Chapter 511 Bear Child


The snowmobile rushed out of the snow and dust at an extreme speed, and Fingel jumped off the motorcycle before it came to a complete stop.

The arm took off the windproof helmet at an extremely fast speed,

Almost at the same time, he sprayed out the scorching alcohol smell mixed with vomiting, and then fell headlong into the snowdrift at his feet.Sorry, it wasn't because he was looking forward to seeing the survivors, it was just motion sickness, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

Caesar, who got off the motorcycle, stared at Fingel who threw himself on the snowman's head in distaste. He really didn't want to admit that this guy was the head of the news department of his student union.

They are now located on a large island in the Franc Joseph Islands. The island is located in the northeast of the archipelago. It is called Alexandria Island. Their ship stopped in the direction where the scientific expedition team died, more than ten kilometers away from this direction. .

It is incredible to find a survivor in such a far away place, and it is hard to imagine how this survivor survived for half a month in the icy and snowy environment.

Schneider and Rebalco followed Caesar, and they walked towards a crowded place in the distance.Executive Director Schneider didn't even glance at Fingel during the process.

Only the gentle Patsy walked towards Finger, who was kneeling on the snow. At this moment, Finger has completely lost his human form. He is limp on the snow, and his dirty saliva is all over the face of the snowman beside him. .

But when Patsy walked in, he found that Fingal didn't seem to vomit much, but the strong smell of alcohol on his body made him want to throw him into the sea to feed the fish.

Patsy stared at Fingel who was still throwing up and hesitated for a while, because they didn't have a long meal, and during this process, Fingel didn't eat anything except drinking.So what comes out of his mouth is suffocating wine.They rushed over the snowman's head overwhelmingly, making Passy worry about the poor snowman.

Then he took out a square scarf from the pocket of his suit and put it at his feet, patted the opponent on the back, turned and walked towards Caesar.

Fingel quietly glanced at the crowd in the distance, and then met Percy's eyes.

Vomit... Then the painful wailing sounded again, Patsy looked at Fingel worriedly and then turned and left.

"You go and throw him back to me!" Caesar pointed to a man in the crew. He had excellent hearing, and Fingal's vomiting polluted his voice.

The crew glanced at Captain Rebalco, who nodded.

After he left, everyone looked at the well in front of them. This is a man-made facility, but it is not marked on the satellite map, but this is very common, and there is no one in this kind of unmanned area for more than ten kilometers. It is not surprising that there are one or two unreported facilities in places where there are shadows.

Moreover, it is far away from the research station, and maybe even the people stationed at the research station will not visit this desolate island, and they will not know about this ancient well.

It looks very old and old, the ice has left deep marks on the metal well head, the crew is using tools to clear the snow in the well, half a month of snow has buried many things here, the cold is coming again Freeze snowflakes together so they are as hard as stone.

On the other side of the well mouth, a white figure was lying there. Like the previous victims, he was wearing the uniform of the scientific expedition team. Not far away was an overturned snowmobile. It could be seen that the The situation is very critical.

This person was already dead, and one leg was broken at the knee. This situation would also happen to the victims before. The body of the deceased who had just been frozen was very fragile, and it broke after struggling hard from the inside.

"Judging from the situation at the scene, one of the scientific expedition team managed to escape by driving a snowmobile. He may have wanted to enter this well to avoid the severe cold, but he was still one step away." Caesar stared at the front of him. The corpse spoke.

Schneider glanced at Caesar.

This possibility is not completely non-existent. They know that those people died from the ultra-low temperature caused by a speech spirit, and the speech spirit always has its own effective range, which is called a "field".

It is impossible for the Dragon King's domain to cover the entire Faras Joseph Islands.If this person was still some distance away from other people at that time, when the incident happened, he saw the death of his companions from a distance, jumped on the motorcycle and left,

Maybe there is a chance to avoid the attack of that word spirit.But he was seriously injured. Although Yan Ling's domain is limited, the ultra-cold air in the domain and the convection of the surrounding atmosphere still caused the temperature in the surrounding area to drop sharply by more than ten degrees.

Coupled with the regional ice storm caused by air convection, theoretically even if he successfully jumped into the well, he would not be able to survive the severe cold that his body endured.But why he is still so desperate, is it the tenacity of life at the end?
They stared silently at the constant work of the crew in the well, and none of their conclusions made the slightest sense until the results were in.

The crew at the bottom kept passing up the objects dug out of the well, these are things from a long time ago,

Schneider took one of them, and it was a Mitsubishi cone-shaped ice box, covered with frozen slag, and some rusty black iron filings could be found inside.

But these are not the main points, he stared at the * shape on the top of the ice bucket, and then reached out to take the ice ax from below,
He found that all the objects found here had a * mark on them. No wonder the well was not marked on the map. Schneider guessed that this place had an inevitable connection with the German Communist Party in the last century.

"The facilities here have not been used for many years. We probably won't find anything." Rebalco looked at the objects in Schneider's hand and said.

The actual situation should be that the survivor or the scientific expedition team happened to discover the well. When the danger happened, he happened to be nearby. He came here just to avoid the ice storm, and there was probably nothing in the well.

Then this discovery is of little value, all they can do is take a photo with this unexpected discovery.

Schneider shook his head, and then walked to the well, followed by Rebalco. When he looked down, Rebalco found that the dead man was holding a rope in his hand, and a part of the rope went deep into the snow.

Caesar also came to the well, staring at the rope thoughtfully.

This person didn't struggle to the edge of the well and didn't climb in, but sent something into the well with a rope first. At that time of danger, it can be imagined that the thing was more important than his life, otherwise he wouldn't be here. In that kind of crisis, don't put your own in it.

