Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 677 is in operation

Chapter 677 is in operation
this game.

The South Korean team took out the positional pulling system, while the Chinese team used the nightmare force as the fulcrum.

From the perspective of lineup strength, the South Korean team has a strong ability to occupy the terrain first.There is a photo of the ice, and there are great teammates with caution, and the clockwork output environment is quite optimistic.

But the suspense is whether the Chinese team will allow the South Korean team to play the Athlon effect.

Battle seats.

Score held the mouse, feeling very uneasy.This round can't be lost, and he can't afford to lose, he warned himself like this.


Do a good job of F6 vision on both sides. Score only opens F6, and scans to eliminate eye positions. Xiangguo also only opens F6 to exclude eye positions.

In Zeyuan's words: Both sides want to make a difference in the bottom lane, and both choose to go online in advance.

of course.

The combination of Verus barrels is a bit more "abstract" than Ice Bron.

As soon as he goes online, Xiao Ming throws his Q in the middle of the row to deal damage. He wants to use this method to make it easier for Uzi to hand over E to clear the minions and pave the way for a second fight.

Faced with this move, coreJJ did not hesitate.

He knew very well that this was the key to going down the field, and he couldn't overwhelm Ryze much before the clockwork. If he wanted to put pressure on him, he couldn't be cowardly in the second round.

"Bron backed up the top with a knife, Uzi stole 2 times, coreJJ handed in Q and stuck to the outside soldier to slow down Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming took 2 steps back."

Paying more than 90 blood volume, Ice W and Verus E cleared the three front row troops and disabled the rear row troops at the same time.

In the second wave, he still didn't retreat, and Bron took the position on the top of the blood bottle to help Emperor Chi fight for the environment.

"On the second day, Xiao Ming's E hit Bron's anti-theft door. Uzi and Chidi PK, oops, Chidi's A twisted Uzi's piercing arrow."

Support plays support, AD plays AD, and no one takes advantage.It seems that the wine barrel has recovery skills after learning W at 3, and it can last longer, but the most popular line-up round in the LCK is the three-wave line AD going home to replenish the ore knife.This advantage is not reflected in the laning.

"In the wild area, Xiangguo wanted to make trouble, so he left a group of stone beetles untouched."

The abnormal wild route means that the player wants to make trouble.

The nightmare is in the hands of others. For example, in 17, Peanut tried the nightmare jungler by grabbing a ban. Although the big move was very bad, he didn't fly a few times in the 30-minute game.But one thing is for sure, Nightmare is more expensive to do than most tempo junglers.

If possible, the most comfortable rhythm should be to clear half of the area, control the river crab along the way, and then do three sets to go home to upgrade the jungle knife to replenish the real eye, and then do six to have a big move to cooperate with the work.

But before Xiangguo took the stage, the coach told him that this game can't be so "steady", he has to play his style, find more opportunities, and disrupt the development rhythm of the Korean team.

Going home at the third level of the bottom road is a node that can be used.

Xiangguo cut the screen and looked at the position of the bottom line, knowing that no one on both sides can do anything to each other.Regardless of whether Bron goes first or the barrel goes first, if there are no other variables, the person who takes the initiative to fight to the end is bound to be pulled.

Just like that.

Nightmare 2 wilds, come and crouch down the pass.In the middle line, Xiaohu gave full play to Doinb's Ryze style of play, phased and enlightened to point out the potion, and with the help of corrupt recovery, he pushed the line from the first level, and tried to dodge the clockwork Q if he could, and poured E to the back if he couldn't. Platoon.

What are the benefits of this style of play?
First, if the first three waves are pushed hard, the state will not be particularly bad;

Two, there is teleportation, when the clockwork eats the tower knife, it is enough for Ryze to make up the state T and come out.At this time, it is the forward posture again.

Will there be any surprises?
The possible risk is that pushing the line will give the body position.That's why Nightmare started to gain popularity with F6, and Ryze stood on the side. In case of an accident, Nightmare can cover Ryze and retreat to the upper river, so that if the opponent doesn't flash, Ryze will flash to him.


Seeing this scene, Kouma was even more impressed with the Chinese team's daring to fight.

