I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 472 Dead pig, get up and work!

Chapter 472 Dead pig, get up and work!

"This is Dongpo pork."

Nuonuo's brows were furrowed, his eyes full of doubts,
"What does this mean? Hongmen Banquet?"

Nuonuo continued to look forward, and suddenly saw a pot of Buddha jumping wall that she was very familiar with, followed by stinky tofu, ban mian

"Good guy, Cantonese cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Anhui cuisine, everything is ready."

Nuonuo stared at a large table full of Chinese dishes in front of her. Some of them were as white as milk, and some were golden and clear.

This may not be a big deal for Nuonuo before, but for Nuonuo and Lu Mingfei who have been fleeing for a long time and often rely on instant noodles and compressed biscuits to fill their stomachs, this is simply like entering heaven and being rescued. Prisoner of redemption.

Nuonuo stared at Lu Mingfei who was lying on the ground and snoring with a little disappointment. Although she didn't know what Fu Nian and Lu Mingfei were talking about, she looked at it according to the current situation.

Her worries downstairs for half an hour are unnecessary,
The room here was intact, and Lu Mingfei could even lie on the ground and fall asleep comfortably. Apart from staring at this place all the time, but it was still unclear when Fu Nian left, there was nothing abnormal around him.

And the other party left them a very good meal.

Nuonuo walked slowly to the end of the long table,
Suddenly, his eyes fell on the delicate wooden chair at the end,
A beige letterhead was gently placed on the chair.Five pitch-black ink characters stood quietly on it.

Chen Motong personally said,
Nuonuo stared at the black ink writing on it, and gently reached out to open it.

"Nonuo, when you read this letter, I've probably already left. You don't have to worry about Lu Mingfei, I will never break my promise from the beginning to the end. Before the dawn of tomorrow In time, this room will be the safest place in the world, no one will disturb you, even if the headmaster comes in person.

You should have seen the food prepared for you, and of course the room I arranged for you. Xia Mi once warned me that classmates always help each other, so you don't have to feel strange about what happened before you.

Finally, the last thing I need to say to you, to Chen Motong,
Let go, Nono.

Although I don't know exactly what your purpose is to protect Lu Mingfei, but this purpose will stop here after you leave Japan.

Smart you should also start to doubt, but here I can tell you clearly,

That's right, this is a well-designed escape, an escape driven by a pair of invisible hands. Although there are more than one hands, they are still wrestling with each other, but it is undeniable that they are all chasing the truth. Chasing a truth buried in the dust of history, the only difference is who gets the truth.

This is a doomed fate, just like an arrow that has been put on the bowstring, the bowstring has been pulled up, the only difference is the direction in which the sharp arrow flies.And Lu Mingfei is the arrow.is the real heart of the struggle.

But you are different, you are the one who is passively involved in it. When the waves and tides come, no one will care about the fate of a small boat. deep sea.As time slowly fell silent, no one could imagine the pain that feeling caused.

These are true words from a short-lived friend.

You may be wondering why I am telling you this, or whether my disclosure is misleading.Because any emotion needs an emotional basis.Although we have cooperated on missions and classmates, but that is not enough for me to disclose these.

But the reason why I tell you this is not because the emotions between us have been achieved, but because we have been connected by a bridge.

Xiaoxiao sent me a message not long ago, begging me not to hurt your safety as much as possible.You are her older sister and she is worried about your safety.If it is not too young, the academy does not allow her to participate in this hunt, she may have appeared in Japan in person, which is a pity, so she begged me not to hurt your safety, I can understand her mood, just like me Like his younger sister Xia Mi.

But I'm not here out of understanding and sympathy,
Everything has a price, and sympathy is not enough to offset the price,
The reason why I appear here is because she is my friend. I will always do my best for the promise of a friend. After all, being my friend is not an honor that everyone can get. "

Nuonuo looked at the last two words silently, her expressionless face became even more expressionless.Her eyes continued to scan down,
"Finally, I can also answer another question in your heart.

That's right, I did hear the plan you talked about outside the car verbatim. Of course, the reason for this is not entirely due to my abrupt entry into the room inside. This is also the price you have to pay for your lax vigilance. After all, it is not All trespassers can be as kind as I am.

Of course, I am not without apology for my abrupt entry into your room, so I am here to give a very clear signal that the shrine of Saki Hachika does have what you may need. Herzog was a snake The head of the Qihachi family used their private rights to do many unknown experiments in Japan, and stored a large amount of data about dragons. Although they cannot solve 100% of the problems about dragons, they are known to humans about dragons. It is definitely a correct choice to come here to search for information.

As for the timing, I can only tell you that the action team may find you at any time. "

Nuonuo silently read the entire letter,

Then he took a serious look at the end, "Fu Nian" was written in two huge characters.

The room was very quiet, except for Lu Mingfei's breathing and her heartbeat.

Nuonuo didn't hesitate in her actions. She gently placed the letter on the candle, and the raging fire devoured the ink-colored writing bit by bit.

She walked up to Lu Mingfei and kicked his ass hard with her high heels,
"Hey! Dead pig, get up and eat quickly, and work after eating!"



Fu Nian was walking unsteadily on a remote street in Tokyo, facing the hazy drizzle in the air, her fine hair fluttering in the breeze.

At this moment, he was already very far away from the urban area, and even the ground under his feet had turned into black and black hard stone slabs, which were embedded in the moist soil one by one, as if it had been like this hundreds of years ago.

Rows of black pines grow on both sides of the surrounding stone road, and the thin raindrops hang on their sharp leaf tips. The hazy fog makes the upward mountain road seem to lead to a sacred palace.

