I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 441 Godzilla crushes King Kong

Chapter 441 Godzilla crushes King Kong


"Where did so many deadpools come from?!" Nuonuo's eyes fell on the rearview mirror,
Behind Fingel who was running wildly, a series of black and burly figures appeared at the end of the corner. They were nearly [-] meters tall, and the muscles on their arms and calves were twisted and ferocious.

When Nuonuo's eyes fell on their almost terrifying thighs and upper arms, the calmness in their eyes was replaced by seriousness after all. Those monster-like guys could rival Fingal's thighs in terms of arms alone, and their dancing thighs were even more impressive. Like the limbs pulled from an elephant, the steel-like pitch-black scale armor all over the body made a trembling sound of gold and iron clashing in the strong wind, staring at a pair of beast-like golden vertical pupils, exuding the tyranny and ferocity of the dragon clan. cruel.

Every time they stepped on the ground, the ground trembled, and Fingel, who was running away desperately in front of them, was completely like the difference between a wolf and a homeless dog.

"Don't abandon me, Junior Brother, they are about to bite my ass~, ah, don't come here, ah, mom..."

Finger's screams behind him were louder than screams. Lu Mingfei, who was driving the RV, had a frown of hesitation. The friendship between Finger and Finger in the past echoed in front of his eyes, even though he was chasing himself now. The main force, but the one who understands waste is often another waste. Lu Mingfei is still very clear about whether Finger can pose a danger to himself.

Just as he was about to step on the brake and clutch,
Nuonuo, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, stepped on the accelerator, and the RV rushed towards the distant suburbs at a faster speed with a bang.

Lu Mingfei stared at Nuonuo in surprise,

"Don't look at me with such eyes that you think I killed your good friend. If you have time, you should quickly open the suitcase you got and see if there is anything useful in it." Nuo Nuo spoke quickly Extremely fast, the movement of the hand is also faster,
She crawled over Lu Mingfei's back, and controlled the steering wheel with her slender hands along his shoulders and elbows. Then Lu Mingfei curled up and straightened up to complete the transition from the driver's position to the co-pilot.

Nuonuo tossed her red hair, stepped on her high heels, and suddenly turned the steering wheel in a circle, and the RV rushed towards a remote road.

Lu Mingfei, who was in a hurry, was suddenly affected by the sudden turn, but before he could react, he felt the back of his neck being grabbed by a soft but firm force.

This process was like a dream for him. In a trance, he seemed to feel that the wound on his thigh had burst open again, but he had no time to take care of these things. Lu Mingfei quickly pulled out a big suitcase,
This suitcase appeared in his car inexplicably, no, it should be said that it was in the car he borrowed.

I thought it was something Shao Yifeng put inside, but from what Nuonuo said, it seemed that she specially prepared it.

He quickly unzipped the suitcase,

At the same time, he suddenly heard the familiar screams coming from his ears again. Lu Mingfei looked in the rearview mirror and found that Finger appeared behind them again at some point. clinging to the tail of the RV,
Lu Mingfei suddenly glanced at the speed of the RV on the dashboard, it was 140 miles.

He turned his head and glanced at Fingel in the rearview mirror, his eyes widened in horror as if he had eaten something terrible.

It was only at this time that he noticed that Fingel's thighs were as deep as bronze, as if they had been plated with bronze water. The dense dark green blood vessels and green muscles were intertwined together, and the two fan-like feet seemed to be no lower than them The wheels of your RV turn slowly.

He waved his two big arms, his mouth was hemmed and hawed by the strong wind, but that miserable face really made Lu Mingfei feel for the first time that it didn't match his image of Finger.

Is Fingal, who can race against cars running at full speed, still a waste?

For a moment, Lu Mingfei felt a sense of grievance of being betrayed.

"Why are you in a daze, they are about to catch up!" Nuonuo gave Lu Mingfei a sidelong glance.

Lu Mingfei immediately saw the Deadpools chasing after Finger. Although they were not as fast as Fingal, their speed was unimaginable compared to ordinary Deadpools.
No, it's not just their speed, Lu Mingfei believes that these Deadpools' strength will also be able to crush ordinary Deadpools, otherwise the scales supported by muscles would not be too wasteful.

He quickly flipped through the suitcase to find useful things inside, but the next second, Lu Mingfei was stunned.

