I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 480 The Invasion of Kaguya

Chapter 480 The Invasion of Kaguya


When Gilgamesh looked up again, he saw that Beowulf had risen from the bed.

At this moment, his face was extremely gloomy, and his round golden pupils were as bright as the sun. He stared straight at Gilgamesh opposite him,

A strong sense of coercion poured down from top to bottom, pressing on the shoulders of everyone around like a waterfall.

"Team!" Beowulf growled.

"Here!" All the people led by Gilgashme shouted in unison.

Beowulf took a deep breath, suppressing his emotions.

"Go to the airport yourself and bring the ghost over."

Gilgamesh's pupils suddenly contracted inward.

"Boss..." Gilgamesh's eyes kept showing horror,

Maybe the people around were confused when they heard Beowulf's voice, but Gilgamesh knew exactly what the ghost was.That is the modern Pandora's box.

It was really used to deal with the Dragon King, and it was their last resort after Lu Mingfei completely lost control.

But...is it really going to be used to deal with the Bajia of Sheqi now, to rescue Gao Wen?
It's not that Gilgamesh is ruthless, but that they have to make a calm judgment under the current situation.

Gilgamesh wanted to say something, but was quickly interrupted by the other party's actions.

"I know what you're thinking, do as I say. Gao Wen is very important to us, he can't die, I will go to them personally to negotiate. But I also need to confirm one thing."

Beowulf stared at Gilgamesh, "Do your business and bring Bond, I hope to hear good news from you."

Gilgashme looked at Beowulf who was full of reason, although he was furious, in surprise.This is the real hunter, a man full of reason and extremely powerful.At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the splendor of the action team dominating the world, adoringly looking at the man who led them through the thorns and shattered the darkness.

He now knows that what the other party means by negotiation may really be negotiation, not physical output.

If so, Gilgashme breathed a sigh of relief, he was really worried that Beowulf, who was blinded by anger, did not rescue Gawain and put himself in it.After all, the scene at the airport not long ago still deeply shocked his heart.

"Boss, there is a college commissioner downstairs." Gilgashmei said.

"Oh, the Academy!" Beowulf's mouth burst into disdain, "Don't worry about him, and withdraw the people who are watching, and let people contact the people from the Sheqi Bajia. After half an hour, the parking lot."

Beowulf slammed the saber in his hand into the wooden floor.

The steel rod and the palm made a crisp sound, and the sound was extremely crisp and pleasant in this empty and lonely underground parking lot, like water droplets dripping on the bald round skull, and it seemed that blood would splash from it soon.

Uesugi Yue sat on the hard bench with his legs crossed and Erlang without any image. On his outstretched right arm, a series of hideous dark tattoos were exposed to the air along the exposed arm.If there is another down-to-earth cigarette now, he feels that he must be extremely handsome, but it is a pity that Uesugi Koshi does not like smoking, and he has no money to smoke for him.

Standing behind him was a man in a black leather trench coat. The man had a fair complexion, glasses with gold rims on his eye sockets, and a briefcase similar to documents in his hand. He looked gentle,
But this is really just a look, under the black windbreaker, his upper body is naked and ferocious, the black tattoo is wrapped around the muscles of the arm from the back like a ghost, and the corners of the mouth that are stretched upwards can't hide the hooliganism at all. habit.

Wu Ya, a retainer of the young head of the Sheqi Ba Family, is now the deputy director of the executive bureau.

5 minutes ago, he was still lying in the office of Genji Heavy Industries, struggling with tedious official duties and lying in bed. Who knows, 5 minutes later, he could ride a motorcycle all the way to appear in the five-star hotel that the family specially uses to entertain guests. The parking lot in the hotel...

"Ask me to negotiate? What are you talking about?" Uesugi crossed his legs and stretched his waist more tiredly,

Then he raised his head and followed his white hair to look at the burly and sturdy action team on the opposite side. This group of people is now fully armed, and they are staring at him with gloomy eyes under the leadership of Beowulf at the front.

Uesugi doesn't care about these gazes, this is his territory, the guy who dared to attack him has already been dealt with once, you see that the other party's temper is very comfortable now, isn't it?

