I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 492 Don't Blame Brother, Lu Mingfei

Chapter 492 Don't Blame Brother, Lu Mingfei


The hot weapon that was supposed to pounce on him has already rushed towards the opponent's chest because of Nuonuo's sudden penetration!
Continue like this!

I am a pervert with rough skin and thick flesh, and can be resurrected in a short period of time after the intensive bombardment leaves a framework, but Nuonuo's fragile human bones can't!

Lu Mingfei's pupils were suddenly covered in crimson blood!
He stared at Nuonuo's eyes, stared at Nuonuo's eyes!
"Don't die!" Lu Mingfei let out a tearing roar!

"do not die!"

"do not die!"

"do not die!"


Lu Mingfei frantically stared at Nuonuo who was almost unconscious in mid-air, and his whole body roared madly at him!

The pale gold golden pupils suddenly became extremely bright, as bright as the sun under strong light!
An invisible force directly touched the girl's pupils through the dense ballistic trajectory and the shooting crowd!

Nuonuo's eyes suddenly opened.

The crazily bleeding wounds stopped slowly, the scarlet flesh grew visible to the naked eye, scabbed and healed, the bruised skin returned to normal, the broken bones penetrated through, and the pale face that lost blood became rosy,
In just a split second, the pupils of Nuo Nuo, who was seriously injured and about to fall into a coma, glowed with charm.

The pitch-black black pupils are as deep as an abyss.

Infinite power flowed through her limbs, and the next second, Nuonuo who was in mid-air suddenly twisted in the air.

The sharp high-heeled shoes were nailed to the necks of the members of the action team in an unexpected moment!



The air flow resumed again, and the surrounding bullets vented. Nuonuo fell on the ground and rushed towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

She is a girl who has a strong will to win and lose. Whether she is in the academy or the family, whether she is the eldest sister or a daughter, she has never had the reason to endure a loss!
blood splatter

The knife inserted between the ribs was pulled out from the flesh and blood, and the pain of tearing the muscles made her gasp suddenly,
The wound began to heal, and Nuonuo was amazed by the power from Lu Mingfei. You must know that Lu Mingfei in the past had always had something in the spirit of speech, and this was the second time she saw the golden pupil in the opponent's eyes.

For the specific reason, Nuonuo won't think about it for the time being, she only has these damn action team guys in her eyes now!

The wrists of both hands are rolled up, the knife flower is like a meat grinder flashing the fire behind him, and the bright golden pupils are ignited in Nuonuo's pupils,
The muscles on his feet tensed, and he rushed towards the men in the distance with a jerk of his body.



Fu Nian stood at the end of the rooftop, overlooking the whole land at the dawn of dawn, the bustling morning shift workers had already started entering the breakfast shop, entering the tram, and the quiet city was once again bustling, just like a group of flowers blooming after winter!
But his eyes did not fall on the city, but looked as far as possible, looking at the mountains in the distance.

"Did they meet so early?" Behind Xia Mi's voice was a yawn, as if he was still stretching.

"The battle was a bit fierce." Fu Nian stared into the distance with a cold and majestic face.

Xia Mi stepped on his feet and jumped to the side of Fu Nian, and put one hand on the eyebrow peak, as if this would increase the distance of the distance.

"Huh?" Xia Mi seemed to have suddenly discovered something extraordinary, "When did Lu Mingfei know how to speak?"

"He has always had this kind of thing, hasn't he?" Fu Nian turned his head slightly to look at Xia Mi.

"Brother helped him?" Xia Mi grinned meeting Fu Nian's gaze.

Fu Nian spread his hands helplessly, "To be precise, I was actually forcing him, but who knew that he would awaken such a thing after forcing him. It really resembles his cowardly character, and..."

Fu Nian hesitated for a moment, "I seriously doubt that he can speak the language himself, but he doesn't seem to know how to use it. I just turned on the switch for him."

"The spirit of speech at this time is very important." Xia Mi stared at the tragic battle in the distance, although she was somewhat prepared, it still exceeded her expectations.

"That's how senior brother got there?" Fu Nian asked Chu Zihang, who was fighting Beowulf.

