I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 279 The outside is chaotic, and the opportunity to paint Liyi has come.

Chapter 279 The outside is chaotic, and the opportunity to paint Liyi has come.


"What's the mess outside?"

Xia Mi, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the screen and playing games, had his ears slightly turned up, and his whole expression was full of vague doubts.

Along with her, there was another girl next to her. The girl also raised her neck, and she was like a kitten standing upright, with her ears raised to catch the faint sound in the surrounding air.

It is indeed vague, the room here is different from the outside room, the outside room is used to block the sound with soundproof walls, but the room here not only uses soundproof walls, but also uses soundproof glass, using [-] centimeters thick steel alloy.

If it weren't for the conditions, Xia Mi would even think that the Bajia of Sheqi would use a vacuum to isolate this room from the sound of the outside world.

Do not allow a little bit of sound to reach any corner of the room.Even the small piece closest to the door.

A normal person, no, or even a super hybrid, would not hear the slightest sound from outside here.

But the two girls sitting here stretched their necks together, and listened to the sound outside with their ears sideways.
The voice was really weak, so weak that Xia Mi had to give up playing games to listen carefully.

But what she didn't expect was the monster of the Sheqi Bajia next to her, oh no, the little princess of the Sheqi Bajia would also prick up her ears with her.

It seemed that when he heard the sound outside, the other party also heard the sound outside.

On the screen, Long and Chun Li stood motionless in front of the forgotten waterfall. Off the screen, the two girls looked surprised like Alice discovering Wonderland.

What surprised Xia Mi was, why is there such a mess outside?

Should not be!

This is Genji Heavy Industries of Sheqi Bajia. According to the inspection intensity she observed along the way, where there is chaos, it doesn't look like there will be chaos here. Could it be that they are holding some kind of concert party?

The Sopranos still have this kind of benefit?

Xia Mi muttered strangely in his pupils, and the corners of his mouth were tender and thoughtful.

Thinking about it, Xia Mi's eyes suddenly fell on the red-haired girl who was keeping a synchronized expression with her.

After a short time of contact, the clever and clever Xia Mi quickly discovered that this girl was a girl who couldn't speak.

At the same time, she found that the girl's expression didn't seem very rich.

But the other party showed an expression on this kind of matter. Although it was only a little bit, Xia Mi was full of curiosity like a kitten.

"What are you surprised about? You seem to be very happy." Xia Mi squeezed his chin, turned around and thoughtfully faced the girl opposite.

The girl has a very delicate cheek. Against the background of the plain white kimono at the moment, she is always a flower fairy who does not enter the mundane world and does not step on the world of mortals.

But Xia Mi knows that as long as a girl changes her current clothes, she can also be a stunning, invincible and elegant woman, because she has such capital, a proud figure, delicate skin, especially her full hair. Hair that falls like a red waterfall.

She likes the girl's hair so much.

It's like the lava that floated around Constantine's body when his brother absorbed Constantine's fire attribute elements that day. They flowed slowly around his brother like water, between his eyebrows, at the ends of his hair, and finally flowed in every part of his body. In a strand of hair.

At that time, she sat quietly in front of him, looking at his closed eyes and his lava-red hair fluttering in the wind.

He fell into a deep sleep for two months, and she also quietly accompanied him for two months. Constantine was that time, and Norton was also that time.

Of course, this is something that Fu Nian can't know, and what Xia Mi doesn't want him to know, even if he wants to break the sky, it's useless.

The girl's attention was drawn back by Xia Mi, her eyes sparkled like a porcelain doll.

She quickly threw away the game console in her hand, picked up her small notebook, and wrote something quickly,
After finishing writing, the girl put the content directly in front of Xia Mi for a second, and in just a second, the girl stood up from the ground.

Staring at his feet, he ran towards a certain room behind.

Xia Mi stared blankly at the content on the piece of paper. Although it was only for a second, she saw the content on it very easily.

"It's messed up outside. Erika's opportunity has come. Erika is going to change immediately."

"Chance? What chance?"

Xia Mi stared blankly at the girl who opened the door in front of her and ran towards the inside staring at her feet. In the movement of the other party, the red hair behind her undulated like a large area of ​​red maple falling from the sky The flurry of dancing shocked Xia Mi's eyes.

