Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 712 Who Is Complacent

Chapter 712 Who Is Complacent
IG's game seems to be just "shocking", but it is not dangerous.

Thanks to too many games on the operating side, IG's cooperation is random, and it doesn't pay much attention to formation like mainstream teams.


What Qin Ming emphasized the most was pulling and entering the field, rather than organizing formations.Compared with organizing positions, IG prefers to destroy positions, relying on finding the opponent's flaws, and exporting the environment to each other.

Akali with three heads weighed on Gen.G's heart.

But the more you want to find the rhythm, the more you will increase the frequency of collisions.

It has entered the line change period.

Miller said bluntly: "On the side, we have a great advantage. Whether it is pressure from Rookie or TheShy, Gen.G is a passive side."

"Sword Fairy will immediately make three phases. With three phases, it will be more comfortable to exchange blood."

in the screen.

Ning also knows that his side has a lot of advantages on the side.

Just like the opening selection ended, as the coach instructed, Xiaofa took the center of development, and Ning quickly gathered to assist in making troubles.

15 and a half.

Akali dealt with the online first, and IG Nosuke came up and winked, revealing her position.

Then, taking advantage of the IG trio coming up, Haru went into the red against the wild, and by the way covered the sword demon to eat the line, and then controlled the second wind dragon.

"Use the previous tower to exchange for the little dragon, and then spawn the fire dragon."


Remember said happily: "This is a good thing for us, the more important the dragons are, the more Gen.G has to think about the content of the dragons."

After this.

17 minutes 13 seconds.

Ning entered the red game with his assistant.

At this time, Akali led the ruins of a tower, Xiaofa took the push line, Gen. G saw three people on the upper side, and Haru communicated to fight.

"Don't you want to give up this red?"

The crown approached from the intersection of the second tower first, and at the same time, the assistant was inserted by the F6 grass, and Bobby immediately handed over E Bidong Tam to stay.

"Pig girl Q got up, didn't hit the fourth layer of marks, Bobby Lan twisted back, Gen. G was about to come over."

Read intent.

Hearing Ah Shui's signal again, Ning tugged with Missing for a while, then pulled back and ran towards the triangle grass.

"Tam has a W, it's not easy for Lo to keep it."

Ze Yuan just finished speaking.

Rookie retreated to the stone beetle aisle, just in time to see Ryze coming down from above, and the Gen.G formation was scattered, Luo double-teamed on the flanks, Kai'Sa and Poppy stood together, 400 yards away from Ryze.

There are not too many calculations and complex and changeable tactics.

The situation clearly tells Rookie that there is a stage here.

In the exclamation of remembering.

The pig girl suddenly Q crossed the wall, got close to Akali, and swung her sniper upwards to R to Ryze. Akali followed the control and hung up Falcon Dance, predicting that Poppy opened W, a section of R pulled Poppy closer, and smoke bombs paved the way to get closer.

"Oh, Poppy R is empty!!"

W failed to block the expected second-stage E, Haru was a little anxious, and immediately swung a sledgehammer to smash Akali into the air.


Gen.G Nakano's underwear was seen through.

Rookie raised his hands and drew closer, moved in the smoke bomb to avoid the hammer, Q slowed down the middle assistant and then ate the wall.

Just relying on double c, the output is not enough.

Kai'sa Plasma has not been stacked yet, Tamm drives to Ryze's face, the next shot, Tam plays Q to slow down Ryze, backhand weak Kai'Sa, Akali's second R to Ryze's back, heavy A to Q .

Ryze was down to half health, and it was hard to run. When Xiaofa rushed over, Luo opened a big screen, and Tam gave up to keep Rookie's operating space.

2 seconds.

Ryze just took 2 steps, Akali threw up in front of her and continued to chase.

"Luo W lifted Akali, but it was useless. Rookie pushed the stick to catch Q, and took Ryze first."

Akali is half-blooded, and Tahm casts a gray shield.

In the endgame.

Rookie killed Ryze and dragged him to the open space of the second tower. At this time, Bobby was slowed down by the pig girl W, and the battlefield became a short-term assistant.

Gen.G is really impatient.

