I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 507 Yan Ling: Nightmare Tapir

Chapter 507 Yan Ling: Nightmare Tapir


Soon, the blood flowing from under the dragon wings slowed down.

The closed dragon wings are also slowly unfolding, and the commissioner inside has long since disappeared, leaving only a puddle of blood underneath.

The woman slowly raised her head, her fair face was filled with scarlet, which made her already eerie temperament even more eerie.

The commissioner on the opposite side she was staring at had the corners of his mouth slowly raised, and a wisp of viscous liquid flowed down the corners of his mouth.

In the expression of the commissioner retreating in panic, a pair of sharp claws cut his throat instantly, and a cold light flashed in the air.

The snake tail of the monster sitting cross-legged slowly rose, condescendingly looking down at the felled guy in the pool of blood,

"It seems that I still can't accept being stared at while eating, and I feel like a monkey."

She glanced around and landed on two commissioners on off-road vehicles in the distance,

The moment their eyes fell, they could clearly feel the freezing air around them, and an invisible chill began to spread crazily upwards along their spines.

With a playful ferocity at the corner of the monster's mouth, his eyes slowly fell on the roof of the car.

There gave her a very strange feeling, it seemed that there was something invisible that made her instinctively feel fear from the heart, but when she felt it seriously, she found that she couldn't feel anything, she shook her head and said this An unrealistic idea was thrown out of my mind.

From the moment she broke out of the cocoon, there was infinite power filling her limbs and bones. It was a supreme power, just like a guy who lived at the bottom of the valley climbed to the peak for the first time, that kind of look at the wilderness. , The feeling of seeing all the small mountains at a glance filled her body, so she didn't pay attention to the ants at all.

Only at this moment did she truly feel how small she used to be, and she dismissed human beings like ants.

The reason why she stopped eating was not because she cared about the eyes of the mixed-race bastards around her, just like she used to not care about the eyes of monkeys when she was eating.

But there was one person, she set her eyes on the roof of the white caravan, and there stood a man in a loose kimono,
The man is very beautiful, and the golden vertical pupils in the pupils are also very strange. Perhaps for her who was once a human being, seeing such a man would definitely make her an idiot.

But now she definitely won't, it's not that after evolving into a dragon, human desires have been wiped out,
no, on the contrary,

Human desires not only did not disappear on her body, but became more and more intense. She really wanted to crush the two men facing her under her body, and then coiled around them like a snake.

Enjoy the joy of fish and water from the soul and body.When she kissed his skin, she would remove his bones one by one, and then let him count down from one thousand.

But now is not the time. She felt a threat from the same kind on the standing man. The threat was very strong. relaxed.

She subconsciously glanced at the other man next to her. Compared to the guy standing there wearing a kimono with strange eyes, the man sitting there was much calmer. He sat on the roof of the car and squeezed his hands lightly In the champagne glass, she felt that the other party had the illusion of looking down on everything.

It seems that the identity of the other party is higher than that of the man in kimono, and logically the strength of the other party should also be stronger.

But when she felt the other person seriously again, she still didn't feel anything.

She shifted her target disdainfully, guessing that the man in the kimono should be a servile thug, while the man behind him is a waste of power.She hates guys who fiddle with power the most.She's going to torture that guy pretty badly in a moment.Let him know the "hungry...thirst" of hell demons.

That being the case, she didn't hesitate anymore. The dragon wings behind her stretched out, and the steel fang-like spikes made a shrill sound in the air. The dragon scales all over her body were stretching, and they erupted with the sound of gold and iron clashing with the air.The wind blades also appeared at this moment, they drilled into awls, sharp and sharp.

In the next second, her body disappeared from the spot and appeared on another off-road vehicle, waving it without any hesitation, and the mixed race commissioner had no room to resist in her hands.

next one!
In less than two seconds, the four commissioners completely fell into a pool of blood.

The plesiosaur licked the blood from his fingertips, while his eyes looked deeply at the roof of the white car.Accompanied by the gaze of compound eyes on her abdomen, a cold coercion condensed from the surroundings to the surroundings.

