Chapter 425

"Hurry up, hurry up, the ceremony is about to start, if you slow down a bit, you might not be able to squeeze in! Look how lively it is over there..."

A child in a hurry yelled at the companion next to him.Then he opened his legs and continued to squeeze in front of Genji Heavy Industries.

At this moment, in the internal shrine of Genji Heavy Industries.

Kneeling in front of the dressing table, Uesugi Koshi was dressed in a neat and dignified black pattern kimono. His pale hair was tied into a bun on the top of his head. On his chest, the Uesugi family crest was embroidered with bamboo and sparrow. His eyebrows were pressed down, and the beard at the corner of his mouth was covered The man was clean and cool, and just sitting there, the majesty exuded made all the attendants in the hall dare not speak loudly.

They bowed their bodies and wore kimonos quietly back and forth behind Uesugi Eshi, preparing for the work before the ceremony.

On the contrary, Uesugi stared at himself in the mirror more absent-mindedly.

The old wrinkles are intertwined on his face like an old tree, and time flows on him like water. He still remembers the last time he sat in front of the dressing table so solemnly and was manipulated by a group of gorgeous makeup artists , It was almost a sixty years ago, when he first became the head of the Sheqi Bajia family.

At that time, he was only in his 20s, and he was at the age of ignorance and enthusiasm. Now, in the blink of an eye, time flies by.Fate played a big joke on him.

He who had been expelled from the family once again sat in the position of the patriarch of the family.

When he participated in his own succession ceremony again, Uesugi Yue's inner emotions were extremely complicated.

But the only difference from last time is that,

During the last succession ceremony, he was really confused about everything, he knew only a little about everything, he was pushed to inherit the throne, and he was pushed to live...

But this time it was different. He knew what he was doing now, what he wanted, and what he wanted to do in the future.

In the past, he made a mess of the family in this position, and he may make the family even more confused in the future.

But he didn't care about these, as he did back then, fame and fortune had no effect on him, the reason why he sat in this position was entirely to repay the kindness of those two people.The kindness of Fuze's children.Everything else has nothing to do with him.

He had already bought a plane ticket to France and would leave as soon as the coronation ceremony was over.

You ask Uesugi what to do when he leaves Sheqi Bajia?
Uesugi Yue will definitely look at you with contempt, and then reply, "None of my business!"

"come here."

Suddenly, Uesugi Yue, who had been staring at the mirror, seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes fell on a young man with gold-rimmed glasses in the mirror.

The crow hurried forward and walked to Uesugi Koshie's side, and saluted the other party respectfully. Of course, this respect was not because of the other party's status as the patriarch.

Two days ago, when Crow heard that Yuan Zhisheng was about to abdicate and Uesugi Koshi was about to become the head of the Saki Hachi Family, he and Yasha had been resentful for a long time. If Sakura hadn't stopped them,

He and Yasha are going to talk to Uesugi more and more with their fists.

But after Sakura told him about the battle between Uesugi Koshi and Yaki Orochi in the red well, the crow's attitude turned 180 degrees in an instant.

Then he became Uesugi Koshi's unswerving follower until his death.

Of course, he didn't succumb to the prestige of Uesugigoshi's record, but Sakura also told Uesugigoshi and Minamoto's relationship.

He is Yuan Zhisheng's retainer, Uesugi Yue is Yuan Zhisheng's father, so in the eyes of the crow, Uesugi Yue is his father, and his father becomes the head of the Sheqi Bajia again, so he will naturally be the first to agree!
"Master, what do you think?" Crow said that he did not have such respect for his father.

"Where's your young master? Didn't I ask you to take good care of him? Why did you come to me?"

After the sword of Damocles fell at Kassel College and the White King incident ended, the seriously injured Yuan Zhisheng was sent to the hospital for treatment.All the housework of the eight families of Sheqi fell to Sakurai Kogure of the fierce ghosts.

"Young master..." Crow complained silently from the bottom of his heart, Yuan Zhisheng's injury was almost healed when he went to the hospital, two days had passed, and his injury was already almost healed.

But this is not the point he wants to tell Uesugi Koshi,

The crow hesitated for a moment. Originally, he wanted to tell Uesugi Yue about this matter after the ceremony, but Uesugi Yue found the crow out of the crowd in advance. After thinking about it, the crow said,

"Master, those people from Kassel College are already preparing to leave, and the young master is sending them off at the airport."

"Cassel College, you mean that old guy in Angers?" Uesugi Koshi's face showed some contemplation. He had just seen a group of them an hour ago, and he specially asked the ghosts to remind his Dragon King to be on guard against this An old rascal with no morals.

But what he didn't expect was that an hour later, they had already arrived at the airport in Tokyo.