Fu Nian walked here unhurriedly. He liked this kind of short and immersive travel. He ordered a cup of brandy or a cup of coffee, and walked around the empty place by himself. When he saw a place where he wanted to stay I just stopped and sat quietly for an afternoon, without a timetable or a clear purpose, just like duckweed floating on the water and white clouds flying in the sky.

At the end of the stone road is a wooden shrine shrouded in mist. The drizzle has formed an invisible barrier between it and Tokyo, isolating the prosperity from the mountains, like an old man practicing among the mountains and forests.

As Fu Nian walked closer, the scene in front of him gradually became clearer, and the black pines on both sides of the road gradually turned into cherry blossoms, which were budding in the spring rain.Blooming in full bloom at dawn.

The stone path in this direction officially turns into a shrine, and at the end is a torii that has been burned by the fire and stands there quietly.

This is the family shrine where the Saki Hachi Family is located here. It has witnessed Tokyo for nearly a thousand years here, and each generation of patriarchs will repair it once before taking office.

Only the patriarchs of this generation almost cut off their children and grandchildren. Although the current shrine has been restored to its former glory, the torii gate erected in front of the main hall still keeps recording the angry and hideous anger of the original tyrannical emperor. .

So much so that the current Uesugi Yue always sighs every time he passes by below.There seemed to be countless ghosts of resentment berating him for being a prodigal.

The defense here is very strict. It is only less than one kilometer away from the entrance to the torii, and Fu Nian can feel that there are more than fifty family mixed races lurking in it. There are more than twenty snipers lurking in all directions in the forest,

Not to mention a bird, even the ants that crawl through here every day are counted specially.

At this time, the shrine is extremely well-defended.

Vehicles coming back here from the city parked quietly on the stone road outside the approach. Men wearing black windbreakers and machetes guarded every direction of the shrine, turning the entire shrine like an iron barrel. Surround in the middle.

And the Inuyama birdie lurking in the black pine forest is one of them.
He stared at the murderous group of people on the stone path, he knew they were the family's law enforcers, and this was one of the two teams that the eight children of their family dreamed of joining.

Once under the management of the Executive Bureau, after the fierce ghosts belonged to the family, they were directly led by the young patriarch, Yuan Zhisheng, and became a powerful force in the family's absolute forbidden army.

Now everyone in the law enforcement is the elite of the family's elite, and the other family's fierce ghost team, controlled by Yuan Zhinv and known as the spear of the Sheqi Eight Families, forms an absolute force to maintain the family's security.

They appeared here, let Inuyama Kotori know that there are big figures from the family here in person, but because his rank is too low, he doesn't know the identity of the person, only when a large group of people rushed towards the shrine just now, did he From a corner of the crowd, I saw the figure of the head of the family at the front.He only met once at the other party's succession ceremony.

He was as tall and heroic as the family legend said, and Kotori Inuyama couldn't help but feel so emotional, but only such a strong person can fight alone with that monster like Yamata no Orochi.

However, when he thought of the rumor about this man, he unconsciously thought of another rumor about the head of the family that was circulating in the family.
No, it should be said to be a rumor. According to gossip, a long, long time ago, the head of the family burned down the family shrine, which brought indescribable losses to the family.

But how could this be possible? How could the man who had completely saved the family from the brink of collapse be the one who defiled the family shrine?Kotori Inuyama has always believed that this is a rumor.

However, although he firmly believed that this was a rumor created by those politicians, it cannot be denied that the family shrine seemed to have been really burned.

Thinking of Inuyama Kotori, he looked at the gigantic torii gate in front of the entrance of the main hall.

The original crimson color was scorched black like black iron in the hazy drizzle. This is the state that Torii has existed a long time ago. He has been on duty here for almost five years. According to the old man here...


Kotori Inuyama's eyes widened suddenly, and he stared at the figure in a black suit that appeared in front of the torii gate. He stood under the torii gate with his arms folded, quietly watching this behemoth.It seemed as if he was carefully looking at some new toy.

Inuyama Kotori suddenly grabbed the assault gun on his shoulder, and he was 100% sure that it was an intruder.He has been on duty here for so long, and he has never seen this strange figure from behind.

Although he didn't know how this man walked up the heavily fortified approach, what was even more annoyed was that the guard in front of the torii gate was negligent as if he hadn't seen anything!
But as the guardian of the shrine, the responsibility on his shoulders does not allow any outsiders to enter here!

He put his eyes on the front sight of the assault gun, aiming the muzzle at the position in front of Torii.

But in the next second, he suddenly froze.

He stared at the empty ground, raised his body in a daze, and rubbed his eyes.

There was still nothing in front of the torii gate, and the standing figure disappeared without a trace like a phantom after waking up.

The guards guarding the side still stood there quietly, and even the companions around him looked around vigilantly, looking for any position where the enemy might invade.

He is like an outsider crawling in the grass, looking at the dreamlike world.


"It was true just now." A voice sounded in his ear like a ghost.

Kotori Inuyama stood up from the ground with a jerk, and under the blank eyes of his companions, he suddenly raised the assault gun in his hand and turned back.

The companion behind him was startled when he saw the muzzle of the black muzzle that turned his head in an instant.

"You are very good. After the mission is over, take this thing to Uesugi Koshi, and he will give you an unexpected surprise."

"Who?!" The bird yelled, "Come out!"

His vast voice echoed in the empty mountains and forests, but there seemed to be nothing around.

But his voice was like a boulder sinking into the center of the lake, and the law enforcement officers in the distance were startled instantly, and pairs of golden golden pupils lit up one by one in the darkness.

A chilling atmosphere instantly enveloped the surroundings.

Fu Nian happily sat cross-legged on the top of the torii gate, looking at the Saki Hachiya who were marching in line underneath.



(End of this chapter)

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