I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 452 The Severely Injured Chu Zihang

Chapter 452 The Severely Injured Chu Zihang

Fu Nian followed Chu Zihang and walked cautiously to the stairs on the second floor of the room on the other side.

The decoration here is really luxurious. When Fu Nian took off his shoes and put on slippers at the door, he saw the carpet on the floor. Like walking on the beach in summer, the delicate particles are soft and elastic, which makes you feel happy, and the magnificent color matching brings a bright and warm atmosphere.

Although it conflicts with the atmosphere in the room at the moment, it can't hide the fact that it is using its body to give an intimate massage to the soles of these beautiful aunts.

The pair of slender feet with red nail polish stomped around randomly, and one of them happened to appear on the instep of Fu Nian wearing slippers.

Fu Nian's forward movement suddenly stopped, looking at Chu Zihang's unaware back.

In Fu Nian's terrified eyes, he was pulled by a miscalculated force in the next second, and then his body crashed into a soft body. The circled neck drilled in, before he could react,

Another slippery finger stretched out from nowhere and clenched Fu Nian's right hand, and his body was stunned again.

Then in the action of pulling forward and pushing back,
Left Left... Right Right
Fu Nian held hands, exchanging left and right feet and stretched forward to dance the rabbit dance,
He was horrified to find that his talent was able to keep perfect synchronization with a group of beautiful and strange aunts, and then his eyes looking for help turned to Chu Zihang who had already reacted.

Go Turn Around...Go Go Go Left Right
Fu Nian half-pushed and walked around with the beautiful strange aunt. The soft body around him made him seem to be trapped in the cotton balls all over the room. He didn't even dare to lower his head in the European-style swing of a group of low-cut aunts around him, but just looked up. Looking down at the ceiling.

Chu Zihang grabbed Fu Nian's neck, who was advancing, and pulled him outward. The reason why he didn't grab Fu Nian's arm was because Fu Nian's arm was already entwined with pink arms.
Chu Zihang didn't dare to use too much strength, otherwise the scene would be overwhelmed in an instant, with slippers flying all over the place.

But it was good that Chu Zihang didn't show up. Once he did, arms surged from all around like vines and spread towards Chu Zihang's neck.These nervous aunts didn't seem to open their eyes when they danced. They swung their arms up and down vigorously, and when they sensed that someone was falling behind, they pulled them in.

But Chu Zihang was different from Fu Nian's bewilderment. He seemed to be very experienced and used various methods to avoid these arms in just a few seconds, and then rushed towards the stereo that was playing music in front of him.

The sound that enveloped the surroundings disappeared in an instant.

The aunts who were jumping around looked around blankly, with pairs of blank eyes showing in their disheveled hair,
"What about the music?"

"Did something happen?"

"Xiaoyan, is the stereo in your home broken again?"

One by one, soft and panting voices came from different directions.

But before they get an answer,

A weak and embarrassed male voice rang out between them, "A... Auntie, can you grab it lightly, your hand... your elbow is about to bend."

Fu Nian's expected response of embarrassment and retreat did not appear,

The beautiful aunt who opened her eyes from the messy hair looked at the man who suddenly appeared next to her, her eyes widened suddenly,

"Ah!" In a high-pitched voice, the shoulder car from rough judo suddenly rushed towards Fu Nian's abdomen, which was unstable in the center of his right hand. The seemingly soft shoulder burst out with a force that Fu Nian could not resist. Fu Nian's body was crushed. The whole body was raised horizontally, and then an over-the-shoulder fall was slammed hard and landed on the carpet.

Fluff flying.

Fu Nian lay blankly among the "aunts",
In each of his white and tender feet, he experienced things that he could not even imagine in his life.

As he fell on the carpet, he didn't suffer any substantial damage to his back, but the insult brought by this attack was like a missile launch.

I am the majestic king of the earth and the mountain, but... unexpectedly!
"The wild man from there! How dare you break into our Seven Immortals Pavilion without authorization, sisters, kick me!" A soft female voice sounded viciously from above Fu Nian,
Among a group of bare feet gathered, Chu Zihang rushed to the wall, turned off the colorful rock lights around him, and the incandescent light covered every corner of the living room.

The bright action made everyone pause.

"He's handsome!"

Chu Zihang's speech was fast and simple,
But there's no denying that it works.

"Handsome guys can't do either! Handsome guys just... wait, handsome guy?" A group of old aunts backed away in a hurry.