Nightmare hides his body, Ruiz pushes the third wave of back row soldiers, knocks out the third bottle of corruption, and keeps the blood line healthy. At the same time, Xiao Ming deliberately looks at the river, and coreJJ keeps up with the triangle grass, keeping an ambiguous distance.


Looking at the imminent eruption of the river and crab war, Kouma felt a little proud——I was sure you would cause trouble!
coreJJ recalled what he said last night: Pay attention to river crabs.Xiao Ming must follow offline.

This time.

Score's troll clicked the explosive fruit and went down the wall, just in time to see Xiao Ming inserting eyes at the mouth of the dragon pit.

"be careful!"

The troll W accelerates, Xiao Ming walks towards the intersection of the blue zone, Xiao Hu moves ahead of time, and the ADs on both sides are still confronting each other, Uzi catches all arrows before taking a step.But Chidi also didn't dare to insert the river sideways, which was the output area of ​​Verus.If he winds the triangular grass, the thread will be rotten.

These calculations passed in my mind for a second or two.

Miller was very worried about Xiao Ming, "Why don't you let me go, Bron is coming from behind. This Q——"

Bron's Q blocked his position, and the troll held the pillar. Xiao Ming knew that at this time, he turned E and withdrew from the battlefield, which meant giving up this round of pushing the line.Bron and the troll put a little pressure on the bottom lane, and Uzi had to withdraw, and then the three of them returned the bag, and the clockwork cleared the thread. Xiangguo touched this river crab, and it was just helping to work.

What is this barrel for?
In the surprise of buckling the horse.

With his back to the troll's wine barrel, E dodges to evade deceleration and hit the troll. Before Xiao Ming can make a phase, the troll erects a pillar to trigger a strong attack.

QA slows down.Bron and the 2-step limit are weak, and he is about to rush to the barrel.The South Korean team knew that Ryze Nightmare was coming.

"Are you a little anxious? In this position, Xiaohu and Flash are controlling the troll, but the Q skill hits Bron's shield."

Vow to never give up.

The South Korean team did not expect that the opponent would fight so hard.

Nightmare's hand Q speeded up, the barrel was a quarter of blood, Score did not retreat, and continued to trigger a strong attack.Going down the road, Uzi leaned first and was touched by the ice. Uzi judged that he had enough blood, knocked on the blood bottle and took three general attacks, and reached the area where Bron was output.

"Can Xiao Ming run, Xiangguo got E, but he was passively held in place by Bron first. A trace of blood, Uzi can't heal it."

A blood is born.

Afraid that he would turn back in fear of eating, Score flashed Q and took away the wine barrel. At this point, Xiangguo and Xiaohu set fire to the troll, and coreJJ retreated to the dragon pit.

Score feels that he is not at a loss.First blood is definitely more important than river crab.

one more.

After Xiaohu ate the head, Chidi fired another thousand arrows to slow down Uzi. Verus lost one-third of his health and continued to laning, and Faker got stuck in the back lane of Ryze, so he ate a QW Only after slowing down did we circle back to the front from the pass.

Zeyuan summed up this wave of encounters, "Two of the middle assistants flash-switched the summoner skills of the opposite Nosuke, and the kills were the same, but the bottom lane was a little uncomfortable."

There was a gap in the blood line, and Braum fled from the dragon pit in a flash.Without assistance, Uzi stands on the tower and waits for the line.

"Haha, Xiao Ming is too aggressive."

Wanwan commentary was very excited.They can't wait for the Chinese team to lose the final.

Another partner said happily: "There is a gap in the bottom lane to make up the knife, and after the barrel is online, Uzi will also seize the opportunity to go home. The two will not be in sync."

Holding this good news, everyone knows that Chidi and coreJJ have the initiative in the first 6 minutes of the Asian Games for the first time.

What will they do with this advantage?
In this expectation.

At 4 minutes and 09 seconds, Uzi couldn't hold on to the consumption and went back to the city under the tower. Xiao Ming waited for the ice to push over and tried to get stuck, but was hit a few times.

In this way, when Uzi goes online again, although the difference of making up the knife is only four, but Xiao Ming's barrel has only one-third of the blood left, and he has to go home again.

