I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 455: Xia Mi in the Battle

Chapter 455: Xia Mi in the Battle


"Mom! I won't go! Aren't you giving me a blind date in disguise!"

A girl was sitting in front of the dressing table irritatedly, rubbing the lotion in her hand on her face indiscriminately, and then rubbing it vigorously on her fair and tender face, as if she was venting the irritability in her heart with the action of her hands.

She was wearing a pink pajamas, with fluffy hair hanging down her shoulders and on her chest, the midday sun poured into the room through the closed curtains,
The yellow halo projected the room very warmly. The girl in the mirror was very beautiful. Although there was no gentle and quiet feeling between her brows, it carried a kind of stretched nature, like a flower blooming in the warm summer. Unrestrained red rose.She must belong to the very lively kind of girl.

"So what if it's a blind date? How old are you? At your age, your father and I are already married, and your brother can already walk..."

"But I have a boyfriend!" the girl said stubbornly.

"You mean that foreigner who uses perfume to cover up body odor?!"

"Mom, that's body odor. Jones just has a lot of body odor in summer!" The girl corrected again dissatisfied, "You can't just see his shortcomings, he is very handsome, he is also very good, he is not only like our college computer The head of the department is also the chairman of the student union of our college, besides his excellent grades every year, he is also a taekwondo underworld...!" The girl listed the advantages of her boyfriend.

"Then can you bring it home? You are going to be kidnapped abroad, we only have your daughter, if you go abroad, what will we do? Do you want your father to abandon the connections we have worked hard here for decades?" Go to that unfamiliar overseas place! Huh..." Mom started to cry as she spoke, pointing at the girl as if she was going to hang herself.

The girl waved her arms irritably, staring at the crying mother in front of her, her whole blood pressure would always be aroused by Wuming at this time,
"Then I won't abandon Jones, I will definitely not go on a blind date today, even if I kill you!" The girl roared into the air.

The mother saw that the soft and hard moves did not have much effect on her daughter, so she stopped crying, and her voice became stiff immediately.

"You have to go today whether you want to go or not. What about Jones, what kind of handsome guy, isn't there any handsome guy in our country? Your brother is no worse than your boyfriend."

"That's my brother! Do you want me to marry my brother!" the girl roared.

"For example, let me give you an example! Your brother Chu Zihang is better than your brother, why is his aesthetics not good enough for you?!" The mother's voice was louder than her daughter's.

"What's the matter...what's the matter..." In the atmosphere of flying around, a lazy male voice came from the door. With a different kind of charm.

"Then you should find someone who can match Brother Chu Zihang, who among those you showed me before can compare to Jones!" The girl ignored the brother who suddenly appeared, and her voice became louder point.

The boy covered his ears dissatisfied. "Xiao Ning, you almost knocked off the roof."

"This is absolutely possible!" The mother ignored the son who appeared, and patted her chest confidently.

"You guys lie to me like this every time!"

"Mom won't lie to you this time. I really won't lie to you. I have a picture."

After talking, my mother opened the photo album on the phone and clicked on a video.

"What photo, let me see, let me see." The boy moved to his mother.

"Damn it! This guy is so handsome. Although he's not as good as me in terms of temperament, he's more than three points." The boy said exaggeratedly, "Hey, isn't this Chu Zihang? This seems to be their house. "

"Yes, it's the classmate who came back with Chu Zihang. He also came back from the United States. If he can play with Chu Zihang, he won't be far behind. Let's go and see, this girl is really... "…" Mom let out a sigh.

"Xiao Ning, this one seems really good." The boy moved to the girl with his mobile phone, "Take a look."

"I won't watch! I will definitely not go today, no matter how good he is, I will never go!" The girl turned her head away.

"Oh, look, don't you just find it embarrassing? If you think it's appropriate, brother will go with you and help you hold the stage.
Brother has so many years of rich experience in the student union, and I have never seen any outstanding talents. Don't worry, I will help you with the rhythm and aura on the field. "The boy patted his chest.