Seeing Xiaofa approaching from the bush vision, Chidi still set his target on Akali.

"Xiaofa circled Bobby with an E, and Piggy Yongdong will come, and Bobby will fall too!"

And on the upper side.

Rookie dragged on for 7 seconds. Before dying, AQE responded with a mouthful, which caused Kai'sa to kill Akali and her blood volume was not good.


Tamm's 300 blood slowed down Kai'Sa, Chidi couldn't move with E, and coreJJ wanted to help block, the two ate Xiaofa Q together, followed closely, Ah Shui drove R to roll call.

Kaisha saw that there were three bars of blood, and the screen went black.

In 17 minutes, the small method with 312 methods is so unreasonable.

"Crown, cheer up."

"Master Akali's head was confiscated, this wave is not a bad one."

"Yes, Chidi got the head, and Kai'Sa has room for c."

Korean commentary targeted discussion.

But the situation will not get better because of their discussions.

In the mid-term, the advantages of IG and the charm of resource group placement are obvious to all.

19 minutes 03 seconds.

It was still IG who took the initiative to make troubles. IG sent the center line over first, Shimosuke squeezed out the view of the river, and entered the blue game.

Surrounded by wild monsters in the blue zone.

Ah Shui blocked the incoming person with an E, and Haru could only watch as IG completed the sweep and covered Jian Ji to take it down.

Miller said with a smile: "Xiaofa's E is not easy to hit, but I can block the road and achieve the same effect."

Outside the magic circle, the scene of Luo and Kai'Sa looking at each other in dismay is really gratifying.

Gen.G does not want to let IG accumulate advantages, but it cannot be denied that IG has too much initiative in the situation where the narrow terrain is settled first.

"It's not a way to fight like this."

"We have to find an opportunity to go around and drive Xiaofa to death first."

The South Korean commentator paid attention.

IG got the next tower, Jian Ji pushed the wave line, returned to the city to combine the three phases, and made up a pickaxe to go up.

Because the fire dragon refreshes in more than 1 minute.

It would be risky for Sword Fairy to lead her down, and she might be chased away. Instead, she might as well go up to contain Sword Demon.


Gen.G can set fire dragons to develop, but the biggest feature of LCK is that they are willing to test and pull to see if there is a chance to bite the chips.

In the early 20s.

Sword Fairy walked past the ruins of a tower, and a sword demon appeared in her vision.

The camera focuses on the lower side, IG double c plus assist to clear the center line, and move closer to the jungler first to occupy the position.


Ah Shui stood in the river, keeping an eye out for people coming from the flanks and passes, and released the crossings in the blue zone.

"Haru turned on the scan to eliminate the vision of the blue zone. 4 on 4, how does Gen.G get here?"

Bobby wanted to go around.

When Haru was walking down the road, the crown came to the blue buff grass.On the flanks, the lower assistant is still occupied by Xiaofaka. Ah Shui throws a Q from time to time, and leans over the wall.

"When Luo eats Q, he lost more than 200 blood directly."

"Gen.G position, if Bobby doesn't come to the front, who will help the assistant squeeze the position?"

in doubt.

Chidi went to meet the mid laner, he estimated the time, and saw the six thousand blood of the fire dragon, and Akali pig girl standing in the dragon pit, not sure about Tam's location.

But thinking about it, Tamm should be protecting Xiaofa, and there are loopholes in his position.

In the eyes of Gen.G, the distance from the river grass to the mouth of the dragon pit is wide enough.

No greeting required.

Bobby played from the bottom of the card, Ryze drove, and the teleportation array lit up in the dragon pit.

Get tempted.

Rookie pulled out immediately, ready to press Ryze's big move.

But it is also the big move that attracts attention.

Ah Shui gave up his position, coreJJ seized the gap, and R flashed into the field to cover his teammates' attack.

"Driving an empty car, Luo Meimei forced out a smoke bomb, Rookie's position is a little dangerous?!"

Gen.G wanted to focus on Akali first, and was convinced that IG's subordinates were out of touch.

Good idea, but they underestimated Akali's damage.