Otherwise, the matching space is too small.

Score knew this. For a minute and a half, he wiped out the wild area and followed the bot lane back to the lane. Faker reported that Ryze could not go down.At the same time, Kiin went to the river to fill in the ward, and told them that Nightmare had just controlled the Shuanghe crab not long ago.

"Xiang Guo went home and went down. This is a wave of forward push."

Because the pawn line was stuck, Uzi slowly pushed and gathered two waves of red pawns. When the barrel was full, the South Korean team was going to take advantage of this and fight another wave.

Ignition with barrels, not weakness, 3v3, that's the case with barrels that don't flash.

This round is faster.

The South Korean team is ready for the game in the BP stage.They are no less determined than the Chinese team.

"The troll may be here, pay attention to T on the road."

Xiao Ming pinned the danger signal, Xiangguo followed the pawn line and pressed forward, blocking his vision.

in this area.

Without any tentative moves, Xiao Ming just threw Q into the grass, was hit by the double deceleration of Ice and Bron, and just handed in E, only moved 70 yards, hit the pillar and was broken.

Score plays a troll, and his skills are not bad.

Continuing to slow down, the troll speeded up and came over. The third-level Bron used his body to springboard, raised his shield to take the injury, and confiscated Verus's basic attack.

"This kind of encounter, Braum is so annoying."

The blood volume of the wine barrel drops quickly, and Bron's state is maintained very well. Even if Xiangguo rushed to the battlefield at the first time, and Flandre controlled his anger and handed over T, the South Korean team didn't think it mattered.

Score bluntly said, "It can be changed, but you don't need T on the road."

This wave will not be fought to the end, coreJJ took advantage of the shield and pulled back ahead of time.

"Xiao Ming fell down again." Miller said anxiously: "Gnar landed, and his anger was not bad. He slowed down and hit a three-ring jump to face a W, and stunned the troll who didn't flash."

The South Korean team Nosuke didn't stand together, and the troll was dropped by the set fire, and Bron pulled away under the cover of ice, and played a one-for-one again.

Similar to the river battle, the Chinese team paid slightly more chips.

"It can't be changed like this. Although this head was given to Uzi, the bottom lane can't tell the winner in a short time. Moreover, Bron's anti-theft door is too restrictive in output, and it is not easy to touch Emperor Chi."

"There is no place to go if you don't save." Zeyuan said the truth, "Ryze is not as easy to push the clockwork line as in the first 3 minutes. Gnar is playing cautiously in the top lane, and it is not easy to hit poor blood. We can only Save it."

in voice.

Uzi was a little serious, "Xiangguo, move with Xiaohu and go find the troll. We can't afford to continue playing like this."

In another 50 seconds, Ryze reaches six.

You can also tell by looking at the line that the ruler has started to control the tail knife.

The commentator hasn't seen any changes yet, but the buckle is very sensitive.He wished to set the battlefield in the bottom lane, but after re-logging in, Verus pushed the lane with his skills, and Nightmare ran to the upper side, obviously it would take time for the top half of the wild monsters to refresh.

Can you react, Score.

Kouma shouted in his heart, he guessed that the Chinese team would resolutely carry out duels, but the key point is that the only way to attack is to go down.

Sudden variation.

Makes people very uncomfortable.

The Korean team made a small profit in the first 2 waves, but Score suffered a lot from clearing the jungle. His experience bar was half a level behind Nightmare.In this version, it is difficult to be surprised that whoever is double-river and crab-double will reach six first.

Close to 6 minutes.

Kiin is still laying out the line, and Flandre has 2 pawns left and did not push to the river, trying to provide vision.Next to it, Nightmare drove into the blue zone from the front of the pass with the scanner on, and Xiaohu stood up with the consumption.

It can be seen from the formation that this wave of planning to find the troll's position is not random.Xiangguo knew that the troll was in the lower half, and after losing the Shuanghe crab, he squatted down on the grass at around 4 minutes and 40 seconds.This shows that the trolls brush slowly, and there is a high probability that this wave is eating the second group of toads.


It was the Korean commentator's turn to be anxious.

