I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 517 "Do you like Auntie?"

Chapter 517 "Do you like Auntie?"


The traces of the hovercraft on the ground became more obvious as they walked forward. With such a strong wind around them, this proved that the group of people were not very far away from them.

Lu Mingfei thinks this is a good thing, no matter what kind of people are following them, now they obviously lost themselves, and they were discovered by them.The tables have since turned and they have become the dark side.

And this may also be a very scary thing for those who track it. They are about to face an urban dragon king who can punch Deadpool and kick the next generation.

Of course, it wasn't him, Lu Mingfei, but the man in front of him.

They may even not need to carry fuel to return to their hovercraft. As long as they are defeated and rob the rich and give to the poor, they will not have to walk as hard as they are now.Countless thoughts appeared in Lu Mingfei's mind, which made his steps a little lighter.

The night gradually shrouded, but Lu Mingfei's walking speed became faster. He gradually walked from behind Fu Nian to Fu Nian's side. It seemed that there was some extra motivation supporting his steps, making him no longer afraid. The head-on drag and cold wind are like... chicken legs hanging in front of the husky.

Fu Nian followed step by step behind the hovercraft mark, looked at Lu Mingfei beside him whose cheeks were flushed by the cold wind, and suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Under the shroud of night, the surrounding visibility is extremely low, but it has nothing to do with the night.

The snowflakes here are always rubbing against each other. Their particles are in the form of extremely fine powder. They can be easily poured into the neck along the gap of the collar. The bone-chilling coldness can kill Lu Ming in this sub-zero temperature. Fei's old life.

As the two continued to go deeper, the surrounding wind speed became more likely to become severe, and the more severe the wind speed in the North Pole, the easier it was to be accompanied by a blizzard.
At that time space was filled with snowflakes, and it was difficult to tell whether they fell from the clouds or were blown from the ground.

And as they continued to go deeper now, the wind speed here began to increase extremely rapidly.The distance between the two of them was only a few hundred meters, and the surrounding vision had already begun to become blurred.

The wind blew up the snowflakes on the ground and swelled between the two of them, and the sharp wind sound like a ghost echoed in the surrounding air.

At this time, the night finally shrouded completely, and even the light of the flashlight became negligible.

With the whimpering wind in the dark surroundings, Fu Nian's footsteps gradually slowed down.

He looked at the outline of the small hill in front of him, and the car marks that had gradually become invisible at his feet and shook his head. The current wind speed has reached a speed of more than 20 meters per hour, and the wind speed is still rising.

It can be predicted that if they want to follow the car seal, it is almost impossible.

When he was about to ask Lu Mingfei to stop and rest.

Fu Nian frowned suddenly.

At this moment,

The surrounding wind became extremely fierce like crazy,
The wind speed of 20 meters per second soared suddenly, and the whirling snow powder roared wantonly on the snow field, covering the surroundings, and they were as blurred as a tornado.

At this time, Fu Nian seemed to have noticed something suddenly!
He suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward. With extreme speed, his five fingernails were as red as a soldering iron.

The sudden rise in high temperature melted the surrounding white snow, and they fell on the snow and continued to melt downwards.

But what appeared in front of Fu Nian was a wider snowfield.

Although he was originally on the snowfield,
But now... Lu Mingfei is gone.


"Sanwu, do you think the boss will give us a vacation after we complete the boss's task?"

Su Enxi's voice spit out from her ruddy lips like a raving, along with a small grape seed.

The grape seeds pushed up from the flaming red lips, followed the lying flat body upwards in a parabolic motion, and then precisely landed in the trash can next to Zero.

"Yes." Zero's voice was concise,

She stared at the windshield whose visibility was almost measured in centimeters, with a focused expression like a racing driver in a professional race.

The silhouette of a small hill suddenly appeared in the wind and snow, Ling twisted his wrist, and suddenly turned the steering wheel.The hovercraft reversed its direction on the snow surface extremely smoothly, and then rushed forward again.

"Then where shall we go on vacation?" Su Enxi turned over on the bumpy hovercraft, faced the cabin door, and then stretched out on the seat.

She was used to what had just happened.This woman is good at everything, but she likes to find excitement.

