I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 457 The Battle of Men

Chapter 457 The Battle of Men


"Miss, what's your name?" Lu Yifeng moved his body together to try to shorten the distance between the two.Asked knowingly and said.

There was not much distance between him and Xia Mi, and the chair was dislocated in the process of getting so close to his body, leaving only a body distance between him and Xia Mi.

This distance even allowed him to clearly smell the virgin fragrance from the girl. The moment Lu Yifeng smelled it, it was as if he was in a fresh jasmine bush. The flowers and fruits hung down his shoulders along the sexy vines. The tip of the tongue can also feel the sweet powder flying in the air.

In contrast, Lu Yifeng felt that the latest Chanel that his sister sprayed meticulously when she went out to meet tenderness was simply inferior.

It was an intimacy that could only be smelled in a dream.He has never seen such a perfect girl in so many years of traveling at home and abroad. Her every frown and smile are like a branding iron that is firmly imprinted on Putong's heart.This is perfect for a woman in his aesthetic point of view.

He swore that even if his younger sister couldn't handle that man, he would have to handle this...

Suddenly, when Lu Yifeng's body was gradually eating away at the remaining space, a tall and straight figure suddenly appeared between the two of them.The man moved the chair and sat down.

Lu Yifeng looked at this handsome figure in amazement, but somehow bored him.He didn't know why, from the moment he entered the door, he felt undisguised hostility from this man, and he couldn't ignore this hostility no matter what.

But this is a very strange thing in Lu Yifeng's eyes, you are here to tease my sister, she is right next to me, you go to her, I will tease your sister by the way, this is very appropriate... right?

"Young lady's name is Xia Mi." Fu Nian narrowed his eyes, tilted his head, and smiled.

But Lu Yifeng couldn't see the slightest benefit from that bright smiling face.

Because now Fu Nian is telling him with clear eyes,

This is very inappropriate.

Xia Mi stretched his waist, yawned, and squinted his eyes to watch Fu Nian standing in front of him. The pleasant smile that never fell from the corner of his mouth made it impossible to see any other emotions.

Fu Nian's expected rage did not appear,

Instead, he grabbed Xia Mi's arms stretched in mid-air behind him, and before he was ready to use any force, those tender arms were easily put down by Fu Nian.
Fu Nian glanced at Xia Mi unexpectedly, Xia Mi pursed his lips, and under Lu Yifeng's envious gaze, he let out a sigh of relief towards Fu Nianha.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian standing in the cramped space, his voice was numb and tender.

This coquettish voice caused Su Xiaoyan, who was paying attention to this side, to raise her eyes, and then quietly glanced at Chu Zihang, who lowered her head as if she couldn't see anything.

Chu Zihang still bowed his head in silence, not even having the desire to raise his head.

"Come on over there, Brother Lu and I hit it off right away, don't interrupt me, kid." Fu Nian said with a cold face, his voice unquestionable, he had never seen Xia Mi speak so coquettishly in public.

Asking for advice, Xia Mi tilted his head to look at Lu Yifeng behind Fu Nian,
This made Fu Nian's already tense eyebrows raised.

But Lu Yifeng's hesitant gaze instantly became firm, which was a signal in his eyes, and he hurriedly shook his head at Xia Mi,

There was also a rare hesitation on Xia Mi's face, and then he moved his eyes upwards to look at Fu Nian. Fu Nian stood motionless, and Xia Mi spread his hands helplessly at Mr. Lu, and finally moved aside obediently.

Although this action was very strange in Fu Nian's eyes, in Lu Yifeng's eyes, it became a model of Xia Mi being forced to submit under Fu Nian's powerful authority.
This caused Lu Yifeng's heart full of freedom and democracy to be instantly impacted by an unyielding fighting spirit, and the young blood rushed down like a rushing river.The image of Fu Nian in his mind turned into a fierce clawing dragon, Xia Mi became a princess lying on the bed, and he turned into a dragon-slaying warrior with a sharp sword in his arms.

He actually had an extremely strong sense of mission to save the princess from the dragon.

Thinking about it, the sense of power and superiority that used to kill the Quartet in the Oxford University social group emerged in all limbs.