"Oh, it should have gone with the Immortal. When Kaguya Ji told me, I didn't pay much attention to it, but now the senior brother seems to have played a big role, otherwise Lu Mingfei and Nuonuo would not be able to resist Beo Wufu's."

"Their situation is pretty bad now." Fu Nian said silently, "Do you want me to take some action?"

Xia Mi shook his head, "Brother's goal is not them. As a general, you must have enough patience. Lu Mingfei's own upper limit destined him to be fine, but it is the two people around him who suffer..."



Lu Mingfei frantically swung the saber in his hand. Although it can't be said to be completely random, it can also be said to have nothing to do with skills.

At this moment, he has used his body as a meat shield and his blood as fuel, allowing the skeleton to break through the group of bullets, and approach the group of action team members infinitely close.

"Hurry up and think of a way! I can't hold it anymore!" Lu Mingfei suddenly rolled over to avoid the black kick from his side,

Then a dog crawled towards the one on the ground.Fingel in his hand was thrown out fiercely.

There are too many enemies, he can't be as slick and considerate as Nuonuo, so he can only dodge a kick and get a knife.

It was also thanks to him holding on to the saber in his hand, and yelling when his body was about to fail,
"do not die!"

Then, in the monster-like eyes of the action team members, the body will recover,

However, when recovering from the injury without any treatment, there will always be some minor problems. For example, the saber inserted into the side of Lu Mingfei's chest has grown together with Lu Mingfei's body.

In fact, these are minor problems, because there are bullet holes everywhere on the back that Lu Mingfei can't see and on the legs that he can't take care of. They hit Lu Mingfei with precision, and the brass-colored bullets The interaction of the shell and the rotting flesh and blood can make people spit out.

But these things are all condensed together in front of the powerful vitality, glowing with the breath of life like new skin, but the appearance is so unflattering.

"Pick it up for me, quickly pick it up and put it in your pocket, Lu Mingfei... you scared me to death." Fingel's sharp scream came from the ground.

"Hurry up and find a way for me!" Lu Mingfei yelled at Finger, the voices of the two became louder than the other, and Lu Mingfei had really reached his limit.

Lu Mingfei rolled to avoid the saber that was slashing, and then was kicked hard on the temple by a big foot facing him.

For a time, the sky was dark and the world became blurred.But in his blurred vision, Lu Mingfei saw Nuonuo's injured figure again.

She was surrounded by four operatives, and even though the saber in her hand was danced impenetrably, she was still pierced by the powerful attack.

The attack from behind staggered Nono's figure. Although she swung her saber vigorously, the uninterrupted attack was fierce and fierce, like four tigers rushing from the mountain.

"I'm a robot, what can I do." Finger was even more horrified than Lu Mingfei. He watched helplessly as a big foot stepped on his head, and a crack appeared on the screen. He became a robot from the beginning. Since when have you seen this kind of scene?
But he didn't hear Lu Mingfei's voice, the clanging of weapons around him was accompanied by the sound of blood spraying, everything here became chaotic, abnormally chaotic.

"I'm warning you Lu Mingfei, don't even think about leaving me here, I'll be angry!" Fingel who couldn't hear Lu Mingfei's voice suddenly panicked,
His voice trembled, who knows a smart chip can also be affected by adrenaline.

Another big foot stepped on his screen, the sound of clicking was extremely crisp in the air, but it was so insignificant.

"Lu Mingfei!" Suddenly a heart-piercing roar came from a distance, it was a female voice, it was Nuonuo!
"Get up! Lu Mingfei!"

The voice was extremely angry, yet begging, and then there was a muffled groan, it was the groan of the chest colliding with the boulder!

Hearing the sound of messy footsteps, Fingel was in a mess.

"Chu Zihang!" Nuonuo's voice suddenly soared.

What immediately appeared in Fingel's ear was a shrill piercing sound, which was the sound of bullets rubbing against air.


It's a knife!

It was the sound of knives rubbing against air!

Fingel suddenly felt the surrounding temperature rise sharply, followed by a roar, no, two!

Hot blast and rock blast!
The rock was crushed, and it seemed that Chu Zihang's figure was smashed into the mountain!
But the next moment, the surrounding noises disappeared, and it seemed that something exploded beside Lu Mingfei, sending the attacking team members flying away, but Chu Zihang also suffered a heavy price for this!
"Lu Mingfei?" Fingel's whispering voice sounded in the air, he was thrown upside down on the ground, the surroundings were pitch black, and he couldn't see anything except the voice.

