Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 702 Push and Reverse Push

Chapter 702 Push and Reverse Push
The gap between people is sometimes bigger than that between people and pigs.

Letme forgot who said this, and he saw it from the Internet.

In fact, it was just that Rambo was killed in battle, and Letme didn't feel much about it.

I'm in good shape, the blind monk has output, Kai'Sa kills Han Bing and can return to the defense, and the Titan immediately comes over. How can I lose the four-on-three endgame?
Maybe the flag cannot be set.

The moment Rambo died in battle, Jess used the phase to pull his body and stole 2 crabs. Letme ignored it, and wanted to kill Braum first, then go after Syndra, let the Titan blind monk and Jess have sex, and finally Kai'Sa ended.

The script is very good, and Letme's sense of team battle is also right.

If everything goes well, at most, the blind monk will miss his Q and run away with a Jess. Isn't it unacceptable for RW.

But the next moment.

The blind monk Q arrived at Jess, but when Kasa kicked over, Bron played Q to slow down, and it lasted for another 3 seconds before being approached and taken away by the crab.

When Letme was chasing Syndra and walking towards the wall of the dragon pit, he also saw Jess W's basic attack. When he reached half blood, he triggered the passive of Publisher and stunned the blind monk.

It takes time for Jace to kill the blind monk.

At this time, the Titan has entered the range of the hook, and Kai'Sa is 900 yards away from Jess, at most 5 seconds, and Letme thinks that he can hear the kill from the voice broadcast.

Commentary seat.

Miller has fallen into a frenzy, the love of the game, or, because of the individual performance of the players, aroused his passion.

Watching the game, isn't it just a wonderful offense and defense.

"Can TheShy run? One hook, Jess starts the watch, Kai'Sa W is also empty!"

TheShy counted the CD, and he didn't need to remind him. The dragon pit went up to the wall, and the moment the crab backed E, Syndra flashed down the wall, Q threw the dragon wall to hide her skills, and pushed the ball to the limit to stun Kai'Sa who came from behind.

The old thief is not slow to purify and detox.

Qiya and Kasa were indeed standing up, but Titan was standing on Jayce's flank, and Kaisa was sticking to the river wall on IG's side.

Letme suddenly panicked, and Syndra's determination made him feel uneasy.

Then he saw Jess get up and QE, and hit Kai'Sa who wanted to pull the position.

This shot crippled Kai'Sa.

After losing his combat power, the old thief subconsciously avoided Syndra at the mouth of the Dragon Pit, and as a result——

"TheShy is still operating!! He is still operating!!"

Titan's basic attack stopped, Jess didn't open the acceleration door after eating, the blind monk slapped the floor to catch the Q, and the distance was less than 200 yards close to him, Jess' hammer form E broke the blind monk's second-stage Q, and he didn't die with about 200 HP.

What made RW feel even more chilled was that Syndra's big move locked on the blind monk, and directly silenced Kasa, including the spring commander Doinb. , AD residual blood, the crab is on top, Jess and Syndra beat the Titan, he was thinking about it for a long time, and suddenly said: "Oh, mine, mine."

"IG won this wave!!"

"It's too much. Although Ah Shui eats locks and doesn't have much to do. In the absence of AD, we all thought that IG would lose the group. With the RW dragon, I didn't expect that the lack of AD would not affect the team. Go to the bottom of your pocket."

"This is IG."

Crystal looked at the hot eyes, and her heart beat faster with the situation, "Qin Jiao has long talked about the benefits of multi-core, but the disadvantages of multi-core are also obvious, and it takes too much personal ability. Because the biggest problem with multi-core is that you can't arrange the formation well, unlike The traditional top laner big meat wild assistant starts a team, double C output, like this arrangement, when you are in a team, it is more convenient to know what you should do."

"In the Snakes before, you have chosen a similar lineup." Miller spoke up.