"From what Xia Mi said, you seem to be brother and sister?" As Xia Mi took Fu Nian's position, the distance between Fu Nian and Lu Yifeng became wider.

"Obviously." Fu Nian picked up the goblet next to him, leaned back slightly, and the majesty of the throne released his arrogance from the cage.

Lu Yifeng was momentarily at a loss for words, and Fu Nian's attitude gave him a strong sense of oppression.This gave him the illusion of having a conversation with the dean of the student union, but it didn't break his will. The self-confidence he once had in the student union inspired him to try to defeat Fu Nian.

"Brother Fu, do you know what club activities you participated in in Kassel College?"

Lu Yifeng admired the corners of Fu Nian's mouth that gradually stiffened.

"Oh? From Brother Lu's point of view, Brother Lu has made a lot of achievements in Oxford University, right?" Fu Nian moved his dazed facial muscles and narrowed his eyes again.

At this moment, Fu Nian, who was originally the focus of this banquet, attracted the attention of everyone around him. Aunt Liu, who was worried about not being able to find the access point and understood the situation, quickly pricked up her ears.

"No, no, my little brother just managed to become a minister in the student union when he was about to graduate from Oxford University. It's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning."

Lu Yifeng made a very modest gesture of waving his hands.In terms of words, it seems that this is really not worth mentioning to him.

But the pride on his face could not be concealed, especially when he saw Xia Mi was staring at him with everyone at this time.He was full of fighting spirit as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

Ning Ning, who was sitting next to him, also looked at Lu Yifeng in surprise at this moment. She knew that her brother had strong social skills, but she never thought that his brother would be able to be a minister in such a place where there are so many talents. .

Ning Ning, who also studied abroad, is still very aware of the gold content of this identity.Because if you go further up, only the positions of vice chairman and chairman are left, and being able to do these can already draw a perfect end to your college career.

At this time, Ning Ning set her eyes on Fu Nian who was facing him. This was the first time she stared at Fu Nian after he entered the room.

Looking at her again, the impact of the other person's appearance once again made her heart tremble slightly. In reality, he is more charming than what she saw, especially those eyes that are squinting, and the trembling eyelashes flickering in the sunlight. Playing a moving musical score, his serious face gave him a strong sense of security on the other side.

But she looked at Fu Nian worriedly. Her intuition as a woman made her feel that her brother was madly showing off his shining points for a certain woman.

But these are the bright spots.

"It's really not worth mentioning. It's just the head of the student union?" Fu Nian narrowed his eyes and glanced at Chu Zihang who was silent and concentrating on eating.
"The minister of the student union, the organization led by Cesar Gattuso is the student union, right?"

Chu Zihang raised his head, nodded earnestly, and then made up the knife surprisingly hard, "Caesar has already become the chairman of the student union in his sophomore year. But as the heir to the largest noble family in Italy, he can have This achievement is no surprise.”

Fu Nian nodded seriously, then suddenly remembered something and looked at Chu Zihang,
"By the way, when will the Lionheart Society led by the senior brother officially compete with Caesar's student union?"

Chu Zihang raised his head and silently glanced at Fu Nian, and the two exchanged eyes, "On the free day of the freshman semester."

Suddenly there was a sound of surprise on the field.

Su Xiaoyan also looked at Chu Zihang excitedly, with pride in her eyes. She always knew that her son was excellent, but what kind of excellence was it to become the president in freshman year.What kind of excellence is it that can keep pace with the Italian nobility.

Lu Yifeng also looked at Chu Zihang in surprise, he couldn't believe it, he really understood the rules of this society, the law of the jungle has always been the iron law of nature, and he can fight against the nobles who have accumulated hundreds of years. The act of breaking the rules put him in a bit of a trance.

"Cassel College is a bit different from ordinary universities. We value strength more." Chu Zihang added as if he had seen through Lu Yifeng's inner thoughts.

"What strength?" Lu Yifeng asked.

"All-round strength." Chu Zihang took a bite of the lobster and said.Adds, "All the charisma you can see."

"Brother Zihang can already be called the first genius of Kassel College." Lu Yifeng said in admiration.

"No," Chu Zihang shook his head seriously, "Before my junior came, I was indeed one of the outstanding students of Kassel College, and only a few extremely outstanding people were at the top of the pyramid with me.

