Champion Bishop of the League

Chapter 732 Enlarge the dragon and kill people

Chapter 732 Enlarge the dragon and kill people

Score looked at the map, a little confused.

He remembered the Asian Games.

At that time, there was no rhythm in the middle, and I could only line up in the wild.

in fact.

There was no shortage of bright spots in KT's preparation for Game [-].

For example, robbing Xin Zhao will not give Ning a hero that is very helpful to the lane, and Galio will be paired with Xin Zhao and Luo, which can be regarded as a guarantee for team start, which can slow down the rhythm of team formation in the mid-term.

They think that IG is a team that likes to attack and doesn't like to operate conservatively, so they have to use a lineup that has a voice in the early stage, can avoid battles in the mid-term, and has a natural and superior curve in the late stage.

Facing a team like IG with a lead of [-] in the early stage and the pressure from infinite collisions, KT chose this way because it wanted to avoid its edge.

However, IG told them that it is not that simple.

Everyone knows that the first half is the core of the smooth operation of IG's tactics, so is there a problem with choosing Sword Demon, Xin Zhao, and Galio?

Remove those ban bits.

Is there a stronger upper middle field than these three?

Before the coach finally left the stage, he said that it was impossible to lose the first half of the confrontation. Is it because IG's reckless judgment was wrong?
It seems right.

They just feel that the mid lane will develop without fighting, and then it will be very comfortable to attract firepower in the bottom lane.

It's not because IG's bot lane is easy to do.

But the risk of doing it is lower and more controllable.

who knows.

How can Galio be so disadvantaged against the Enchantress?

Weak enough to put pressure on teammates, every wave of pawns can see the enchantress moving.This enchantress put a lot of pressure on the bottom road.


It shouldn't be.

From LPL to LCK, Galio's confrontation with the enchantress is the most classic confrontation scene.But there has never been a Galio who is so "scared" as Ucal is now.

What makes the LCK audience even more uncomfortable is that.

Xin Zhao is under protection. If you ignore the real eye in the red zone, it squats very successfully and relieves a lot of pressure.

Can be counted as the real eye.

Looking at IG's personnel transfer, the transition to level 11 was immediately stress-free on the road.With level 11, Ornn is really entering the game.

Is there a way for Smeb?


Aoun is not slow in clearing the line, just like TheShy himself thinks Aoun is disgusting. If this hero is just fighting one-on-one, the jungler will help to clear the line a little, and he will be behind by a few hundred gold at most.

And this one, Aoun only has 14 knives less than Sword Demon, which is extremely comfortable.

For Score.

He caught it frequently, but he just felt that if a wave of IG failed to defend well, the next tower would be there.

It cannot be said that such judgment is poor.

From God's point of view, of course, he felt that there were several opportunities to threaten Aoun and help Sword Demon expand his advantage, but Score didn't know Ning's movements.


KT was confused.

In their script, they should be able to win the next tower in 15 minutes, hit the head with the vanguard, let the policewoman and Luo Zhanzhong threaten the IG to protect the defense tower, and the jungler surrounds the sword demon, and the vacuum period of each wave of troops, the invasion row Eye.

do it all.

Thinking of the rhythm, IG can only find trouble with the policewoman or sword demon. As long as they are cautious, IG should be very passive and can only wait for Xiaolong to refresh and hold the river to force the group.

In this way, KT has many options to delay.

But this kind of expectation, not to mention overfulfilling, KT has not even achieved half of it.

IG's next tower is very broken, but the three roads are still there.

KT is in a group, and IG can also be in a group. The output position of the female policeman is not easy to find. Similarly, the longer the friction in front of the group, the bigger the stage of the enchantress.

This is the real knife hero.

"KT Pioneer put it down, haha." Zeyuan said happily: "They push the middle and upper, they can't get in at all, they can only pull down the tower."

"The economic aspect is not widened. We are leading in kills, but the top and bottom lanes are a bit behind. In terms of jungle, Xin Zhao is also developing very well."

"It's okay, the policewoman has entered a weak period, let's see how IG finds opportunities."

Zeyuan was right.

KT knocked down the tower, and Ning came to help untie the vanguard.


Sword Demon and Aoun fought against each other in the bottom lane, and IG had enough space to mobilize Galio.

About 14 minutes.

Rookie ran first with the cable on the road, sneaked W over the wall and entered the blue zone, and squatted into the grass on the side of the middle road.


The policewoman is clearing the line, Luo and Xin Zhao lined up for the side view, Ning Wang touched F6 alone, and Missing drove the scanner to squeeze the view of the river from the upper side channel.

