I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 524 Lu Lincheng who shot

Chapter 524 Lu Lincheng who shot


Lu Mingfei slowly opened his eyes, and the moment he saw a clean and huge ceiling, it was like a huge snowflake spread there, giving him the illusion of being in heaven in an instant.

But soon he found that something was wrong with the surrounding situation. There was light in his line of sight. The light coming in from the outside of the room was very dim, but after experiencing the extreme night snowstorm, Lu Mingfei , It's like a fire burning with warmth.

He subconsciously looked up and looked around, and then saw a beautiful woman in a white uniform beside him,
The woman was dozing off on the chair by the window, but the moment Lu Mingfei looked over, the woman woke up instantly.

For a time, their eyes met.

Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded.

He stared blankly at the face that was so familiar to him, the face that had appeared in his dreams countless times,
He subconsciously wanted to slap himself to see if he was dreaming, but the moment this thought just arose, he was stopped by another thought, which surged like a sea tide, and washed away the moment it was born any of his will.

I can see you, even if it's a dream.

He stared very seriously at the dignified and even noble face in front of him,
She was a little different from what I had dreamed about,
The woman who appeared in front of him now was older and more dignified,
She lacked the jumpiness she once had when she was young, but the corners of her eyes were sharper than she remembered. The white close-fitting uniform was straight and dashing, and the white badge at the corner of the collar added a touch of mystery to her identity.

The two just stared blankly at each other for a long time.

Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei who suddenly opened his eyes in astonishment.

But Lu Mingfei carefully observed Qiao Wenni as if he was looking at a portrait. His expression was serious and focused. The smile on the corner of his mouth and the tenderness in his eyes seemed to impress the woman in front of him. Generally in my own mind.

But during this process, Qiao Weini on the opposite side reacted quickly. She grabbed Lu Mingfei's hand and stood up to check his situation.
"Son, son! How did you wake up? They gave you so many sedatives!"

As she spoke, she suddenly thought of something, and she was about to put down Lu Mingfei and rush towards the door, but she didn't complete her movement, and was hugged by Lu Mingfei who got up suddenly.The power was so great that Qiao Weini felt a little suffocated for a while.

She could only yell in the direction of the door, "Doctor! Doctor!"

Lu Mingfei gently stared at the ceiling above his head. The white snowflakes exuded a holy and clean light like a fairy tale. The light penetrated deep into his pupils, and then slowly brought his consciousness back to reality.

"This dream is quite real." Lu Mingfei stared at the ceiling above his head and grinned at the corner of his mouth. At the same time, the movement of the woman he embraced became tighter.

Just when Jovini was about to break free instinctively in pain, she suddenly felt a hot current flow on her cheeks.

Her eyes fell on Lu Mingfei's cheek, and she found that a hot tear was dripping down from his cheek quickly, soundlessly, but scorching hot.

At the same time, she heard Lu Mingfei's raving voice, "It's quite real, it's quite real..."

Qiao Weini's movements suddenly froze, and instead hugged Lu Mingfei tightly in her arms, "It's true, it's true, don't cry, don't cry, mom loves you!"

At the same time, the doctors and nurses who had been waiting outside rushed out when they heard the call from inside. They stared at the two hugging each other. Someone wanted to separate Lu Mingfei from Qiao Weini, but Qiao Wei Ni But he signaled with his hand that he didn't need it.

Under this action, they measured Lu Mingfei's body temperature and heartbeat, and let the muscular young man hang on his mother's body like a koala, and Lu Mingfei also let them move around on his body ignore it.

But it's not that he doesn't care about it, it's that he can't care about it. After his emotions gradually calmed down, he gradually found that his body muscles were as stiff as iron blocks, and his sore muscles and nerves seemed to have been scrapped.
In this process, let alone loosening the arm, even moving the fingers is very difficult, which makes it hard to imagine how he just hugged Qiao Weini.

