Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 704 Continue to exchange half districts

Chapter 704 Continue to exchange half districts
The lineup of the two sides is as follows-

RW (Blue) Akali, Jhin, Titan, Karma, Blind Sin

IG (Red) Ruiz, ez, Qinggangying, Niutou, Galio
The quartile ends.

Ugus was still thinking about Qin Ming's tricks when he went down to the backstage.

IG is already strong enough.

But the people who made up this team are very good at taking care of the order.

In the BP stage, the audience can often see a certain team's lineup being deflated.

Sometimes the coach can’t do anything about it, such as targeting some players’ signature heroes. For example, during a certain period of time in the S5 Summer Split, everyone banned the factory manager’s excavator and snowman, and then the factory manager was not as eye-catching as the Spring Split.

There are also some problems that are not too proficient, but have a peculiar smell when playing. There are more such examples. If you insist that the player hero Chiqian also blame the coach, then you can only blame the coach for urging practice, but the player’s rebellious period has arrived. , I didn’t listen to it, or I practiced too slowly to keep up with the progress of the field.

The benefits of swinging bits.

Disgusting enough.

no way.

If you follow this logic to extrapolate.

"Go down the road and look for opportunities to exchange blood, don't be afraid."

The RW players know this.

Karma puts on the shield and speeds up the W bull head, Kasa is afraid of being replaced if he overplays, and when he communicates and crosses the chain, he is already out of sight and exposed to the line of sight.

Hear the signal marked by Ning.

He felt that his own pawn line was behind the opponent, and Ning guessed that Letme would learn from smoke bombs to save his life when he was not sure what skills Akali had ordered in the second level.

The pusher is most afraid that the line will be stuck in front of the tower.

But at the same time.

In this way, using laning strength to limit Titans will not have the best effect. Instead, if Galio is released, RW will feel uncomfortable.

Cutting the screen, he found that Akali had eaten the first three pawns, and took the initiative to put Ryze back in place to padded the knife. He touched Letme's psychology.

The BP of the third round of the summer finals was vividly displayed.

But at the same time.

When he started to feel pressure on the road, he didn't lose his composure. After confirming that Qinggang Ying was on top, with four sets of wilds on his body, and hadn't gotten red yet, Casa immediately chose to reverse the blue zone.

If you don't guess right, change wild.

This kind of thinking is the reason why Ning can always play unexpected operations when taking out Qinggangying.

The red line on the bottom road crossed the center of the river for the first time, and Casa came to gank on time.

Akali wants to wait for Ryze to touch herself, and then play Q for blood.

His Qinggang Shadow likes to switch between flashes, and then he will continue to mess with you in the next wave. "

IG selected Ryze, who can swing up and down. After seeing all the calculations of RW clearly, Conte's purpose of taking out Galio is to prevent the cooperation of Titans and blind monks, and to use Galio's support attributes to attack Titans. forced open.

Very simple.

Go down the road to the third wave of cannon carriages, and Jhin pushes to the area in front of the tower.

About 4 minutes.

"Be careful on the way down, don't trade with them."

Rather brush a group of toads.

It's just that Ning chased past the range of the pawn line, and TheShy stopped in the rear row area of ​​​​the blue side, and was stuck in the position.

and so.

"W Control it! Qing Gang Ying is coming!!"

But this operation, TheShy can see through it at a glance.

Akali lasted until 5 seconds left on the CD of the smoke grenade, and took the initiative to go up to the game with Ryze.

"Who goes first?"

Casa knows that ez's mana is still healthy. If there is no accident, he should be willing to stand at the bottom of the tower and squeeze out the environment for the top road.

"This one, the RW two-player lane went online ahead of time, and the Karma RQ wasted a bit, but the blind monk wasting time like this, Qinggang Shadow flashed at 2, everyone must be careful of Ning's surprise attack.

When neither of these two conditions is met.

Ryze E lined up in the back and moved to Akali. After TheShy turned around and stood up, he immediately pressed forward.Faced with such an offensive, Letme does not feel that it needs to engage in a smoke bomb game.

Letme determined that the cross-E couldn't get out of the range, so he was forced to cross-dodge, and took a quarter of his blood back to the defense tower.

Anyway, compared with the blind monk, Qing Gangying's loss is very small.

that's it.

The bottom line is slowly going out.

Qin Ming was not too disappointed.

Ryze tricked into raising his hand, took a step back just out of Akali's Q range, and then turned back to EWA to play a phase.At this moment, Letme's vigilance increased, and his fingers were already on the smoke bomb and E skill.

Rookie is careful enough.

Miller just finished speaking.

There's nothing RW can do about it.

When he was fighting against the wild, Qi Ya reported that the bull head had left under the tower.Maybe the bull's head had poked his eyes through the wall and knew that the toad was not there.

next beat.

7 seconds.

Of course Akali was not convinced.

IG took the lead in paving the way for a breakthrough signal.

Qing Gangying was punished to stand in the smoke bomb, Akali played Q and pulled the outer circle backwards, Ning and TheShy chased out at the same time.