He glanced at the earth-colored dial in his hand, the time on it was already two o'clock in the morning, and he was already very sleepy. In the past, he had already awakened for the second time at this time.In two hours, he will get up and go to the morning market to buy ingredients.

"Uh," the crow looked at Uesugi Yue unexpectedly at this moment, hesitated for a moment, "Master, young master, didn't I tell you?"

"Say what?" Uesugi Ota yawned greatly.

"The young master captured all the guys from the shrine that he attacked, and Beowulf wants to ask us to discuss bringing them back."

Uesugi Koshi yawned halfway and finally didn't stop. He stared blankly at the opposite crow, his brows gradually knit together,
"Are you sure you are discussing with us, not fighting with us?" Uesugi Yue looked back at the one, two, three, four... a dozen guys standing behind Beowulf,

And there was only Crow behind him.

He feels that tonight is destined to be a sleepless night, at least now Uesugi Koshi has no sleepiness at all.

The crow looked down at the notification he received, and nodded, "I'm not sure if it was a fight, but Kaguya Hime said this, so it should be close, so I came here quickly."

The crow gestured to Uesugi Yue for the muscles of Chi Guoguo under the windbreaker, on which the ferocious Yaksha bared its fangs.

He actually dressed Uesugi Yuekan urgently for him who didn't come.

"You know there's going to be a fight, so why don't you bring anyone with you?!" Uesugi grabbed the crow's ear, lowered his voice and yelled in his ear.

"Forgot..." Crow scratched his head, a little embarrassed,
In fact, he thought that there should be a lot of people on the side of the head, because many people in his executive board were not at Genji Heavy Industries tonight,
He is not qualified to command the rest of the fierce ghosts, and needs to be approved by that fierce old woman. He doesn't want to be in trouble in the middle of the night.
"You can forget such a big thing, what if I was beaten outside!" Uesugi tugged on the crow's ears, this scene completely shattered the bossy temperament he had just put on with great difficulty.

"Don't worry, parents, they hit me first, you take the opportunity to run quickly, remember to hand me an ambulance..." Crow said awkwardly, although he didn't think that the parents would run away at all, nor did he think that he would lose in a fight .

"Next time, I will definitely chop up salad noodles for you!" Uesugi glared at the crow more dispiritedly.What he despises the most are rogue punks.Although he is a gangster leader.

"Yes, yes. Next time, I will make sure to make ramen noodles." Crow quickly lowered his head and echoed.

Only then did Uesugi Koshi let go of the crow contentedly, and then nodded while staring at Beowulf who was silently staring at the scene opposite, and grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a bright smile.

"The subordinates are disobedient and have neglected your husband, please don't mind."

Beowulf was silent, just looked down at Uesugi Koshi who was sitting on the bench with his condescending chin, that was not what he wanted to hear.

Uesugi stared at the silent group of people on the opposite side, grinning subconsciously. This group of people gave him a bad feeling. They came to beg him to let them go, but they still put on a stinky face.

He is very upset, but if the rogue is unhappy, something will happen!
"Hey, how is Husband's injury?" Uesugi Yue seemed to have suddenly discovered something serious, his eyes followed the other's windbreaker to the bandage inside, and the wound on it was still faintly flushed. "I remember being beaten just now. People in the last century have great bodies, unlike young people like us."

Beowulf's forehead was full of veins, but Beowulf rarely spoke, but still stared at Uesugi Koshi with his cold face. Their request had been conveyed to the other party through Kaguya Ji. Now what he wants to hear is the other party's conditions, not to listen to these disgusting greetings.

The only thing that is quiet in the air is the whistling wind around them. The incandescent lamp located in the middle of the two heads seems to feel infinite pressure amidst the sounds that have never been thought of around them.
Constantly flickering between the two, alternating light and dark, the atmosphere here became even colder.

The silent Beowulf also made Uesugi Yue lose interest in speaking. He raised his chin and squinted his eyes to stare at the burly mountain-like figure opposite, and that mountain-like figure also stood tall and looked down on Uesugi Yue.

The decadent atmosphere slowly subsided on Uesugi Koshi's body, and with it appeared a majesty from the superior overlooking the audience,

It's hard to imagine how a chef who has been selling ramen noodles for 60 years can have the majesty of a king. Of course, such things were not easily controlled by Uesugi Yue in the past.