The girl glanced at her brother hesitantly. Although this guy may be suspected of talking big, he is indeed very good.

Seeing her daughter's reaction, the mother immediately felt that there was something going on, and hurried forward to agree.

But it's fine if mom doesn't open her mouth. When mom opens her mouth, the girl instantly resists.

"I won't go! I won't go even if I'm killed!"

But the mother stretched out her hand and put the video in front of her daughter, and the girl turned her head again struggling.

At the same time, the sound of the video sounded at this time,
This is the scene when Fu Nian met the "enthusiasm" of the aunts that night,

The video was taken by an aunt among Su Xiaoyan's girlfriends, and then showed off to another friend, who shared it with another friend's friend, until the video was transferred to Aunt Liu,

Aunt Liu, who saw the video, did not hesitate to create this encounter with Su Xiaoyan. After the agreement was made, she came directly to "negotiate" with her daughter.

Under Aunt Liu's pursuit, the girl inadvertently glanced at the screen.

But at that glance, she saw a handsome star-like eyes, and that brilliant smile that hit the heart directly.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I was really not..."

In the picture, a man apologized to his aunt.

"Oh, I know, it's all a misunderstanding. I have such a good relationship with Xiaohang, how could it be the villain's."



Noon, 34:[-]
Regent Hotel
Top layer
presidential suite
"Xiaoyan, why haven't those two children come yet?" Aunt Liu, who chatted with Su Xiaoyan for a long time, looked at the doorway that had never been moved.

Another glance at the well-dressed daughter obediently sitting on a chair beside her,

Su Xiaoyan also followed her gaze, "Ningning is so beautiful, the necklace on her neck is from Bulgari, right?"

Today's girl is wearing a well-prepared outfit that highlights her figure, high heels, a suspender skirt dyed with grass and trees, and a half-sleeved white shirt. After deliberately painting pure makeup, the girl is like a blooming white lotus , fresh and clean temperament will create an aura that can be seen from a distance but not profane.

But the most eye-catching thing is the thumb-sized swan necklace hanging down from the girl's plump European style. Bulgari's luxurious style makes the girl suddenly have a noble temperament, just like dripping on the lotus. The dewdrops in the petals gather the sunlight in the sky on the girl, bright and dazzling.

The waiters in the hotel subconsciously set their eyes on the girl, and looked away in the next second with low self-esteem.

"That's right, that's right, this is the birthday present his father gave her today, and there are several more at home, but this is the style that Ning Ning likes the most. It is usually very precious, but I don't know how to wear it today... ..." Aunt Liu smiled, but her tone was filled with a local tyrant who couldn't shake off her pride.

"Mom! Don't talk nonsense, what is my favorite, I just picked one up today, and I just chose it!" The girl raised her proud snow-white chin, and there was a trace of concealment in her confident voice,
"That's right, that's right, you see the little girl is shy." The boy next to the girl made up the knife.

"Get out! Get out as far as you can." The girl gave the boy a hard look.

The boy laughed with his arms crossed.

This scene was seen by Su Xiaoyan and Aunt Liu. They looked at each other and smiled. Everyone came from that age, and they clearly knew that the most indispensable thing in that youthful age was to cover up shyly, no matter how open they were. Even a gentle character can't escape the fantasy hidden under the iceberg.

"They should be here soon. I asked the driver at home to pick them up at the train station. If there is time..."

Before Su Xiaoyan could finish her voice, she heard the creaking sound of the closed door.

Two waiters in black dresses stood aside and pushed the closed door open.

Light slanted down through larger and larger gaps.

In the grand light curtain, in the middle of the open door, Fu Nian in black casual clothes and Chu Zihang in clear blue casual clothes stood in the middle,

The two were tall and straight, with handsome figures. Just standing there, the youthful aura that rushed towards them covered the surrounding doors, and then spread towards all directions of the room along the opened door.