The crow nodded, and then continued to add, "You don't have to worry, you have seen the young master's injury yesterday. Simple actions are not serious, and there are Yasha and Sakura by the young master's side, so you don't have to worry about it." How worried."

Uesugi nodded his head more, even so, his brows were still frowning together. "Is there anyone else here?"

"There are also some people from the Ghost Crowd." Crow hesitated for a moment and continued. He still has some taboos about the term "Foul Ghost Crowd".The executive bureau and the fierce ghosts have been fighting for so many years, and it is not a reconciliation that can be reconciled by the high-level reconciliation of both parties.

But to Crow's surprise, Uesugi Yue seemed to be not shy about anything at all, but a little excited.

"Who are the ghosts?"

"It's a woman named Sakurai Wanko, with a group of fierce ghosts who seem to be called Yamagumi. I heard from Sakura that they are elites from the fierce ghosts..." Crow muttered.

"Yamagumi?" Uesugi Yue raised his brows suddenly, which surprised the makeup artist who was doing his makeup. With a retraction of his wrist, he stopped the operation that almost made a makeup mistake.

But Uesugi Koshi's movements disappeared, and his face turned directly towards the makeup artist's eyebrow pencil, and his long eyebrows were connected together.

The makeup artist froze.

But Uesugi Yue didn't care about these things at all, he was a little excited and stared at the crow.

The crow doesn't know what the mountain group means, but Uesugi Koshi, who knows more about the authority of the throne than the crow, knows too well what the mountain group means to the demons.

Those are the Dragon King's personal guards, each of whom is a hybrid with extraordinary talents and outstanding means, and even in the near future, they will completely evolve into the Dragon King's personal guards.

Uesugi is relieved now, their appearance means that nothing will happen, Uesugi is a little worried about Angers, but now that the Yamagumi appears at the airport, it means that the two distinguished There is bound to be one among people.

He can handle his affairs with peace of mind.

"Among their team, is there a beautiful girl who is about 1.6 meters tall and likes to wear goose yellow clothes, with a particularly outstanding temperament?" Uesugi Yue asked Crow casually.

"A pretty girl, the kind with a lot of temperament?" The crow showed a trace of doubt in his eyes, then hesitated and shook his head.

Uesugi Koshi was not in a hurry, "Is that a man who is close to 1.9 meters tall, with a charming and handsome face?"

"A man who is kind of demon, but also very handsome?" Crow was full of doubts again. The first person he thought of was Kazama Ruri, but when he thought of Kazama Ruri as Yuan Zhisheng's younger brother, that was Uesugi Koshi's second son. Son, how can Uesugi Yue not know who his son is?
So the crow shook his head again,

This time, Uesugi Yue was taken aback.

But the crow hesitated for a while and said again, "I haven't seen the two people you mentioned in the ghost crowd. The leader of the ghost crowd seems to be the woman named Wanzi Sakurai, but the man you mentioned Girl, I saw it among a group of people at Kassel College.

Their names are Fu Nian and Xia Mi, and they are exchange students who came to our place a few months ago. "

"Cassel College!" Uesugi Yue was surprised!He used to think that Fu Nian and Xia Mi were commissioners sent by Kassel College, but a series of subsequent events let him know that this was impossible.

But to his surprise, looking at it now, what they said at the beginning seemed to be true.



Tokyo Haneda Airport.

Black Mercedes were parked in the parking lot two streets away. At the gate of the airport hall, Snake Hachiya Executive Bureaus in black suits flocked in. They stretched from the entrance steps to the airport. airport check-in,

During the period when the disaster subsided and the order was just restored, this place became the most lively place in Tokyo. A large number of staff and citizens rushed here from all directions around.

But now they are all quietly watching the men in black appearing here on a large scale. No one dares to speak loudly. Citizens who are familiar with Tokyo know their identities. In Japan, besides the government, there is a hidden army Underworld forces, their power is overwhelming, and their methods are astonishing. Even the Japanese government has to show some face when facing them.

The citizens retreated one after another as the black team spread towards the distance, and they set their eyes on another group of people at the end,

It was the same group of people who attracted people's attention, but they were different from those gangsters who wore black suits to give people a strong deterrent and made people afraid to go forward. The ticket inspectors were talking, and the atmosphere in the air was like a field of rapeseed flowers blooming in the spring valley.

But this field of rapeseed flowers is being quickly hit by the hurricane that is rolling up behind them. The citizens close to them are booing carefully to remind them. Even the beautiful girl who is checking the ticket hurriedly speeds up her movements, as if to let them leave here and board the plane quickly.

"You haven't read my information yet?" Fu Nian took the girl who stamped her ID card in doubt, and reminded softly with gentle eyes.