"The effect of the medicine has not completely subsided. He should still be in a deep sleep. I don't know why he suddenly woke up, but this may not be a bad thing." The doctor hesitated while speaking fluent English Continued, "He's probably hostile and drug resistant."

"He doesn't seem to be able to let go now. I hugged him a lot when I was a child, but it's really a bit heavy now." Qiao Weini put his chin on Lu Mingfei's shoulder, and looked at Lu Mingfei with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

this kid...

"It's easy, we can inject him with a little muscle-relaxing drug, and we can continue to observe for a while. As for his legs, we are contacting higher-level specialists, who may have better solutions than me, a clinician. "

"Do what you can." Qiao Wenni said while hugging Lu Mingfei.

After the muscle relaxant was injected, Lu Mingfei felt that his hard muscles gradually relaxed like a limp noodle. He gradually fell off Qiao Wenni's body, and was gently supported by the other party on the hospital bed. .

At this moment, he was extremely sober, but his whole body seemed not to belong to him. Except for the slightly shaking eyeballs in the eye sockets, his whole body and even his mouth were hard to control.

He feels that his body is now like a hard firewood, both hard and astringent. Even after experiencing the relaxant, it is just a firewood soaked in water, and he can still clearly feel the loss of his muscles flexibility,
It seems that after experiencing the freezing of the blizzard, he still hasn't recovered from it.

Taking advantage of this time, he focused his attention on the surrounding room, and after his eyes were generalized, he knew where he was now.

This is a ward, although it is not the same as most of the wards I have lived in, but the doctors standing in front of me and the densely packed equipment all indicate that they have performed a rescue on themselves not long ago.

Standing next to the doctor was the woman he was very familiar with. The first time he met her eyes, Lu Mingfei's unsatisfactory tear glands spewed out again.

Tears trickled down his cold, pale cheeks.The grievances that had been accumulated in time slanted down like a sudden torrent.

Qiao Weini hurriedly stepped forward and squatted beside Lu Mingfei's bed, helping Lu Mingfei wipe away his tears with a handkerchief, "Don't cry, don't cry, mom is here."

Jovini's voice also seemed to be whispering. She stared at the child-like expression of the young man in front of her, crying and laughing all over.

"Am I dreaming?" As the medicine injected by the doctor gradually took effect in Lu Mingfei's body, he found that he could make some sounds.

"It's not a dream, it's not a dream." Qiao Weini said gently as if helping Lu Mingfei wipe away tears.

"I miss you..." Lu Mingfei's voice was crying.

"We miss you too." Qiao Weini gently stroked Lu Mingfei's head.

"You are very weak now, sleep well, and I will take you to see Dad when you wake up."

"it is good."



third floor
Lu Lincheng stared at the direction of the door and slowly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. At the same time, he remembered the door that he had just closed casually when he was changing his shoes.

This also means that the door of the room just now was open from the beginning.

Lu Lincheng slowly moved his right hand away from the mouse, resting his palm on the table, he stood up silently,
At the same time, his left hand slowly reached into the drawer on the table next to him. This drawer was different from the other drawers. It was specially designed so that it would not make any sound when it was pulled outwards.

There is a secret compartment for pistols inside, which is where he specially uses weapons.

Lu Lincheng took out a black revolver from inside. It was a large-caliber revolver named Boaconstrictor.

Without the modification of the equipment department, it can easily blow the head of a bison. After the modification of the equipment department, he can even directly penetrate the thick fat cortex of the polar bear and directly pierce it.

But such a pistol is also not available to ordinary people, and some people with small hands can't even hold his gun handle.
At the same time, its recoil is astonishingly terrifying. Even a guy with amazing control like a mixed race will inevitably have some discomfort when using this pistol for the first time, but these are all completely different for Lu Lincheng. It is as easy and simple as drinking water.

He leaned against the wall and walked towards the door without a sound. The fluffy cotton socks on his feet touched the wooden floor slowly, and then lifted them up slowly. There was not even a single sound in this process.

