The lineup for both sides is as follows-

FNC (blue) Sword Girl, Crab, Bloom, Lucian, Wine Barrel

IG (Red) Qian Jue, Galio, Xia, Jess, Victor

Jayce phases, Victor steals money, Xia is swift, Galio aftershocks, Qian Jue storms.

On FNC's side, the upper-middle conqueror, the guardian of Bron, the wine barrel with phase, and Lucian storming.

I can tell.

The idea of ​​FNC wiring has not changed, but the focus has changed.

Back in the background.

Coach FNC revisited the BP game in his mind, and felt the sophistication of Coach Beggin.

he thinks.

It should not be guessed in advance, but the last move. Seeing that he made up the barrel, he felt that the combo relationship between Qian Jue and Galio had weakened, so he thought of putting Galio in the support and changing to a better middle lane of the game. hero.


should be.

Dao Mei Yao's path cannot be penetrated.

How could IG think that the sword girl is not used by Caps, but a crab that is bulky and more dependent on teammates.

The hero with the most operation limit must be played by the thigh.

next door.

Qin Ming didn't know that coach FNC would "persuade" himself in this way.

Rookie was right.

He really trusts TheShy's micromanagement.

Not surprisingly.

Rekkles should be "grateful" himself if the arrangement works.After all, many teams play FNC and don't do much for the bottom lane.

Just like the temperament shown by FNC.

In many games, Rekkles wasn't the most eye-catching spot on the team.

enter the game.

Bibabu smiled happily, shaking his butt left and right, suppressing his excitement.


It is said that TheShy is the best in the world.

But in this world, you will also be suppressed by me!
Bibabu didn't feel that the opponent's operation could be so delicate that it covered the gap between heroes.

I swear in the name of the top two top laners in Europe (not as good as Warcraft top laners), this is the top laner! !

"Don't worry, you can control the river crab with peace of mind, and I will send the line in."

"Even if you are counter-squatting, you can earn money by killing Jess, and you can exchange one for one."

"Well, let's see how you play."

in the headset.

When Ueno communicated briefly, Hiri-san was thinking about the first-level position.

"You can't give grass."

If you give it to the grass, it may not be easy to get in when you go online.If Jess plays well, there is a chance to use the grass to increase the distance after upgrading to 2.

and so.

Ten people, all rushed upwards at the beginning, and none of the commentators raised any doubts.

Don't Eat Don't Eat tactics have been developed since.

There are too many top laners in this hand, and FNC has concerns, which makes them more rigorous.

"Will we meet? FNC has Braum, and their first-tier regiment is very strong."

Zeyuan was a little worried.

5 seconds later.

Only then did Zeyuan realize that his worries were unnecessary.

Judging only from the scope of signal distribution, IG is obviously on guard against being robbed.

In the lens.

As soon as the five members of IG passed a tower, they immediately pulled towards the triangle grass, and then Jess occupied the grass, and the formation spread out to the river to avoid being surrounded.

The other side.

FNC carefully explored the grass, and waited for the people to gather. Bron took the lead and rushed into the back grass with a Q, but did not find the target.

"Not here?"

"The grass has taken over."

"Try Triangle Grass."

FNC did not give up. They followed the two-three formation, allowing the upper side to get stuck in the side view of the wall, and the three of them stuck to the side wall and walked around to the front of the triangle grass.If there is a Jess inside, you can rush to the defense tower to form a kill.

FNC set the pocket.

As a result, the crab just showed his position, Jess Q fired a shot, and the cutting hammer pulled back to join his teammates.

"Okay, let's go for a walk!!"

"Wow, the position of FNC has been studied. Fortunately, TheShy didn't squat in it."

The defense was successful.

The FNC staff returned, just felt it was a pity.


If you successfully grab the grass, you will be very comfortable at the first level of Daomei.


Being taken over by Jess, it is difficult for Daomei to be promoted to the second grade at the same time, but now, Bibabu smiled.

With the convergence of the central line of soldiers.

It is better to play blue alone, and let the duo go online first.

"On FNC's side, the duo helped fight very quickly, and the barrel is already two."