But after the younger brother came, all of us were overshadowed. "

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Chu Zihang extended an invitation to Fu Nian again, "Junior brother, no matter what kind of invitation the student association sends to you, our Lion Heart Club will have the same standard as it, and I promise as the president of the Lion Heart Club. "

"Brother, the occasion is inappropriate." Fu Nian muttered softly.

"If he opened his mouth like a lion, he would take the position of president." Lu Yifeng said.

Chu Zihang suddenly smiled, "Then I will be more happy, because it represents the cheapest payment."

However, the atmosphere on the field became hotter. Amidst Lu Yifeng's stunned expression, Aunt Liu stared at Fu Nian with burning eyes, like a hungry wolf that has been starving for a week seeing a naked rabbit.

Lu Yifeng came back to his senses and knew that he had made a mistake. How can a man who can stand with Chu Zihang not have any real strength? Sure enough, Brother Zihang still liked his talent, but what he had was talent.Looking at Fu Nian's ordinary casual clothes, a hint of sarcasm flowed out of his heart,
So what can you do if you are young and handsome, you have to be dragged down by the troubles of life. In this materialistic era, having money is the ticket to enter this elite world.And he just happened to have the misfortune of having a family backing him financially.

He tidied up the black suit on his body, then intentionally or unintentionally puffed out his chest towards Fu Nian, and patted the metal Armani logo on the neckline,

Lu Yifeng stared at Xia Mi who was burying his head in dealing with the abalone on the plate, and raised his chin slightly, "Xiao Mi, is the food okay?"

"Xiao Mi?" Fu Nian narrowed his eyes.

But fortunately, Xia Mi continued to bury his head in his meal as if he didn't hear it.

"Xia Mi?" Lu Yifeng called again.

Xia Mi raised his head in a daze, a dazed expression hung on his pretty face, and a little fresh crimson juice from abalone was stained on his ruddy lips, making the already bright and bright face even smaller.

"Delicious." Xia Mi nodded affirmatively, then blinked at Lu Yifeng, and showed a sweet smile.

Aunt Liu seemed to attach great importance to today's lunch, or it was just that Aunt Liu was not short of money, it was very rich, which was a rare temptation for Xia Mi who had just got off the plane.She got rid of Fu Nian's hand, then picked up the knife and fork next to her and concentrated on dealing with the abalone in front of her.

Seeing Xia Mi like this, Lu Yifeng's heart melted in an instant, "Waiter, Japanese wild black abalone, Spanish beef ham, eggplant caviar, and grapefruit and abalone liver pate. .”

The waiter agreed to turn around and leave,

"I want another bottle of red wine." Xia Mi mumbled.The voice was not too loud, Lu Yifeng just heard it.

"Wait." When the waiter was about to leave the room, Lu Yifeng hurriedly waved to stop him, "Bring me another bottle of Lafite, thank you."

Fu Nian stared at the scene in front of him in a daze, and during the time when Fu Nian was in a daze,
Lu Yifeng gently lifted the sleeve of his wrist to Xia Mi, revealing the golden dial of Armani inside.

For a moment, Fu Nian didn't know what to say.
He shows off his wealth again?
But soon, the waiter who went out hurriedly turned around and came back,
"Sir, I'm sorry, but for some reason, our hotel has no ordinary vintage Lafite, only a bottle of [-] Lafite left."

"It was in [-]." Mr. Lu waved his hand and sent the bank card in his hand to the waiter.
The waiter holds a card reader with one hand and taps it lightly.

Then he looked at Lu Yifeng hesitantly, "Sorry, sir, the balance on your card may not be enough."

"Not enough? Impossible," Lu Yifeng frowned. "My credit balance is at least [-], how much is a bottle of you?"

"20." The manager said awkwardly.


Lu Yifeng swallowed silently.Then he looked at his mother on the other side.

Aunt Liu was also stunned. Although their family was extravagant, they still had to report to her husband about spending 20 yuan on a meal. She couldn't make the decision.

Aunt Liu looked at Su Xiaoyan hesitantly.

Su Xiaoyan waved and smiled, then reached for her pocket,

"Use mine." A black card appeared in front of the manager.

(End of this chapter)

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