Without waiting for zero to open her mouth, Su Enxi continued like a chatterbox, "If she has long legs, she must be going to Madagascar to see the sea, or go to the Aegean Island to bask in the sun. That woman is an old hooligan. My brain is full of men, and sometimes I will go crazy even if I go crazy. She must be very happy at a place like the beach where men wear more clothes and less.

I am different, I am such an elegant, gentle, and book-scented girl, I must find a quiet and natural place, preferably the kind of summer forest with a faint humid atmosphere, I lie in a hammock and eat potato chips ...By the way, San Wu, where do you want to go? "

"Three nothings?" After waiting for a while, Su Enxi continued to speak without seeing any echo.
"Three nothings?"

Although Zero is usually indifferent, he answered 100% of the questions.

Su Enxi turned around lazily, then stared at the empty driver's seat, her eyes wide open.


The figure who was driving the car just a second ago disappeared in the next second. This strange speed of disappearance made Su Enxi subconsciously glance at the windshield on the cabin door. The window was closed intact.

Su Enxi's eyes were in a daze.

But Su Enxi's nerve reaction arc did not stop for a long time,

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the wind and snow blowing wildly outside the window, which was still speeding ahead of the hovercraft.

But at the forefront of the snowstorm, a steep snow hill stood there,
And the distance between the hovercraft and the silhouette!

Su Enxi jumped up from the spot with a jerk, and rushed to the steering wheel at the driver's position at a speed that she could not even imagine.

But the distance between the hovercraft and the snow mountain is too close,
Even if Su Enxi quickly grabbed the steering wheel and turned it outward,
The hovercraft deflected at a large angle of [-] degrees with a very high reaction speed, and the hovercraft still had a violent friction with the snow mountain.

Large flakes of snow covered the window like waves, touching Su Enxi's flowing hair through the glass. Under the straight body, the scene was once breathtakingly beautiful.

But now Su Enxi is not in the mood to appreciate the spectacular scene around her at all.
Her super concentration made her clearly recall the scene after the turn. It was a slanted iceberg, but the direction she turned happened to be wrong from the correct direction, which meant that the hovercraft was about to collide with the main body of the snow mountain.

Her focused eyes were fixed on the windshield ahead, even though the windshield was blocked by thick snow.

look down,

Under the darkness, the blazing white headlights of the hovercraft illuminated the snow-capped mountains less than three meters ahead as bright as jade.

Su Enxi is about to swear,
Didn't that guy Zero know to pick a good time when he was leaving?

How can there be so many snow mountains in this damn place!

Invisible data flowed crazily between her eyes, and Su Enxi's pale black pupils gradually radiated a faint golden color.

"Yanling, Tianyan!" Su Enxi said silently in her heart

In this moment of effort, huge models and various data filled her mind, and her brain's ability to deduce and calculate was stretched to the extreme.

The possible consequences that appeared afterwards were interpreted to the extreme in her mind,

Su Enxi, who had never touched this device before, not only thoroughly understood the general operation steps of this simple machine in that [-] seconds, but also deduced a perfect angle that would allow her to escape successfully.

Su Enxi's body curled up, and suddenly rolled from the co-pilot's position to the driver's position. The heavy clothes wrapped around her body were as light and flexible as nothing, not as bulky as before.

The high-heeled boots on his feet suddenly stepped on the clutch of the brake, and the steering wheel in his hand turned rapidly to the right with his body,
There was a violent friction sound between the hovercraft and the ground, and the hovercraft with a 180-degree twist direction was shifted again, and the hovercraft reversed [-] degrees after undergoing a turn.

But this is not land, and the friction on the land will make the drifting car stand still in place.

But here is a snowfield, and the intense friction between the hovercraft and the snow smoothed out the friction between each other, and the reversed hovercraft used the inertia of the ice surface to hit the iceberg on the side.

Su Enxi witnessed this scene through the rearview mirror, and her expression became extremely serious at this moment. This is the most critical moment, and it is also the moment when car control skills are most needed.
"I haven't found a boyfriend yet! You can't die at this time."