"Yes, at that time, if you want to play mid-term rush attack, including Sofm, you have to make up for the damage, so at that time, we didn't play the scorpion system at all."

In S6, the rogue point control combination of scorpion and snake girl is very popular.

Zeyuan also figured out why SS "looked down" on Scorpion so much.

"That is to say, multi-core team battles are more about on-the-spot performance, and more of a test of subjective initiative, because there is no relatively fixed posture in it."

Crystal nodded: "The main reason is that the distance is not easy to grasp. Sometimes the opponent will form a group, and you can't find your position. If you want to fight back, you don't know how to cooperate."

The commentary began to chat outside the venue.

Doinb knew that the situation was a bit bad.

Those who play Rambo are most afraid that the key rhythm points will be interrupted.

RW has reached the point where they can't go up to the high ground without taking Dalong, but instead, IG rolled a wave of economics. In this way, can the team battle be better?
Similarly, IG also understands that the situation is different.

The pressure of Jace's death in the early stage has been digested.At this time, Jess with the magic cut in the three-piece suit is enough to give RW a headache.


IG handled the pawn line well and took the initiative to operate Xiaolong.

By this time, Rookie and TheShy were very experienced. They were two Poke players, one stood in the middle to put pressure, and the other stood in the pass, using Bron as a bodyguard and stealing output on the flanks.

And RW has no good way to face this kind of position.

Do you open the frontal Jess, Jess has an acceleration door, you are not afraid of Rambo's big move to slow down, open the flanks, the vision of the flanks is difficult, I don't know the specific situation, not to mention that when the formation rotates, Jess will also be threatened.

"This shot hit Rambo, and Doinb couldn't take it anymore."

The cannon rubbed against the crab and hit Rambo on the side. Even if Doinb pressed W, the blood volume dropped by one-fifth. This is still Rambo who made a golden body, and it is estimated that one-third of the blood is replaced by Kaisha It's all gone.

The situation is reversed.

The initiative is in the hands of IG.

Facing the vision pressure of the lower river, RW also chose to turn up to force IG to be distracted, to see if they could catch the flaw.

But here's the problem.

Ice has E, and knows the situation of RW forcing Dalong at any time. RW has no way to threaten IG by blocking the vision.

Give it a try.

The central pawn line saw that IG Zhong Shangfu was clearing the line, but RW was stuck back to the middle position and was forced to enter the red zone and return to the high ground.

In blind vision.

TheShy suddenly fired a shot at the flank of the second tower, hitting the blind monk.

"Wait for the next wave, wait for the line of troops to go out, we will take our positions first."

"If it doesn't work, you can wait for the ancient dragon."

This sense of gunshots annoys RW.

Casa had to give his own plan.

If IG doesn't give an opening, Kasa thinks that he will wait for an opportunity for the ancient dragon and the big dragon to exist at the same time, and then settle down in the river first, and exchange the ancient dragon for the big dragon.

of course.

IG can come and pick it up, but at that time, RW will have the advantage of vision, and it will not become a selective Poke target for the upper middle.


IG doesn't want to play false.

Ning controlled a fire dragon, covered Ah Shui to send the offline team over, followed the two from the blue zone to join the middle road, and TheShy River detoured to the top road, posing forty-one.

For the next 2 minutes.

RW took the initiative to put up the second tower, not wanting to fight with IG in the red zone terrain.

But IG is pushing an inch.

The IG four were still facing the second tower, and Jess sent the line into Kamikochi by himself. Seeing Kai'Sa coming to defend, Jess chose to show his face.

"Will TheShy fight too hard, won't you come help grind the second tower?"

"Does RW have any idea of ​​starting a team? Qi Ya is leaning forward, Rambo can follow the big move, RW wants to deal with Jess first."

Taewon saw RW's intentions.

You said that you, Jess, didn't dodge, and pretending in front of the high ground alone, even a team can't bear it.

Stand up.