In Letme's view, TheShy is a habitual comparison.If he really gave him face, the last knife was pulled to more than six! !
Regardless of Ryze's position, Akali wants to take into account the consumption when throwing Q to make up the knife.

Qing Gang Ying has already touched the flank.

"Handsome, Casa!"

Crystal speaks the truth.

The level of blood exchange on the road is within the range that Letme can bear.

Did you say you caught it? Galio is not afraid of hooks. If you catch it, Ryze’s skill range is longer than Akali’s. If you want to exchange HP on the road, it must be like just now: Ryze takes the initiative and Akali plays Q resist.

Since Ning began to plan to invade and exchange wild areas, IG has been breaking the idea of ​​​​starting rhythm during the RW laning period.

"Playing like this, TheShy is very comfortable."

probably not.

The old thief was also waiting for a signal.


It can be said.

as predicted.

Casa took the red ball and took advantage of Cagario's promotion to the second grade. Titan made a hook and AW stopped.

Ning E flashes E to connect the control, and plays a Q, wait for Akali to hand over the smoke bomb, and then sweep W to consume it.At the same time that Qinggang Ying came out, Ryze stepped forward and stood behind the smoke bomb.

Its blood volume is enough to support it and Ryze for several rounds.

"IG has an idea. Casa is playing blue alone. I feel like I'm going to be driven away."

Qin Ming also wanted to know how Kasa would solve the situation where the three roads were not smooth and IG could exchange stop losses at any time.

IG did not have the specific position information of RW, and the upper middle field held a group along the triangular grass down the river, all the way to the blue zone.

Crystal commented: "Casa is a bit uncomfortable, he was caught."

"This is what I call flashing flashes."

Receive instructions.

TheShy pulls the grass to create that he wants to retreat, and when the online becomes a pushback, he controls Ryze to actively exert pressure.

Both the upper and the middle are laying down their swords, and the pawn line inevitably advances to the red side.

this one.

"The opposite side should squat back."


IG has a problem for Casa.

Roughly determine the location of the blind monk.

3 seconds.

He originally thought that this wave would be flat, let the half-blooded bull head go home, and he would stand for another wave.

Rookie missed 2 pawns to go online and chose to push against the Titan.

On the flat line in the middle, Titan and Galio chose to go home for supplies.

"It's a bit difficult for RW to think about the rhythm in this round."

Ah Shui was willing to push forward.

Karma flashed ahead of time to put pressure, the bull head W turned against him, and while he was stiff, he caught the blind monk Q, and Jhin and W controlled it.

"The bull's head has a Q, how do you say it? Can it be broken with a Q?"

The shot is given to the middle.

"This wave is not easy to kill, there are W and aftershocks, at most the state can be managed."

"It's so twisted!!"

This time.

"Spell operation."

Zeyuan commented: "RW's first-level team is very strong, IG is not very willing to pick it up, TheShy stood on the triangle grass, looked down at the position next to the dragon pit wall, and took the initiative to retreat to the defense tower."

If the Titan had no voice, Casa felt that the game would be lost.Instead of losing ugly, it's better to fight and match up with IG.

Now plans have changed.

Ning directly said that he wanted to learn how to fight and punish, and asked Shangzhong to come and help him.

Letme eats the thread more at ease.

While the old thief was controlling the line, Qi Ya stepped forward to consume, ez pulled back, and Karma chased forward, out of the range that Jhin's general attack could keep up with.

"Under control of the crab, Kasa is still short of a group of wild monsters to 3."

Missing couldn't hold back. After the second round of WQ, Ah Shui and QA chased Karma and ordered a set.

"Ryze has been promoted to 2, and the pawn line is next to the wall. With this position of the pawn line, Ning has an idea for Akali!!"

The first time, the line was cleared and consumed, the minion was stuck on the side, and the titan didn't take the hook.

Regardless of Galio, the middle lane clears the line at the same time, guess which side is more active in the middle and wild?
Qing Gangying invaded and fought, how long can Kasa avoid?
Everyone knows that Qinggangying can't brush, and can't brush. It is released because they think that the middle field has an advantage in 2v2. After defeating Ryze, even if Qinggangying helps the side to establish a laning advantage, they can get back the field.

But Kasa felt that Qinggangying would continue to squat down. If there was a fight on the road, and Ryze would seduce him a little, the risk would increase exponentially.

Ryze played W first, and the moment Qinggang Shadow hooked the wall, Akali hid.

RW has its own unique Titan system. U Gus uses Titans to confuse IG to make up the team support, and then uses soft assistants to counter, so as to control the line. Titan's W cancels out most of the output, and there is no problem with relying on the line. On the contrary, Titan can exchange HP for mana, up to level [-]. Doinb does not need a blind boy to come over, and can also give Ryze a more substantial threat of blood exchange.

But RW is also playing the conspiracy, knowing that Ni Galio is not afraid of being taken away by a wave of promotion, so Casa came out to fight the blood volume state.

Ruiz stole a set and took the initiative to pull away.

But isn't it impossible?

When Qinggangying brushed off the stone beetle and came down again, the accessory eye given by Letme had disappeared.At this time, the line of soldiers has crossed the river, and the advancing line of the red side gave Letme safety.