"Xiaohang!" At the same time, Su Xiaoyan turned her head to look at Chu Zihang because she heard a familiar voice.
When she saw Chu Zihang's familiar face, Su Xiaoyan hurriedly squeezed out from among the aunts, threw herself in front of Chu Zihang, and kissed fiercely.

"Mom, there are people around..." Chu Zihang said obediently,
"It's all your aunt. When you come back, why don't you tell me, so I can call to pick you up."

"No need, mom, I came back with my classmates this time. I saw you playing with the aunts, so I didn't want to disturb you. It's just that there was a little accident..."

As he spoke, he walked to Fu Nian under the surprised gazes of the aunts,
The two stand up hand in hand.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Fu Nian who stood up. They had always envied Su Xiaoyan for having a handsome son, because in the circle of wealthy women in the city, there had long been a handsome and outstanding Chuzi Airline ranks first in the list all the year round.

It can even be regarded as a rare honor to be so affirmed among the rich women and aunts who are picky and like the new and dislike the old.

But what they didn't expect was that the man standing next to Chu Zihang was no worse than Chu Zihang. Even amidst Chu Zihang's well-behaved performance, Fu Nian's bright smile that always hung on the corner of his mouth made them look more. glance.

Under the spotlight, one person is refreshing and clean, and the other is handsome and tall.

Sure enough, good people can always come together with good people no matter what.

All the aunts looked at the two obedient children standing in front of them with admiration, but they didn't know if they would have such expressions when they witnessed the cruelty and ferocity displayed by the two during the mission not long ago.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I was really not..." Fu Nian bowed his waist and explained to the aunt who just threw him over his shoulder,
"Oh, I know, it's all a misunderstanding. I have such a good relationship with Xiaohang, how could it be the villain's."

Fu Nian blinked and glanced at Chu Zihang next to him,
Chu Zihang turned his head to look at Su Xiaoyan, "Mom, remember to rest early, then we will go up first."

"Well, when are you leaving? I'll inform my aunt to prepare breakfast for you tomorrow."

"Stay at home for a few days." Chu Zihang nodded gently.

When Fu Nian and Chu Zihang disappeared completely at the end of the line of sight on the second floor, the eyes of the aunts reluctantly moved away from their backs.

"Xiaoyan, which college in the United States did our family Zihang go to?" A beautiful aunt with fine lines and waves ran up behind Su Xiaoyan, hugged her hollow waist, and stuck her chin in the clavicle asked.

"Why, Ling Dang, is it because your Mr. Chen can't satisfy you now?"

Before Su Xiaoyan could speak, an aunt who was half kneeling on the carpet spoke first,
"Get out! Your old king doesn't spit!" Ling Dang rolled her eyes at the other party, and then in Su Xiaoyan's blank eyes, hesitated for a moment before slowly saying, "The main reason is that our girl is not about to graduate from college. Well. Girls are very demanding, and generally they don't like them, and they are all in the United States, so they exchanged a contact information with each other, and there are mutual cares in foreign countries, don't they?"

"What, isn't your little one supposed to be a sophomore this year? If you want to put it this way, my niece has already gone to high school and is at the age to talk about marriage..."

"It's a coincidence, my niece is also in the United States. She is only in junior high school now, if possible, can Yanyan arrange it too?" Another female voice sounded.

"Hey, there's me, there's me, my daughter has already graduated from kindergarten...if it's possible..." Seeing everyone getting excited, an aunt lying on the sofa rubbed her eyes with red eyes and couldn't stop the brakes. The sound is like a husky jumping in.

"No!" Everyone stared at her in unison.

Fu Nian heaved a sigh of relief. Standing behind the door of the bedroom on the second floor, he had the illusion of standing on the roof of an MLM building. He looked at Chu Zihang who was taking off his upper body clothes with a little fear.

"Just get used to it." Meeting Fu Nian's gaze, Chu Zihang shrugged helplessly.

"Being too good is sometimes a burden. It seems that senior brother worked very hard in the past." Fu Nian shook his head helplessly.Walking behind Chu Zihang, he hung the leather windbreaker he took off on the hanger next to him, and then took out a pack of bandages and a pair of scissors from Chu Zihang's luggage bag.

To be honest, Fu Nian feels that he is actually out of touch with this society. He has received education from the elite level of this society since he entered Kassel College. They are gentlemen and polite, at least on the unfamiliar surface. You deserve and have sufficient respect, which made Fu Nian get used to the distance between people.

