Chapter 521 Follow

As Fu Nian was highlighted, the dog king standing on the enemy's corpse also turned his gaze to this side.

At this moment, the world suddenly became quiet.

All the hellhounds raised their red fierce eyes one after another.

So, the world is quieter.

Even the blizzard that annoyed the wolf around him at this moment was so insignificant.

In the next second, a group of wolves fleeing in all directions appeared on the snowy field, spreading like an avalanche into the distance with howls begging for mercy.They run around aimlessly.

But the wolf king opposite Fu Nian stood motionless.

Of course it's not that it doesn't want to escape.

But under those sharp vertical pupils, the body does not allow it.

A great fear enveloped its heart, it couldn't describe that feeling, but every cell in its body seemed to be blocked and it was hard to breathe.

Iron-black dragon scales stand upright on its back like barbs,

What it doesn't know is that its gnarled limbs have completely collapsed to the snow.

Fu Nian just looked at it with his head tilted.


The woman who was giving Lu Mingfei first aid stopped suddenly.

She straightened her upper body vigilantly, with her ears pricked up like a fox, as if she could hear voices thousands of miles away.

At the same time, the gaze of the man standing on the sleigh suddenly became colder. The reflection of the icy snow mountain was reflected in his jet-black pupils, like night falling on the dark blue.

At this moment, the secretary standing behind him looked at the two people in front of him strangely, and subconsciously pulled out the large-caliber revolver from his waist.

Although she didn't quite know what was happening around her, she saw the abnormalities around her, the most obvious being the reindeer in front of her. Those reindeer who were usually extremely docile were now beating their legs on the spot like crazy, and the frequency was extremely fast. It wasn't that they were so familiar with these reindeer that they wouldn't abandon them even in times of crisis. I'm afraid they turned around and were about to run away.

Just when the secretary was about to ask what happened to the man.

The next second, her body trembled suddenly, as if an invisible wave of air passed through her body just now, and then smashed her confidence to pieces.

Her brown pupils shrank inward, and the beating sound of her heart was hard to ignore like a water pump.

The barking of dogs in the distance disappeared amidst the sound of the wind, and even the surrounding wind suddenly became silent at this moment, as if the sea that was still blustery a second ago had suddenly turned into a calm lake.

The world suddenly fell into silence, but everyone knew that this was the moment of tranquility before the storm.

The woman holding Lu Mingfei didn't say a word, she stopped the movement of her hands suddenly, and rushed towards the sled at the speed of a tiger going downhill.

The man standing on the sled waved the whip behind him without hesitation, and the reindeer who got the order couldn't wait to rush out in the direction behind him.

The woman following behind was extremely fast. With Lu Mingfei in her arms, she was able to keep parallel with the galloping reindeer.

The man standing on the sled stretched out his hand towards the woman. The woman gave him a hard look, and then carefully sent Lu Mingfei to his side.

The man suddenly pulled Lu Mingfei into the car, and at almost the same time, the woman's legs suddenly exerted force, her slender palms propped up her whole body, and she jumped up and appeared on the sled amidst the whistling wind in her ears. .

"What happened?" The woman said nothing nonsense, her eyes were fixed behind her, with unprecedented seriousness between her brows.

"I don't know. But don't worry too much. Although those hellhounds will often kill each other for food, they will be quite restrained in many cases." The man was silent, but the seriousness revealed between his brows showed his respect for himself I don't really believe what I just said.

"I don't think those beasts can hold back their ferocity after smelling the blood. We just came in when they were killing each other. Such fighting can't be stopped in a short time. And!"

The woman turned the side face of the man, and lifted the winter clothes on her wrist upwards.

Then an extremely white arm was revealed, that whiteness could almost rival the snowflakes flying in the sky.

But the tiny hairs on the delicate skin stand like steel needles, and the raised goose bumps are very eye-catching on the woman's skin.

"The blood fluctuations that can cause fear in my bloodline, you are so fucking crazy," the woman grabbed the man's shoulder like a raging tiger,

"Are you trying to kill us all!"

The woman glared at the man's eyes, her voice was extremely low, but the anger emanating from the pupils made the surrounding gusts worthless.

"Jiovini, don't go too far!"

The man let the woman grab him without moving, but the female secretary who had been standing behind the man grabbed the woman's wrist,
With the other hand, he pulled out the revolver in his hand and shot it towards Qiao Weini's head.


A crisp sound echoed on the running sled.

The man slapped the secretary on the cheek with his backhand,
From the depths of those dark eyes comes this chilling coldness,
"Put away your guns!"

The secretary covered her cheeks and stared at Qiao Wenni resentfully,
Qiao Weini stared at her eyes coldly, and the faint golden color disappeared from the depths of her eyelids.

She slowly let go of the man in front of her, and then walked gently in front of the female secretary. At this moment, the secretary keenly noticed that Qiao Wenni was extremely tall, a head taller than her,
Giovanni leaned gently next to the secretary's ear, and said in an extremely low voice, "Next time point a gun at me, even if you are a member of the committee, I will still kill you."

In the dull face of the secretary,
An enlarged palm suddenly appeared on the other side of the secretary's face, and the strength directly knocked the secretary to the ground.
Qiao Weini stared at each other condescendingly, "Also, when will it be your secretary's turn to intervene in the affairs between our husband and wife!"

The man next to them stood there with a blank expression on his face. Except for the slap just now, he seemed to stand there completely out of the way, and his eyes didn't even fall on what happened on the sled from the beginning to the end.

He stared at the silent snow-capped mountains behind him, his brows furrowed deeply.

next moment.

His pupils suddenly shrank inward.

In a trance,
He saw a figure on the outline of the iceberg! !