"In order to defend the top lane, our F6 didn't give eyes, and we didn't know how to start in the red zone of the wine barrel."


Rookie points Q at the first level, sees the crab to make up the knife, and QA triggers stealing money.He knew that the crab was laying the groundwork to the second, and wanted to push the pawn line forward, even if it got stuck in front of the tower.

If the coach didn't guess wrong.

The wine barrel should be the 2 groups in the red zone to eat wild blue, control the river crab, and join the fourth wave of online to complete the tower jump.

Follow this logic to deal with the line of soldiers.

Pushing the crab forward is good for Ueno's actions, because in this way, Qian Jue can't quickly run through the middle lane to block this move, and can better guess the jungle half.

7 seconds.

Crab rises two points W pushes the line
play here.

Rookie agreed with the coach's judgment more and more.

"Sell it down the road, I'll be right there."

Qian Jue leaned down on the second level.

Hiri-san's eyes were almost on Xayah.

He felt that this IG bot lane was a little understated.

Why did the first wave of soldiers fight with our combination to push the line speed.

Think so.

When the shield of Helisang's holy relic padded out the last front row pawn, it first forced Galio out of the grass, and then intentionally stuck it up to the side, pretending to grab the second quickly.

Short of 2 soldiers.

There is a red melee soldier in front of Xia, but in order to eat the remaining blood soldiers on the flanks, Xia leaves the back row of soldiers while handing in Q.

"Will FNC give you a chance when Qian Jue comes to level [-]?"

Edgar, who has returned to the club, is also watching the eight-in-four game.

Because the venue is in Korea.

Gen.G was eliminated on the same day and went home on the same day, which can be called efficient.

of course.

Edgar was very dissatisfied. After hiding from media interviews for a day, he was even more unwilling to see IG go far.

"Second-level capture can also be successful, what is Hi Lisang doing?"

Commentary seat.

Zeyuan was overjoyed, "Hey, Risang wants to open flash Q. Like SoaZ, he also wants an application for joining the party!!"

Xia and Galio didn't have any initiative ability before they were promoted to 3.

There is no flash after W.

Galio drives alone, and needs to complete the task of keeping people by going around the field of vision.

But Bron accurately grasped the "flaw" of Ah Shui's exposed body position, Bron made a fake move and flashed Q to slow down, Lu Xian handed E and beeped 2 times, and Hi Lisang was weak.

Another second passed.

Xia was stunned in place, and her blood volume dropped to a quarter. If there was no accidental interference, Galio, who had learned Gangfeng at the first level, could only watch Xia being double summoned.

Even if Xia ate the blood bottle and was lazy, Xia would not feel comfortable eating tower knives next.

And this is exactly what Hirisan wants to achieve.

Same as IG.

They feel that it is not safe enough to rely only on the road to make breakthroughs.At the moment when Lucian is taken out, Rekkles' task is to suppress Ah Shui as much as possible, and help the team fight to attract attention, so that the upper middle field can enter the field to harvest.

"IG understands this wave, I know that you FNC want to change blood."

Ah Shui fights back with treatment, Hi Lisang just becomes vigilant, Qian Jue plays WQ together, and A Bron superimposes a strong attack.

"Whoever gets the head, Bron didn't dodge, and Hiri-san didn't run away either."

Give up the head to Qian Jue.

Ze Yuan boasted: "Wow, did Ning learn from the factory manager? It was just a good second-level catch, and no time wasted. This reminds me of the previous EDG games. Every time the factory manager came to squat, The enthusiasm of the opposite side is also very high.”

The screen goes dark.

Hi Lisang muttered: "Xia is not treated, Qian Jue is here, and he can move on the road."

Edgar also said to the people around him: "The first blood sent by the assistant is not bad, but Jess lost more in battle. After all, it is still FNC's profit!"

Hit the road.

TheShy has long known that the third and fourth waves are the key.

Daomei is speeding up the speed of padding.

In the first 2 waves, Daomei gave priority to clearing the back row, exchanging blood with Jess, and using the grass to control the degree of exchanging blood.