At the same time, the crew in the well finally smashed the ice shell below with an ice pick, and white steam suddenly rose from the bottomless darkness.

This made everyone's faces full of curiosity. Could it be that there is a hidden crater under this well, which provides geothermal energy for the surrounding area?
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then Caesar turned over and jumped down.


Caesar was walking ahead with a flashlight to illuminate the road, and Rebalco followed behind him with the same concentration. Although the place here is very dark, it is not as abnormally cold as outside, no, it should be said to be very warm.

Behind the two of them are fully armed crew members. They surrounded Schneider and stared at the surrounding darkness vigilantly. To be too spacious.

This gives them the illusion of exploring some dark underground cave.I am always worried about whether there will be bats with bloody mouths protruding from the surroundings suddenly.

As for whether there will be such creatures in the cold winter of the Arctic, the senior captain will definitely tell you, no.But it is not necessarily here, because it is very warm here, and it is almost completely in two worlds with the outside world.

The crew has already taken off their winter clothing, because the temperature here is too warm, which is hard to understand. This well is located in the permafrost layer. Although to a certain extent, this thing can avoid the wind and cold, but It's not as warm as spring, which makes them more inclined to have geothermal energy underneath.

As the flashlight illuminated the surrounding area, they could see a lot of dust on the ground, which showed that the well had been abandoned for a long time. Could it be that the Germans still left some heating systems here?
"Nuclear radiation exceeds the standard." Caesar in front of him suddenly stopped, staring at the Geiger counter in his hand, his eyes reflecting blue light in the dark, "This may be a nuclear facility."

"Is it a nuclear facility in Germany?" Rybalko asked,
During World War II, both the United States and Germany were researching nuclear weapons. The Americans had the "Manhattan Project" and the Germans had the "Uranium Project."However, Germany did not create an atomic bomb that could change the situation of the war.Maybe this is just a first-generation experiment.

"This can be a discovery that is enough to shock the world. But why are they still operating now? It doesn't look like there will be maintenance here."

"Probably an Oklo nuclear reactor," Schneider said. "It has been running on its own for decades, so it has always maintained such a warm space in the Arctic Circle."

"That means there might really be survivors?" Caesar stared at the darkness ahead.He turned his gaze to a corner.

Rebalco glanced at Caesar, and subconsciously pointed the flashlight in his hand in the direction he was looking.

In the next second, a small figure flashed past the corner at an extremely fast speed, but Rebalco could still see clearly that it was a little arctic rabbit.

In fact, from the time they entered this well, they felt a strong breath of life from the surroundings. Plants that are hard to see in the cold zone grow here, whether it is the waterfall-like vines on the wall or the slippery moss under their feet, they I don't know how many times I have stepped on an animal's bone.
The warm environment brought about by the possible nuclear facilities here has completely changed the surrounding environment. This place has become a place for nearby animals to escape from the low temperature. Weak creatures will breed here, and powerful creatures will also hunt here.

After Leviathan released the terrifying speech spirit, the entire French Joseph Islands became a forbidden area for life. Not to mention that human beings will be frozen instantly, even those animals that live here all year round and are used to the severe cold cannot bear the freezing all the bitter cold,

But the creatures here still survived unaffected, and this may be the only place on the entire island with natural creatures. The nuclear facilities left by the Germans have preserved the only ecology here.

"Be careful, maybe the result is not as good as we expected." Caesar slowly pulled out the saber from his waist. This place gave him a bad feeling. Although this is a place full of vitality, it is also a place full of life. A place full of murder.

When Caesar's voice fell, everyone raised the AK-47 in their hands, and the sound of loading was extremely clear in the quiet black hole.

They continued to move forward, and there were whispers from time to time in the darkness, and it was unknown which animal made the hole, or the old system was on the verge of being scrapped and needed repairs.

Caesar also slowly expanded the domain of Yanling Scythe Itachi towards all around,

For a while, more complex sounds reached his ears. He heard the heartbeat of small animals, the soft sound of water droplets splashing on the moss, and even the snoring sound of a fox drilled in a pipe.


Caesar raised his hand suddenly, and Rebalco behind him quickly stopped. He stared at the tense breath surrounding Caesar, quickly pulled out the saber from his waist, and stared vigilantly around.

The companions behind him formed a group because of the captain's actions, protecting Schneider in the middle.

As the surroundings gradually quieted down, the voice in Caesar's ears became clearer. He heard the sound of eating, which was the sound of food being stirred by sharp teeth. This sound was very strange, almost mixed with the surrounding wind. If it weren't for Kama Itachi, Caesar would have missed it.

He took a deep breath, turned the flashlight in his hand, and the light flowed along the slippery wall,
At the corner where the light stopped, Rebalco's body froze in place. At the end of the large pipes in front of him, a fluffy white figure squatted in the corner. Viscous blood stains flowed along the ground, and blood spattered from time to time. Flowers appear from the front of the back.

At this moment, the sound seemed to be amplified infinitely. The sound of teeth rubbing against flesh and blood, and even the sound of bones being crushed filled his ears, and everyone's ears, like a bloodthirsty devil in front of them. He grinned grinningly in his ear.The cold air rushed up their spines crazily.

The crew behind him raised their AK47s one after another, and the sound of loading echoed in the small space.

Their movements also awakened the white figure who was eating,

The figure turned around vigilantly, and the next moment, a pair of bright, scary eyes suddenly appeared in everyone's field of vision.

It turned out to be a human eye, and it turned out to be a child in polar bear skin.

The opponent's breathing was as rapid as a beast in the darkness.



(End of this chapter)

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