Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 680 Put it, you can put it

Chapter 680 Put it, you can put it
Post game panel.

The output of Verus was 7 plus, and the output of Hanbing was 5 plus. The two top AD players gave the audience a harvesting group teaching belonging to ADCarry.

at the scene.

The voice of "Come on Chinese team" never stopped.They roared and vented to their heart's content, and the red color was always floating in the auditorium.

next to.

The Korean audience who also supported on the spot were very sad.They were disappointed when they thought that even space battleships could not sink the Chinese team.Even if the first wave of big dragon groups succeeded, they obviously shouted loudly, but now, they lost their voices.They held their heads, not daring to watch the last scene.

this moment.

Korean audiences hate Coach Beggin like an ocean.Before the expedition, the ID on the coaching roster has long been a nightmare that the LCK doesn't want to recall.

S6 World Tournament, S7MSI, S7 Intercontinental Tournament, S7 World Tournament, S8MSI, S8 Intercontinental Tournament... There is him every time.

They don't want to curse Uzi's decline, they just want to cover up their disappointment by scolding coach BP.

"Grass." Xiaohu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He thought about the rhythm problem in the first two rounds, and thought that the team battle was not good enough to limit Uzi, so how should Akali and Sword Girl match pigs be exchanged?

Facing the coach's instruction, Uzi just said lightly, "It's okay to increase the output task a little bit."

And in the North American studio.

The South Korean team locked ez and gave the ball to the top half.

If you can't win the team, no matter how reasonable the lineup is, it's useless.


this moment.

The two commentators were still shouting "OMG" and "Carzy".


Xiangguo: "Who would have thought I'd hit the second-level catch? Fuck, when you take the head, there will still be a voice from the other side? He thought he was Faker from S6, and I didn't even want to hit it."

Peanut could have refused, but seeing Score, he remembered the unwillingness to be replaced in the S7 World Championship.At that time, his mind was full of how to play, but he was told to change players.

His rhythm is admittedly confused, but Score is the core of KT's rhythm, ranking first in the team with an average participation rate of 87 per game.As far as this point is concerned, Little Peanut should also give in.

Everyone knows that.

The second and third players of the Chinese team, just like the South Korean team, did not consider Daomei and Pig at all, as if releasing these combinations was just an omission.

In the first two rounds, the South Korean team lost in the key group. They have never played in a group. They tried four-one containment, tried to squeeze out depth and stretch space in the front row, but nothing seemed to work.

By this time.

The Chinese team grabbed Kai'Sa.

"Akali and Luo. Two very strong cut-in heroes." Miller worried: "The ice girl is outside. Xiaohu has beaten Akali with the ice girl. He must have experience, but if he wants to limit Akali's development, he still needs to quite difficult."

In the year of S7, Qin Ming witnessed Uzi's growth with his own eyes, witnessed that his heart became stronger, and he no longer became inexplicable because of certain remarks.

Ryze was stuck in the position by Shen, and got a hurricane beep, Xiaohu pressed the watch, and only played three EQs and two Ws in the whole wave, and the output was quite limited;
Looking at the clockwork again, he was entangled by the nightmare. He had just solved the first life of the nightmare. Gnar cooperated with killing the troll and sticking to the wall to get stuck at the intersection. He didn't dare to flash up to output immediately.

Of course.

in other words.

Looking at the Chinese team again, Flandre's upturned lips never came down; Xiangguo was always BBB, not knowing what B was doing, and then he saw Xiaohu smiling happily.

Miller was also confused when he saw it, "Will Verus also be banned? I think the effect of Chidi is not as good as Uzi. Even if the Korean team takes it first-hand and second-hand, there are still Kai'Sa and ez outside."

Highly popular players like Faker will also be boycotted by Korean audiences.Scold him for occupying the best position, holding the highest salary, but not winning the championship.Call him an old guy, it's time to retire.

Your self-confidence is a good thing, but don't walk a tightrope with the Asian Games.

Buckle knows this.

To be honest, Qin Ming doesn't like players who are selfish, have no respect for competition, and have been spoiled by the media and fans.

I'm not playing for you, I'm playing for myself.

It's just that Qin Ming needs some smoke bombs, and needs to disrupt the Korean team's initial BP script.

Score's hands were shaking.The last wave of turning off the lights was turned on, ending all his confidence.He was full of one thought: I gave it away, I gave away the most critical round, the round that should have been won.

They began to miss the time before S6 and the era when coach Beggin did not set foot in international competitions.Even, some people have been so bewildered that they boasted that S3 and S4 are the most valuable.But everyone knows that the heroes at that time were even more supermodels than they are now.If they can't tolerate Akali's smoke bombs, the sword girl's disarm, and the sword demon's second life, they will even less tolerate the assassin hero with spellcasting silence.That is the real abnormal mechanism, leading a team by one person is not a dream.

Qin Ming saw the three-handed bans of Nightmare, Qinggangying, and Gnar before buckling the horse, so he knew what the Korean team's adjustment direction was.

The output intervals of the two are the optimal solution, and the output time is similar, but the final results become very different.

He also doesn't know what arrangements the two junglers on the opposite side will make in the next start.