Bibabu's knife girl is also very proficient.

When the wine barrel is controlling the crab.

TheShy took the initiative to move forward with AW.

There are blood soldiers in front of Jess.

Bibabu controlled Daomei Q to go up, and just caught Jess's cannon. Before the acceleration door, Jess cut the hammer and knocked on it. Bibabuzang E opened W to reduce the explosion.

right here.

Bibabu confidently predicted the position of Jess's turn and handed over the second-stage E. He felt that after Jess handed over the E, he would definitely turn back and widen the distance of the basic attack to prevent being brushed passively.


Bibabu couldn't laugh anymore.

Jess E, the knife girl, took the initiative to zoom in and stick it to the outer wall by using the phase, and wiped her body to avoid the twin blades.

"This wave of blood changes has been done very well."

"Cut the cannon, chase after it and make another A, Daomei is drinking a blood bottle. But the wine barrel is coming, can you notice it?"

The wine barrel came to the triangle grass to make sure there were no eyes in it.

5 seconds.

Daomei returned to half blood, Jess was two-thirds, watching the opposite side clear the line to stop, trying to join the fourth wave of soldiers stuck in front of the tower, Bibabu commanded: "E two seconds, I will kill you if you faint. "

Even if Jess is full of blood, he will die when all the Ueno burst out.

"Hey, it seems that I haven't found it."

"This wave of deaths will hurt a lot. Ning Gang walked near the three wolves, and the dead soldiers went in. TheShy dare not hand over T."

Just when the explanation was a little worried.

TheShy did something amazing.

Phase on CD.

A bloody soldier from the back row came up from the left, and Jess came out of the tower 150 yards to eat. This move attracted Ueno's attention.

I'm in a hurry than Bubba.

He only needs to pay more than 100 HP, hand over the Q pad knife, and let the melee soldiers attract the defense tower, and the wine barrel can complete the circle and block Jess' retreat.

But Jess came out of the tower by himself, and the wine barrel approached obliquely, and he had a good chance to complete the kill on the side of the tower.


Time seemed to stand still.

Jess raised his hand back, relying on feints to lure the wine barrel to show up.


Daomei threw an E at her feet, and the wine barrel opened W and pressed forward. Broxah had just walked 600 yards, and Jess pulled a vertical acceleration gate and ran back.

Bibabu was afraid that Jess would dodge the barrel's E dodge, resulting in wasted opportunities.

At the same time, he also underestimated how delicate a world-class top laner would be.

Get out the accelerator right now.

Jess turned around and hit Daomei with a cannonball, and continued to pull back. At this time, the wine barrel had entered the impact distance of E, and FNC Ueno was worried that the opponent would not be able to keep up.


Bibabu planned to wait for Jess to dodge, and controlled the duration of the skill to hit the second-stage E, jumping over the tower to kill.

Press the blood bottle, cut the hammer, and Daomei has entered the killing line!

With a flash of golden light, Jess opened W and launched a basic attack, and Bibabu panicked.

in a panic.

The wine barrel E flashed into Jess and QWA to trigger the phase, but Daomei was the small soldier on the side of Q who opened the distance and returned to E to hit.

Jess recovers with 200 blood and a blood bottle, and Daomei has 100 blood left.

imprint mark.

Jess will wake up on the way of Q, Bibabu is afraid of being replaced, wait until Jess gets up and hammers over, flashing to avoid damage.

"TheShy, it's still in operation! Relying on the knife girl to pull away, the wine barrel was stuck by a soldier, this is the king's soldier!!"

Wait until all this is done.

It was only then that Bibabu, with cold sweat on his forehead, realized that with a basic attack from Barrel A, he couldn't catch up.

The phase has passed.

Jess returned to the defense tower with more than 130 blood.

the most important is.

When Jess fought back against Daomei, he pulled the line of soldiers by the way, and he would not burn the line after returning to the city.

FNC was not in a hurry, Edgar was furious——

"Who does he think he is? Is this how Daomei's E is used? Elderly E! You have to pay it at the last time, it's purely calculated."