Lu Mingfei, who was driving, seemed to feel it too. He found that the hairs on his neck were standing on end. He tried his best to control his eyes from looking at the rearview mirror, but he still glanced at it from the corner of his eye.

It was also because of this glance that his whole head was about to explode. He stared at the snake-like monster that had begun to grow wildly in the rearview mirror.

He had always thought that this was a monster of the same type as the snake-shaped Deadpool, but now he realized that he was wrong, a big mistake.

He stared at the dragon scales that split from the monster's abdomen. Under the compound eyes that originally grew out, there were eight spider-like legs stretched out!
She is propped on the ground like a spider, no!She is a spider now, she is a complex of spider and snake at this moment,
It has a snake tail, spider legs, and... dragon wings.

Giggling sounds came from around, and Lu Mingfei's scalp became even more numb.

"What the hell is this?!" Lu Mingfei asked Fingel in horror.

"Dragon spider, someone has observed it in history, it should be a second-generation species in terms of level," Fingel stared at Lu Mingfei's pale face, and added, "Refer to the giant dragon Samson who attacked the academy."

"I know, I know." Lu Mingfei nodded quickly.

"But it is a wild subspecies, but looking at the situation now, she is obviously just hatched. And..." Fingel paused for a while, "And it seems that it may be a subspecies artificially cultivated. "

The sound exploded in Lu Mingfei's ears like thunder. "Artificial cultivation?"

Fingal hesitated, then nodded.

"What nonsense are you talking about, can this monster be bred artificially?"

"What nonsense are you scolding again, I store the things recorded in the card, why don't you ask me?! I know, I killed it a long time ago, as for being scared to pee now!" Fingel shouted tremblingly.


Kazama Liuli set her eyes on Fu Nian in front of her.

"be careful."

Fu Nian's voice traveled along the air to Kazama Liuli's ears. He glanced at Fu Nian's back in surprise. This was the first time he heard that the other party cared about his battle since he met him. The enemies he faced really made him very vigilant,
Kazama Ruri nodded fiercely,
When he was about to take a step forward, he suddenly heard Fu Nian's paused voice continue,
"I was beaten to death, but I'm still useful."

The tone of the voice was very casual, so random that Kazama Liuli felt that the other party might fall asleep in the next second.

He was so casual that he almost thought he was fighting an ordinary person.

He took a serious look at the monster covered in white dragon scales below. She was chasing after the RV like a snake, and kept spraying white silk from her joints like a spider.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an easy battle.

He shook his head and put away the thoughts of complaining in his mind. At the same time, the cherry red long knife on his waist began to be unsheathed. He stretched his right foot forward and leaned slightly, watching the dragon spider below in the posture of a tiger descending the mountain.

The force field swelled around him, blowing the crimson kimono.

Staring at the man in kimono standing on the edge of the RV, the woman let out a demonstrative hiss. She stared at the black pupils in the other's pupils, and there was always a feeling that something was about to crawl out of the other's pupils.

A huge vortex exploded in Fengjian Liuli's pupils, accompanied by a deep dragon roar...

The woman found that the surrounding environment suddenly became dark, and the thick black fog was flooding towards her like a tidal wave.

The dilapidated road disappeared from the ground, replaced by a rushing river flowing with scarlet blood.They popped out of the eyes of the man in the kimono in the RV, popping madly.

The disgusting iron smell was as strong as sea salt, and they rushed towards her from the front crazily,

The woman resisted the body that she wanted to pounce on, and quickly backed away. At the same time, the white spider web under her wrist shot forward.She felt a huge threat in the blood river ahead, and she even faintly saw the white skeleton disappearing in it.

These spider webs were quickly submerged in viscous blood, and a pale skeleton emerged from it, swallowing the blood-soaked spider webs into its abdomen.

The woman's complexion became ugly, and as the blood got closer to her, she became more irritable.

She frantically retreated backwards, but as she moved backwards, she found that the oncoming blood river wave was getting bigger and bigger.

