I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 434 The Leaked Fingal

Chapter 434 The Leaked Fingal

Fu Nian knew that Xia Mi was talking about the incident on the plane.

The mixed-blood species will not produce any speech spirits that can control the dragons. Their speech spirits are all inherited from the dragons, and the ranks among the dragon clans all rely on blood. Create a word spirit that allows slaves to control themselves.

So everything Anger said on the plane didn't have any real meaning, but the blind spot of the knowledge of the dragon race by the mixed race allowed them to see this existence as possible.

But even so, Xia Mi didn't think that Ange would really think so. An excellent decision maker might use illusory reasons to confuse his subordinates, but he would never hypnotize himself with groundless guesses.

As the leader of the mixed race fighting against the powerful dragon clan, any decision he makes is walking on thin ice. Once some negligence is missed, they who have always been at a disadvantage in strength will be under tremendous pressure, and the consequences will definitely not only He suffered it alone, and it would even bring disaster to the entire mixed race.

So under Xia Mi's deliberate design, when Lu Mingfei's face was exposed to the vision of the mixed race, Xia Mi had already expected the reaction that would appear.

But Kassel College's pursuit of Lu Mingfei was eventually suppressed by Anger. Even with Fu Nian's understanding, Anger did not even notify the school board of the incident.

This also allowed Xia Mi to see that there was a vacuum of interest between the school board and Angers.The independent dragon-slaying intent of Angers existence.

"But what is Anger thinking? Why does he want to protect Lu Mingfei under the Kassel Academy?" Xia Mi shook his head and looked at the blinking stars in the sky.

Under the consciousness of thinking, Xia Mi thought of the figure that appeared behind Lu Mingfei back then.

"Will there be a connection between them?"

"Who?" Fu Nian couldn't understand what Xia Mi was saying.

"Brother, do you still remember the state when you were fighting with Lu Mingfei?" Xia Mi's eyes fell on Fu Nian's.

"Remember," Fu Nian nodded, "It's as tyrannical and ferocious as a dragon, and it doesn't look like a human at all. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes several times, I couldn't believe that Lu Mingfei, who is usually cowardly, would have such a status. But this is also normal, the power of dragon blood is not something humans can bear. The price and power are equal."

"No, Lu Mingfei is not the same as ordinary mixed races. How many times have you seen him?"

"Three times, he noticed it once when he first entered the academy, then when he was fighting Norton, and the last time was on the coast of Kobe, Japan." When Fu Nian said this, a coldness flashed deep in his eyes.

"Has the brother seen that person?"

"That person? Who?"

"A little boy who hides in the dark and doesn't want us to see his face." Xia Mi shook his hair, "It seems that he is avoiding his brother on purpose. If he didn't show up that time, I might have overlooked it His presence."

"Show yourself in front of Xia Mi, why?"

"Of course I was attracted by my plan, and I feel sure to take me down." Xia Mi stretched out his arms, and his crystal fingers lightly brushed Fu Nian's cheeks, "But he miscalculated, Xia Mi is not On the surface, it looks so easy to bully, because I have an invincible brother standing behind me. Isn't it?"

Xia Mi stared closely at Fu Nian's pupils,
Fu Nian also stared at Xia Mi, but what was revealed in his eyes was not intimacy and love, but deep worry.

"What happened last time Xia Mi was too risky." Fu Nian's voice was a little low.

"Risks come with rewards. Without that battle, we would not have been able to usher in the remains of the White King."

"Don't let that happen again." Fu Nian stared at Xia Mi seriously.

"Try your best." Xia Mi chuckled.

"No! It's for sure!" Fu Nian frowned.

"Hahaha, brother is still cute when he's serious."

Fu Nian didn't say a word, but there seemed to be a gloomy and heavy vortex converging in the depths of his pupils, and the relaxed face with a simple smile became serious at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xia Mi's smile froze.

The next moment, the serious aura around Fu Nian began to change, as if a steel-like throne was condensed behind him, and the majesty of the king penetrated outward from the gap in the pupils.The black pupil light was replaced by gold.

Even the dark clouds above the sky are frantically gathering, they roll into a vortex to cover the shining starlight, and the gloomy thunder is brewing in it.

Norma, who was in the meeting room of the Hall of Valor, looked at the screen behind her suspiciously.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, do it, do it, definitely!"

