Chapter 727
2018 10 Month 20 Day.

It was the first time that Lucian appeared on the field as a unit above.


The feeling Lucian gave the audience is no stranger.

For example, in S7, the mid laner Lucian used to deal with Fatan's suppression line power. In the understanding at the time, Lucian can even suppress the most difficult Galio. No pressure at all.


The incense burner can act on 2 AD, it should be very powerful.

There is nothing wrong with this logic of following versions.

In addition to EDG losing in the group stage and changing their thinking, RNG had already won against SKT by relying on Lucian in the middle lane as early as in MSI.

At that time, Xiaohu played a very eye-catching performance by manipulating Lucian.The unique ability to find opportunities, and the cooperation with the sweeping position, became one of RNG's magic weapons at that time.


There is a but.

Since the revision of the jungle mechanism, everyone soon discovered that the jungler didn't have so much time to protect Lucian, and Lucian, a hero, would be very hurt if he lost his rhythm.

This is a hero who must continue to accumulate advantages and complete equipment node suppression in order to be effective.

Compared with Jess, Lucian is more afraid of becoming silent after losing the advantage.

Based on this understanding.

FNC saw that IG took out Lucian, but it was not particularly worried.

In their simple cognition.

No matter how strong Lucian's laning is, it's not easy to beat Jess.What's more, Broxah decided early on to go up, and confronted Ning on the river crab, and first kept the number of people evenly around the upper half, so as to prevent the pig girl from overtaking Jess.

As long as Jess reached the third level, life should be much more comfortable.

of course.

This is FNC's idea.They thought so, and they did so.

And in the background.

Qin Ming wasn't worried at all that Lu Xian didn't have an advantage.

No matter how good the idea is, it also depends on the ID.

Theoretically, if Jess is sensitive enough to the distance, Lucian slides up to consume it. Since the movement is more obvious, Jess can cut the shape and accelerate to avoid excessive blood exchange.

But after the first two matchups, Bibabu had a shadow in his heart.

The line of troops on the road has just converged.

TheShy made Lucian stand in the grass.

The first three soldiers are down to half blood.

Lucian came out normally, and put on the side melee soldiers.

Bibabu was relieved when he saw that Lucian was laying the knife normally, and was about to eat the soldiers on the lower side, but he didn't know that Lucian had adjusted his position and threw Q towards the long-range soldiers on the lower side of the back row. Jess.

"Q arrived, Jess took a step back, turned around and shot, and three melee soldiers on both sides scored."

Jess paid more than one block of health.

Bibabu only felt that he was not careful and needed to be more cautious. He continued to wonder if Lucian would grab the second and consciously approached the grass.

Just waiting for Lucian to quickly pad the knife, he is ready to use the back grass to get stuck on the edge of the experience area.In this position, Lucian's action of pressing past the range of the rear row was enough for Jess to complete the evacuation.


TheShy has the same design as the melee soldiers. It also only A-clicks the long-range soldiers on the upper side, and then waits for the soldiers to focus on the fire naturally.

this moment.

TheShy has declared Jace's laning period over.

Although it was the first time to take Lucian in the game.

But in the training match, the teammates also knew that against Lucian, the first three melee soldiers must not be greedy. If they are greedy, it means that the position of the soldiers is controlled by Lucian.On the contrary, only one melee pawn should be replenished, and the line of pawns should be pushed slowly, so as to better stop the loss.

to be honest.

Against Lucian, you can't think about maximizing your stop loss, you can only hold the mentality of not dying.


Bibabu is unwilling to do this. He is too afraid that he will fall behind, which will cause too much pressure on his teammates, and he is too afraid that the rhythm of the jungler will be brought down.

After the second round, his teammates didn't say harsh words to him, but their eyes said everything.

If in the third game, he continues to play at the rhythm of being beaten, he doesn't know if his teammates' mentality will collapse or not. Bibabu only feels that he doesn't want to touch this forced game in the next few weeks.