Rookie didn't panic at all when he saw the three of them rushing towards their faces in three directions.Knowing that in the smoke bomb, it is safe to over-charm. Ryze and Kai'Sa have just arrived at the intersection, and Bobby has just handed over his W to cover the double C, and he is about to force his position.

next beat.

Akali pulled back and forth to 300 yards in front of Xiaofa.

Rookie makes way.

Gen.G subconsciously set his eyes on the pig girl, and Bobby took the lead to join Luo to control. At this moment, Ryze and Kai'Sa had just stepped into the river, and they completely ignored the danger posed by Akali.

Poppy W enters the cooldown.

As soon as the smoke disappeared, Akali's second-stage E returned to her position, R Kai'Sa penetrated Ryze, and Q trapped 2 people. Only this set broke out, and Kai'Sa lost half of her blood.

"Oh!!! Rookie!!! Cut in and kill Chidi directly."

"Kill Chidi kill Chidi, Chidi flashed, but how can Ruiz run?"

Another crown.

Ryze W freezes the game, and Kai'Sa slips away in a flash. In this case, Rookie is not polite.

Inside the Dragon Pit.

With only the damage of the middle assistant, there is nothing to do with the pig girl. Xiaofa traps Ryze and withers the teleportation channel.

"Sword Demon handed over T!"

Before Ryze died, he took Xiaofa's big move and fixed Akali.


The sword demon landed Q and knocked Akali into the air. Although Rookie dragged him to CD and handed over E to run away, Ah Shui was confused by Rookie and thought he could kill him, but was forced out of Tamtun by Luo EW.

"Sword Demon's Q2 catches the flash, and quickly slashes. Missing didn't react, and was pulled back by the evil fire chain."

IG sold Tamm, and the pig girl handed over Q to the wall to avoid the edge.

And this time.

The director showed Jian Ji, the player I love to develop, who is dismantling the second tower, which shows how unbearable this wave of withering support is.

The South Korean commentator muttered:

"One for one, we can take the fire dragon."

"Restrict Xiaofa first, Akali is too good at delaying time, the last wave is yes, this wave is still."

The South Korean commentator was very anxious, and felt that Gen.G had fallen into a maze of thinking without knowing it.

There have been several waves.

Too much focus on Akali, with Bobby covering, can't you focus on Xiaofa first, and wait for Akali to face her?Why always pay firm demeanor first.

Haru didn't know he was being complained about.

What he thought was very simple, he couldn't play a team battle without Akali.

On the LPL side:

I remember commenting: "This wave can be regarded as four-on-five. We have no losses, and we can also go to the second tower."

Miller was more direct: "I don't believe that Gen.G dares to keep changing like this. This wave of Sword Demon joins the team, so what about the next wave, the next wave of fire dragon spawns, and Sword Princess is still brought. If he dares to come, the high ground will be gone. "

"That's right, we don't have to worry about the side lanes at all."

was talking.

Chidi's soldier addiction broke out, the teammates next to him were returning to the city, the sword demon leaned in, and he ate off the assembly line alone.

Ning discovered this scene.

Silently squatting in the grass, for 3 seconds, Rookie followed.


Chidi's reaction was not slow, Zhumeika's field of vision was lost, and he was twisted away by speed, but Chidi couldn't avoid the speed bump formed by the broken ice.

next beat.

Akali pulls back and E forward, smoke bombs evade general attacks.

"I want A, A can't come out!!"

Kai'Sa's half blood failed to trigger the plasma to kill Akali in seconds, but was taken away by Rookie's three Q's.


Qin Ming looked at Coke.Akali's restrictive effect on AD is too dazzling.

The Busan site has become a library again.

In the silent silence of the audience, IG did not slow down its offensive.

23 minutes.

IG divides the road well, and the small method and the middle road are strong.

The same red zone, the same taste, Haru wanted to help Sword Demon relieve the pressure, but he didn't know that IG Nosuke had squatted behind the red buff.

next moment.

Tam played Q, and Sword Fairy gave the meaning of leaning this way, which directly frightened Poppy to flash. Haru knows that wherever there is Tam, there is a high probability of squatting pig girls.

If left, it will be difficult to run.