Xia Mi hurriedly moved his body to hug Fu Nian's neck, his eyes filled with deep sorrow.

"Pull the hook!" There was a pause in the surrounding movement, and Fu Nian spoke seriously.

Two fingers, one big and one small, are hooked together.

"Have fun!" Xia Mi murmured.

Her voice pierced Fu Nian's bulging ball like a sharp awl, and the dark clouds in the sky dissipated faster than when they condensed.The expression on Fu Nian's face softened visibly.

But in the golden pupils that hadn't completely dissipated, Xia Mi turned his head and became vicious. He pinched Fu Nian's neck, gritted his teeth, and shook his head vigorously.

"You useless idiot, do you know what you were doing just now? Do you know that Kassel College is worrying about not being able to come to your door! You did it on purpose!"

"Same... If you agree, it counts, cough..." Fu Nian's trembling voice burst out.

"Forget! Forget! Forget your size!" Xia Mi angrily stirred the top of Fu Nian's head.The whole person wanted to bite him hard on the head.


"Where are we talking?" Misa Xia stared at Fu Nian and asked after finishing her breath.

"The little boy next to Lu Mingfei." Fu Nian said weakly.

"Yes, little boy." Xia Mi tidied up his clothes. "His existence is very strange. It always makes me feel like a kind of eloquence, like an illusory and unreal existence. The image is just a dream." Xia Mi Mi's voice paused.

"Dream?" Fu Nian lightly pondered over the word, this,

"Is it possible that that little boy is Lu Mingfei's twin?" Although Fu Nian is still unclear about Lu Mingfei's identity, he knows that the other party must be a dragon king, otherwise the battle between him and Lu Mingfei would not be so difficult .

Xia Mi didn't answer right away, but nodded after thinking for a while, then shook his head again, "Yes, but not entirely."

"Because I still feel a very vague feeling on him..." Xia Mi hesitated for a while.Even she didn't seem particularly sure.

"You can feel the smell of Supreme." Fu Nian said softly.

"Yes." Xia Mi nodded, "How does brother know?" Xia Mi was a little surprised.

"I feel it too, but the power is not strong."

"But it's unlikely. The timing is wrong. No one can change its resurrection. If it's really him, there's no reason to cooperate with a human being." Xia Mi wondered.Few things bothered her, but this one had been on her mind for a long, long time.

"It's not clear yet." Fu Nian knew that the person Xia Mi was referring to was Angers.

"He must be planning something. I went to get to know this man specifically. A man who has an absolute hatred for dragons will never tolerate a dragon appearing in front of him and remain indifferent, just like a fresh fish in front of a cat. Temptation The smell will penetrate thousands of miles through the wall through the sewer, and seep in from every crevice of its pores,
If it happened, it must mean that there is a greater temptation for him to resist his temper.

He can bear his temper, and we should be able to bear our temper even more.I really want to see what kind of thing can make him plan for a long time on Lu Mingfei. "

"Then Lu Mingfei?" Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi. "Lu Mingfei has a great growth potential. When he played against Norton last time, he was far from being as strong as when he played against me." Fu Nian reminded.

"I found out, but Brother Lu Mingfei can't touch him yet. On the contrary, he must protect him. He is not only the key to Angers, but also the cause of the Odin incident." Xia Mi gently rubbed the center of his brows,

"I don't know what this guy Odin is trying to do. The development of the matter is temporarily missing a key clue, and it hasn't surfaced yet."

"Is it possible that Lu Mingfei or the little boy behind him went looking for Odin in order to grow up?" Fu Nian asked.

"Maybe, but the reason can't be all of this. Odin is far from being as simple as his brother appears on the surface,"

Fu Nian scratched his head in distress.

"But brother doesn't need to be so distressed. Although Lu Mingfei can't move yet, if brother has the opportunity to meet the little boy behind Lu Mingfei, or see him indirectly, brother doesn't need to control himself. I need to figure out what he is doing. What kind of existence is it?

Lu Mingfei is in the state of a human or a dragon, and his elder brother should be able to tell the difference better than Xia Mi. "

Fu Nian nodded.

"Oh, by the way, I remembered about Odin. When I was on the viaduct, I found a small detail. It's not a small detail. I saw a movement of Chu Zihang."

Xia Mi frowned slightly.