"Wait until the line goes in before opening."

"The wine barrel hits E in a flash, why don't you turn around and hit it, you don't necessarily die first when you go up with Q!!"


Scolded and angry, the delicacy of Jess became more prominent.

Miller boasted: "Wow, one hit two, and replaced Ueno's flash. This wave is very profitable. Ning will finish the wild area before the barrel."

"TheShy, compared to the group stage, he seemed to be fighting the offensive pressure for the team. It was the same in the second game against Gen.G. Haru just couldn't catch the dead and hit the road, and he couldn't help CuVee widen the equipment gap."

This wave is over.

Jess teleported back and pushed slowly, and You Ning came over to help put the ward, and the wine barrel's second return would not have any results.


When Ning finished brushing and went home and started to eat the second wave of wild areas, the situation in the middle and bottom was very stable.

The crab can't do anything to Victor, and Victor can't kill the crab either.

However, Rookie can improve the pace of development by stealing money, and Bron, who has no flash, can't do anything.


The second wave of river crabs is refreshed, and a mark is marked on the lower side.

On FNC's side, two-thirds of the crabs suddenly drove E forward and pulled W to pull the line, forcing Rookie's outbreak and maintaining the line right.

See this abnormal scene.

Ning was sure that the other party had a problem with controlling the imprint.

Before doing it differently, he would have chosen to go all out, but seeing TheShy's "coldness", Ning Bian stepped down and called for help from Missing, and asked the assistant to come over to increase safety.

"How about the river crab, Qian Jue's second mark."

"Broxah doesn't want to give it. The crab will level the line first. Hey, Lisangzang's position is so enchanting."

Walk out of Qianjue intersection, without handing in W, first attack normally.

3 seconds.

Level 3 Galio came over, and was just ready to help Qian Jue punish and kill, Bron stuck on the lower wall of the Dragon Pit and walked out of the shadows.

In this wave of operations, the best thing is that Qian Jue didn't see anyone when he came down. When Galio joined, Hi Lisang showed up instantly.

"Galio slowed down, and Braum raised his shield. The crabs can lean in first. It will be very dangerous to be left behind in this wave!"

Just finished.

Ning gave up the river crab and took Galio to the pass.Here at most, Ueno will be output first, and Victor can rely on it, but FNC dare not fight to the end.

Seeing that IG retreated simply, Broxah touched the dragon pit to catch the crab.

"FNC played very boldly in this wave. It was also Xia who faced Lu Xian and couldn't get the right to the line. Before his level rose, Ah Shui didn't dare to enter Lu Xian's output range, so he had to give up his position."

"This one, Ning Yinji's control is not very smooth, unlike the day of the group stage, there were four floors in 10 minutes."

"It's okay, I think it's acceptable to continue to develop like this."

"Well, let's wait for Victor to level 11. At that time, as long as the first wave is not reduced by the crab's big move, our C position will definitely have a better output environment and higher continuous damage."

The commentator gave a few words of comfort, and continued to watch the game with a nervous mood.

that's it.

The two sides developed steadily for 2 minutes. During this period, Bibabu successfully pulled an E, but when he made a second Q, he was broken by a hammer.

In general.

The pressure on the road is not very high, because Daomei Ning added her real eyes when she reached the sixth grade, and TheShy has eyes to replenish the line grass, so it is not uncomfortable to squat on the grass and throw the cannon to eat the line.

of course.

Too much pressure, there is always a time to roll over.

Ning knew very well that Ueno was at a disadvantage in 2v2, and was looking for an opportunity to open up a second battlefield.

7 minutes 23 seconds.

Rookie cleared the line and went back to the city. Seeing that the hat emperor had eaten the tower soldiers, he wanted to push again, so he quickly called his teammates, "Fancy, he wants to push over."

The crab station will be too deep.

7 seconds.

Nosuke converged and took his place, landed at the intersection of F6, stuck in the field of view of the pawn line.

"Rookie turns in a T-return, the crab is half blooded, this wave has a chance!"

"What should I say, Caps seems to have noticed."