"The economic gap came to four thousand three, and TheShy took another wave of lines and went home. He discovered Greed and Purple Rain Forest, and prepared to make his own life-saving outfit, Bloody Hand."

"What does the next fire dragon say, does Gen.G still dare to take it?"

The initiative is visibly reversed to IG.

At this stage, the biggest trouble for Gen.G is to start a team battle, but they can't beat it.Due to Ryze's dysplasia, there is almost no threat to Akali. In the case of fewer output cores, Sword Demon must join the team.

But if you want to join the group, there is no way to sort out the line first.

If so, it's not too bad.

TheShy knew that the fire dragon would be refreshed immediately, and his teammates would take the first place. Compared with Shangbo, Jian Ji became murderous.

Near Kamikochi Tower.

Jian Ji saw Sword Demon hand in Q, stuck Q2 to consume it, waited until Sword Demon was distracted and couldn't clear the line with all his strength, TheShy immediately chose Tower A to consume a section of E.


The Sword Demon keeps Q3, and the Sword Fairy pokes up for a critical strike of 322, knocking out one-fifth of the Sword Demon's blood.

almost simultaneously.

Sword Demon throws W forward, and TheShy fights for his life.

This momentum frightened wither.

In the lens.

The sword devil was beaten for sticking to the wall, and wanted to wait for Q to recover and fight back.

And on the front.

Before Gen.G got close to the river, IG, who was about to open the dragon, chose to start a group.

"Ning is so good, Rookie, Rookie is here!!"

There are so many advantages.

Rookie played decisively.He released the intersection of the blue zone, and just saw someone in his vision, Zhumei threw a speed bump, making it easier for Akali to get into the formation for a while.

Same as before.

Rookie's Akali looks very silky, Haru has never felt that Akali is so difficult to deal with, not only can't press the wall, but the position is also stuck by the smoke bomb.

"Chidi and coreJJ want to join the front, Ah Shui is chasing, and Tam wants to double-team the car with Zhumei!"

Tam's ultimate move fell next to Ryze.

at this time.

The sword demon half-blooded E ran to the high ground, and the sword girl Q entered the Samsung base. The next second, the sword demon went to the blue zone, and TheShy was a beat slower before T was in the pass.

"Bobby hit Akali, Rookie got hurt and started a stopwatch."

Seeing that Akali was surrounded, Tahm swallowed, but the Sword Demon landed immediately, as if the position system of the resource group that benefited IG was disrupted by themselves, and a hole was exposed.

God's perspective.

The audience noticed Xiaofa who wanted to chase someone.

Luo made a big move, E Bobby entered the field, and was about to press Akali up to seduce the three of them, but Luo was a little slow in the end, and Ah Shui rushed over the wall to circle the perfect E before him.

This E covers most of the blue buff camp, including Bobby, Ryze, and Luo, who came in with the initiative and opened the big move, and blocked Kai'Sa Feida's heart.

At this moment, Edgar's heart almost stopped beating, not only him, at this moment, the audience who supported Gen.G also froze their thinking.

In many cases, cooperation is as simple as that.

I circled, Akali was not fused, Rookie got part of Kai'Sa's output, and Tam kept it.

"Ah Shui defeated Luo with one set, Gen.G was defeated!!"

Akali cut off the support and knocked out half of Ryze's blood. At the same time, E Sword Demon pulled away from the body and was not knocked into the air.

Definitely can't beat it.

Gen.G fled in all directions, and Bobby walked down the side by himself. Just as he reached the corner, he happened to meet the sword girl who was rushing over.

"Sword Demon is not very meaty, so he can't eat much output."

Akali's second-stage E is close to the sword demon, and helps to stack the permafrost. When the control is over, the sword demon's residual blood flashes, A Shui crosses Q and cooperates with the pig girl's Q, forcing the emperor A to release plasma, and R to pass through the wall to the outer aisle.

Kai'Sa has a lot to go, but Ryze can't go far away from the wall.


Jian Ji took Poppy away, Xiaofa took Ryze away, and after IG ate Fire Dragon, the economy rolled to 6K.

27 and a half.