"The battle scene between Odin and Lu Mingfei actually left more than that. The senior brother also found a broken mask. It was only the size of a palm, but the senior brother didn't seem to report this thing. I also pretended not to see it." Fu Niantan Spread your hands.

"A broken mask?" Xia Mi thought for a while, "Is it the kind of mask we've seen before?"

"Yes, and it looks like it's seriously broken. Otherwise, I wouldn't be too impressed with this matter." Fu Nian said.

"Do you feel any different for your brother?" Xia Mi continued to ask.

"No, it's like picking up a stone from the ground. If I hadn't mentioned it, I would have almost forgotten about it." Fu Nian said seriously.

"Yeah." Xia Mi nodded slightly.

It seems that he has noticed this matter, but he doesn't seem to care much.

The two stood quietly in the row of chairs, listening to the occasional laughter and laughter in the distance, an inexplicable loneliness spread from the depths of the purple bamboo forest.

Xia Mi seemed to feel the coldness, and approached Fu Nian with all his strength.

Fu Nian also reached out and hugged Xia Mi's shoulders tightly, and the two of them silently used each other's company to fight against the loneliness from time, as if they were nestled in a cave.

For thousands of years, they are still like two lone wolves lost in the wilderness, unable to find the desolation of the desert, but fortunately, they guard each other...



"Friga bullets, replace them with Friga bullets!" Fu Nian reminded Fingel, who was putting brass bullets into his Desert Eagle.

"We are here to arrest people, not to kill people."

Finger, who was in a hurry, raised his head and looked at Fu Nian in a daze, "But will our Friga bullets be effective against dragons?"

"Can ordinary brass bullets penetrate the dragon's defense? The Desert Eagle in your hand is a standard 0.44 Magnum pistol bullet. They can barely penetrate Deadpool's dragon scales."

Speaking of Fu Nian, he also mentioned the palm of his hand and took a closer look, "The Desert Eagle in your hand is still a unified standard on the market, not the enhanced wild version of the equipment department. It is a little weaker in power. It may hit the dragon scale. Not even the ability to retreat."

Fa Fu Nian has a certain degree of understanding of the guns of Kassel College through frequent mission attendance since enrollment.

"So even if you fill it with bullets, it won't have any practical effect but will affect the citizens. It's better to load it with Friga bullets."

"It makes sense." Fingel stared at Fu Nian suddenly, "The younger brother is indeed the elite among the elites of our academy.
I heard that last time someone single-handedly rescued the principal and the head of the Saki Hachi Family from a crisis, Yuan Zhisheng,

That person is you, Junior Brother. Fingal's eyes twinkled with stars.

"Oh, let me just say, old man, don't be modest, junior brother, I've seen it all,
You are one person with one knife, with the bullets on top and the volcanic tsunami on your shoulders. You go in and out among tens of thousands of dead waiters. The knife goes down to a two-meter long ditch. Throwing away the helmet and armor, pissing the shit out of the way, abruptly cutting a bloody path out of the army, carrying the headmaster on his back, and carrying the head of the family back to the base like a god..."

Fu Nian stared blankly at Finger who was making up nonsense and bragging about himself, and looked at Chu Zihang on the opposite side and Nuo Nuo on the other side who was packing his luggage in a moment of bewilderment.

Nuonuo raised his head and looked at Fu Nian, then glanced at Finger who was about to lick his tongue on Fu Nian, and silently rolled his eyes.

Doglegs can be found everywhere, but there is only one king of doglegs.

"Junior brother, you have to protect me when you arrive in China. I heard that Lu Mingfei has a big mouth, five heads, more than a dozen pairs of eyes, and his claws are three meters long. With a single swipe, he can move the earth." Make a crack, my weak body can't stand his ravages." Fingel's burly body rubbed against Fu Nian vigorously.

Fu Nian held his chest with one hand and couldn't move.

"Isn't Lu Mingfei your roommate? Don't you know what he looks like and his virtues? The only thing you have a good relationship with is wearing a pair of pants. He will hurt you?!" Fu Nian retorted,

"No, Junior Brother, listen to me tell you a shocking secret, I have already discovered that something is wrong with Lu Mingfei,
It's just that the back of being weak and without a backing made me dare not speak out.I was humiliated for this, and today he defected to our academy, and I finally have the opportunity to speak out! "

Everyone looked at Fingel curiously, even Chu Zihang, who was sitting on the sofa wiping the village rain in the distance, cast their eyes curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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