I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 531 4th Floor Laboratory

Chapter 531 The Fourth Floor Laboratory

They seem to have built a huge underground living space here, which seems to be enough for nearly [-] people to survive for a long time if there is enough food.

"It seems to be preparing for some crisis." Fu Nian walked slowly in the corridor here, which gave him a wonderful feeling, like walking in an empty museum.

But when Fu Nian's footsteps stopped slowly, he looked at the blocked passage ahead.

His expression froze for a moment, he remembered that the stairs to the upper floor were in this direction.

How... did you get lost?
'No, I have a very long memory. Fu Nian squeezed his chin and looked at the passage ahead, his face contemplative.

Shaking his head, Fu Nian turned around and walked towards the other side. Five minutes later, the sound of Fu Nian's footsteps slowly appeared in the corridor again.

He looked at the concrete wall ahead,

The direction was correct, but there was indeed no way in front of him, and the stairs that should have appeared to lead to the next floor disappeared in front of him.

Did they only build three floors underground?

Impossible, through the echo of his footsteps, Fu Nian can be 100% sure that there is another floor underground, and the space of the underground floor is not smaller than this one.

But Fu Nian has been wandering on the third floor for a long time,

But he found that there seemed to be no passage to the next floor.This made Fu Nian more interested in that layer. Sometimes, not only human beings are full of curiosity about the unknown,
Could it be that only the elevator can go directly to that floor?
Standing at the end of the corridor, Fu Nian looked at the black wall in front of him. On the wall was a huge engraved pattern. Fu Nian had seen this pattern many times after entering the ground, and he could always see it at a certain distance. for this pattern

Fu Nian still has some doubts, because he is actually very familiar with the engraving in front of him, or every student of Kassel College will be familiar with this engraving, it is a world tree.

But what puzzled Fu Nian was that this was a different engraving from the half-decayed world tree of Kassel College, it was a...withered world tree.

Although the engraving in front of you is not colored at all on the concrete wall, if you look at the engraving carefully,

You will find yourself surrounded by a huge force, not because of how weird the engraving is, but because of the rendering of a certain shape itself,

It was a desperate will, like walking on the desolate and lonely field of autumn leaves, seeing dilapidated and ruins as far as the eye could see, giving people a feeling that there was no hope at all.

This is where Fu Nian is puzzled. This place must be inextricably linked with Kassel College, or it is inextricably linked with the secret party of the mixed race, but it is different from Kassel College. Searle College is, they look like some sort of cult.

At least there is still hope for the semi-decayed world tree of Kassel College, which is completely hopeless.

But this thing is not the focus of Fu Nian, and he has just entered this place, even through this engraving, he can't find any useful information. It can be seen in many places along the way, and Fu Nian didn't pay too much attention to it.

Fu Nian carefully checked the wall in front of him again, until he was 100% sure that there was no other hidden mystery in the engraving, then he took two steps back gently, and then stared at the almost solid wall in front of him, Frowning in trouble.

The current situation is like a person who is short of water in the desert and suddenly sees a dark river sandwiched between stones. He is very excited, and then finds that he can't reach a drop.

Although it cannot be said that it is not the same as Fu Nian's current situation, it can be said that it is exactly the same.

He could feel that there was still space under him, but he wandered around here but couldn't find the entrance to it, he was really anxious to death.

Fu Nian, who turned around and took two steps, returned unwillingly again, and then leaned his ears on the concrete wall. After releasing his hearing, he could clearly feel the subtle sound of underground air flow, but under the light tap of his index finger, He had to admit that it was indeed a solid wall, and possibly a load-bearing wall underneath.

"I can't stop here." Fu Nian looked sideways at himself reflected on the glass of the iron door, and said to himself.


The cold wind hissed mournfully under the street lamps in the middle of the night,

But instead of making Lu Lincheng feel cold, this voice intensified the coldness in his eyes.

Surrounding him was a circle of action teams in black winter clothing. They held live ammunition and stared vigilantly at a direction ten meters away.

