Chapter 105 The Principal


On May [-]rd, the weather turned from sunny to cloudy, with some light rain...

When Fu Nian returned to the dormitory after lunch, he found Chu Zihang sitting in the living room watching the weather forecast.

There is seriousness in the dull eyes.

"Brother, aren't we in Chicago? What do you think of the weather in Detroit?"

Fu Nian took off his suit jacket and put it in his closet. Inside, two sets of suits of different colors were hung in the middle of the package.At the bottom there is a pair of exquisite handmade leather shoes lying quietly in the shoe box.

These are the two suits that Kiton customized for Fu Nian and the handmade leather shoes from Silvano Lattanzi.

"I may need to go over there to perform a task tomorrow."

Chu Zihang looked at Fu Nian at Fu Nian's door and continued.

"The things in the cabinet are what Caesar asked Susie to put in our dormitory. She has the key to our dormitory. Usually help me prepare some things, do you mind?"

"Of course, I don't mind." Fu Nian smiled.

"But brother, what did you say you were going to Detroit for?"

"Execute the mission." Chu Zihang repeated.

"But we just came back. Brother, we just had lunch..."

"The instructor has given me half a day to rest. It's a small task, and it should be over soon." Chu Zihang's eyes were full of indifference.

"This is labor extraction."

"This is mission training." Chu Zihang argued.

Fu Nian: ...

"Are you going? I can apply to the director. The director should be very happy." Chu Zihang looked at Fu Nian.

"No." Fu Nian shook his head rapidly.

He's not some stupid taker.

Maybe after the mission is over, stop for a while, he is interested in being with Chu Zihang.But this task has just ended, even if he has something to do with the dragon family this time, he doesn't want to go.

Xiao Zhailong must have the bottom line of Xiao Zhailong.

A dragon king already gave him a big head, and he didn't want to go out and step on shit luck again.

What is the best way to overcome fear!It's about facing your fears.

But he has no fear, so he doesn't have to face it.

"By the way, there will be a party in the student union in the afternoon. Your invitation letter and mine are all on the table. If you are interested, go and have a look. Caesar should be very happy to see you." Chu Zihang pointed The two golden invitations on the table said.

"I'll have an exam soon." Fu Nian climbed onto his little bed.Stretched comfortably.

What he missed the most during this time was the bed here.Like what he misses most when he leaves the tunnel is his crisps and TV.

"It's the principal's afternoon tea time. Take it easy, the principal is very kind."

"hope so."

Fu Nian looked up at the ceiling with a faint smile on his lips.

He is very satisfied with this task.

Maruko was taken to the research room of the college by the executive department. According to Manstein's answer, it was put into a sealed test tube and soaked in solution.

There is research material for the man in black, and she is not needed for what she is doing for the time being, and according to Manstein, the academy is planning to use Maruko to collect the physical combat parameters of the advanced Deadpool, and is preparing to revive her Drug.

Fu Nian was originally going to take a nap in the dormitory, but according to the time Norma sent him, the afternoon tea time arranged by the principal was at a quarter past four in the afternoon.

But to Fu Nian's surprise, he actually slept until 59:[-].Although this is reasonable, it still makes Fu Nian feel a little overwhelmed.

Looking at the empty bedroom.Brother should have attended Caesar's afternoon party.

After sorting out his emotions, Fu Nian got up and walked towards the principal's office.

There are still not many people on the campus at the moment, but Fu Nian can clearly hear the great momentum in the Norton Hall far away.

I'm afraid that all the students of the academy have gathered there.

Fu Nian thought to himself.


After passing the central library where Norma was, Fu Nian came to the building complex where the principal's office was located again.

This time was different from the last time, the direction when he came was a little bit shifted.However, this direction highlights the style of the principal's office.

This is a baroque complex of European free style, dynamic richness, strong colors, exquisite carvings, plus a wide lawn, a high-end golf course and a contrasting color of the purple bamboo forest on the other side.

Fu Nian's first feeling was as if he had come to a private estate in Europe.The servants here will respectfully lead the guests to a meeting, and then open a bottle of preserved wine to welcome the guests.

so good~
Fu Nian stretched out his hands, stretching his waist after a nap.

Facing the soft sunlight, Fu Nian's eyes fell on the French windows on the second floor of the building ahead,
There, stood a man wearing a black jacket with a very British style. He was like a gentle old-fashioned aristocrat. Under his flowing silver-white hair, his smile was very comfortable and brilliant. Like a refined and easy-going old man,
People can't help but want to go up and talk to him.

He slowly raised the wine glass in his hand, and the amber-colored original liquid collided with each other under his movements, blooming a rich fruity aroma, mellow.

In the afternoon aftertaste, all this is like an unfolding oil painting, which makes people can't help but sigh the beautiful meaning in it.

Fu Nian also responded with a bright smile.

Such an amiable old man, with such a sincere and kind smile, and an invitation to himself, how could he be unhappy.

Fu Nian took a step forward and pushed towards the exquisite door in front of him.

But under the shadow of the gate and the sunlight, the smile on the corner of Fu Nian's mouth gradually darkened.The eyes that were full of smiles just now gradually turned cold, and a deep and dark luster flashed in the pupils.

this man!

Fu Nian recalled the picture scroll he just felt.

Behind it lies an edge that cannot be concealed, just like a killer trying to cover up the blood on his body with rouge.

He is like a knife out of the body, with an unstoppable sharp edge.With the belief that you must die.

Oh no!
He is not like, he is!

Extremely dangerous! !
This is the Dragon King's most outstanding and keenest intuitive judgment on danger.

This is also the most precious relic left by Fenrir after he has set foot on the dragon battlefield countless times.Although the memory is no longer, even though the time is long...but the intuition that has been honed into the depths of the soul is extremely real.



Fu Nian went up to the second floor,

Go up to the second floor step by step.

At the corner, a hidden door was quietly placed there.

The room is as white as jade, with the gentleness of medieval nobles...

Fu Nian clenched the handle with one hand, pushed the door open and entered.

(End of this chapter)

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