"I want to fight, Galio is eating a tower knife, but Ucal has T, and Sword Demon also has T. Compared with support, we are weaker."

"It doesn't have to be the end. Silent lock is combined with the entrance of the enchantress. There is a chance to reduce one of the staff first."

Teammates take their positions.

Ah Shui moved forward to clear the line, playing side A while standing on the side. KT actually knew the position of the nanny, but they also thought they could try to force it.

Galio had signaled.

With the help of Wei, Wei touched the grass all the way to the pass, and the nurse filled the eyes with the wall to pave the way for the battlefield.


Seeing Galio walking towards the blue zone, ZanDarc was a little anxious: Ucal, don't go.

But the teammates are already directing and want to play a little bit.

5 seconds.

In Zhao Xin and Lola, when Score hits minions and accumulates Q, he sees that Xia loses Q, and W triggers the mark.

"W's here. The moment Xin Zhao E goes up, Ah Shui launches flying feathers all over the sky. Barb, Xin Zhao drives a lot of damage and blocks all the damage."

Xin Zhao lost his eyes to the grass, and when he saw the nurse, Luo started his big move.

"Oh, Rookie!!"

The line of sight came to the other side.

Galio broke into the blue buff camp, just about to turn the corner, the enchantress suddenly appeared W and hit E.In the next second, Wei Q crossed the wall and was about to open the lock.

Ucal's flashing aura cloak distanced him.

"Locked, the position is a bit far, front, Luo Meizhu 2, Missing handled this wave very carefully, the control is over, immediately throw E forward, stuck in the position of the policewoman. The damage of Nosuke 2 is not enough, Xingma opened Great, Galio was forced to go to the second tower, Rookie was returning the package, and KT also didn't dare to stay."

At last.

The policewoman let the bullets fly to lock on to Xingma, and suppressed Xingma's blood volume to a quarter.

Miller said with emotion: "A master's move, click as far as possible."

"Ucal's reaction is a bit quick. If he hesitates at the first moment, Rookie's ultimate move will copy the chain and connect it to the lock, and the damage should be enough."

"That's right, Guangwei's output hit one-third of Galio's blood."

"Swapped ults a bit, but for sure we made money. Compared to KT, our need for ults is not that high."

Galio's ultimate move is 2 minutes CD.

IG Nosuke discussed: "Look for an opportunity to see the next road, the sword demon flashed for a minute and a half."

IG unanimously agreed that the policewoman's hands are still long, Xia's seduction is too strong, and KT has time to react.


Galio has suffered such a loss, so there is a high probability that he will not take the risk of exploring the grass.

The decision is made.

KT really wanted to be careful, knowing that IG began to focus on Xiaolongpu's vision, Score simply went to Bulgario to eat the line.

"KT didn't dare to come, their Zhongfu ult was not good."

"Okay, take down this wind dragon steadily."

IG eats its first dragon, and imprints the unearthed attribute.

Zeyuan was overjoyed: "Even the attributes of the dragon are helping us."

When IG ate the dragon, the sword demon retreated temporarily.

15 seconds.

Xin Zhao came over to make an eye, and the Sword Demon pushed forward.Seizing such an opportunity, Rookie walked in, and Wei Zao came to the autism grass to crouch.

"Will Smeb fall for the wire?"

Sword Demon flashed 40 seconds away.

Pushing through the ruins, Smeb chose to enter the blue zone, approaching Xin Zhao in the river.

The field of vision can see the sword demon's position.

next beat.

The Missing three wolves came over, and Aoun showed his head and cleared the soldiers, pretending to make up the line.

"In a fight, Galio only has one TP."

"This wave is dangerous."

The Korean Net commentator was talking.

In the lens.

Smeb waited for Xin Zhao to drain the grass in the river, saw Aoun push out the line of soldiers, just turned around and walked into the grass on the back wall, Aoun raised his hand to call for sheep.

"Goat, Sword Demon runs back, Missing is in a good position!!"

Didn't make it past the wall.

Xingma threw E to the side of the corner wall and was silent, and the second-duan sheep hit and flew.During this process, when the sheep was told to slow down, Wei had already run towards the blue zone.

2 seconds.

Wei follows the imprison time, Q flashes out and hits the fly, and the enchantress has handed W to threaten Xin Zhao's position.

Double teams that span half the map.

Amidst the roar, Aoun continued to walk down the side.

3 seconds.

The sword demon turned on the big extinction, the second section E went down the wall, and accelerated to run towards the triangle grass.

But Xin Zhao didn't have R, so he didn't dare to look at the enchantress, Score was just covered by Mata, Rookie flanked into the Dragon Pit, predicted the position of the second stage and stepped close, and rushed to the sword demon at the corner E.