At this time, the South Korean team holds two versions of T2, one singled out T0 in the wild, and one of the strongest team starters, Luo. What will the Chinese team use to fight?

"Strong?" Xiye didn't understand.

Qin Ming shook hands with Kouma for the third time, and found that his palms were sweating... Qin Ming smiled at him, "Excellent game." He said in Korean.

Look at the first three casts, Little Peanut takes Olaf, clearly confirms the strength of the field duel, and is not afraid of trolls after being popular; , it becomes very abstract.

Look at the ID on the opposite side, it's Xiaohu, not Xiye.

"Not strong." Ning Youyou said: "It's just very good at destroying the connection between Akali and Daomei."

Peanut swore.Now, there is an opportunity to play in front of him, and he also knows that life and death are the easiest to blame, and the easiest to accept inquiries from a magnifying glass, but he doesn't want to miss it.

If you are bucking the horse, what will you think in the third round?
Will you give it a go?

Why are you talking so straight!
Doesn't it count if the strong beat the weak?Surely it counts.

"Kenan from Flandre, Bobby the jungler from Xiangguo?"

This is a sentence that Qin Ming learned from G's coach before going on stage.

The night of the bird's nest comes true.

Little Peanut avoided the stare at the horse.


Commentary seat.

I remember hesitating and said: "Ryze Ice Girl is still outside, I'm not worried about Xiaohu's hero pool, but the problem is that Akali, Sword Girl, and Pig Girl seem to be all out."

In the first round, he was surrounded by three people, judging by his body position. In the second round, the team battle position was very uncomfortable, but he still did not stop.

In this version, when jungle resources are turned into team advantages, it is very necessary for the jungler to stand up and connect offense and defense, instead of expanding his own lead in clearing the jungle, or simply controlling one or two small dragons.

With Uzi in this state, Qin Ming dared to implement the next routine.

Little Peanut knows that he is just insurance, and insurance will only take effect when there is a problem with "safety".

"At least the first two rounds will dismantle this combination."

"Your solo kill is also considered. If someone beats the Tsar, you have no advantage against the enchantress, so don't play the enchantress in the future."

Xiaohu: "Don't do it, I killed him solo in S6!"

The commentator found it strange, and he was even more uncertain about buckling the horse. The key point was that Khan was still calling Jess, but what should he do if he has no advantage when he is out of Jess?The fault tolerance given to the team is too low.

"Come on, let's end this."

After the defeat in the first two rounds, it is normal not to play Nightmare and Qinggangying, but it is not appropriate for Banner to hope that Khan will play for the advantage.

Zeyuan then said: "In this game, we did not change players, but the South Korean team replaced Ueno. Of course, we are familiar with the faces of the two. As opponents of MSI, I believe everyone will not be unfamiliar with Khan and Peanut."

In the version where Qinggangying can play wild, Bobby's jungle is not considered harmful.Still the same sentence, version 8.15, only those who win the fight deserve to eat resources to snowball.

The cooperation performance of the players became more and more smooth. Flandre became a link that the Korean team could not break through from a bench FMVP who was complained about before the game and had not played in a major competition for 2 years.

to this meeting.

As usual, he should have exploded.But this year, he's learned to speak for itself.After winning these two rounds, Uzi has only one thought in mind: the bottom lane will not become the problem itself.I have the confidence to fight Chidi to a team battle.If the opponent can hit those output, I will not be low.

Ning was very envious, he said bitterly to Xi Ye: "I practiced this trick for a month in IG, and I planned to show it off in the playoffs."

Audiences from all over the world locked on the fourth and fifth floors of the blue square.

Before a team wins, the clearest sign is to convince everyone that this year's fruit belongs to them.

Just as Kouma was about to say something, Score interrupted with red eyes, "Let Peanut come on. I..." Score held down his trembling right hand with his left hand, "I can't go on. I don't know What to do, coach. I can't win."

Qin Ming designed BP based on this point.

"Come on, Uzi's Kai'Sa, after a brilliant performance in the first game, the Korean team took out Ice Bronshin in the second game, and Coach Beggin didn't consider letting AD follow suit."

Qin Ming still didn't consider Daomei, he banned Xia and Ruiz in the second round.

It's not close.

Ze Yuan was surprised.

Thinking about it, 2 is considered a self-ban, as if you don't want to take advantage of the blue team's first grab advantage, and lock the cornerstone hero like Galio first.

The three-handed heroes he bans are more interesting.

The blue side of the Chinese team, in the one-three-five side selection, Qin Ming took the initiative to take the blue side. In version 8.15, IG, who is used to playing online, basically does not take blue.

Khan then added, "He is Sword Demon, I, Jess, can fight."

Go to Wanghu, he suggested.

The Chinese team did not let them down, Kenan and Poppy locked in seconds.


Chidi's heart was still beating violently, and he did not return to calm.Just a little bit, he thought.

The difference is only here.

"Tahm and the Ice Girl? The Sword Demon doesn't take it either. I want to protect Uzi's output environment first to prevent Tamm from being banned." Considering the Ice Girl's lack of damage, Zeyuan commented: "In this way, you have to make up for the output on the road. And the rhythm of Xiangguo is under great pressure. We can't afford it."