Get your gear in order.

Rookie sneaked into the Gen.G red zone. At this time, Jian Ji was dealing with the bottom line, and Rookie felt that the opponent would come to make the dragon's vision.

Rookie's assassin smells right.

Only 6 seconds passed.

Haru showed his body, followed by Luo, and Akali Q started to slow down and keep people away. When there was no need to hand in E, Poppy's firm demeanor became an acceleration skill.

"Luo W lifts up, Rookie pushes the stick to catch Q, and continues to play slowdown!!"

The firm demeanor is gone.

Akali got close behind E, handed in smoke bombs to restore energy, and twisted Poppy's big move by moving.

"Rookie! He's still showing, he's playing with confidence."

Bobby fell.

IG opened the big dragon.

This time, TheShy pushed the addiction to attack, ignored the Sword Demon to leave, and took the line to remove the second tower.

The Korean commentator is expecting a miracle.

But IG did not give the conditions for the miracle to happen.

Fake playing the dragon is really a group.

As soon as Ryze appeared in the field of vision, after Tam's car was cut off, Chidi was forced to pull out of his position, sitting on the sidelines and being surrounded.

Moment of despair.

Luo Kaida, the first time he rushed out, he was hit by the big move of the pig girl in the shadow.


Watching Luo's sudden death, Kai'Sa is a coward, Ryze is chased by the stone beetle, and the sword demon is crushed.

Lens everything.

The sword girl over there has already climbed up.

"The dragon is gone..."

After a minute and a half.

In the "GG" of South Korea's unanimous commentary, IG dismantled the 2nd road, Akali entered the field with a golden body to destroy the formation, Luo suffered some damage, and was named and melted by Ah Shui——

A small law with more than 700 magic powers is not kidding with you.

"Let's congratulate IG!"

Gen.G left the stage with a confused expression.

The impact of this defeat on them is not as simple as being related to the qualifying situation.

The sword demon and Ryze of the winning percentage answer were broken, and Gen.G's self-confidence suffered a blow.

To know.

In the playoffs, they relied on the withering sword demon to burst into seeds, and they could get banned even if they couldn't get the sword demon. In turn, they served the middle and lower levels of thinking, and defeated every powerful enemy.

Now IG tells you that even if you let it go, it doesn't matter.I can give you more, like Kai'Sa and Luo.

I thought that if I got the signboard, the game would go smoothly, but I didn't expect IG to rely on waves of team battles to destroy everything.

"What game did you guys play??"

In the Gen.G lounge, the hair dryer started to ring again.

Edgar's roar pierced through the walls, causing passing staff to frown in response.

No one wants to lose to IG.

Shouting loudly before the game, who wants to lose the game of grievances?


Hard power is not as good as it is.

This one.

When the crown was exposed, he operated like an old man. Haru had a hard time playing in the wild and was ambushed early.

speak up.

Gen.G's jungle has always been problematic.

Since the laning brothers don't like to protect the jungle, the jungler has to figure out a way to tide over the difficulties on his own.The more disadvantaged, the more serious the loss of vision, and the greater the pressure on the wild area.

In this case, no one can perfectly avoid every wave of temptation.

IG just grasped this point and slowly tore open.

Korean media did not let Edgar go.

Queuing time after the game.

When asked what he thinks of Qin Ming's response: This game is the epitome of the training match between the two teams, Edgar was so angry that his face turned blue——

"Did he really say that?"

"My friend in the English media told me this." The reporter imitated the conversation at that time," Beggin said: I don't want to explain a second time about someone's remarks.

Back then the LCK team also liked to date their own people, I just learned and inherited this good training atmosphere.Besides, this game is the epitome of the training match between the two teams——

The field is at a disadvantage, if you can't fight online, you will lose if you take the team. "

Edgar was furious.

He can think of someone's elation.

"Supervisor Edgar, what do you want to say about this loss?"

"The group stage has just begun, and only superficial people rush to conclusions!"

"what do you mean?"

"We will fight again later, and we will win."

Leaving this ruthless sentence, Edgar left the media with a hasty back.Although he is embarrassed, he is very confident.

(End of this chapter)

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