There were also some people in black standing there, but the number of people in that group was significantly smaller than that of the action group surrounding Lulin City, but their aura was extraordinarily strong, their eyes were more piercing, and even their expressions could be regarded as cold and cruel .

There were only four of them, but the four of them nailed Natasha, who was almost a dragon, to the ground.

Lu Lincheng stood at the forefront of the action group, the cold air from his lips left a blurred breath on his glasses, and his eyes were particularly gloomy.

In other words, from the moment she saw Natasha in dragon form, she was extremely gloomy,

At this moment, Natasha has no human appearance at all. Her whole body is completely covered with ferocious black dragon scales, and the jet-black dragon wings stretch out behind her. If Lu Lincheng was not so familiar with the face of the other party, he would have been hard to imagine this The devastation wrought by that once effeminate Natasha.

The scene at the moment is in a mess, the thick street lamps are almost torn into pieces by sharp blades, the hard asphalt road is full of cracks and broken pits, countless iron filings and blood are covered in the deep pits, and the largest pit is trapped,
The dragon transformed Natasha was surrounded by four cold-eyed mixed races,

An arm-length steel knife was inserted into each of her legs and her collarbone, nailing the rock behind her hard,

At this moment, Natasha seemed to still have willpower, her eyes were ferocious through the dense crowd, and then those vertical golden snake eyes fell on Lu Lincheng who was behind him in the cold wind.

Lu Lincheng stood there smoking a cigarette, the thick smoke mixed with the rising mist, covering his face and expression, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

Natasha just stared at the other party from a distance, the black and red blood gushing out from the broken dragon scales and broken wounds slowly but firmly corroded the surrounding ground.

Suddenly, a black figure stood between Natasha and Lu Lincheng.

Natasha's ferocious gaze suddenly raised, and then met a more serious golden vertical pupil.

It was one of the four mixed races standing next to her. The other party protected Lu Lincheng behind him as if he was fulfilling some responsibility. Although she didn't know the reason why this woman kept staring at Commissioner Lu, she couldn't give way to Commissioner Lu. There was an accident.

"Bitch! Get out!" A vague voice came out slowly from Natasha's voice.Then, anger gradually rose in those dim snake pupils.

The blood spurting from the collarbone became thicker, and the steel blade nailed to the stone began to loosen.

But what responded to her was the woman's more indifferent eyes. Although Natasha is very powerful, in a crazy situation, almost half of the action team of a formation is slaughtered by her. Even they need to be attacked by the four together. The other side is nailed here.

But that's no reason for her to back down.

The woman stared at Natasha coldly, then heard footsteps behind her,
Then a pair of powerful palms appeared on the woman's shoulders, and the woman instantly met a pair of deep black eyes when she turned her head.

Under the gaze of his golden vertical pupil, the other party seemed to have no feeling at all, Lu Lincheng smiled slightly at the other party, "Let me do it."

The woman nodded respectfully towards Lu Lincheng, and then prepared to take a slight step back,
But it's not waiting for this step to fall completely.

In the middle of the night in the distance, there was a sudden sound of an explosion. The dull sound was like a landmine in a drum. Although the sound was suppressed, the vibration it should have was no less than that caused by an earthquake.

Lu Lincheng suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the sound,

In the next second, the eyes of Lu Lincheng and everyone around him changed instantly.

Even Natasha, who was nailed to the ground, looked at the sound of the voice in the distance in surprise.

It's just that the ferocity on her face suddenly turned into ecstasy.


in thick smoke

Depressed, Fu Nian stood up from the cold white smoke, and the shattered glass around him seemed to be crushed by Mount Tai, completely shattered.

Feeling the icy touch of the ground, he felt that these things could no longer be called smoke, but white ice.

He walked out from the white smoke, but immediately felt a sticky feeling on his feet. As soon as this feeling came out, Fu Nian obviously noticed that his hands seemed to be stickier.

look down,

Fu Nian's face was darker than ever.

