I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 421 "No, it's Fu Nian!"

Chapter 421 "No, it's Fu Nian!"


Tokyo Metropolitan Meteorological Agency
The researchers in the hall were stunned at the moment, and all eyes were fixed on the no-signal picture that turned into snowflake color again on the screen.
But the last picture reflected on the screen not long ago still stays in their pupils,
King Bai spread his wings from the crimson magma, and the principal was carrying Yuan Zhisheng's seriously injured and embarrassed figure on his back.

The sudden accident of the scourge system led to the serious injury of the principal Ange. Although the scourge system was launched on time at the critical juncture, the number of launches did not achieve the expected effect, and the power did not reach the maximum power of the scourge system. standardization,
In the event that the White King is not dead, according to EVA's initial calculation, the probability can be as high as 40.00%.

This kind of high-probability event is comparable to blindly guessing life and death by tossing a coin. This is equivalent to placing Angers' life, no, it should be said that the fate of the entire Japan, on the gambling table for a gamble.

Because after launching the sword of Damocles this time, the Skyscanner satellite carrying the Scourge system will pass by Tokyo, and it will not arrive until the next time it arrives in the sky over Tokyo, nine ten minutes later. The time, perhaps only an hour and a half for ordinary people.

But for the hybrids fighting dragons, every second of their time is a crucial battle that can determine life and death,

For King Bai, who is at the top of the dragon food chain, he can repeatedly destroy Japan four or five times in this one and a half hours.

That will bring about an unprecedented and devastating disaster.Humanity will suffer a crisis that has never been seen in thousands of years.

And what's even scarier now is that
The disaster has already formed. When the figure of White King Herzog appeared in the eyes of everyone, for everyone present in the hall, the disaster was irreversible.

At this moment, everyone has not completely recovered from the snowflake-like screen with no signal. The sound of the clock ticks along with the researcher's heartbeat.

"EVA," the vice-principal's voice came out of his mouth, and his pupils seemed to reflect the last scene of meeting Angers that just happened.I don't know what is going on in his mind at the moment.

EVA turned her head to look at the vice principal next to her, with a trace of doubt in her eyes, but at the moment EVA is very calm, it seems that as an artificial intelligence, even EVA whose body is not in Japan does not need to worry about the crisis situation at this moment.

But in fact, the current EVA is the group of people who are most worried about the development of the situation at the moment, and is also the only one who is most eager to load the calculations. Unlike them, this group of lunatics in Kassel College are worried about their own lives. However, EVA is worried about the whole dragon slaying business.

In front of her, there are countless pieces of codes changing crazily in front of her eyes, and instructions are issued one after another following EVA's authority commands,
The combat system of the Japanese Self-Defense Force, the missile system of the US military, and even the nuclear launch system located in the White House are being cracked crazily by EVA.

There is no order from anyone, and no order from anyone is needed. At this moment after Angers lost contact, EVA represents the entire Kassel Academy, representing the top combat power of the entire Dragon Slaying Secret Party. She controls the world The most powerful and abundant resource on the planet, her underlying orders will allow her to destroy the Dragon King's chance of resurrection at all costs.

any chance!

Even if these actions will sacrifice the top management of Kassel Academy in Japan!
EVA stared at the vice-principal, who was in stark contrast to the surrounding researchers, and even the perfect contrast to his previous self, without any waves in his eyes.

"Tell me, when all these iron rods fall on that guy's head next time, will this so-called god be sanctioned by God?"

The vice-principal poured himself a glass of tequila, and took a sip down his throat. The spicy stimulation made him more relaxed. The next moment, an almost unrealistic elegance bloomed from the corner of his mouth.If Manstein, who was familiar with him, saw this scene, his jaw would drop in horror.

He slowly sat on the sofa behind him, raised his knee on his right foot, and stretched out the sofa with one arm. An incomprehensible calm emanated from his cloudy eyes, and the slovenly face at this moment seemed to be difficult to become his disguise,
The wild western cowboy temperament was unscrupulously released on him. At this moment, the center of the room enveloped him in an instant. At this moment, he seemed to be the master of this hall.

The vice-principal glanced lightly at the fast-running EVA, waiting for the other party's answer.

"According to the data analysis and 3D simulation prediction, the power caused by the six swords of Damocles will reach a 120% destruction rate for the newly born god, and the power caused by the five swords of Damocles will still be It will reach a 90.00% destruction rate, although this probability is still very high, but now we don't have enough time to launch the scourge weapon."

EVA spoke in a calm voice, she didn't seem to be surprised by the vice principal's state at the moment.In other words, she didn't care about the vice principal's state at all.

The vice-principal nodded, then rolled his eyes, "Then what should we do?"

"Within the budget of the data, the power that a sword of Damocles can cause is comparable to that of a small nuclear bomb.

But this is only comparable to the level of a small nuclear bomb. According to the requirements of the "Abraham Contract", in order to conceal the real truth from the governments of all countries, the divine punishment system is our best and best choice at present.

But with the failure of the scourge system, what we are facing is a dragon king who can destroy the world. When human civilization can no longer be resisted by our mixed race alone, at this time, our secrets will no longer be important.

I am invading the nuclear missile systems of various countries. Once successful, Japan will become the main battlefield for the war between us and the dragon civilization! "

EVA speaks the most appalling words in the calmest language,

Translated, what she is doing now is to exchange the destruction of the whole of Japan for the death of a real dragon king!
But the vice-principal, who heard the voice, didn't feel too much panic. This result was something he had already thought about before he came again.

Risks and benefits coexist, and the same amount of risk must be accepted to bear as much profit as possible. This is the truth that he knew well when he was a cowboy.No one who has come from that era would have thought that it was as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Since this is the case, let's avoid future troubles forever. I will give you a place where you can send half of the nuclear bombs they have, and let them be destroyed together." The vice-principal made a bang motion, his eyes filled with joy .