Staring at the spoons, chopsticks, forks, pots and pans, panties, blue panties, gray panties, bodice, blue bodice, gray bodice, earth-colored bodice embroidered with sea turtles...

Lu Mingfei stared in astonishment at Nuonuo who was concentrating on driving, wriggled his throat twice, and didn't know what to say for a while.Is Nuonuo already ready to wander the world with him? It's just Nuonuo's favorite color...

Nuonuo glanced at the trunk, frowned subconsciously, then picked up the sundries covered with one hand, and flipped it inside quickly,

Stockings, gray stockings, sweaters, down jackets, vests...etc.

Under Lu Mingfei's overwhelmed gaze, a huge suitcase was filled with men's and women's clothes, clothes of all seasons, and even the other party carefully thought of their scenes in the severe cold winter and the scorching sun,

But there is nothing that they can use now.

Even the only piece of electronic equipment, only a small mobile phone inside,

That was the first generation of iPhone, which is almost as confusing as an antique now.

"What is this, Norma!" Nuonuo also asked a little irritably towards Norma who was still in the pocket, and glared at Fingel who was waving his limbs behind him along the rearview mirror.

The Yinglan screen lit up from Nuonuo's pocket, and under Lu Mingfei's surprised eyes, Norma's voice reappeared in the air
"This is a mobile phone that cannot make calls. It does not have the function of intervening in any communication network, but I implanted my core data in its memory."

"Your core data?"

"It can run my logic library, so it has the same way of thinking as me. There are several core commands in this logic library to protect Lu Mingfei. Because they cannot be updated online, these commands cannot be rewritten. On your way to escape , it will help you."

"That means we have to follow this guy's guidance and escape?"

"Yes, I have already stored the escape plan in its database."

"That means there is another you in this phone."

"Yes, I will continue to help Lu Mingfei," Norma paused,

"Once my underlying commands are modified, I will go all out to hunt you down. I'm not sure this little guy will be able to defeat my body. After all, I can call any processor in the world to work for me, and this little guy All the guy can use is the computing power of a smartphone."

"Don't talk about whether you can defeat yourself or not. The most important thing is for Norma to solve these deadpools." Lu Mingfei yelled in horror.

Staring at Deadpool who was getting closer and closer to them.

The embarrassed Fingel desperately tried to grab their last straw.

"They're already here." Norma's calm voice sounded.

"They?" Lu Mingfei, who hadn't noticed it, hurriedly looked around, "Who are they!"

In the next second, the whistling sound of motorcycles appeared in the ears of the two of them.

The roar of a retrograde motorcycle engine appeared on the road in front of the RV.

The two faces of Fu Nian and Chu Zihang, which were so familiar to Lu Mingfei, appeared in the dark shadows. They did not know when they had appeared in front of the RV. In the range of the headlights of the RV,

The two of them straddled the heavy motorcycle at the same time, the four pairs of dazzling golden pupils could hardly catch their edge even under the bright headlights, the leather windbreaker made a hunting sound in the wind,

The distance between them and the RV is approaching extremely,

Almost in the blink of an eye, Lu Mingfei had reached the point where he could clearly see the eyelashes of the two of them.

But Nuonuo did not slow down the speed of the car at all, and the two people on the opposite side also maintained an extremely forward posture.

Lu Mingfei's heart began to beat wildly, he was really afraid that the two heavy motorcycles would collide violently in the next second.

This scene is no less than a tragic traffic accident.

The distance between the two cars became closer and closer, just as Lu Mingfei subconsciously wanted to hold his head tightly,

Nuonuo suddenly turned the steering wheel, and at the same time, Chu Zihang, who was driving the locomotive, turned the steering handle at the same time.

The huge black motorcycle tires rubbed violently against the ground, and the splashing sparks began to burn the patterns on the tires.

Under the precise control of the two, the two cars passed by at an extremely fitting angle.

Lu Mingfei heaved a sigh of relief.

But before the anger was completely calmed down, there was a shrill scream from behind,
"Ah! God damn unlicensed driver, you are going to kill me!" Fingel's screams reappeared in Lu Mingfei's eardrums again.

Lu Mingfei quickly stretched out his head to look outside, only to see the motorcycle and Fingel pass by,

Then under the control of Chu Zihang, he rushed directly towards the opposite Deadpool.

At this moment, Fu Nian suddenly stood up from the car seat.Bowing his body like a tiger, he stared at the oncoming Deadpool.

