thinking about it, it seemed abnormal for Teacher Qin to lead IG and not hold small classes.It's not like he didn't enjoy similar treatment in RNG.

of course.

What Qin Ming did was not to dampen anyone's enthusiasm.

These days, some things are only missing a layer of window paper, and when they are pierced, the direction is clear.

Qin Ming wasn't sure how the LCK representative team would practice, but he was sure that it would be impossible not to ignore the strong routine of the version.


According to the demand, I also practiced a set of Poke system routines with anti-Zoe and ez as the core. LCK's ez still deserves respect.

The night is getting darker.

On the contrary, the IG training room was in full swing. Coach G booked a hotel in advance, and it was no problem to practice until three o'clock. This also conformed to the players' work and rest habits.

The action of tapping the keyboard is not gentle, and the tone of loud communication emphasizing decision-making is not polite.

U Gus stood behind and watched, affected by the atmosphere, and got goosebumps all over his body: Just thinking that they will fight side by side in the Asian Games stage, U Gus feels dreamy.

There are people from IG, people from WE, and people from RNG, but in the end, they sat together for the same goal.

They adapt to each other and are familiar with each other's style of play.

Like before, Flandre just thought that Uzi was strong enough. Before Qin Jiao came, Flandre wanted to win EDG, but he heard Crystal complain about the pressure of playing against Uzi.

Otherwise, things are unpredictable.

Flandre never thought that he and Uzi would become teammates in such a way.Flandre was also a little dizzy the day he was notified.

"Baogou Baogou, I'll sell it, I'll sell it."

"Don't worry, steal some damage for pride first."


This night, Flandre was very loud.

He felt that this was the scenario of cooperating with Uzi in his imagination, and he didn't need to think too much about the endgame in team battles.

Flandre didn't know what the others thought, but anyway, he felt comfortable cooperating. In the team battle, the transition between the first and second positions was seamless.

"This is what it means to be teammates with Uzi."

Uzi smiled shyly. Next to him, Xiaohu also got pimples when he heard it. He felt that Flandre was more like Uzi's teammate than him.In RNG, Xiaohu knew that if Uzi played brighter, he would get less attention.

Here, Xiaohu's mood is also very complicated.

There is a saying, I am afraid that my brother will have a hard life, and I am afraid that my brother will drive Luhu.

Uzi is popular, Xiaohu is not jealous, but his popularity explodes to cover the whole team, Xiaohu feels a little jealous.

It's as if the grades have declined after winning the championship, and there will never be Uzi among the people in the meeting.

Since there is no problem with Uzi, who in the double c has a problem?You don't have to think about it.

After playing the training match, the game will be resumed immediately.

Flandre leaned over to make gestures with TheShy.

Sometimes, Flandre would feel that he was killing his fighting spirit in the Snakes. Before today, playing a game was no different from playing house. Everyone didn’t seem to care if they lost or won. How can this kind of knife-point game be so enjoyable.

It's a bit embarrassing to say, he feels that SS's state in the main game is not as good as tonight's training game.

at the same time.

Score was about to ask Chidi to pour water, "Do you have eyesight?"

Score put on a straight face, as if someone owed him money.In fact, Little Peanut and the others also knew that the reason for Score's unhappiness was that Smeb had no chance to participate in the training camp.In Score's heart, he felt that Kou Ma had a problem with Smeb, that's why in the final match, he chose the rookie Kiin instead of the experienced veteran.

A group of people sat together, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward, but Score suddenly clicked Chidi, the intention was not to humiliate, but to imitate the style of the predecessors and show his own status.

After a while.

Chidi hid his gaze, and obediently offered disposable water glasses to his brothers, except for Kiin.

Now, Kiin was a little at a loss, and Score gave Chidi a look in satisfaction, as if to say good job.

 Thank you book friend 20181013224204288 for rewarding 1500 coins;
  Thanks to the book friend Zhu Luo for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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