At the beginning, the small wave was only as tall as a person, but now it is exaggerated to a full 20 meters. It is like a cobra with a stretched neck, and every cell from the beginning to the end is dangerous.

At this moment, there are no birch trees around at all, only a solitary and broken battle flag planted on the solitary mound,

Rusty long swords, broken battle axes, broken halberds, copper hammers... This place is like an ancient battlefield buried by time.

There are bones and skeletons buried in the wind and sand everywhere, they are flooded by the scarlet water, and the dark sky becomes hideous.

An indescribable loneliness rose from the bottom of the woman's heart, but when this loneliness rose, it brought with it the ferocious and tyrannical feelings in her heart.It made her want to smash everything around her.

At the same time, Blood River rushed towards him like a giant python.

Bright light erupted from her pupils, her lithe body suddenly jumped up from the ground, and the blade-like arm in her hand passed through the middle of the giant python.

A cold white light flashed through the middle, and the ferocious blood python was split in half by a more brutal dragon.

The giant python collapsed to the ground like a burst water balloon.Unbelievably easy.

The woman stretched the dragon wings behind her and stood condescendingly in front of the peaceful blood river, with undisguised contempt in her eyes.

Sure enough, she underestimated her own strength...


The corners of the woman's tight mouth burst open, and the pupils of the eyes bulged outwards as if they had exploded, and the surface of the pupils was densely covered with blood.

A thin line of blood emerged from the back of her head. The blood line moved down the spine, extended to the dragon wing of the steel feather blade, bent horizontally from the dragon wing, and finally extended to the snake tail entrenched in the ground.

The collapsed muscles cracked in all directions, and the dragon's blood spewed out like desperately.

"It's really hard." A cold male voice sounded from behind Long Spider, the kimono fluttered in the wind, and the cherry red long knife in his hand was playing like a toy.

This cherry red long knife is an alchemy weapon he specially used to kill the servant. It can easily split the dead servant from the middle, but now under his full blow, it only breaks the dragon scale on the opponent's surface.

So in the process of swinging the knife, he changed direction and focused on the weakly defended dragon wings.

But the bad thing is that the weakly defended dragon wings have not been cut off.

Kazama Liuli slowly turned around helplessly, staring at the shocked dragon spider who was pierced through the back by a blow, and took a light step.

Kazama Ruri's body instantly disappeared from the spot.

A roar like a missile hitting a building erupted between the two of them. The eight legs under the dragon spider's feet moved across the ground as if possessing extreme speed, and the huge snake tail behind it swept across the air like a giant steel pillar.

Kazama Liuli swung the long knife in his hand to fight back. At this moment, his whole body was covered with white dragon scales. It was the color of white jade. The splashing fire reflected on its surface, like the reflection of blooming fireworks in a clear lake. Heart.

But as the battle between the two sides became more and more intense, the ways of the dragon spider's attack became more and more,
The eight legs are like sharp triangular pyramids. They pierce the air with the speed of bullets, and attack Kazama Liuli from all directions at the extreme speed of the snake tail.

The dragon wings behind him also waved wildly, the wind blades condensed in the air, and each blade was ready to go.

Kazama Ruri had a geisha-like smile on her mouth, and swiped the long knife in her hand with her brisk fingers,

Then the air erupted like a roar of thunder across the sky.The giant black snake roared in the air...

The long knife in Kazama Liuli's hand was swung out, leaving behind shadows, and the bloody rays of light were like sunlight piercing through the dark clouds,

They appear when the last afterglow has not dissipated,
Shining behind the next afterglow,
This is not like a bloody battle of flesh and blood at all, but like a frightening special effects movie, and the dancing figures at their feet are like a well-prepared stage drama performance.

But this scene did not last long after all, as the dragon spider participated in the battle more and more "weapons".

at last,

A ferocious smile erupted from the corner of the woman's mouth, and densely packed wind blades and weapons surrounded Kazama Liuli in all directions.
At extreme speed, the sharp spider legs pierced through Kazama Ruri's chest.

Blood splatters fell on the white paper like rose petals.

Kazama Liuli's pupils shrank inward.



(End of this chapter)

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