But to the vice principal's surprise, EVA slowly shook her head,

Then he turned his gaze to the opposite screen full of snowflakes,
Before the vice-principal could make a questioning voice,
The screen suddenly recovered with a sneer.

The red flames spread all over the volcano, and the strong wind stirred up the fire vortex, blowing the surrounding rocks and rolling them around,
In just 1 minute, the red wells in the two places were completely different. The lava roared wantonly between the two places, and the earth trembled wildly in the aftermath of the earthquake. On the exposed surface, two figures were moving in step. going hard,
Suddenly, the old man who was standing in the center of the screen raised his head, still smiling kindly, even though the black suit was soaked in blood at the moment, even though the muscles on his chest were hideously blurred, even though the white hair on his temples was blown by the wind. Flurry,
But when the signal was connected again, the smile on the corner of Ange's mouth would become kind, and the confidence in his gestures made it impossible to see that this was a seriously injured old man.

"Old friend!" Ange stared at the screen and made a voice.

"Huh! You're not dead yet?" The vice-principal leaned forward in surprise, but the surprise revealed on his brows could make people think that what he saw was his long-lost brother,
"You old guy is still alive and well, how can I die first?" Anger propped up his body, avoiding the falling sparks from the sky, they descended like meteorites, what's worse, they happened to be attacked by meteors range circle.

"What happened on your side! This damned god must have started to destroy the world!" The vice-principal immediately noticed the situation on Angers' side, and his whole body was a little furious.He stood up from the sofa, his eyes filled with the intention of making an early plan.

"It's not as bad as you imagined," Anger thought of something and turned to look at EVA next to him, "EVA, are you ready to start a full-scale war with the Dragon Clan!" Anger's slightly hurried voice sounded, and now The situation is indeed a little anxious,
After the scourge system and its own dragon slaying plan completely failed, within a limited time, there was only one plan Kassel College could implement, and that was the bottoming out plan of destruction. He was an unscrupulous thug, in order to be able to kill Dragon, he will use all the power he can use, including destruction!
There is such a command among the underlying commands of EVA.This command does not require Anger's authorization, but once harsh conditions are triggered, EVA will actively start.

But now all the stringent conditions have been met.

EVA's super computing power has invaded the weapon systems of various countries, trying to completely destroy the Dragon Clan with nuclear weapons known to the world, but the price is also huge.

What's more, things are far from the worst.

However, EVA and the vice president of the Meteorological Agency were not clear about the subsequent developments. The volcanic eruption completely covered all the mountainous areas where Mount Fuji was located, making it difficult for satellites to detect what was happening here.

Coupled with the bursts of ionized airflow from time to time, the radio communication here has almost become a luxury, but relying on the residual energy of the Snake Bajia here, Angers successfully contacted EVA, so that EVA can Send the picture here to the Tokyo Metropolitan Meteorological Agency where the researcher is located,

Although the researchers in the Meteorological Agency are no longer of great use, the situation here is completely beyond the scope of scientific explanation, and even the existence in the myth has become the bottom of the existence in this battle.

But besides stopping EVA's actions, his other most important purpose is the night watchman.

He needs to let the old guy see what happened here, so that he can temporarily restrain this guy from going crazy.Angers believed in him, but never trusted him.

"Are you sure your side is not as bad as I imagined!" The vice-principal pointed at Angers, with sloppy eyes showing again, "Your side is about to launch missiles crazily, behind you!!"

The vice-principal suddenly pointed at the meteorite that fell from behind Angers, but at close range, he could find that it was not a meteorite at all, but a broken dragon scale the size of a fist. What burned on the dragon scale was the friction between dragon blood and air. severe high temperature.

Angers and Yuan Zhisheng are almost used to the vice principal's yelling and things falling around,
He pointed the almost shattered miniature camera in his hand towards the sky, and suddenly, the terrifying sound of air-conditioning sucked in the hall collectively.

The vice-principal, the researchers of the equipment department, and even EVA's face showed a hint of surprise.

Above the sky, two huge figures, one black and one white, were fighting crazily, like angry snakes entangled together, like white sharks of enemies under the sea, bloody torrential rain poured down from the sky, and the high temperature destroyed the already mutilated body. The earth has corroded dense deep holes one by one,
The vice-principal's eyes suddenly fell on the black giant dragon. He threw himself at the screen and roared loudly, "Where did he come from! Where did this big guy come from!!"

But without waiting for Ange to explain to him, the vice-principal laughed and pointed at the two giant dragons fighting together on the screen.

"But they fought."

"Yeah, they're fighting!"

The eyes of the vice principal and Ange suddenly met.

The two people in sight seem to have experienced a smooth conversation. Years of friendship made them understand each other's meaning in an instant.
"EVA! How long will it take for the Scourge system to start up next time!" Angers said.

"There are still eight and 10 minutes." EVA's not-so-optimistic voice sounded.

"Eight 10 minutes! Is it really possible?" The vice principal hesitated, frowning as he stared at the two giant dragons who were frantically fighting in midair.

"Now is not the time to hesitate!" Angers said. "I need to go back and preside over the overall situation immediately!"

"Principal, our rescue specialist has already rushed to Hongjing 2 minutes ago, I believe we will find your location soon." EVA's concerned voice sounded.

"Already set off?" Angers frowned, "It's Kaiser and Chu Zihang." In Angers Japan, they were the only commissioners that Angers could think of.

When he came, he went out alone, and he didn't bring any commissioners, and the executive commissioners in Japan were even less pitiful, and the only few were guys who knew Angers well.

"No, it's Fu Nian!"

(End of this chapter)

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