Confidence is so shattering!

The sword girl didn't break through Jess, the crab couldn't beat the sword girl, RNM, refund the money!Are you worthy of the on-site support of Cpas' family members!

It is with this mindset.

TheShy adjusted his position slowly.

Jace handed over the Q, with four knives on his body.

3 seconds.

Lucian took a step forward and made up the knife, taking advantage of the fact that the second wave line did not settle down, he had already eaten the seventh pawn and advanced 2 to surrender the sliding step.

"Compared to the Babche Hammer, the distance is not enough."

Just finished.

Lucian turned his head, and Jess returned to his position. In the camera, a sinister pierceer predicted Q, which happened to hit Jess who was chasing to the diagonally behind the pawn line.

The second Q hits.

Jess lost more than 2 blocks of blood in total. Due to the experience of being suppressed by a pawn, he has not yet reached the second level.

Here comes the most disgusting place.

Lucian pulled hatred into the grass, and his general attack position was close to the distance of Jess' experience area. Bibabu himself knew that Lucian was out of the grass, and he would lose experience if he took a step back.

But here's the problem.

Dare to eat?
Forcibly attacking Lucian, pressing forward like this, the deterrence is too strong.

Bibabu still wanted to stick to the bottom to gain experience. The next second, the soldier was killed by 2 energy strikes, and Lucian had already entered the front grass and exposed his body.

The pressure is really full.

Where the camera didn't notice, Bibabu was sweating on his forehead, which was even more stressful than the previous two rounds.After all, the first two have a lot to do with the performance of the jungler. At most, FNC fans complained that they didn't play the desired effect. At least in terms of matchup, before the jungler came to the road, they were still stable.

This one is different.

TheShy is really proficient in the consumption of soldiers piercing in the guiding position.

The second wave of that action.

If Jess has the idea of ​​gaining experience, he must eat Q. It is nothing more than putting on the side pawn or the pawn in the middle. As long as he grasps the angle of the next move, this kind of consumption will come at his fingertips.

Played the blood volume advantage.

Bibabu himself was in a hurry.

A few seconds passed.

Seeing Lucian return to grass, Jess really couldn't resist the temptation.Because the third wave of artillery vehicles has already reached the open space, if you continue to play like this, what use will you be when the two sides confront each other in the jungle?

Under the guidance of this mentality.

Bibabu made a third mistake.Pawn line, pawn line, did not pay attention to the position of the pawn line.

"Sliding step is done. Jess just went up to 2. E went up and hit 2. Jess didn't dare to fight back. He opened the accelerator door, and TheShy touched it again to trigger a strong attack."

"It's very comfortable, Jess' blood bottle has been shot out!"

Rely on the back grass to get in position.

Lucian's pressing steps were far better than Jess's retreating steps to get closer to the defensive tower.

Here comes the funny scene.

Lucian stood in front of the tower with two guns in his hand, and the third wave of gun carriages came over immediately. Seeing Jess huddled inside and walking left and right, Lucian swayed his steps, and suddenly Q, passed through the gun carriages and hit Jie who was about to leave the crowd. s.

"Q is here again, Jess' blood volume is down to half, we still have red bottles and biscuits!!"

"Wow, Lucian has tricks in this hand, it's really not a random choice!"

Broxah swiped to the blue zone, just crossed the intersection and was about to gank, when he saw Jess in this state. Broxah was dizzy, he didn't understand, the pressure is really so great?
Alignment was almost 3 minutes.

Lucian is close to full health, you are half health, and you, Jess, are huddled in the tower and dare not look at the line of soldiers?
Broxah suppressed his emotions, gave up the command and said: "I learned Q, this wave is forcing a dodge."

Kill, definitely not kill.

Seeing Jess playing like this, Broxah just wanted to force flash to untie the lane, and untie the pawns hoarded by the red side before the pig girl controlled the river crab and rose to 3.

