I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 264 So, you die too!

Chapter 264 So, you die too!

"You are the Dragon King?" Fu Nian was taken aback.

Then he turned to look at Sakurai Kogure on the other side, "You are Ryoma."

"Who is that Jade General?" Fu Nian looked at the two opposite people in a daze. Did they use the chess pieces in the chess as their code names?
"Then do you still have gold and silver generals?"

Sakurai Kogure squinted his eyes and looked at the curious Fu Nian on the opposite side without saying a word. If it was a normal time and found someone invading such a place, Sakurai Kogure would choose to kill him immediately.

But now she doesn't.Not only because of the moment Yuanzhinv stopped her just now.

Rather, she also felt a very inexplicable suppression from the other party.This kind of suppression appeared from the moment the other party stepped into the room.Although the other party now shows a curious look.

But this still couldn't conceal the arrogance in his true temperament.

If he had to describe this feeling in detail, Sakurai Kogure felt that it was a kind of fear, an inexplicable feeling of wanting to escape from the bottom of his heart.Instinctively, she felt that the other party was very powerful.She needs to be treated with caution.

But there was one thing that made her very curious. As one of the few high-ranking members of the Ghost Clan, she naturally had a certain understanding of the Bajia of Sheqi.

Perhaps what appeared in front of her now was a relatively ordinary member of the Eight Snake Qi Family, and she needed to work hard to recall the faces that had been recorded in her mind.But he could still remember it after all.

But now when she saw the other person's face, she felt that she didn't have to try hard to remember anything at all. A hybrid with such a face is an extremely rare existence in the Bajia of Sheqi.

Yes is yes, no is no.People who have met once will probably not forget it for a long time.But now Sakurai Kogure is sure that she has never met the other party

Standing there silently, looking at the other party still waiting for their answer, an invisible pressure enveloped her heart for a while.

"who are you?"

Sakurai Kogure frowned suddenly and stepped forward with a resolute attitude, directly facing Fu Nian who was opposite.

For a moment, the feeling of oppression became stronger, and she could clearly feel that something in her body was trembling.

Fu Nian was taken aback, but what he didn't expect was that he was not only ignored, but also asked back.

He stared intently at the two people in the distance, trying to figure out how to answer this question in his mind.

If it was very simple, he could easily answer that he was an exchange student sent by the headquarters to the Sheqi Bajia. If the other party didn't answer his question, wouldn't he be very embarrassing.

I am an intruder who invades the enemy's interior. In other words, I am an attacker and a terrorist. Although this terrorist is pretended by the FBI, a terrorist must have the dignity of a terrorist.

If you directly ignore the gangster's question and ask who the gangster is, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the gangster to tell the whole thing obediently and truthfully?


Fu Nian looked up at the ceiling, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his face turned up at 45 degrees instantly faced Yuan Zhinv who was sitting on the tatami opposite.

Yuanzhinv's slender eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a trace of curiosity in the eyes and pupils.He was also curious about who the other party was.

"I'm here to kill you."

Fu Nian tried his best to present himself as fierce and fierce. He played the role of the king's arrogance and coldness.That's the acting in his true colors, naturally lifelike, and he doesn't even need to deliberately modify anything.

But it's different now. I'm a terrorist, and my opponent is also a terrorist. When a terrorist intimidates a terrorist, it's natural to act a little bit more viciously.

Fu Nian opened his mouth suddenly, trying to yell to pretend to be mighty,

But the moment he opened his mouth, something was wrong with him.The state of the whole person began to become serious, and he opened his mouth suddenly like a dragon, and the ejected golden pupils flickered in the room instantly.It was as dazzling as the sun suddenly appearing in the middle of the night in the middle of the night.

The calm and silent air instantly became chaotic, like a deep sea vortex appearing in the center of the sea,

The vortex screamed with a scorching and frightening dragon, and Sakurai Kogure, who was directly opposite in the distance, was instantly inspired by this power to have golden pupils, and the whole person instinctively pulled out the short blade at his waist to face the opponent They attacked Fu Nian, who opened his mouth wide.

But in the next second, a pair of hands that made him feel unusually gentle suddenly landed on her shoulders, pulling her behind him in the gust of wind around him.

Sakurai Kogure only felt that she was firmly behind the man, and the howling wind around her suddenly stopped, as if a thick wall blocked the cusp of the storm, and the man stood in front of her to block all the oncoming wind.