The crabs are still down, IG has no one to support the road, and RW has the right to go first. They are just under pressure in front of the group, not so defeated that they are unable to organize an attack.

But for IG, this kind of attempt is what they often play in training games.

3 seconds.

Rambo's ultimate move slowed down, TheShy's extreme acceleration door swayed left and right, twisted off the titan and hooked, and took advantage of the opportunity to fire a cannonball on Kai'Sa who was pressing forward.

Afterwards, Titan simply handed over the lock to prevent IG from reacting and support was in place.

But IG has no idea of ​​keeping TheShy.

As the organization progressed, Qin Ming devised a good method called: open the door and release TheShy.Using TheShy's ability to pull hatred, at least three people's strength was exposed on the upper side. Even if the crab disappeared below, Bron still held up the shield and led Xin Zhao to threaten Rambo and the blind monk who came back to defend.

"Kasa touched his teammates to avoid Bron's big, and the second tower was destroyed by IG."

"Jess revived in 32 seconds, can RW move the dragon?!"

Ze Yuan gave advice.

in the screen.

IG demolished the second tower, and Bron failed to try to keep people. The expected big move was blown away. Han Bing's plan to reduce staff failed. IG immediately turned around and became popular. Rookie hid in the triangle grass alone, and the remaining three Arm the F6 area layer by layer.

Just like Zeyuan thought.

RW is unwilling to let go of the big dragon opportunity brought by the downsizing of Jess.

Pushing back.

RW's assistant enters the red from the stone beetle intersection, and the three people in the front drive to scan the field of view of the grass in the row F6.

Then, Xin Zhao W marked Rambo, and RW thought that IG would dare to play a group——

If you switch to another team, you may hesitate, but IG has played too much and played too little, not to mention that Rambo's big move is 33 seconds away, and RW lacks the means of AOE to divide the formation.

This time.

The blind monk turned to the side to find an opportunity, and the crab was alone with the consumption and temptation from time to time, pulling with IG, and Doinb chose to clear the middle line again.


Qi Ya has not yet entered the eye-inserting distance, Syndra gathers the ball to QE and catches R, hitting Kai'Sa with only blood left.

no way.

The RW Dalong plan failed.

"Rookie is so good at ambush, I thought the old thief would lean on the front, but I didn't expect to turn into Kasa and lean on the bottom lane."

RW's detour mentality was caught by Rookie.


Jess came back to life, and IG waited for a while for Jace to turn the broken stopwatch into a resurrection armor, and then blocked the advance.

By this time.

In fact, RW can only wait for IG to overwhelm, and then find a way to end the game with a good team. RW has lost the ability to take the initiative to push IG to the high ground.

Because the front line is too long, if the RW battery life cannot keep up, it is very easy to be labeled as GG by IG's Poke system. RW is quite sober, knowing to organize a defense around their own spring water, wait for IG to make the first move, and then they will make a choice according to the situation.

and so.

During the last wave of games in the red zone, Casa found an opportunity to hide his real eyes in the blue buff grass of IG.In this way, RW only needs to keep the eyes on the side of the dragon pit, and is not afraid of IG compressing the field of vision in the dragon pit, and pretending to fight the dragon is really a group.

"TheShy is here again, lol."

Same means.

IG pushed out the offline first, and then huddled in the middle. At the same time, Jess rushed forward to put pressure.

Since the middle and upper towers have been unplugged, IG's line transfer speed will not be too slow for RW. Seeing that Nakano is missing from the front, and only Han Bing is left standing near the ruins of the second tower, RW also has to face a choice.


Just before the middle line reached the high ground, it was caught by Lambo.

As soon as Rambo showed his head, Jess hit the Titan W with a cannonball, and when he found an opportunity, he went into the army pile to steal some points, as if he was not afraid of the Titan's lock to start a group.

"TheShy has a flash in his hand, and the skills on both sides are about the same."