Su Enxi stepped on the accelerator of the hovercraft suddenly, and the two giant propellers behind the hovercraft roared like thunder, and the huge forward penetrating force directly lifted the hovercraft and the snow into the air.
Then it crashed heavily into the snowdrift on the side.

Although it has enough forward momentum, the hovercraft is too close to the snow mountain.According to the prediction standard of Su Enxi's model, she was just able to go out.

But this standard is simulated in terms of zero with driving skills.

But the current situation is not particularly bad. The outermost layer of the side of the snow mountain is different from the hard and thick middle, and the inside is full of snow that has condensed not long ago. Although the giant hovercraft was heavily stuffed into the snowdrift.

But it doesn't seem to make a huge difference to its hard shell.

Su Enxi stared at the power equipment in front of her, it seemed that it was still working.

But she can't care about these anymore, even if it really works, she can't pick this guy out of it.

Su Enxi grabbed the ice hammer next to her and smashed it towards the hatch glass on the other side.

The glass trembled violently, but the thick windproof glass stood still, and the old Soviet things were hard.

Su Enxi sighed inwardly,
Then the hammer in his hand hit the glass hard again.

The glass remained the same, but the hovercraft trembled violently. The next moment, a large mass of snow fell from the ice, and large chunks of falling snow completely submerged the hovercraft.

Fortunately, this is only the top layer of snow on the ice. The softness and softness and the hard rock-like things underneath are completely different concepts.

But even so, Su Enxi, who was sitting in the cockpit, frowned severely.

Su Enxi looked up at the top of the hovercraft. She predicted that the worst had already happened. The falling snow had completely piled up the hovercraft inside, and the outside of the hatch was blocked by a huge force. But the door is difficult to open completely as if blocked by a boulder.

The snow fell from the top towards the cabin, and Su Enxi worked harder. She didn't know how serious the collision between the hovercraft and the snow mountain was, but at present, the possibility of snow falling next time is very high.
If another cloud of falling snow hits here, she might really be unable to open the hatch and be trapped inside. Not to mention food, even the lack of oxygen will kill her in a short time.

At this moment, Su Enxi almost used her breastfeeding strength, but as a civil servant, she has always been weak in combat.It took almost as much effort as she could to push the hatch wide enough for her leg.

She was ecstatic, and suddenly removed the seat from the co-pilot position behind her, stuck it in the gap, and rushed towards the rear of the cockpit at extreme speed. Although her physical strength was not strong enough, she was good at using tools.

Just as Su Enxi turned around and hurried towards the room behind her,
A sudden strong forward force suddenly fell behind the hovercraft, and the huge forward force directly closed the glimmer of life that she had spent a lot of effort to open.

With the reflection from the facing window, Su Enxi looked at the seat crushed into a flat by a huge force as if in a dream, and an indescribable anger surged into her heart instantly.
"Damn! Playing with my old lady!"

Su Enxi stepped on the cockpit door angrily, and the huge force directly pushed her back.

The sore knee made Su Enxi's mouth drop.

When she looked around to consider other escape directions,
The strong forward force came from behind again, Su Enxi jumped up from the seat suddenly, turned her head to stare at the back of the hovercraft, but it was all white, and there was nothing to see at all.

But this time the power didn't stop after a shake, the snow on it kept piling down from behind,

Su Enxi was horrified to find that the hovercraft was moving forward, being pushed forward by a huge almost terrifying force,

You must know that the hovercraft she is riding on now is a huge monster. A thing weighing dozens of tons is something that is unimaginable for human beings. It can only move this thing forward until it reaches a giant ice block that falls from above. this effect.

Could it be that he just crashed into the den of a group of polar bears?

Those guys were so angry that they wanted to throw themselves, an uninvited guest, out?

Regardless of the possibility of polar bears living in groups and pushing hovercraft, shouldn't it be more reasonable to just be vented out of anger?

The hovercraft continued to move forward, and was pushed forward together with the snow falling from above, which made Su Enxi rule out the possibility of polar bears again. Things move forward, not to mention...

Su Enxi stared at the hovercraft moving slowly and steadily at a constant speed. She felt that she was either hallucinating or dreaming.

The speed of this hovercraft is not too easy,
Su Enxi stared at the black sky that had appeared in front of her. The polar night in the North Pole was like an obsidian paved on the sky. Sparse meteors streaked across it like flowing water, leaving a bright and yearning arc.