There was no echo around.

But the footsteps in the distance began to become impatient.

"Lu Mingfei?" Fingel raised his voice.

"Quick... find a way..." Lu Mingfei's extremely weak voice came from not far from the left. He seemed to have received a serious injury, and he seemed to have injured his brain, and he started to talk out loud.

"Use your words quickly! Renew your bill quickly!"

Fingel spoke anxiously, trying to remind this guy that the other party's infinitely resurrected words had just startled Fingel. He once thought that Lu Mingfei was invincible, and even if he couldn't beat them, he could kill this group of people.

But who knew that less than 3 minutes later, his speech effect expired, and he needed to renew it again!
"Think... a way..." Lu Mingfei seemed unable to hear Finger's voice, and was just repeating the words just now.

The footsteps in the distance are getting closer, and!

Finger almost jumped up in horror, half of them came for him, they came for him!

"I'll find a way! I have a way!" Fingel suddenly shouted.

But no one answered Fingel. At this moment, Lu Mingfei's head was in a mess, sticky blood flowed from his temples and half of his face, and a horizontal knife was stabbed straight into his skull.

Nuonuo, who was five meters away from him, roared like crazy, and the saber in his hand desperately broke out towards this side, but the distance of five meters was like a moat that could not be crossed. Unlike the action team's cruelty to Lu Mingfei, they To Nuonuo is already showing mercy,

Although her injuries were serious, and the black tights were covered with sticky blood, none of the injuries could be fatal in a short time. They seemed to have special orders for Chen Motong.

At Lu Mingfei's feet was a knife!

A handful of red hot village rain!

It was inserted directly on the road, and the flames of the explosion blasted the ground into a two-meter crack and scorched black.

And his master, Chu Zihang, fought with his bare hands against a voice that sounded like an angry bear. The fierce battle filled the air of the valley with endless blood.

Fingel is still hesitating!He has inherited all of Norma's algorithmic logic and many secrets stored at the bottom, but he is a machine that cannot perform super-core computing after all.

In the current situation, even if he can super-core computing, it will not help!Unless he can mobilize the local anti-aircraft missiles to instantly cleanse the enemies here, but the result will be the same.

And he can't dispatch the anti-aircraft missiles here, but he has another... secret weapon.

Fingel felt that his chip was going to blow up, and he hesitated crazily, who was always firm.Like a man pacing on the edge of a cliff murmuring,
Jump?do not jump?Jump!do not jump? ...

He can't help but hesitate!

Because this method is no way!

Although he is not an anti-aircraft missile, he is more terrifying than an anti-aircraft missile.

Once the button is pressed, it may be more than here,
It may even affect the whole of Tokyo.

But this is not the focus of Fingel's consideration. He doesn't know whether Tokyo will be affected. The ghosts and snakes hidden in this ghost place can't be argued according to common sense.
But what he can be sure of is that once he starts that plan.

The action team sent by the academy will be destroyed in an instant. Lu Mingfei has already been included in the must-kill list by the academy. Finger can't control that much if they die or not. The most is to transfer from the S-level to the SS-level on the must-kill list.

In essence, they are all mortal, it is a matter of speed.

But Nuonuo and Chu Zihang will definitely be affected, and even himself may be destroyed in an instant.

In fact, he didn't worry about these things. Looking for a chance of life in the midst of death, he must pay a heavy price. Someone will always sacrifice on this road, and it doesn't matter who the sacrifice is.

But Finger was afraid, and Lu Mingfei couldn't accept it!

This guy, Fingel knows too well,
His best brother, his favorite chick are all here.

If you let him know that he...

"Lu Mingfei!!" Nuonuo roared again from a distance,
"Get out of here!"

The red-haired witch of the college exuded the ferocity of a female leopard, but the distance so far away seemed untouchable like fate.

"Oh!" Fingel sighed heavily.

This tone is full of endless sadness.

"Don't blame brother, Lu Mingfei." Fingel's screen suddenly went dark.



 Thanks to [Bai Ming Qing Xia] for the 1500 tip!

(End of this chapter)

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