"What about this wave? It's impossible for RW to let IG consume it."

Letme eats the offline defense.

en route.

Ah Shui and Bron came to the road, joined the cannon car line, and stepped up their advance.

Looking at the high ground near the top road, RW is being tortured by Poke, Zeyuan noticed that Kasa turned into the red zone from the middle road, and was in the real eye of the grass in the pass.

3 seconds.

The Titan was down to four-fifths of the blood, and the old thief accidentally caught Syndra's push ball, but IG also didn't dare to come in and touch the tower.

In confrontation.

The crab joined the blind monk, and the two pressed to the side together, obviously as a target to test, to see if IG dared to open them.

It's just that when pressing in from the side, Qi Ya unconsciously left the side wall and stood in front.

Titan thought.

IG found this out.

During the communication, Missing went to look at the flank and blocked the intersection. Sindrajes retreated. Just when RW thought that IG was threatened by crabs and planned to give up his position and redesigned his advance, Qi Ya didn't notice that Sindra was in front of him. Pull the dark orb left behind.

It was mixed in the advancing line, so inconspicuous.

If there is a camera at this time that can record the positions of the two sides from a bird's-eye view, it will be easy to see where Qi Ya's problem lies.

IG conceded some space, but they have long hands.

Seeing Bron standing up from the flank, would Casa and Letme dare to drive Bron?Also dare not.

Casa's first goal at this time is still the game between the ancient dragon and the big dragon. With only 1 minute left, the game has reached 35 minutes.


Qin Ming also felt that Kasa was not suitable as a bait.

In alliance games, someone always needs someone to sell flaws, but Casa is a little too cautious in this regard. He wants to use his vision too much, so he can always see a picture:
Either Kasa became invisible in the later stage, and he was not the first team start point, or he was indeed the first team start point, but the location was sent.

The more it came to a wave of groups to decide the outcome, the heavier the pressure accumulated in the heart.

This is not like the early and mid-term, even if it does not go well, there is still a chance for the next wave.

However, Casa did not do well in this area. Selling is not his strong point. He prefers to use his remaining advantages to fight in groups.

In his imagination, this meeting would not be able to fight with IG in a fair manner, and when IG had to scout out his vision, Rambo's big move was very good, and they rushed forward again, confiscating the combat power of IG's three cs.

In a bird's-eye view.

Kai'Sa is clearing the line, without the threat of Poke, clearing quickly; Doinb has turned around, planning to return to the spring to join a banshee as a guarantee, the crab and the blind monk are shaking near the red buff, only the Titan, it is out of the high ground and chased mean.

first timing.

Rookie judges that only the blind monk can keep up, and the crab cannot output to Braum without flashing.

Time freezes here.

Syndra's small turning back movement, E triggers the magic ball and pushes the Titan unconscious.

When Letme pressed Justice Glory and felt that he had to put pressure, Han Bing took R, Jess followed Cannon, Xin Zhao turned back and walked 2 steps, W hit EA and took away Titan.

"Auxiliary is second!"

"The situation suddenly changed. The blind monk Q went to Braum, and dodged Braum's Q."

RW has to be opened even if it is not opened.

Without the Titan lock, Rambo's ultimate move can at most defend a wave of highland soldiers. Once the crystal on the road is demolished, IG has countless ways to torture them.

For example, Jess took it down, such as using super soldiers to push the line, push back the dragon, and set up defense in the red zone.


RW is still sane.

Letme opened the justice glory and touched Bron to force out the anti-theft door. At the same time, the two were on the side, so that IG did not dare to press forward.When Bron made way out of the intersection, Ning didn't judge the situation a bit, and the Casa Q soldier pretended to be looking for Syndra, and when Xin Zhao turned around, he kicked Xin Zhao directly to his AD's face.

"Xin Zhao made a big effort to protect himself, and Kai'Sa hid Xin Zhao's W by stealth."