"Our lineup is more flexible than KT, and it is most suitable for fighting in the jungle!!"

Both the middle and the wild have shifted.

Ucal looked at it and knew that there was no point in going down to T other than being beaten.

The Sword Demon was sold, Aoun bumped into the wall to keep up with Kungfu, and relied on Wei Q flash to delay time and help Aoun successfully get stuck.

Heads 1:4.

The LCK audience watched anxiously.

The development of the sword demon was interrupted, the rhythm of the female policeman's tower push was not smooth, and Galio's ultimate moves were all used for defense. Going forward according to this situation, the situation is wrong.

"TheShy has reached level eleven, and the Sun Flame has turned into a flame-forged cloak, with 30 more armor points and more than 200 health points."

"Comfortable, wait for the next ice fist to make it, and continue to increase the resistance of the object."

The AP damage of the KT lineup is average.

TheShy ignores the mask of the abyss, and even the shoes are armor shoes.

In the lens.

The sword demon made another combo, Ornn began to ignore the explosion, and W arched forward.With the existence of unsealing, Aoun QE forced the sword demon to move.

KT is not reconciled to the disadvantage.

At about 16 minutes, more than 2 minutes away from the earth dragon, Xin Zhao sneaked into the grass on the side of the middle road, in the front, the duo in the bottom lane was sending the minions.

"Missing, wanted to be an eye, but was followed by Xin Zhao."

KT is a chicken thief.

The soldiers sent in and then came out, the policewoman's human flesh served as the field of vision, KT found that Xingma was walking up, and the moment the wall was inserted into the eye, Xin Zhao W marked, E went up to eat silently.

next beat.

The policewoman turned E backwards, touched the star mother, the enchantress who was feeding the triangular grass, and immediately leaned in.

"The female policeman gave a Q, down to half blood, what did Deft want to do, Deft turned on the big mark, Ah Shui blocked it."

Xingma was maimed, and Xia was three-quarters bleeding.

Followed by.

Missing took a sip of Ah Shui, and chose to return to the city with more than 200 blood. KT took this opportunity to grind the middle tower together.

5 seconds.

Wei came to defend from the front, and Yao Ji stepped into the field to steal damage, and backhanded back to avoid Xin Zhao's W.

"The middle tower should be able to defend, the KT troops are not enough, and the artillery tank was punished by Ning."

Rookie observed that the sword demon disappeared, and quickly communicated with his teammates: "Look at my position, you play in the front row, don't follow me."

do as promised.

When Zeyuan felt that the weather was calm and KT needed to find a similar opportunity to take down the first tower, Yao Ji turned on the scan and came to the upper grass, and when someone's figure was seen, she directly handed in E.

Enchantress W for two seconds.

KT knows this information.

So seeing Yao Ji pretending like this, they felt that the opportunity had come.


Miller was anxious.

God's perspective.

Sword Demon is very teamy. When Smeb was grinding the tower in the front, he had already arrived near the lower river, only 800 yards away from the middle.

next beat.

Xin Zhao hit the chain and turned E and turned Q, Galio locked big, Luo charged forward.

This wave of images looks cool.

Just as Xin Zhao poked out the first Q, he stepped on the enchantress W just right, and Zheng Zheng came on the stage and hit the fly.

Immediately afterwards, Galio stored W, Luo had E on Xin Zhao, Deft was about to follow up with the output, and Aoun TPed the minion, which was ahead of Sword Demon.

"We have few people in this wave, so it's not easy to pick up."

Ze Yuan just finished speaking.

Enchantress W adds flash and escapes, KT returns to Bao Aoun.

"When you step on the clip, Luo lifts it up, and it will be fine for this wave to retreat."

Ornn took a lot of skills, and his blood volume dropped to two-thirds. The backhand Q slowed down Xin Zhao, and turned back to join Xia.

High energy ahead.

Just as KT thought he had gained a skill, Yao Ji suddenly returned to her original position, E arrived at Galio, KT Nosuke wanted to turn back, and Xin Zhao accidentally stuck too close to the wall.

next second.

Galio kicked back and punched Fei Yaoji, and Rookie survived the star mother's big move with a trace of blood.


Aoun's E at an oblique angle hits Xin Zhao with precision, Ning saves Q to the channel, and R Luo hits the jungler along the way.

"The bellows flame is off, take another shot, Deft comes over to output, the sword demon has arrived, oh, Ah Shui!!!"

Ah Shui has already seen the Sword Demon.