They watched as Score knocked off the divination flower and revealed Gnar's location.In the next beat, Flandre jumped E onto the wall spiritually, blocking the triangle grass area.Before Score could figure out why, he heard Faker calling, "Miss in the middle lane."

"Only the Nightmare of the Incense Pot has this flavor."

The North American commentator admired: "In this case, the Chinese team still found a wave of opportunities and eased the dilemma of the bottom lane."

"That's right, after this wave is caught, it will be the round of Nightmare up to six. In the bottom lane, I dare not use the pawn line to push back and force Uzi to fight."

Ryze River Road drove, Nightmare Q accelerated to E, flashed past the pillar to trigger fear, and kept the troll. Kiin couldn't help it, he was short of 2 pawns to [-], and when he got his ultimate move, the troll had already been beaten by Ryze, and he lost the chance to save.

The headcount is 2:3, and the economic difference is zero.

Strictly speaking, the two sides were just tied, but the troll was interrupted, and the situation in the second half of the game became confusing again, which made the Korean audience very unacceptable.

【Go to Score. 】

[Die three times in a row, rubbish. 】

[If you lose the first game, you should be playing Peanut, what are you doing. 】

Score couldn't hear the criticism, but he could think of it.

He took out a tissue and wiped his palms, speaking in a hurry, Faker interrupted, "I will attract firepower, don't worry about the Nightmare ult."

Xiangguo was also very happy that the plan was successful, and encouraged Xiaohu to cooperate with him.

In his opinion, once the situation in the bottom lane was resolved, he continued to find the position of the troll, and the bottom lane was basically established.At the very least, it can also make the ruler uncomfortable.

At 7 minutes and 26 seconds, the nightmare reached six, and Zeyuan and others were looking forward to the first wave of Xiangguo flying.

Anyone who is familiar with Xiangguo knows that his first big move will not make people wait for a long time.He is not the kind of nightmare who can only fly with 100% certainty, nor does he only have heads in his eyes.

If you have to classify them, his nightmares are unreasonably united, and they like to do the dirtiest and most tiring jobs.

When the nightmare leaned down.

Xiaohu pushes the line normally, and a Q that twists the clockwork.He continued to push the line, and Clockwork stood in the back row and ate the spread. Suddenly, Clockwork wanted to throw Q to gain HP, Xiaohu backhanded W to stop, Q out of phase, and silky-smoothly played the next EQ, forcing Clockwork Send troops.

After pushing the line, Xiaohu is ready to stand guard nearby and order a flower if there is one.This is also what many rhythm mid laners will do in 18.

He did that, but Faker pushed the string out.What is different from the past is that Faker's first few levels of consuming the line were all pushed slowly, but this time he did not control the mana consumption.

Xiangguo thinks this is an opportunity.

I don't want to catch it anymore. It might just be a forced dodge, but if you catch it, you can get a clockwork head. This is a more profitable thing.

"Call me in the middle, I can fly anytime."

After receiving the order, the South Korean commentator also found that the clockwork movement was abnormal.There is no troll around to protect, why push so deep.


3 seconds.

Xiaohu hides the grass and waits for the clockwork to eat the long-range soldiers, let him pull out the position a little more.At this moment, Shen retreated, and the troll ate the three wolves and stood up against the wall.

next moment.

Ryze flanks forward, and Clockwork wants to retreat into the tower, but he will be hit by Ryze W.

Clockwork QW shot to slow down, and just tied A to trigger the phase, and was controlled by Ryze EW.In this round, Xiaohu clicked toughness, in order to make the clockwork not good enough to deal multiple damage.

It was dark in the canyon.

You have to wait for the field of vision if you want to open the big game carefully, which is why Xiangguo judges that it can kill.

An accident happened.

At the critical moment, Faker's prediction was successful, and he dribbled the ball into the R flash to adjust the position and pulled it to 2.

"This wave can be received!"

In the excitement of South Korea's commentary, Ryze's Nightmare was interrupted in this way, and the fire difference was 200, and Shen succeeded in giving it to the big one.More importantly, the clockwork triggers the phase, Xiaohu loses Q in E and is twisted, the incense pot is sold immediately, and Ryze is killed in battle.

Heads 3:3, the first wave of Nightmare was cracked.

(End of this chapter)

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