Fu Nian stood on the top of the snow mountain with his hands behind his back,

On the snowy field at the foot of the mountain, a huge but shivering hellhound froze in place,
Since the group of dogs dispersed, nothing happened around.But the once burly and sturdy wolf king was completely turned into an ice sculpture because of extreme fear.

Fu Nian's eyes fell on the sleigh running on the snowy field far away.

The sled went deeper into the interior along the direction it came from, and the brows of the man standing at the front of the sled never eased.
A figure appeared on the iceberg.

When the man picked up the binoculars and looked over there, he found nothing.It was as if what had just happened was an illusion.

On the other side of him, Qiao Weini was patiently looking after Lu Mingfei. During the process, she turned her head to look behind her from time to time. There was undisguised vigilance in those deep dark pupils. There was an endless white snow field, but Qiao Weini seemed to be looking at a giant beast exuding danger.

Finally, the great fear from inside and outside enveloped her like a bubble, she couldn't bear it anymore, turned to look at the man next to her,
"There's something following us." Jovini's voice was sure.

"Don't worry." The man stood firmly in front of the sled, ignoring the snow field behind him. He knew that even if he really looked back, he might not be able to find the real thing.

"That thing is really within your control?" Giovanni stared at the man's back and said.

Answering her was the voiceless silence of the man.

The sled drove along the snow surface when it came, and drove in the direction when it came.

As they got deeper and deeper, Giovanni keenly found that the vigilance on her body was calming down a little bit, and the bristling hairs were lying softly on the skin after experiencing the barbs.

In the end, the feeling that spread over completely disappeared, as if they were out of the prey and out of the lion's domain, and the lion let them go mercifully.

She turned her head and looked at the snow field behind her. The heavy sled left a long trail on the ice. The trail gradually became blurred in the wind and snow, but the invisible iceberg standing in the wind and snow was completely transformed. her restricted area.

Giovanni breathed a sigh of relief.

The fear that emerged from the instinctive blood just now was like an invisible sword hanging around her neck. This was something she had never experienced before. Under such fear, she could hardly think of any means of resistance. ,

But what is surprising is that this is not a fear that anyone can feel. She and Lu Lincheng can feel the same, but the female secretary who has been standing behind Lu Lincheng seems to know nothing.

This made her realize that this matter was unusual, but she could not get any relevant information from Lu Lincheng.

Qiao Weini looked down at Lu Mingfei in her arms, her pale face left traces of time on the other's face, ten years, has it been so long...

She looked up at the snowflakes rolled up by the sled beside her, like a surfer walking through the waves. If other factors were excluded, this trip was also a rare opportunity for her to relax.

Lu Lincheng who was standing in front seemed to have noticed something, he turned his head and glanced at Qiao Weini, then his eyes fell on Lu Mingfei who was in the other's arms.

Then, he looked away from Lu Mingfei's face and looked at the flying snowflakes on both sides of the reindeer. They were mixed with the snow dust blowing up around them, and the visual distance of the white world fluctuated.

He withdrew his gaze and fell forward again.From the beginning to the end, his frowning brows never relaxed.

What they didn't know was that less than ten meters away from them, a man in a black windbreaker was driving alongside them.

The man quietly landed his foot on the ice and bounced off.

The whole process is like a dragonfly flying low in the center of the lake, leaving only a little wrinkled ripple, which is covered by snow and dust in the oncoming wind, and the figure that just passed by can no longer see the back.


Fu Nian followed the sled gradually deeper into the interior, and the outer blizzard gradually disappeared as they gradually penetrated into the interior. Although the air was still as cold as iron, but because the wind became smaller, it was much warmer in the senses. a feeling of.

There are also traces of buildings gradually appearing on the snow field here, but there are still few peripheral buildings, only sporadic buildings standing in the wind and snow. Their skins are eroded by the wind and they cannot see the previous color. The snow fell on the roofs of the buildings, and if one looked down from above, these buildings might not be found at all.

When the sled was approaching these buildings, Fu Nian looked at them curiously. They were Soviet-style buildings of the last century one after another. The distance is extremely far.

It looks like bases for secret experiments, but as Fu Nian observes the interior of these houses closely,
I found that there was nothing inside. It seems that no one has lived here for a long time. In the courtyard surrounded by buildings, there are pine needles that fell from the spruce a year ago. The windows of each house are full of dust. From the moment Fu Nian stepped here, he could really feel the dilapidation here.

Looking at the slogans in front of one of the unit buildings, they were struggle slogans written in English, which made Fonniton feel like going back to the era of the Soviet Commune, but what was contrary to it was that those struggle slogans were written in English of.

When Fu Nian stepped on the wooden stairs to go upstairs, he could still hear the creaking sound of the stairs. There are no spider webs here, but there are dust everywhere, and the size of the footsteps can be clearly seen when the footprints fall on it. and shape.

It can be seen that people lived here, but it is not clear why it was abandoned.

It's just that Fu Nian is a little strange that the things here always give him a very discordant feeling, the kind of disharmony intertwined with retro and modern.

For example, the Soviet-style building made of cement here, and the wooden doors and windows in the community, but in the corners and other hidden corners here, Fu Nian can always find traces of cameras, various cameras, miniature cameras, Nano cameras, even infrared cameras and so on.

Many of the things here seem to have been installed later, and the two seem to be completely different from the same era. In other words, this place is being watched, but there is no one here. Why is the abandoned family residence Still being watched?

Fu Nian thought of many possibilities, such as mysterious experiments, secret bases and so on.

But it's too bad, none of these may or may not exist. This is just a separate building, and even the basement exists. The only things that Fu Nian occasionally sees are from used blankets and already Cotton trousers that are worn out and cannot be broken again.


(End of this chapter)

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