But Sakurai Kogure knew that the gust of wind had not stopped, because in front of her, under the man's thick crimson kimono, the skirt embroidered with flowers on the other side was swaying rapidly, just like the wind blown by the Yellow Springs River. A group of flowers on the other side, with a suffocating blood-red oppression in their swagger.

But that is the oppression of the wind.The man stood motionless in front of him. At this moment, Sakurai Kogure's pupils were so shocked that he looked at the shoulders in front of him, which were not considered generous, but the mountain-like figure in his heart was getting stronger and stronger. Hair grows taller.

Although she knew that the other party blocked herself in front of her, it was not to protect herself from harm.He is a man who looks very gentle, but in close contact, only she knows that this man is a very cold-blooded man who is indifferent to everything.So indifferent that he could abandon anyone in order to destroy the world.But this scene still made her emotionally complicated.

"This person is a bit strong, you are not his opponent, he left it to me, you go and let that guy give you the task." Yuan Zhinv's hoarse voice fell into Sakurai Kogure's ear from the floating skirt of the flower By the side, there was a man's voice in the open placket.

Sakurai Kogure knew what the man was talking about, but this was not a necessary reason for him to leave here. Although he was the most suitable person who could direct that matter, it didn't have to be him.

Especially in the current situation where a man encounters an enemy, as a subordinate, she must stand in front of the opponent, even if her strength is insignificant,

But if the other party wanted to fight the man behind her, he had to step over her body.He owns the world, but her world only has him.

Thinking of this, Sakurai Kogure braved the idea of ​​being taught a lesson by the man, stepped forward, and stood beside the opponent's shoulder in the slightly surprised eyes of the opponent.

"The operation has already begun. Please rest assured."

Yuan Zhinv frowned, looking at Sakurai Kogure who was trying to step forward again, trying to block in front of her, a trace of irritability suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"Stupid woman!"

"Please also allow me to die in front of you."

Yuan Zhinv's brows were furrowed together again.The whole person stared at Sakurai Kogure, the tenderness in the pupils finally dissipated at this moment during the struggle.Instead, it turned out to be hideous.

It was also at this moment that Fu Nian's "threat" finally calmed down.

Fu Nian let out a breath slowly.Looking at the other two, a man and a woman whose faces became ugly, they nodded inexplicably satisfied.

"Is it fierce?"

Fu Nian recalled the power he had contained in the air just now, and felt that as long as the other party was not a perverted super hybrid like Yuan Zhisheng, he could definitely be fierce to the other party.

And then the terrorists themselves...

While Fu Nian was imagining the other person's expression, the surrounding air gradually became stiff.

Fu Nian looked at Yuan Zhinv and Sakurai Kogure, who were looking at each other. They didn't seem to notice themselves, the intruder who had invaded their room.

The two looked at each other, with emotions in their eyes that Fu Nian could not understand.

Doesn't he seem to have no face as a terrorist?
Fu Nian pinched his chin and looked at Yuan Zhinv who was speaking slowly across the way.

"Since you are going to die in front of me, you should die here."

The ferociousness in Yuan Zhinv's eyes became more and more intense. The woman's eyes at this moment annoyed him very much, and made him very inexplicably think of the self who died that night. Didn't the original self also be like this? Are you looking at your brother?Do you look at the knife that the other party falls on you? !

"Your Majesty." Sakurai Kogure respectfully saluted Yuan Zhinv, but her eyes were full of unhesitating heat, like a moth flying into a candle flame.The only difference is that she is not a moth, but a colorful butterfly favored by God.

"I don't want your order. Stop him, wait for me to kill him and come back," Yuanzhinv finally snarled at the woman, he hated that look, he hated that look, it was the look of the weak, that look It's just a pair of dedicated eyes.

"Don't let me die!!" Yuan Zhinv looked at Sakurai Kogure and said every word.

The man who appeared on the opposite side made him feel inexplicably astonished. Although he was not afraid of the other party, even if the other party had just shown such a powerful strength, he was still not afraid of the other party.He has the confidence to kill the other party, but that kind of situation will take time.

He didn't want to waste time on such meaningless things, he still wanted to meet that man tonight, and then kill him.So this guy who appeared suddenly, he doesn't want to pay attention to it now.

Originally, he was going to give up on him, so Sakurai Kogure went to carry out the plan and went to see his brother by himself, this guy can do whatever he wants.It's never too late to kill if you find time in the future.

But this stupid woman annoyed him very much, and once he was annoyed, he didn't want to let anyone go!

So, go to hell too!
(End of this chapter)

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