But now, when the dragon's blood is rushing freely in his blood vessels, the full power from the inside of his body has affected his mentality silently,

Whenever he activates the dragon blood in his body, there is always a feeling of standing on the top of the mountains, and this feeling becomes even more terrifying after he becomes a dragon servant.

Beowulf raised his brows to coerce, and at the same time, hundreds of years of experience in slaying dragons and his status as a veteran of the secret party made him unshakable.

He is like a boulder in a storm, to be beaten by the waves.Waiting for the other person will get straight to the point.

Time passed by little by little, and none of them expected that tonight's negotiations would continue until noon at dawn in this way.



"Are we going to sleep here tonight?" Fu Nian sat in the back seat and looked at Xia Mi beside him boredly.Gently playing with each other's hair in his hands,
At this moment, Xia Mi was also bored and leaned on Fu Nian's shoulder, but unlike Fu Nian who was doing nothing, Xia Mi was only temporarily idle.

She gently shook Fu Nian's palm, and then manipulated it into various shapes, making a whistling sound, as if she was having fun playing with it.It just made Fu Nian feel that his head was not bright enough.

"Brother, don't you want to be alone with Xia Mi?" Xia Mi's hands kept moving, but those dark eyes were like a knife resting on Fu Nian's neck. Xia Mi would slam his eyes hard on his body.

"How is it possible? My biggest dream in this life is to travel to every corner of the world with Xia Mi."

Fu Nian had a serious expression on his face. In fact, he was telling the truth, and he grabbed Xia Mi's small neck with his movements. Xia Mi was in pain and gritted his teeth at Fu Nian viciously, but he didn't move to resist Fu Nian.

"But... are we really two people?" Fu Nian silently glanced at Liuli Kazama who was sitting in the driving seat.

Kazama Liuli instinctively shrank her shoulders.The left hand was quietly placed on the door.

Xia Mi shook his head indifferently, and when he was about to say something, he found that the tablet placed on his lap suddenly lit up with blue fluorescence, and the light was particularly dazzling in the dim space.

He attracted Xia Mi and Fu Nian's eyes.

Kazama Liuli noticed the two pairs of eyes moving away behind her, and she breathed a sigh of relief. He almost ran away instinctively just now. He didn't know whether it was the shadow in his heart that Fu Nian had given him at the beginning or what was going on. I've always been terrified of this man.

Xia Mi clicked on the unlock screen, and exchanged glances with Fu Nian who was next to him.

In Fu Nian's blank eyes,

She said softly, "It's Kaguya Hime."

Fu Nian stared at the beautiful girl wearing a white cherry blossom kimono on the screen, and said, I know.

It's not Kaguya Hime, so could it be EVA?
But when he stared at Xia Mi's solemn eyes, Fu Nian seemed to understand Xia Mi's meaning suddenly, and he slowly stretched out his right hand towards the 3D phantom on the tablet,

"Hello, my name is Fu Nian."

Xia Mi froze for a moment, then suddenly knocked on Fu Nian's head.

"This is a video, don't talk."

"But, it doesn't look like it." Fu Nian pointed at the 3D phantom on the tablet,

"This is Kaguya Ji 5 minutes ago, what we are looking at is the automatic record of Kaguya Ji." Xia Mi explained to Fu Nian.

Kaguya Ji, after the merger of the Sheqi Eight Clans and the Oni, the highest authority has already been in the hands of the king of the earth and the mountain.
But this has nothing to do with Fu Nian, he just has a name on the throne.

"What happened?" Fu Nian stared at Xia Mi with an increasingly weird expression, and asked curiously.

"Kaguya Ji was invaded just now." Xia Mi said lightly, with the corners of his mouth raised.

"But Xia Mi?" Fu Nian looked at Xia Mi without a trace of seriousness, but with a hint of excitement between his brows.

"So this is good news?"

Fu Nian was puzzled.

Xia Mi shook his head, then nodded again.

"It's not bad news, but it's not good news either." Xia Mi looked at Fu Nian who was dazed, and then put the tablet in his hand in front of Fu Nian's eyes.



(End of this chapter)

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