"Hurry up! They're coming! Hurry up to the security guards, I'll delay you." The girl quickly gestured to a large group of men in black who were approaching behind Fu Nian with her eyes, her fingers trembling in fear.

"Security? Why are you looking for a security guard?" Fu Nian looked at the girl opposite with puzzled eyes, and then turned to look at the man in black who was rushing in from the hall.

He knew the leader of the men in black, the man with the machete and the shotgun, if he remembered correctly, he should be called Yasha.The girl next to Yasha with an outstanding figure and piercing throwing knives in her waist is called Sakura.

As for the handsome guy with a windbreaker behind them, surrounded by a group of broad-waisted and strong men, with a long knife on the left and a short blade on the waist, his eyes are imposing, and his face is handsome and heroic, he is even more familiar.
His name is Yuan Zhisheng, and if the other party agrees, Fu Nian really wants to call him brother.After all, they were born and died several times, went up to the volcano and down to the deep sea, and their friendship is indestructible.

Fu Nian didn't understand that the girl checking the ticket would think that this group of people came to trouble him.Although they all hold steel blades, submachine guns in their belts, and tattoos on their skin...

But look at their grateful, gentle eyes. Standing with them, you can definitely be regarded as a family, and then call yourself kindly,
"elder brother,
What are you thinking! "

Xia Mi poked Fu Nian's navel lightly with his fingers, staring at the corner of Fu Nian's smirking mouth, with a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

Fu Nian quickly reacted, "It's okay, it's okay. I was a little excited when I saw them see us off."

Xia Mi stuck out his tongue out of boredom.

"I'm wondering if it's possible that Yuan Zhisheng and I are friends." Fu Nian quietly lay next to Xia Mi's ear, and said softly.For Xia Mi's question, Fu Nian has always said as much as possible.

As soon as Fu Nian's voice fell to the ground, Xia Mi's eyes became weird, staring at Fu Nian's cheeky face.

He sighed helplessly,

"elder brother."


"Tell me, who are the emperor's friends?"

"The emperor's friend?" Fu Nian thought for a while, "The emperor?"

"What else?" Xia Mi continued to ask.

"It's gone." Fu Nian thought.

"Yes, the emperor's friend is the emperor, then..."

Before Xia Mi finished speaking, Fu Nian suddenly thought of something, put his index finger on his chin and said suddenly, "There are also eunuchs, the emperor seems to be able to be friends with eunuchs."

Xia Mi's face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Then I'll help my brother turn Yuan Zhisheng into a eunuch...!" Xia Mi turned around and walked towards the passage where he came.

Behind him, Fu Nian suddenly pounced on his food, grabbed Xia Mi's sleeve with one hand, and blocked Xia Mi's waist with the other.

Chu Zihang and Kaiser on the side looked suspiciously at the two people who were muttering and then suddenly moved. They looked at each other, both a little dazed.

"Is the Snake Hachika really kind enough to send us away?" Caesar turned the topic to Yuan Zhisheng who came from him. Although the crisis of the White King in Japan has been resolved, the original problems in Japan have not been resolved.

The fact that the Sheqi Bajia separated from Kassel College and became independent was due to the serious injury of Angers and the dedication of the Sheqi Bajia in the White King incident, as well as the fact that the Sheqi Bajia's own goals and Kassel College did not What substantive conflicts arise.

Therefore, Ange did not interfere too much in this matter in a short period of time, and prepared to leave after saying hello.

But I didn't expect that the Eight Snake Qi families would come to send them away at today's succession ceremony of the head of the family.

"Looking at the situation, it should be. The person here is Yuan Zhisheng. In our previous contact with him, we should be able to find that the other party has no resistance to our Kassel College. This time, it should be purely to see us off. , after all we have paid so much in Japan.”

Chu Zihang raised his head and glanced at Angre who had already walked towards Yuan Zhisheng.

Although the other party is now wearing a neat flowered vest and a handsome gray suit, it looks energetic and dashing, but only they know how serious the principal's injury is.

Angers and Yuan Zhisheng are not quite the same, Huang has super recovery ability, Angers does not have, Yuan Zhisheng can walk normally and appear at the airport, it does not mean that Angers can do the same.

When we go back this time, the medical staff of Kassel College will probably have to conduct another inspection on the principal...

Suddenly, just as Chu Zihang's mind kept jumping in associations, his eyes suddenly fell on someone in the crowd.It's like hooking some giant fish on a long fishing line.

Chu Zihang's eyes straightened instantly.

Then the whole person was nailed in place like a nail, and the trembling in his eyes made Caesar instantly alert.

 Thank you [Canghaiyue 1000] for the [-] point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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