And all of this, from 5 minutes ago...

When Fu Nian was still on the third floor,
Fu Nian knocked on the wall on this side, and then raised the floor on the other side, but it seems that there really is no passage to the fourth floor on the third floor.
Fu Nian walked through the entire corridor according to the marks he left. This is the fifth time he has walked this passage... But this place is like a maze, and there is no way to find the exit to the next floor.

Do I really want to go back to the second floor along the stairs on the upper floor, and then end today's exploration trip?
Fu Nian resolutely rejected Fu Xiaonian's bad idea. Is there a time when I, the mighty Dragon King, will be hit by difficulties?

So, Fu Nian opened a hole in the corridor on the third and fourth floors.

Violent opening.

However, considering the complex structure here, under the translation of the upper layer and the lower layer, there may not be a certain place, so Fu Nian was very careful and used both violence and firepower to attack the cement.

But as he went down harder, he gradually realized that the level was wrong. He underestimated how much the people here valued this underground formula.

There is cement under the wooden floor, but there is no cement under the cement.

They injected high-strength resin into the partitions on the floor. After solidification, this thing is harder than cement. Even if the most advanced engineering equipment is used, it will take more than ten days to pry it open.

Thanks to him being the king of the earth and the mountains, he has a very strong control over power in depth and breadth. Even if what appeared in front of him was a thousand-year-old frozen soil, he could still dig through it tonight.

Then, after digging through the solidified resin, they encountered titanium alloy steel plates.

It was really lucky that he met Fu Nian tonight, otherwise it would be impossible for anyone else to dig from the previous floor to the next one.

When Fu Nian appeared on the fourth floor,
He found that there seemed to be something wrong here, too luxurious.

This floor is completely different from the previous floor. If the concrete walls of the first two floors are slums, then the third floor with wooden floors and ceilings is the commoner class.

But when Fu Nian came to the fourth floor, he found that he had suddenly crossed over to the aristocratic class. This is a laboratory corridor.

But it is an extremely luxuriously decorated laboratory corridor.

Diamond chandeliers, onyx floor tiles, crystal lampshades... none of them.

But infrared sensing, small tactical laser turrets, electromagnetic interference...

This is indeed a laboratory corridor, because Fu Nian saw the words No. [-] Laboratory not far away.

And this is indeed a luxurious laboratory, but it is not reflected in the luxurious appearance, but in the technology here.

Compared with the honest and rusty surveillance camera on the first floor, here is a fully automatic infrared thermal camera,
This reminded Fu Nian that when he entered the library's Norma passage, it was a death passage full of technological sense, and he took a slight wrong step, facing his precise laser strike from all directions and no dead ends.

In that place, not to mention a person, even a fly, the laser can cut it into pieces...Although Fu Nian entered by swiping his card at that time,
So he didn't experience the feeling of being divided by five horses.

But now... Fu Nian looked at the surveillance device not far away, which was no longer even a camera.


The crisp sound of mechanical opening and closing sounded, and the monitor suddenly moved down, and a miniature dark side appeared behind it.

"The unknown invaded, annihilated." The electronic chorus came from above the corridor.

This voice made Fu Nian slightly taken aback, why does it sound a bit like...Norma


The sound of piercing sounded at the same time.

The moment the dark side lit up, Fu Nian's figure disappeared from the spot, and almost at the same moment, a blue light fell on the ground he had just just landed on, and the silver-white alloy ground immediately appeared on the ground. charred,
Fu Nian tilted his head to see this powerful blow, and couldn't help but click his tongue secretly, secretly thinking that the mosquito-killing weapon really lived up to its reputation, and then disappeared from the spot again.The blue light was in hot pursuit.

In less than ten seconds, Fu Nian's afterimages left in the room spread all over every corner of the small space.

It wasn't until his feet completely stepped out of the monitoring range that the surrounding voices gradually quieted down.

(End of this chapter)

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