The third round.

one more.

Such a decision was thrown to Quoma, who thought a lot for a while.

In these 2 games, I didn't make much contribution, but when the team battle was dismissed, there was always myself. Score did not want to return to Korea with a 0:3 record.


compare to.

Qin Ming thought of Sofm from S6.Although he is playing happily now, at that time, he exploded with amazing energy in the world championship, and his figure was all over the opponent's wild area.

As the coach of SKT, Kouma has experienced the test of this moment countless times.But each time, he could see something different.

Champions can change everything.

When they won the Summoner's Cup, when he was named FMVP, Uzi's heart was much more peaceful.In the summer split, RNG didn't go very well, but Uzi restrained his anger.

Battle seats.

Zeyuan complained sharply: "If there is any big move, if it has to be used in a life-and-death situation, I don't think it has the determination to win. Moreover, I believe that we, who have won 2 games in a row, have the confidence to face any Change tactics. No matter what adjustments and responses the South Korean team makes.”

Qin Ming is still relaxed. When the opponent determines the lineup according to the heroes you have given, what you need to worry about is whether you can execute your tactics well.


I remember guessing: "In the third game, two players were replaced. Could it be that the Korean team has hidden a big move?"

The buckle didn't speak yet.

Wherever you go, you will be known.

There's nothing wrong with that.

The buckle horse doesn't want to lock up the sword girl who performed so well in the qualifiers.After all, Daomei is strong, and there are also sayings about disarming and cooperating with Kaisha to charge.

It is not a bad thing to have the desire to win and lose, and it is not a defect to be "critical" to your teammates. The only thing is to keep up with the requirements of the team.

Buckle knew what they were upset about.

The two ADs did everything, Han Bing only suffered from the average damage of about 130 per common attack, and Verus relied on stacking sheep knives, not only faster attack speed, but also with special effects Can cause about 200 damage.

Can't win.

Arrived at BP.

I don't want to back off.

This hero is not good enough for Tahm and Ice Maiden.

last hand.

In the impression of the two, isn't the position of AD finding a safe position, making up some output, and then standing up when it's time to harvest the remaining blood heads.

As for the prince?

Or someone said that the league game has been dominated by Asians.

Peanut could have refused.The reason is easy to find: I haven't played a few scrims with Khan.The reason why they are there is to ensure that the starters will not be unable to play due to physical factors.

Kouma breathed a sigh of relief, "Take Akali first." At this time, coreJJ shouted: "Luo is outside." He gave his thoughts, "The other side won't take the sword girl, and Jess doesn't need to grab it. If they grab it, they will In the second round, I have to ban Daomei."

What to worry about.

Replay the last wave of teamfights again.

How can anyone export and harvest it?

From the fierce battle to the late stage, when it comes to the stage of fighting who makes fewer mistakes, this should have been our strength...

In version 8.15, it is recognized that Akali, Sword Girl, and Sword Demon are OP. In this case, the threshold for cracking Sword Demon is slightly lower; Sword Girl has a high winning rate with pigs, and has basically never lost in 2v2; It's difficult.

and so.

Score expressed his feelings in the cruelest terms.

The South Korean team played Olaf on the third floor, and was banned in the second round, blocking Sword Demon and Blind Monk.Counting the first round, the South Korean team knocked out the two best heroes in Xiangguo's career.

The Chinese team has proven itself.

When he said this, the scene gave a warm response.

Can be in the buckle eye.

The South Korean team's fourth-floor lock knife girl did not give any chance.

Qin Ming felt that Uzi was becoming a dangerous element.He rarely saw Uzi with such a strong fighting spirit, including the S7 World Championship, and Uzi did not show the desire to operate like today.

The buckle was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized: "Maybe there will be a miracle tonight." Losing is not losing.

The North American commentator was puzzled, "Has Xiangguo played Poppy before? This hero can also play jungle?!"

the other side.

In other words, what do you play in the wild?
But at the moment.

Losing the Asian Games, the Korean audience will give them the treatment they deserve.Korean viewers are fair at this point, they won't let anyone have their reckoning.

Every time you lose.

Galio, Spider, Verus.

Take the knife girl, pig, and Akali on the opposite side, can you limit it?

In all fairness.

Big move?

Score was holding his head, Faker was lying on his back, covering the light with his hands, including coreJJ who should be calm most, his body also showed restlessness and uneasiness.

In the first two rounds, the decision-making of the Chinese team focused on the lower half, but did the South Korean team break through Flandre's defense and disrupt this defensive rhythm?

The audience saw from the live broadcast that the South Korean team was lifeless, and the newly joined Xiaohua moved her lips. It seemed that only Khan responded, and the others were as if they had been beaten.

Miller calmed down his excitement, but the volume was still loud, "The strongest team sent by China and South Korea came to us."


Qin Ming didn't understand.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Kou Ma felt a little sullen when he turned around: Boy, don't be too arrogant! !Why do you evaluate the game in the tone of a winner in the third game!

I'm so mad.

(End of this chapter)

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