Titans are different from other heroes played by Doinb.

First level position.

IG is more decisive than Zeyuan thought.


Prepare for Karize Level 2.

IG Ueno blocked the position one after the other.

Missing gave up the action of pulling the line and asked Ah Shui's ez to fill up the tower pawns, and he went to mark the circle.

Qinggang Shadow is very slow to clear the wild, and it must be guaranteed when opening a single level.In Ning's understanding, it was precisely because the Qinggang movie single was very hurtful that it would be valuable for him to blow himself up with the opponent, and the loss would appear to be very small.

Ning thought of the coach's guidance.

Ning took advantage of this and chose to make a surprise attack on the road. TheShy reminded that there are eyes, but Ning didn't care.

Although in the end, TheShy's last attack is always ahead of him by a large margin, but this is the problem. Letme is not the point where RW most needs to maintain development. How does his development status compare with TheShy's in IG?
The feedback index of the two is different.

When Ning hates Letme.

If you don't want to strengthen the blood exchange pressure, you have to strengthen it.

The jungler should help the leader untie the line, at least not let Akali lose the line and go back to the city.

Casa doesn't want to touch IG's strengths.

See Shangzhong helping Qinggang Ying open the blue.

Casa's second-stage Q touched his eyes and pulled himself sideways to interrupt the displacement, and the bull's head Q was empty.

Stuck in the buff refresh time and entered the wild area, the vision overlapped and saw the position of the blind monk, the moment the Qinggang shadow E wall flew out, TheShy flashed W to keep people.

And on the road.

He was stuck with the second-stage Q, and let Jhin hit the output. In 2 seconds, Karma kept up with the distance and handed over the RQ.Now, the bull head had to dodge, it couldn't eat Karma's outbreak.

It is at this point.

"Letme must be very careful in the next few minutes. Especially if you are caught like this before six, it will be very difficult to leave."

In the next wave, will IG push forward?

See no one in the red zone.

Qin Ming saw Tai Tan very clearly.That is to say, the middle and the wild are the winners, RW has the initiative, and their wrapping is probably because the middle and the wild have a strong and aboveboard radiation advantage to take care of the sidelines.

Grabbing blue not only disgusted Casa, but also disgusted Doinb and Letme together.


And just when the golden light effect came out.

And this is exactly the rhythm that IG likes.

Because the Titan's waveclear is clumsy, Rookie has room to pack a punch.

in voice.

Out of phase.

The roaming of this hero is quite obvious, unlike Rambo and Ryze who can hide their positions.

The line of soldiers is on top again.

The blind monk lost more than 2 HP. Knowing that calling his teammates over to fight at this time, the thread would be broken, so he turned around and went to the red zone to open the field.

Casa communicated with the middle road: "I will catch it according to the situation."

First of all, the Titan's movement speed is not fast enough, and secondly, if the Titan takes a long way to catch people, it will lose a lot if it loses the line.

Zeyuan thought so in his heart, but said on the face that Letme retreated in time: "The river crab has been refreshed, Ning didn't choose to continue chasing, but if the WCD is not good for this pawn line, Letme is a little afraid to go up and touch the line."

Relying on the strength of the central assistant, RW rushed to the red zone of IG.


Galio stored W and pulled back, taunting 2 people to trigger the aftershock, and relying on his body to top out the second-stage Q output of the blind monk.Then, Galio was corrupt, and the blind monk turned and disappeared in the second half.

Casa is not stupid.

At this time, the style of the top road, Ryz's position has become the norm.

In the first half, the jungler is not there, and the line is advanced. It is impossible to take advantage of Ryze's first level to send the line of troops into the defense tower.

"It's not easy to go down the road. Although ez and Niu can't push, they are very capable of defending towers."

Face this temptation.

But Karma's blood volume is lower than that of the bull's head, so if the opponent dares to pretend, he has a chance to kill.In this case, Ah Shui was unwilling to guard the tower.

"Of these three games, except for the first one, TheShy basically gave up the card position by default. This is also the reason why Letme won't lose experience in laning."

In the lens.

enter the game.

He, Akali, dared to give Ryze a distance, so he was just looking for him.

Titan was promoted to 2, Galio had already pulled to the periphery of the back row, used Q to make up the knife, and waited for Titan to continue to send the line.

But in the next second, Ryze made another basic attack, sending a signal to stop here, which made Letme lower his vigilance.

Kasa played the blind monk well, and Jhinja Karma was in the bottom lane, so he must have the priority.Ning guessed in the opposite direction, thinking that RW would think that the bot lane was connected, and I guessed that IG would think that they would help open it, but in fact, the blind monk opened the upper half.

Qi Ya made an eye position at the red buff, then RW spread out, and Doinb came to sit in the center and prepare for wiring.

Just like that.

If you don't fight like this, you have to fight like this.

Slap the floor to slow down, 2 seconds, Jhin catches up with the last bullet, the critical hit is 122, and the bull head is taken away to gain a blood.

But this is not enough.

The death of Niutau does not affect the operation of IG.

Qin clearly believes in this...

(End of this chapter)

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