No matter how slow, after the pig girl's clear card circled, Jess lost the cannon car and was half dead on the road.

And this kind of risk-free coercion method, Broxah didn't think King Ning would give up.

God's perspective.

Broxah was right.

How to surround Lucian, IG has its own methods.

In the early 3s.

Pig girl knocked down the divination flower, but didn't see Xin Zhao, so she signaled to move the river crab.

Zeyuan: "Does FNC dare to catch it? With Shan in his hand, how can second-level Xin Zhao make the first move?!"

Lucian is in the front row.

After Xin Zhao showed his head, he was not in a hurry to force his position, and chose Q minions to gather and fly.

Lucian retreated to the second grass, Jess followed up, watching Xin Zhao's position, able to intercept Lucian, but TheShy didn't plan to run away at all.

Level 3 hits 2 level 2.

Taking advantage of Xin Zhao's Q for the second time, TheShy threw a W to trigger the acceleration, and in the next second, when Xin Zhao's E face was about to hit the third time, Lucian relied on the short-term acceleration brought by the silver bullet to pull away a little more position.

With this position, the knock-up effect of Xin Zhao appeared after the sliding step.

presented to the audience.

That is, after Lucian got the control, he inexplicably pulled away from Xin Zhao for more than 200 yards, and dodged the QE that was sure to hit the original position.

"You dare to catch it, Jess is empty!"

Zeyuan roared: "TheShy fought back on the spot, King Ning punished the river crab and promoted to third, ready to double-team! FNC's defense line is empty, this wave has a good chance!!"

Ze Yuan read it right.

After fighting on the road, he found that the explosion was not enough. Lucian knocked on the blood bottle and kited Xin Zhao.

4 seconds.

FNC has an acceleration gate to help Xin Zhao escape, but the problem is that this wave of unraveling behavior originally did not want to let the pawn line enter, but now there is no spare power to clear the line. Lucian made up for 2 small soldiers, and the front row of soldiers has already entered.

"There is a cannon carriage, Ning is here!!"

The melee soldiers were killed, and the cannon was on top.

TheShy maintained a sliding distance, saw the pig girl rushing out, and immediately followed.

This time.

FNC Ueno got waxed.

Ning knew not to be in a hurry, and judged that Ueno would not dare to defend the tower and fight. In the first stage of W, Xin Zhao flashed, and in the next second, the pig girl Q Jess was ready to add Q, second stage W and peace A to keep people, and Jess also flashed.


The pig's head turned around.

"Q Flash hit, can you kill it?!"

Lucian slides to Q, and Xin Zhao turns to cover.

After the holy light, the 2 draw A has not yet been played, Jessie hammered E to drive away the pig girl, and ran back with more than 100 blood.

"Wow, almost, the second part of the W missed Jace."

Force out 2 flashes.

Lucian had a chance to chase, but TheShy judged the CD and knew that he could not kill Xin Zhao by crossing flashes, and it was meaningless to steal some damage.

The explanation is a pity.

King Ning turned his head and turned against the wilderness, and Lu Xi'an stepped into the fourth wave of soldiers.

"Bibabu dare not hand in the T supplement line, and the pig girl's blood volume is still very healthy."

"Broxah is also miserable. Although he covered the road and retreated, his health bar was only one-third left, so he dared not enter the jungle."

"This is the blue zone of FNC. In less than 4 minutes, Xin Zhao only has F6 and stone beetle left. Oh, I forgot to count it in."

Just finished.

When Zhao Xin went to the red zone to develop after the second tower, Kai'Sa handed in Q to make up for the loss of the pawn line, and joined to assist in eating river crabs.

"Wow, this operation, Broxah's people are numb, how can you choose Xin Zhao for this kind of treatment."

"To be honest, I'm used to watching Ning Xin Zhao must control the two river crabs, and watching Broxah, I feel a little bit sorry for the European audience, this is too cruel."