But he knows that he needs to help the flanks to delay time. If KT's output position arrives first, no matter how much control he has, he can't compare with KT.

Ah Shui is like this.

The positions of all parties were enlarged in his mind. At this moment, he did not choose to pull in and follow Ueno to output Xin Zhao. Instead, he looked at the policewoman's side pressure to throw the clip. Q saw the policewoman flash to pull closer, WAA Imperial City PK.

"The barb broke off the policewoman's E, took a headshot, and Deft's blood volume dropped faster, he was about to be forced to dodge!!"

At the moment when the female policeman flashes and the Sword Demon EQs, Xia turns around and flies feathers all over the sky to the direction of the Sword Demon.

The big move is to retreat in the air.

Ah Shui's operation made the two cores of KT slightly out of touch.

The Korean Net commentator is wailing and distressed.

Xin Zhao picks Fei Wei, Luo and Galio force the Remnant Blood Fairy back, and turn back to output Ueno, but there is no C position next to them, only Xia who came over.


Qin Ming clenched his fist and applauded the team members in his heart.

"Courage! It's AD's seventh divine outfit!!"

"Luo falls first, Xin Zhao will also die."

Just after Galio took two steps, the enchantress W returned to her position. With Wei's real eyes, she aimed at Galio and twisted his waist, and the QE hit.

"Three kills, Sword Demon cleared the line in the middle, it didn't enter the stage!"

"This wave should be considered four against five."

"It doesn't count, it's too much for you." Ze Yuan said seriously: "Missing spring water lost a lot and saved the life of Yao Ji. If you count, it is at least four and a half dozen five."

The director cuts out the playback.

Miller said with emotion: "Wow, at first I thought that Ah Shui would output Xin Zhao, but after looking at it, if he output Xin Zhao, with Score's blood volume, he can still resist for three seconds. In that case, Rookie is defeated Forced to retreat, the policewoman Sword Demon blocked the position where we went back."

"Yes, Galio W is also fine. The best way to deal with this wave is to drive the female police back first, otherwise its output environment is so good that no one can watch it."

"But after this wave, it feels like it's been flattened. Ornn's 2-piece suit, can the policewoman scratch it?"

"Deft wants to play endless first, he has no money to buy whispers."

IG voice.

"Nice, push and push."

"Come directly to hold a group, we will take a tower."

IG grinded the middle tower for a while.

1 minute later.

The sword demon showed up in the bottom lane, TheShy turned on the team mode, and went forward alone, eating the consumption of KT double c, it didn't hurt at all.

"This is the advanced Aoun. Let alone the policewoman, even a small cannon will not be able to stop it in a short time."

"With the Zhongyi Tower, the earth dragon can eat it too."

"Maintain this rhythm, KT has no output, they need time to replenish equipment."


IG developed three ways, and Nosuke worked around Aoun. It took more than a minute to eat the next tower against the sword demon.

After this.

Rookie is shady everywhere, disgusting KT, exhausting Xin Zhao and Luo without temper.

25 minutes.

Aoun helped Xia upgrade endlessly, and as soon as the Molten Blade came out, IG planned the dragon.

"If you want to attack Dalong, in terms of pawn line, the middle lane has an advantage."

The middle line goes in first, Rookie hides in the grass on the upper side, the rest of the teammates turn to the river, Aoun pushes through the ruins of the bottom lane, and continues to watch the Sword Demon.

3 seconds.

IG cleared the view of the dragon pit, Mata just came to the side, Rookie QE across the wall, although the chain missed, but Luo's W was forced out.

"Isn't it a bit risky to move the dragon?"

Enchantress stuck in this position.

Score took the lead and asked the mid laner to enter the intersection of the blue zone.

KT inserted eyes into the river through the partition wall and saw IG Shimonosuke in the dragon pit.

"This position is not good. Ah Shui and Missing go to the side. In fact, there is no need to worry about Dalong."

"Yes, there are only a little more than 2 policewomen."

"Do you want to force Sword Demon TP?"

Adjust your position.

Rookie came to the pass, went in with the scanner, and forced Luo away.The next second, Enchantress W came to the blue buff camp, QE looked for Galio, the moment E hit, press W to avoid counterattack.

"The big dragon has [-] blood, we fight very slowly, we have to pay attention not to be opened in the front."

"Rookie consumption, we have a star mother, KT's battery life can't keep up."

Comprehensive advantages and disadvantages.

KT was anxious. Smeb also has no intention of exchanging blood with TheShy, and is very worried that Wei will start a good team, and Yao Ji will reduce the number of staff.

4 seconds.

Xingma was down to half health, Wei was still full of health, and Dalong's blood volume reached [-] before KT finally settled down to the upper side of the river.

