Chapter 740
[Win purely by team battles! ! 】

[One thing to say, this is the least IG one.In the second half of the summer split, IG seldom put the winners and losers on the pure team battle end. 】

[You just say that this approach is handsome or not. 】

The first game is over.

The audience discussed very enthusiastically.

Just like the comments said, IG didn't show its best part in the first game.

The threshold for this kind of operation is very high, and the risk is not low. Once you lose the group, you don't know where to start the organization.


IG is very angry.

The narrators also saw it.

Although this game is different from the rhythm of the World Championship, Xiaohu is not behind Rookie by pushing the line, and has a way to stabilize his development, but when it comes to team battles, IG's execution ideas and innovative thinking make people want to like it.

Zeyuan boasted: "TheShy's unsealing is very spiritual, it's hard not to be impressed."

"I remember that in the Letme summer game, Sion was exchanged for punishment and grabbed the dragon." Miller followed up: "This hand purification really made RNG unexpected. In the last wave of replays, the weakness was solved in seconds, and Uzi was caught by a three-piece suit. Kenan is close, and there is really no way to operate it."

"Rookie did a good job of covering up. He added his ult, which lasted for 5 or 6 seconds. Moreover, RNG thought that the ice girl was selling himself, and zoomed down to find Xia's position."

"To be honest, RNG's team battle thinking is also correct, but there are variables."

Zoom stepped down in a hurry.

IG did not choose to target the bottom half as they thought.

Facing zoom, who was in good shape in the World Championship, IG successfully let Kenan take over the game by relying on constant pressure.

The MVP goes to TheShy.

The damage is 2, the output ratio is 6, and the key role to play the harvest effect.

The Hanwang commentator said bluntly: "I feel that this BO5, IG has begun to emphasize the laning."

"Yes, and the transfer operation of IG is becoming more and more mature."

What White Crescent wants to say is also about team battles.

He said in relief: "This is a bit rushed. We have search photos. If Nosuke disappears for more than 4 seconds at the same time, it will be good to see the situation of Dalong."

"Mine." Xiao Ming admitted that he wanted to start a group too much.

"I thought that four-on-four would win, and if you eat the big dragon, you will have this one."

After stepping off the stage, his mind was still a little dizzy, Xiao Ming was thinking now, how long has Kenan been squatting on the autistic grass?

It's different than I thought, really different.

RNG has always emphasized that Nakano is looking for opportunities, and the rest of the time is spent on development.It is also not their style to miss the opportunity.


Apart from contributing to the BP side, White Crescent did not come up with a viable system to change RNG's tactical style.

The ability to seize opportunities.

The white crescent itself is emphasizing.

and so.

He didn't blame anyone, but seized the time and said: "The next IG is fighting like this, we can slow down the offensive appropriately, and try to focus on the big nodes of the double c."

"As you can see, IG didn't overpower us too much, it's all about team battles after all."

"Do you think Kennan needs to be targeted?" he asked the team members.

Uzi gave his own feelings: "It's good to bring a weakness, it's not so easy to enter the field."

"The big dragon saw the wave, we watched Kenan, and just made a group in front of him. It's not that Xin Zhao sold well, we should have it."

"Yes, there is no need to ban Kennan, unless there are plenty of bans in the second round."

Get those thoughts out of your head.

Baijiao unified his opinions: "Play better in laning and team battles, let's see."

"How about the ban position? The next IG should be popular, so let's continue to grab Kai'Sa?"

"Do you need to grab Kai'Sa?"

Uzi was hesitating, "I can take Xia, but Xia is not easy to chase, it's better to let her go."

"It's okay, IG will rush. When they go to Nakanosuke, someone will take the hero to enter the field. Let's drive Kai'Sa and Xia, first grab Xia, force the opponent to take Luo, and then see how to match the lineup."

The incense pot is not very comfortable.

He felt uncomfortable in the wild, but his character was also conceited, and he felt that Ning Lao was around Rookie and TheShy, which was very disgusting.

"This one is for my nightmare, play a pig girl in the front, it's not easy to touch the back row."

"I'll limit the c position, you guys operate."

Xiangguo made a suggestion, and Bai Yueya frowned, "Xia doesn't go well with Mengmai Chong."

"I'm Kai'Sa, Wheel Mom, or ez. If you want to compete for resource groups, it feels good."

"it is good."

Uzi's retreat made White Crescent heave a sigh of relief.

He knew it was uncomfortable to play with the incense pot.

Zhumei's fault-tolerant group opening is based on pulling. IG has too many group opening points, and many big moves are used to interrupt IG's entry, instead of actively opening, which makes Xiangguo very unhappy.

Especially seeing Xin Zhao rushing in and pulling back, I feel that I am not as effective as Xin Zhao.

Just like what the players were worried about, the Shuanghe Crab plus the upper lane right had too much control over the wild area, and there were not many loopholes for Xiangguo to find.

of course.

Understanding belongs to understanding, and it is true that it is uncomfortable to lose.

Think of this.

White Crescent felt that if he didn't take Xia, but also wanted to ban the hero in the middle lane, he still had to fight for the resource group in the end.