"It can't be considered hard work. The aunts appreciate us. Whether it is the attitude towards the elders or the feedback of gratitude, I should respond to them with enough sincerity. And what they want is just that."

Chu Zihang sat on the edge of the bed, straightened his back, put his hands on his knees and looked ahead.

Fu Nian tilted her head and looked at the serious Chu Zihang at the moment, a certain nerve in her heart was suddenly touched.

He didn't say a word, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, looking at the shirt that was left on Chu Zihang's body and what was hidden inside the shirt, and frowned.

After hesitating for a moment, he got up again, went to the cabinet next to the bathroom and found a snow-white bathrobe.

Fu Nian spread the bathrobe on the side of the bed, and then glanced at the locked door to confirm that no one would come in, then grabbed the shirt behind Chu Zihang with both hands, and suddenly,

Under the torn white shirt, strips of scotch tape wrapped around the back were exposed in front of Fu Nian.
Fu Nian frowned, staring at the black and red wound in the scotch tape, "Senior brother, you are too risky!" Chu Zihang used scotch tape, the kind used to seal cardboard boxes, What's worse is that there are corporate logos printed on it, and they are tightly wrapped around Chu Zihang's chest and back.

Chu Zihang stared at the familiar bathroom door in front of him without saying a word. At that time, he was blown out during the battle with Lu Mingfei and hit the highway fence. The huge penetrating force caused the broken steel column to be inserted directly into it. Chu Zihang’s back, but because the situation was more urgent at that time, he directly let the steel pillar break in the wound, put on a windbreaker to cover his sight,

Afterwards, Norma needed him to help the executive department evacuate from some hidden corners of the city. When they returned to the hotel, Chu Zihang simply used the tape that he could use to prevent the wound from worsening.

After Norma confirmed the news, Chu Zihang decided to take care of the wound. It was also at this time that Fu Nian learned the news of Chu Zihang's injury.

"Be patient!" Fu Nian knew that the wound could no longer be dragged on. No matter how long it took, the thing would really grow together with the flesh.

Fu Nian tore off the tape. Although he handled the movements with fine strength, the soft back squeeze still tore through the wound that had just healed, and the blood flow rolled down toward the spine like a stream.

Fu Nian wiped off the blood with toilet paper, and pinched the wound with his index and middle fingers at a good angle.

It was a piece of thick green steel, the size of two finger joints, and none of it entered the body. On the outer end of the steel piece, Fu Nian saw traces that could be cut off manually. It should be Chu Zihang. When dealing with the wound alone, it was directly cut off in order to save time.

While Fu Nian was pulling out his fingers, large swathes of black and red blood flowed outwards. Chu Zihang gritted his teeth tightly, the roots of his teeth pressed against his facial muscles, making his face a bit hideous, but there was something in those red eyes. There is always a determined and unyielding look.

Under the layer of separation between them, the joyful atmosphere among the aunts began to release again with the dancing music.

"Open your mouth!" Fu Nian growled!
The veins in Chu Zihang's temples suddenly bulged, and his tense jaws burst open like a heavy stone door.

Fu Nian's arm instantly appeared in Chu Zihang's mouth.



The spray of blood splashed all over Fu Nian's cheeks, and at the same time, the crushing force of the falling tank came from his left wrist.

Chu Zihang's teeth were biting on Fu Nian's arm. The sharp pain of the steel sheet tearing his flesh and blood made him lose his strength almost instantly. His vision was pitch black, and his vision slowly recovered after half a minute.

Fu Nian held a piece of steel with one hand that was as long as his middle finger. Black and red blood drops were hanging from the steel point and dripping downwards. This was almost an attack that penetrated Chu Zihang's body.
The force of the attack not only threw the bodies of Chu Zihang and Raymond four or five meters away, but also directly broke the steel fence that could stop the large truck and inserted into the body.It was enough to show the horror of Lu Mingfei's attacking power at that time.

Fu Nian put the steel blade on the blood-stained bathrobe beside him
After he sucked the blood carefully with toilet paper, he inserted the disposable syringe into the deltoid muscle of his upper arm,
Inject the tetanus vaccine,
Then wipe the wound directly with an alcohol cotton ball,
While it's tantamount to another cut in the wound, there's no better antiseptic in your home medicine cabinet than alcohol.

After staining all the alcohol swabs red, the wound stopped bleeding.Fu Nian applied Yunnan Baiyao ointment on a piece of gauze, pressed it on the wound, and wrapped it around his waist with a bandage...

(End of this chapter)

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