"Rookie is going around, the front must not be opened."

The blue buff vision saw the enchantress.

Just as KT was about to press in, Ah Shui used up his Q, stood back, and Wei walked inside.

"How should I put it, Deft is playing tricks, it's really not good, let's stop."

The voice just fell.

Xin Zhao W Dalong, Wei Zhu Q crossed the wall, and Ucal took the initiative to block the intersection in the blue zone.

"What do you mean? KT wants to fight, they don't want to take over Pan Dalong, do they?"

The star mother's blood volume is not much, and the IG positions are scattered.

KT fought hard.

If you continue to procrastinate, sooner or later you will be dragged by the big dragon.

Instead of this, it is better to fight a wave.

"Dragon with [-] blood, Galio pays E, Luo EW, Rookie goes up and the position is locked."

Mata showed her eyes through the wall, knowing that the enchantress was going to the triangular grass.

2 seconds.

Rookie had just circled to the ruins of the previous tower, the dragon had three thousand blood, and the sword demon T came to the front, stuck in Xia's position.

"No, it feels a bit procrastinating."

Yao Ji needs time to be in place, KT Zhongfu turns around, and Xia has no chance to output the policewoman.

this moment.

Ning communicated to grab the dragon, and Rookie said firmly, "It's up to the policewoman."

"TheShy then handed over T and fell into the Dragon Pit."

Ah Shui spreads feathers.

As soon as the sword demon landed, Ah Shui A grabbed it with a barb. KT knew that Ao En would come down immediately, and Deft walked to the intersection immediately, wanting to keep the dragon species.


The sword demon W forced Xia to retreat, and Duan E went into the dragon pit to prevent Wei from coming in to snatch it.

When KT made a different choice.

The dragon is one thousand and five, and Ning has already walked to the side wall.

"Can you grab it? Ornn is being beaten by three people, oh!"

KT got the big dragon, which became the signal for IG to start a group.

The policewoman and Luo stood very close.

Missing flashes E to silence the 2 people, Wei Q enters the stage, R policewoman, the enchantress W and R who have been prepared for a long time, Luo Gang is shot into the air and dies instantly.

"Galio is useless, the female policeman has been beaten and disabled!"

"TheShy is very resistant. An E knocks off the sword demon and tells the sheep to stay in the field."

Smeb was flanked back and forth by Ornn and Xayah.

Just opened the big, has lost a third of the blood.

next second.

Score was also in a hurry, Xin Zhao flashed E Xia, and was evaded by the flying feathers all over the sky.

And on the flanks.

Galio landed to block the first wave, W taunted Wei; the female policeman handed in a double call to run to the blue zone, but was caught by the enchantress, Missing knew that the battle on the flank had already been won, so she turned her head to nurse Aoun.

"Sword Demon still wants to change heads, Missing starts the stopwatch, Deft is down!!"

Xia was kiting Xin Zhao, and the sword demon was beaten behind closed doors.

After eating the policewoman, Galio flashed and ran upwards, IG gave up on adding Galio, and turned around to lose Ueno.

"Can you make a wave? The 30-second resurrection time is very good!!"

The middle line has arrived.

in playback.

The scene of silence, locks, and double steps of the enchantress made people's blood boil.

The second tower fell, Aoun physically resisted the high ground, and Xia W accelerated the tower.

"So what if there are dragon species, TheShy continues to push forward, Luo and the policewoman are going to be resurrected, but the two and a half piece of policewoman is not threatening!"

Xin Zhao was 7 seconds short.

As soon as Luo came out of the spring, the first front tooth had already been removed.

at this time.

Aoun flashed E and hit the main crystal, knocking Luo into the air, Galio was forced to take over the group, and the policewoman was ignored.

"Rookie!! Single-defense female policeman!!"

There was confusion in KT's front.

The female policeman came out of the spring, was beaten and handed over to E, Ah Shui had no pressure to output, the barb pulled to 2 people, Galio delayed using the golden body, Luo didn't use his big move, and died suddenly again.

"Take a sip, Ornn is very resistant."

"Take it apart, crystal A will be fine!!"

TheShy doesn't want to be a slave.

Before Aoun came to the spring, Xin Zhao's sword witch policewoman's output was all reduced by the bellows flame.

very weak.

Aoun has just reached one third, star mother W plus R, the LCK audience is very uncomfortable.


At 27 minutes and 11 seconds, IG won the game.

"Congratulations IG!"

"Rookie, the enchantress, has something to say!!"

"Silent and locked, there is indeed something, the enchantress's stage is too big."

(End of this chapter)

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