It is different from RNG preparing to adjust the ban position and destroy the well-designed BP.

in the lounge.

Qin Ming encouraged: "BP is to restrict the middle lane, so that the jungle has enough energy to do things."

"I feel pressure on the next road, so let me tell you in advance."

"Okay, that's the point. If you don't use big cores in the bottom lane, the output pressure will be very high. If you use big cores, it will not be easy to make a sound in the early and mid-term. We don't need to pay too much attention to Uzi's development, we should play our own well."

when discussing these.

Ning's smile never stopped.

He has nothing to fear from the defeat of his opponents.He didn't think that Xiangguo was not good enough, he would send the rhythm, and he would go to the jungler to trouble him if he had no chance.

With such a mood.

Ning returned to the battle seat.

Knowing that the coach will grab the red side.

The first round of bans is over, Ning really wants to laugh——

RNG: Ice Girl, Enchantress, Jess

IG: Galio, Syndra, Kai'Sa

Seeing that RNG has banned Ice Girl and fully opened up and down heroes, Qin Ming knew that RNG still wanted to rely on the wild support to relieve the pressure and connect the matches.

for this.

He is qualified to say that White Crescent is not as understanding as he is.

"Single Chuxia, it is more difficult to take the initiative to exert force in the bottom lane. We ban Kai'Sa, and there are not many AD heroes."

Hear what the coach has to say.

The players are more confident.

What heroes can AD take? The two best ADs in 18 have already given their answers through the World Championship.

In addition, what heroes can be taken in the middle?Rob Ryze?
IG was asking in his heart.

Commentary seat.

Zeyuan understood this kind of BP in seconds: "Xia is still outside, RNG blue side, should we grab Xia and force Ah Shui to take other heroes."

"From the semi-finals to the finals, it is obvious to all that IG attaches great importance to Ah Shui's Xia."

The commentator feels that IG's BP is very good.

Other teams also need to limit the jungle hero pool, but IG has always liked to fight for line power, and there are not many stages for Xiangguo to play.

I have seen the scene of Xiang Guo biting the gold medal and Ning waving his hands in the Asian Games.

Looking at Ning Xiangxiang Guo again, Xiangguo always looks a little struggling, and the audience is a little bit embarrassed.

Short "teammate" career.

No match for line power.

IG's line-playing tactics are changeable, and they don't rely solely on technology.

It's different from what the audience thinks.

RNG grabbed Ryze and gave up the first rock sparrow.

They felt that the control chain of the rock sparrow was not stable enough. Although there were a few waves to lift, but most of the time, RNG always considered the stable relationship of the combo.

"IG got Shajatam."

"An extremely stable laning combination, Tamm of Missing, has a very good proficiency."

"The Sword Demon is outside, so RNG still doesn't consider taking it?"

"I found that the attitudes of the two teams towards Sword Demon are not enthusiastic."

For Qin Ming.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

The sword demon's entry is not easy to use the terrain, and it cannot be interrupted.To put it simply, Sword Demon is not good at standing up, and Q's stiffness means that it is not easy to pull formations. Unless it is a positional battle, it will not be considered.

Compared with Sword Demon.

Qin Ming is more willing to believe in TheShy's Daomei, Shuangen, Kenan, and vampires.The lethality of these heroes against the formation makes it easier to amplify the initiative.

RNG simply felt that the sword demon came out first and could not beat the sword girl.And the second round of banning Daomei, the intention is too obvious, IG may not give it.

The default is based on the development of IG's bot lane defense.

RNG snatched the barrel, ez.

"The wine barrel is not sure where to go, RNG Uenosuke can play with the barrel."

"Shake it up, fight IG, you have to shake it."

IG released the practiced moves.

The Czar is locked on the third floor, and Ornn and Sword Demon are blocked on the second round of ban.

In this way, there is a later guarantee.

"Take the Tsar? Somewhat unexpected."

RNG targeted Ueno in the second round, blocking Lucian and Xin Zhao.White Crescent felt that Nightmare flew in, and there couldn't be Xin Zhao stuck in the middle to confiscate the damage.

See RNG block their own heroes.

Ning felt respected.

"Come on, let the other side see our defense and sidelines."

Such tricks are suitable for playing RNG.

The fourth floor of IG added blind monk, RNG nightmare, and Gnar.Just like the script Xiangguo said, Nightmare went in to harass, RNG cut the formation into small pieces, and then used the auxiliary wine barrel and the small control kite in the upper middle to erode the position with ez.

How to describe it.

It's like three fan-shaped portals, squeezing each other forward, and it's not very easy for IG to open it alone.

Since it is not easy to escalate confrontation in the middle and lower levels.

Then exchange resources and make efforts in the mid-term.

The second one.

RNG standard sells incense pots and fights in groups, relying on nightmares to cover up their positions.

"It really is Qing Gang Ying."

"This Xiaohu has a big stage. As long as you don't directly face the Tsar, in team battles, IG Ueno will be watched by him."

"Yes, with Ryze's body, as long as he doesn't die in the first place, with Ice Fist ez by his side, Ryze can kite at will."

The lineup landed.

Good or bad, it doesn't matter anymore.