The hovercraft continues to advance steadily and at a constant speed,

Su Enxi was abnormally sitting between the driver and the co-pilot, her curled up legs were bound by heavy clothes, making her look like a chubby little bear.

But what was piled on the little bear's body was a delicate pretty face. Two silver necklaces with swan tassels hung beside her ears. They swayed along the smooth and white skin with the air moving in the hovercraft.

Snowflakes fell from above, and when the hovercraft completely emerged from the snowdrift, Su Enxi didn't push the door out immediately, but put her hands on her knees, trying to get her chin between her knees.

But the bad thing is that the clothes she was wearing were too bulky, the cold-proof clothes and the cotton clothes inside seemed to wrap her inside like a rice dumpling,
She can rely on her perfect body advantage to wrap her hands around her knees to the maximum extent. It is not too difficult to make a wronged and delicate posture like a little girl.

But Su Enxi didn't know which nerve was twitching. At this moment when she should have stepped on the gas pedal or pushed the door to check the situation outside, she struggled with this action.

She gritted her teeth, leaning on the strength of her waist and abdomen to push her body forward, and the necklace hanging by her ears swayed back and forth vigorously, as if she was cheering her master on.

"Auntie, if it doesn't work, let's forget about it. After all, potential stocks have great potential. If you can't do it now, you won't be sure until the next time." A lazy voice came from the top of the hovercraft, without any warning. It seems to be in Su Enxi's expectation again.

Su Enxi, who was straightening her chin, stopped and tried to look up to find the owner of the voice, but unfortunately, the movements she was maintaining now did not allow her to do so.

"You're saying I'm fat." Su Enxi gave up raising her head and looked to the side of the hatch.There is still mottled snow that fell on it.

"I don't think that's what I mean." The owner of the voice seemed to cooperate with Su Enxi's movements, and his lazy tone appeared beside the hatch.

As Su Enxi's eyes widened, a man in a windbreaker stood in the strong wind, and the flying snowflakes passed under his feet, rolling the waves and rushing into the distance.

Su Enxi was psychologically prepared for the appearance of the master of the figure, otherwise she would not deliberately make any actions to arouse the man's desire to protect.

But when the other party really appeared in front of her, Su Enxi still involuntarily shed saliva that engulfed your body, bah, shed tears of gratitude and tears of reunion after a long absence.

Tears dripped down the cheeks towards the chin, and there was a trace of girlish fragility in those watery eyes.

It's just that the girl is not an ordinary girl, but a monster pretending to be the heart of a black-bellied old aunt. Although she lacks the experience of chasing beauty, she knows well that if the enemy moves, I will not move. If the enemy moves, I will send it off. The ancestral philosophy of Taishan collapse without changing face.

"Then do you like fat girls?" Su Enxi stared into Fu Nian's eyes,

Fu Nian quietly averted his eyes.This woman has always been very thoughtful. Although she is quite simple to herself, but she can appear here, the identity behind it must be not simple.He doesn't want to reveal anything.

"Do you like it?" Fu Nian stood firmly in the wind and snow, with his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker.

"Of course I don't like it. No girl likes to be fat, but..." Su Enxi hesitated,
"If the other party likes it, I can become what the other party wants, but I don't know whether you men like being fat or fat." Su Enxi looked at Fu Nian thoughtfully, her eyes shining like the stars shining in the sky the stars

"I still prefer fat people. Others don't know." Fu Nian lowered his eyebrows and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"Slightly fat," Su Enxi nodded thoughtfully, "Oh, that's right."

"What?" Fu Nian looked up at Su Enxi.

"Do you like Auntie?"

"Ah?" Fu Nian was taken aback.

"It's okay, I'll just ask." Su Enxi smiled coquettishly, hesitated for a moment, and then made a gesture of brushing her hair like a young girl.

Fu Nian subconsciously took a step back.

Su Enxi was taken aback for a moment, and in the next second, she took a meaningful look at Fu Nian, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Fu Nian always felt that she had misunderstood something.



There is another chapter today. Students with 500 fans will have two lucky draws.

(End of this chapter)

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