With the help of Lucian's delicate exchange of blood.

The FNC laning period is in danger.

What can Caps do?
How urgent is it to play a clockwork, the card's repair damage is developed, and the body is corrupted and the detoxification device is added. Caps can only pull 2 ​​repairs, and no more.

The most classic is.

Broxah was divining the flowers and found that there was no crab. She cut the camera and saw that the mid-line card was shrunk in the defensive tower, and the off-line was pushed out by her teammates, and she had nowhere to go.

The camera cuts back to the road.

Jess was two levels behind, accidentally, Lucian slid AA to catch Q, and Jess realized that he had to keep his distance.

"As soon as Jess came out, he lost 200 blood."

"One life kills two lives, TheShy is so violent, it's more violent than the previous two combined."

Battle seats.

Bibabu felt his heart beating wildly.He is in a hurry, in another 40 seconds, Lucian will be big, and he can reach level [-] and rise to level [-] at most, how can he defend the tower?

TheShy noticed that Bibabu was not retreating and wanted to resist.

When the wire is about to go in, find an angle and hit it with W.

next moment.

The first soldier entered the tower, and TheShy moved down, giving Bibabu the feeling that Lucian was about to insert an eye.

Jace turned in his Q, but not his accelerator.


Lucian slides AA to Q, accumulating and accelerating in a very short time.

"Oh, The Shy?!"

The first hit was a shock, AD jumped the tower.

The second time, it was Jess who drove E to speed up. Seeing Lucian took a step forward, Jess, who had one-third of his blood, was about to hit him with a hammer.


Time seemed to stand still.

Jess jumped in the air, and Lucian pulled back to tie the A. The whole movement was extremely silky. When Bibabu felt something was wrong and his body seemed to be too forward, Jess QW followed E and hammered away, so there was no chance for a common attack.

Lucian got out of the tower and continued to move forward, relying on Jess' E to take less damage from the defense tower, about half blood, and boldly smashed the biscuit on the top.

4 seconds.

It was locked by the defense tower again.

In Lucian's Q, he made a general attack, and when he followed up with the second shot, a golden light flashed. Lucian received the output from the defensive tower to complete a solo kill, and escaped from the defensive tower with 80 HP.

The camera cuts close.

Jess' body was lying on Lucian's side, TheShy knocked off the second biscuit, and walked towards the triangle grass, pulling the line of soldiers.

"It's so sudden, so beautiful!!! This is Lucian!!!"

Zeyuan blushed, looking extremely excited.

In this wave of confrontation.

Lucian's details are full, whether it's a fake move to slide forward, or using the mentality of resisting the tower to retreat synchronously, so that Jess Q's position is 50 yards in front of the tower to a distance close to the tower.

Only complete this step.

TheShy was able to sentence Jess to death.

Calculate the blood volume to resist the tower, eat biscuits, wait for the QCD to make a move, and the general attack will flash.In the slow motion of the camera, the audience could clearly see that Lucian made a smooth passive general attack to take away Jess after the flash, and then, the defense tower locked on for the third time, and then turned off the fire and failed to shoot.


This kind of silky Lucian is not bad for playing AD all the year round.From distance control, to blood volume calculation, to the gap between defensive tower shots, all calculations are accurate.


This wave is one-for-one, which is what Bibabu is pursuing.Because Jess has a T, Lucian's advantage is exchanged, and it is definitely not Jess who is worse off.

The director understands very well.

The moment the tower was completed and killed, Bibabu's camera screen was cut out.

when the screen goes dark.

Bibabu's eyes were dull, and this picture was seen by countless viewers through the live broadcast room.

The audience recalled that before the game started, Bibabu sat in a soft chair with curly hair, talking and laughing to enjoy the atmosphere.In any case, they cannot overlap the two pictures together.

Even if it was the second 0-6, Bibabu was just scratching his head angrily, his eyes still bright.


(End of this chapter)

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