He thinks that Tamm can keep one core at most in team battles, and with Nightmare holding back the back row, his double cs can follow Gnar to fight slowly.

As for whether the players can prevent it?
White Crescent didn't dare to think about it.

He really can't help it.

Lucian, who appeared in the semi-finals of IG, made him very uncomfortable in the second round of BP.

If you don't ban Lucian, you don't dare to play weak heroes in the early stage on the road. You can only play with meat, but if you can play with meat, it means that the C-position output pressure is high.

Without Kai'Sa, if you don't play Xia, you must make up for damage on the road and give deterrence.

This is the dilemma of RNG selection.

final exchange phase.

Qin Ming warned: "Pay more attention to your position in the middle, and the opponent will definitely catch it. The difference lies in how strong they are."

When shaking hands with White Crescent.

White Crescent pinched the suit beforehand to wipe off the sweat from her palms.

He didn't want the opponent to know that they were under a lot of pressure, so he put on a very relaxed posture and didn't lose.

The lineup for both sides is as follows-

RNG (blue) Ryze, ez, wine barrel, nightmare, Gnar

IG (Red) Xia, Tam, Tsar, Blind Monk, Qinggangying
Qin Ming is not worried that the design of the team will go wrong.

No one knows how to occupy the middle and containment better than him.


Qin Ming, like Emperor Trump possessed himself, sentenced RNG to death with the most resolute gesture.

See it through his eyes.

RNG is not progressing enough, which is the biggest loophole.

On the contrary, White Crescent felt a little annoyed when he saw that IG had selected such a lineup.He has no idea about Qin Ming, but he thinks that IG's first move is a full charge, and the second one becomes a zero attack——

As discussed in the commentary.

Qinggangying, Blind Monk, who can rush in when the formation is not chaotic enough?
Touch Ryze or ez, or Gnar.

From this point of view, in the second game, IG gave up on taking the initiative to start a team, which he didn't expect.He thought that in the last 2 moves, IG would let the middle and wild make up the team. Who knew that the Czar and the blind monk were not "hard" enough to start the team.

Look at it this way.

IG's second style of painting has become more focused on containment and development.

There must be a line right in the middle.

But the barrel nightmare can be caught, let the czar push the line, and just look for more opportunities.This is the multi-stage control of Nakanosuke that RNG likes, and the czar is not easy to delay time like the ice girl.

Once you enter the game.

RNG gave the audience a surprise.

That's right.

They choose to invade.

The failure of the first attempt to enter the lower side does not mean that RNG gave up.

This time.

RNG appears more sophisticated.

They judged that it was impossible for IG to come out to play a first-level group. Since the body is shrinking, it is normal for the river grass to be blind.

Xiao Ming came out of the spring water very fast.

Come to the clearing, rush straight into the grass, and wait for your chance.

20 seconds passed.

No movement was seen at the pass, so the three of RNG squatted on the grass in the river, let Xiaohu go and confronted each other to find someone.

"RNG is going to invade the blue zone, and the IG duo is helping out. This wave has a chance."

"Consecutively designed a first-level team, RNG really wants to rely on this method to pave the way for the rhythm round first."

Said it long ago.

The more one likes to design a first-level invasion, the more he puts himself in a weak role.

If you can win if you develop normally, there is no reason to take risks.

And the first-level group.

I am most afraid of making mistakes, which will lead to the collapse of the original laning rhythm.Haven't played yet, half of the laning is over, this is the most uncomfortable way for players.

In the lens.

RNG waited until the blue buff was refreshed, Xiao Ming turned on the scan and led his teammates down, preparing to invade from the intersection.Xiao Ming is very detailed.

IG actually gave an eye at the pass, but no one showed up.


Ruiz leads the line of troops, eats the sand soldiers and launches a general attack, and moves closer to his teammates from the passage.

"I see, what should I say about this wave, Xiao Ming doesn't have any skills yet."

Just finished.

The wine barrel E flashed into the blind monk, and Ning knew that the explosion fruit was still there, so he quickly flashed to let the blue buff go.If he took a step slower and Ryze kept up with the controls, he would lose a lot.

of course.

Xiao Ming's resolute retention of people has another meaning, which disrupts Ning's gank rhythm.

Nightmare is not easy to catch people in the early stage.

The blind monk is likely to quickly go to the middle and top to force dodge, but if the blind monk does not dodge, there will be much more room for retreat in the line.

Finished the first one.

Although not discussed.

But Xiao Ming felt that if Ning was allowed to play comfortably, then the uncomfortable one would be the incense pot.Compared with IG's wild area allocation model, they are really not good at keeping the rhythm of the jungler all the time.

Think of this.

Xiao Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

The design of the first-level regiment was successful, forcing the blind monk to swipe the upper half, helping the nightmare to keep the crabs, and it is true that the bottom lane grabs the second node. This time it should be easy to find a rhythm, right?
Xiao Ming is still not so sure.

Change to before.

He will roar and add morale buff to the team.

But whoever let the opposite side have a head coach that he admires the most... Xiao Ming is afraid that the rhythm of the team will be seen through.

His worries were not without reason.

(End of this chapter)

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