But what he didn't know was that it was on the opposite side of the wall he was leaning against.

A man in military boots was also walking lightly. Fu Nian leaned one shoulder against the wall, moving forward gracefully and naturally, but if someone stood in the middle of the wall,

You will find that the frequency of the opponent's feet is surprisingly consistent with that of Lu Lincheng.And even more silent.

Lu Lincheng took a slow step forward, and Fu Nian, who was separated by a wall, also took a slow step forward.As time passed, the two parties slowly moved closer and closer to the door.

During this process, Fu Nian quickly flashed the conversation between the two in his mind,
He actually got a lot of useful information from the conversation between the other party and that doctor, the most important point of which is,
He found that he could no longer use rough methods to treat the surveillance cameras. This place is more fortified than he imagined. They have a strong control over this place. This kind of intensity makes Fu Nian even feel that he is no less than Kassel. Norma of the Academy.

He must find a way to solve this problem now, otherwise his actions in this place will be greatly restricted, and he will be too passive at that time.

During this process, Fu Nian discovered the location of the door where Lu Lincheng had arrived,
Fu Nian leaned against the wall next to the door quietly, the light above his head slanted down from above like a veil, at a certain moment, Fu Nian actually found that the light irradiated by the light was a bit hot, like a lukewarm little sun.

Lu Lincheng slowly grasped the doorknob of the room. There was a hook behind the delicate wooden door, and on the hook hung the top hat he used to attend the party.

Lu Lincheng stared at the brim of the black hat and slowly adjusted his breathing. From the very beginning, his breathing was extraordinarily long, but after the long breathing at this moment, it seemed that an impetus was slowly brewing, just like in his fingers. The trigger about to be pressed,

At a certain critical moment, a horrifying destructive power will erupt.

Under the huge penetrating force, the top hat suddenly collided with the wall, and the powerful force directly flattened the high top of the top hat, and then burst open under the extremely fast explosive force.

Lu Lincheng rushed out of the door like a tiger, and the python revolver in his hand suddenly pointed at a corner of the wall.

Deafening roars shot out from the black muzzle of the giant python, and the hot smoke and splashed wooden boards became the only light and shadow in the corridor.

Lu Lincheng rolled down on the other side of the door, the burning golden pupil stared at the empty corridor,

Looking at the empty corridor, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief between his brows.

Then he quickly turned around and looked in the direction behind him, seeing the same empty corridor.

Lu Lincheng exhaled slowly from his nose, and at the same time, the molten golden light shining in his pupils gradually dimmed.

He finally turned his gaze to the surveillance camera at the end of the ceiling not far away, watched it quietly for a long time, and finally gave a helpless smile at the corner of his mouth, then walked under the surveillance camera,

Gently flip a certain switch button.

"It turned out that my little secretary accidentally turned off the switch. I said this kind of old-fashioned surveillance is unreliable. They must not believe it." After fiddling with the surveillance camera, Lu Lincheng stepped back slightly , stared at the surveillance camera in front of him carefully, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"That's fine. If there is another problem, I will replace you."

At the same time, he seemed to have heard the hurried footsteps coming from downstairs, and slowly walked towards the direction of the stairs at the entrance.

"What happened?" Jovini's speed was obviously much faster than the group of doctors and nurses behind him.

She and Lu Lincheng ran into each other at the stairs.

Then Lu Lincheng grabbed Qiao Wei Ni's arm and stopped her from moving upwards,
"It's okay, I practiced my marksmanship just now, and I didn't expect it to be as accurate as together." Lu Lincheng smiled cheerfully.

Staring at the bright smile on the corner of Lu Lincheng's mouth, Qiao Weini's heart gradually fell to the bottom.

Because the place where she was in contact with Lu Lincheng was completely wet with sweat...

 Thanks to [NoelBD] for the 1500 point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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