Xia Mi shook his head, without the slightest hesitation, immediately threw away the game console in his hand, stood up from the ground after a while, and galloped behind the girl with his bare feet.

This room is different from the laboratory hospital where Xia Mi came to before. After following the girls across a long corridor, the room they are in is really a Japanese high-standard Japanese room full of ancient charm.

The reason for the high standard is that everything here is configured according to the highest standard, including the room in the lobby where she is now.

Every Zhangzi door, Zhangzi window, painted door, and even the beams covered on the wood are made of the best cherry wood here.Although the room was empty, Xia Mi could see the smell of money in the air with every small part that existed.

I'm afraid the cheapest one is the game console that Xia Mi just got.But this is also the latest limited-edition product released in Japan. It is a product that Xia Mi wants to buy but cannot be bought in physical stores.

This is a little rich woman, no, this is a small treasury! !

Isn't this richer than Fu Nian's dozens of rich women? ! !
Without the slightest hesitation, Xia Mi's rapidly stirring calf appeared behind Erika,
The sliding door was pushed again, and Xia Mi turned around.

The whole picture changes.

The scene in front of him is still a trail, and Xia Mi has encountered several such trails since entering here.

The floor is covered with wooden boards, and it is a little cold to the feet.

There are wooden sliding doors on both sides, and candles are lit behind the sliding doors, and the orange color casts shadows on the grid of Eri who is trotting in front of him.Invisibly adding a touch of warmth to the surrounding air.

The scent of white sandalwood wafted from nowhere, this trail should have appeared in that kind of old-style big house, and every wooden bar suspended above their heads was full of the smell of time,
The wooden floors are as bright as a mirror from years of scrubbing.Xia Mi's small feet of less than 36 yards were faintly reflected.

At this moment, Eri Yi's back is exquisite and embossed, and the plain white kimono blends with her skin as her running body twists and turns, like flowing water flowing in a mountain stream, clean and flawless.

She traveled through the grid shadows, like flowing water passing between colorful pebbles, moving forward naturally and without obstruction.

Xia Mi followed closely behind her.

Erika opened a sliding door and stopped in front of it.Looking back at Xia Mi who was following closely behind him, he pointed to the floor covered with tatami mats, probably signaling Xia Mi to sit there,

Xia Mi walked over obediently, sat down cross-legged, and looked up at Erika who didn't know why.

Erika turned around and walked into the back room.

In the middle of the room was a tatami mat, and on the tatami mat was a small wooden table. Xia Mi sat down at the table and looked around.

There is not much decoration on the plain white wall, only three statues hang, namely Amaterasu, Tsukiyomi and Susanoo.

Amaterasu stood in the sun, holding Yasaka Qiongquyu.Tsukiyomi stood on the dark moon, holding the Yata mirror.Susanoo looks like a boy, holding the ultimate sword "Amazono" in Japanese mythology, standing on the corpse of an eight-headed snake.

Xia Mi knew what an eight-headed snake was.It represents Yamata no Orochi in Japanese mythology.A monster in myths and legends, it is a giant snake monster that brings disaster,

Legend has it that it has a terrifying appearance with eight heads and eight tails, and even contains a legendary sword in its body.It ate Qi Inada Hime's seven sisters for seven years, but was finally beheaded by Susano in the eighth year.

Except for these three statues, there are almost no other decorations in the living room.
There are not even the white porcelain vases and pink flower arrangements that are common in Japanese homes, and there is no furniture. Miko costumes are neatly hung in the open closet.

Priestess clothes are special costumes for priestesses in Shintoism in Japan. They are mainly composed of muscular undergarments, white clothes, scarlet hakamas, and Chihaya.The muscular undergarment is equivalent to the underwear of the maidens, and the scarma is a red skirt wrapped around the lower body (similar).The whole set is made of red and white.

When Erika walked into the inner room, the door was not closed, and the inside was also in the same style, except that the tatami mats were smaller.The only thing that can be used to enjoy life is the huge LCD TV in the middle of the room.

This room is also stained with luxurious ancient charm. It is old and valuable cherry trees are everywhere.

If anyone has such a corridor in his home, it is something worth showing off to every guest.

But it shouldn't be Erika who can live in this room with peace of mind, but the old Buddha in a Buddhist temple, or a Taoist girl in a nunnery.

Such a quiet and alienated atmosphere is really not something ordinary people can bear.

(End of this chapter)

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