Victor started with E in his hand, the Q soldier chased forward, and Caps spiritually stuck to the upper side.

4 seconds.

Galio Qianjue flanked him, Missing punched to get closer, flashed and stored W for seconds, and Victor handed over the force field and R.

"Wow, quicksilver shoes saved my life."

Caps was very tolerant, he just waited for Qian Jue to come over, took 2 steps to the side, dodged to the aisle first, and then told E to run to the blue zone to prevent being caught up.

Galio's taunt and force field only controlled the crab for 2 seconds in total.

Zeyuan commented: "I think Ning can be more decisive. When the head is exposed, directly Q flash and hang E to slow down first. In this position, the crab can't find a place to cross the wall at the first time, so it is possible to kill."

in voice.

Ning apologized: "The time of dizziness is too short, I didn't count it."

The crab escaped unharmed.

Braxah set his sights up the road.

But from God's point of view.

After failing to catch, Ning didn't choose to swipe F6, and the mirror image went up.

"The line of soldiers is gathering, the blood volume of Jess and Daomei is not very healthy, and the blood volume of the two sides has been exchanged for two or three rounds."

Daomei has a big move.

But Jace's QE was too accurate, Bibabu lost half of his health, all of which were consumed by the cannon.


The initiative of the pawn line is indeed on Daomei.

Bibabu pushed the line carefully, hiding his killing intent.

5 seconds.

The field of view of the fifth-level wine barrel card entered the second grass, and Jess retreated to the area in front of the tower.

"Bwipo was selling on purpose, and took another shot from Jess, and his blood volume dropped to one-third."

"Can't go up, Daomei and W, if the first wave of outbreaks is not deadly enough, after being disarmed by Daomei R to 2, this wave will explode."

Ning squatted against the wall for 12 seconds.

There was no movement.

Seeing that Jess was unmoved, Bibabu was very disappointed. Similarly, Bibabu didn't dare to send it in completely. Once the thread was eaten, he entered the grass and returned to the city, while the wine barrel ran to the river.

3 seconds.

The wine barrel was exposed in the field of vision, and Ning turned around to brush the red area.

"He went wild to six in three groups."

Rookie said he knew: "I'll be careful."

Reminding this information is easy.

Jess didn't have a T when he returned to the city. It will take at least 20 seconds to go online again, and TheShy will not push push. If the wine barrel still needs to be caught, it will take at least 8 and a half minutes.

The vacant time here, if FNC really has what the coach said, they will pay great attention to the position of the hat king.

Should come and try it too.

Rather count on this.

8 minutes 10 seconds.

After Qian Jue ate F6, he squatted in the camp.

"Ning's wave is very spiritual."

Zeyuan raised his voice and shouted: "Caps can't bear it anymore, the crab is half-blooded and wants to help the jungler get out of the position!"

The wine barrel quietly came to the lower grass.

Victor wanted to advance, but the crab refused to let the line in. Right here, Rookie took the initiative to hand in W to facilitate consumption, and the crab E came up.

"Q to slow down, I saw the barrel!"

The wine barrel opened the W card to retreat, and the crab shot R from 200 yards. Seeing that Victor did not hand in dodge, the wine barrel approached the range and handed in the Q game.

"The wine barrel slowed down, Crab W hit people very painfully, Rookie got down to half health, but still pinched and dodged."

The barrel bumped into E, and a golden light flashed in front of his eyes. The next second, the barrel predicted his position and handed over to R.


Victor got the big move and was blown to the upper aisle. Seeing that he entered the killing line, Qian Jue killed it!
"The spirit of the sheep lives, and the crab is broken when it is stretched."

Qian Jue's ultimate move can keep the units that enter the crab killing line.Unless the unit walks out of the sheep's breath or Qian Jue's ultimate move is over, the duration of the crab's ultimate move is still there, and it can still be enlarged.

"The position of the wine barrel is very poor, Broxah eats to slow down, Rookie's ultimate move comes out, the wine barrel is about to be sold!!"

5 seconds.

Barrel died.

Looking at the 0:2 score, Edgar knew that the first game would be difficult...

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