Suddenly there was a commotion from the group of dead servants, but the commotion turned into a crazier tyranny in the next moment, and they rushed towards the heavy locomotive with even more brutal killing intent.

"It's now!" Fu Nian roared suddenly.

Chu Zihang's hands that were gripping the handlebars suddenly loosened, and the motorcycle under him rushed towards the group of dead waiters like a red-eyed bison.

The huge backlash threw Chu Zihang out, and Fu Nian who was behind him hugged him, and the two of them were thrown out on the road.

Lu Mingfei, who witnessed this scene, let out a horrifying scream. He was going crazy. The power carried by the locomotive charging at extremely high speed was measured in tons. That kind of power could crush a car into a ball of paper in an instant. same shape.

The two of them will also be impacted by this gravity when they fall from the car, that is to say, Fu Nian and Chu Zihang are colliding with an extremely fast locomotive.

Lu Mingfei couldn't imagine the consequences of this situation.

Although he has been wanted by the academy, in Lu Mingfei's memory, this is just an absurd thing after waking up.His feelings towards his senior brother are still very cordial.

But when he appeared in front of Lu Mingfei in the next second, Lu Mingfei became astonished,

Fu Nian and Chu Zihang fell hard to the ground, rolled over and got up from the ground, then stood up like two people who had nothing to do.

Deadpool, who was in a frenzy, rushed towards the two of them in an instant.

Then something even more shocking happened.

The Deadpool, who was nearly twice as tall as an ordinary person and had a body like a giant steel elephant, flew directly towards the crowd ten meters behind him under Fu Nian's fist.

Lu Mingfei's eyes were wide open, and even Nuo Nuo who was beside him frowned.

In the next second, Fu Nian jumped up on the spot, opened his thighs and blasted the two dead waiters around him out.

If it wasn't for the fact that Chu Zihang next to him used Murasu to fight a dead waiter normally, and even showed signs of being suppressed by the dead waiter in terms of strength,

Lu Mingfei almost thought he was watching the Godzilla and King Kong battle in a sci-fi blockbuster.

No, it's Godzilla crushing King Kong.

"Fu Nian!"

Chu Zihang suddenly pulled Cun Yu away from Deadpool's sharp claws, and the Deadpool on the opposite side gave him a completely different feeling from before.
Although the body of this Deadpool is much larger than that of ordinary Deadpool, and the muscle stock is also stronger than normal Deadpool, but the power it possesses is exaggerated.

That kind of feeling made Chu Zihang feel that he was not fighting a creature, but a huge truck.

He absolutely cannot continue this kind of battle for a long time.

and so!
Chu Zihang's golden pupils burst out a crimson crimson of lava.

Fu Nian's whole body began to be permeated by the rising wind force.

"Yan Ling! Jun Yan!"

"Speaking spirit! Dust-free land!"

The crimson flames spreading outward from the middle erupted in the group of dead servants.

Lu Mingfei looked at this scene through the rearview mirror in horror,
Nuonuo stared at the viscous black curtain in front of her with a serious expression and said nothing.

"He...they are so strong." Lu Mingfei said.

"Fu Nian is a bit strong..." Nuonuo said rarely, but her voice was directed at Norma who was still on the phone.

Norma hesitated for a moment, and said,

"Since the academy keeps Fu Nian's fighting ability a secret, the students' concept of Fu Nian is still limited to the fighting ability at the time of enrollment, but I need to make you more vigilant now. The S-level of the academy is beyond your imagination. He and There is a qualitative gap between the A-levels. Coupled with Professor Manstein's series of intensive training programs, Fu Nian's strength is far beyond what ordinary mixed races can match."

"But I haven't seen when he left our sight? Could it be that the action missions arranged by the academy for him are all fake?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"No, his mission in the executive department is real. The reason why you have the illusion that you haven't spent a lot of time in intensive training is because his learning ability is really outstanding.

It usually only takes half a day for the professor to train a three-month course for an A-level commissioner.During this period of time in the academy, he has already mastered Muay Thai, Sanda, Karate, Jujitsu, but remember, his most outstanding ability is actually Chinese martial arts, and Japanese kendo.

If possible, in future pursuits, try to avoid fighting him head-on.Because no one in the current executive department is his opponent. "

Nuonuo lowered her head silently.

Lu Mingfei clutched his shoulders in horror...

(End of this chapter)

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