The breath of youthful hormones is mixed with the self-confidence of the mixed race that is different from ordinary people. The powerful and compelling aura makes the two of them instantly become the focus of the field. It is difficult for anyone to stand still in this sudden impact.
At least Ning Ning, who sat down at the end of the table, quickly lowered her cheeks shyly in the eyes of surprise. You must know that she was a woman known as a social hot pepper in the academy.Only those who are completely crushed in the aura will make girls have this kind of reaction.

The appearance of the two attracted the attention of the only three women in the room.

Su Xiaoyan tilted her head to look at the simple clothes they were wearing, she just pouted her lips lightly, then turned her head and was about to introduce to Aunt Liu next to her.

But Fu Nian and Chu Zihang who were standing at the door suddenly moved.

Like the two servants who opened the door just now, they stood sideways at the door,
Expose the C position in the middle.

Su Xiaoyan and Aunt Liu who were about to step forward suddenly froze.

Between Fu Nian and Chu Zihang, a girl with a smile like an epiphyllum appeared in front of them.

The girl combed a ponytail, wore denim overalls, and white casual shoes. She stood between the two with her hands behind her back, the sun was shining from the front window, and her white and tender cheeks were so transparent and crystal clear that she could see the blood flowing inside. beads,
The moment she appeared, the surrounding colors seemed to be instantly rendered into a fresh pale white, and even the two handsome men standing next to her, one black and one blue with powerful auras, became green leaves to accompany the flowers.

None of her clothes belonged to luxury goods, not even a piece of famous brand, but just standing there, she became the only one on the field.The light gathered at the corners of her mouth gently, her kind smile seemed like an angel kissing the light.

She smiled and nodded to the two aunts who were looking at them, and then looked through them to the girl standing at the end of the table.

Xia Mi's smile is very bright, it is a kind of brilliance that everyone loves and sees flowers blooming, but in Ningning's eyes, this radiant smile is like a collapse from a mountain collapse, like a soldier training Ma, the female general ready to go,

Ning Ning hurriedly looked away, and she stood there a little restlessly in the meeting of eyes.

Xia Mi's smile suddenly froze at this moment, and the next second he seemed to be depressed as if he had discovered something.

She glanced sideways at the side with her chest up and raised her head. She kept her eyes on Fu Nian, who was acting as the bodyguard of the background board, and gritted her teeth at him.

At this moment, Xia Mi was somewhat depressed. As soon as she got off the train, she heard that Fu Nian was going on a blind date. Fu Nian, whom she hadn't seen for a few days, did such a brazen thing. Although she didn't believe it, she was very angry. Anger can have serious consequences.

But Xia Mi's first reaction was not to teach Fu Nian a lesson, but to take a good look at what kind of girl could be her brother's blind date, so she "dressed up to attend" and prepared to help her brother "check".

But the other party's situation was so bad that Xia Mi thought that Fu Nian was joking with her.

Although the girl is very beautiful.

But in Xia Mi's eyes... that's it?I've already got my gun on the horse, can you show me this?
The two sides had already decided the winner just by the confrontation in their eyes, which made Xia Mi, who was already strong, lose the interest in continuing in an instant. In front of him is a small mound.

But now that Xia Mi is on the verge of breaking out, it is already unrealistic to turn around and leave.
She gently lifted her calf and took the first step. The cool-toned denim made a slight friction sound, followed by the click of the upper of the shoe.

"Auntie, hello." Xia Mi's peculiar cute voice came out from Xia Mi's voice, which made Fu Nian and Chu Zihang behind him startled.

Fu Nian has heard Xia Mi acting like a baby before, and this sound is only made when she is acting like a baby, but it is obviously not being a baby at this time.

What does she want to do!
It was the first time for Chu Zihang to hear Xia Mi's voice that was different from usual, it sounded crisp and numb, somewhat surprised.

But the opposite was different. The eyes of the man next to Ning Ning suddenly changed. It was the heart of a beast seeing its prey.

He clearly felt that the girl's eyes stayed on him for a second when they swept across the crowd.

At that second, her smile became much sweeter...

Is it!

The man's pupils dilate.

(End of this chapter)

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