"On the side, the crab used the E skill to block Syndra's push ball!"

Crab E has stiffness, and the effect of returning to position can be achieved by using stiffness.Skills such as rock sparrow lift, Nuo hand pull, and Syndra pushing the ball back can all be returned with stiffness.Presented in the camera, Urgot was obviously repelled, but it came back again.

While Justice and Glory slowed down the three of them, Rambo sprinkled a perfect big shot.

This made Jace have to cut the hammer and knock it open, and had no time to deal with Xin Zhao.

5 seconds.

Rookie made a big move to Urgot, and TheShy and Ah Shui continued to focus on fire.

"Letme suffered a lot of damage, Xin Zhao has already fallen, but does the old thief dare to fly?"

dare not.

The existence of Bron and his weakness made the old thief unable to have the confidence to reap the mess.


The blind monk dodges and pulls away, Urgot dodges to the triangle grass through the wall, returns to Q, and Jess, who slows down and pursues, walks down the river alone.

"Stop chasing, let's go up."

Rookie grabbed TheShy. RW handed in so many skills, and didn't plan to fight to the end. IG didn't forget that its first goal at this stage is to break through the high.

"It's all gone to Letme. Three and a half pieces of crabs are still enough meat."

IG did not intend to kill crabs in the Shanghai Dragon Group. Just like what Zeyuan said, the glory of justice plus small anti-armor plus adaptive helmet, and 8 seconds of W and E, such Urgot is destined to need to be solved Take a lot of time.

IG continued to threaten the high ground, and only RW double cs remained on the front. It took time for Urgot to return to the city, and time for the blind monk to supply.

this time.

Doinb stood up again, relying on the acceleration of W, he was not attracted by Jess's cannon, and successfully twisted Syndra's push, backhanded Q and Jin body pushed the pawn line hard, and Kai'Sa was watching from the back, IG Choose Back.

"The Titan is resurrected, will this be an opportunity for RW!"

IG didn't retreat in time, and Casa was going around the red zone again. Doinb communicated to keep people, saying that he had T, and the Titans had joined Kai’Sa at this time. When the old thief pushed forward, he made the same mistake as Qi Ya. Didn't pay attention to IG's skills.

He saw that IG was running, and he saw that the blind monk had reached the side wall of the red buff, and stayed in the triangle grass area to keep the back row.

But he didn't notice.

When all IG members retreated to the stone beetle grass, they had no specific vision at all.

"Old thief???"

Kai'Sa has W and E, and it's natural to walk into the side wall squat distance, and it's also natural to get ice deceleration, Syndra's push, and Jayce's cannon.

The old thief didn't have time to press Purify, but Titan locked Syndra immediately, preventing Rookie from making up for the damage, but so what.

A crispy eats such an attack, E's stealth ends, Ah Shui flashes forward, and kills with 2 general attacks.

"Qi Ya got three big ones, but no one was hurt. Kasa is still on the side, and the crab just came out of the high ground."

Shimosuke fell down.

Lambo's big move is 15 seconds away.

Rookie returned to the city on the same spot, IG pushed off the high ground, and then Syndra TP protected the pawn. At this point, Casa was also anxious. He wanted to find a chance to kick Jess back. He just Q to the pawn, and the second air is very handsome Touching his eyes W, Bloom W jumped on Jess's face, raised his shield and looked at the blind monk——

The big move hits the fly, Syndra lands on the right front tooth and confronts the crab, and fills up Q to take away the blind monk.

"The blind monk is down! How will Crab and Rambo defend the four!"

"Oh, Ah Shui's big move has improved, and Doinb has been charged so much that he can't move."

The crab became weak after eating, and W's damage hit the anti-theft door, making a thumping sound.


Letme can't stop the advance, it can't clear the tower line, the director's camera captures the old thief holding his forehead, with a painful expression on his face...he wants to be a hero...

But he didn't even press Blink.

(End of this chapter)

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