Chapter 535 Interrogation

Lu Mingfei's pupils suddenly shrank inward, and at this moment, the tide of information quickly overwhelmed him like an ocean.In his mind, he quickly recalled meeting the next-generation species on the Siberian grassland.

Fu Nian stared at Lu Mingfei who was surprised and kept silent, and continued, "The people here have genetic technology that you can't imagine, and they even have Kassel College and have never touched the mysterious field. Say it's a Pandora's Box,

Once opened, the world will never be peaceful, because the longing for power and the beauty of intoxicating conquest are regardless of species.

You say this is a safe haven, then this is indeed a safe haven, but the wind that is blocked does not come from the outside, but from the inside. "Fu Nian felt the whole Nibelungen, and he didn't know what he was thinking with his deep eyes.

"From inside." Lu Mingfei stared at the wall and muttered to himself.

Suddenly he thought of something, turned to look at Fu Nian beside him,
"Do you really have a plan to destroy the world?" Lu Mingfei looked at Fu Nian tentatively.

"You?" Fu Nian was taken aback.

"They." Lu Mingfei changed his words.

"No." Fu Nian shook his head lightly, "It's us."

Suddenly, Lu Mingfei felt the chills in his neck again. In Fu Nian's eyes that could not express any emotions, but were extremely suppressed, Lu Mingfei swallowed subconsciously, and then turned his head away.

"Look up." Fu Nian's unquestionable voice came out.

Lu Mingfei looked at Fu Nian subconsciously, and met a pair of beast-like orange vertical pupils,
The moment he saw those eyes, Lu Mingfei instinctively threw off the quilt and ran, and the cold lightning spreading from the tailbone enveloped Fu Nian's whole body like lightning.

Under the numb scalp is a pair of pupils shrunk sharply.

When Lu Mingfei's trembling legs were about to get off the bed, the oppressive darkness around him suddenly dissipated.

The next moment, the vertical pupils reverted to round black pupils.

Fu Nian stared at Lu Mingfei, and Lu Mingfei stared at Fu Nian blankly.

But... Fu Nian frowned suddenly.

He looked Lu Mingfei up and down, then lifted the quilt of the book and looked at Lu Mingfei's legs.

"What... what's wrong?"

"It's okay. I just want you to make sure."

"Are you sure about what?" Lu Mingfei was stunned, 100% sure I was scared into cross-eyed?

Naturally, Lu Mingfei didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence directly.

"Do you know what you just saw?"


"Dragon pupil." Fu Nian leaned forward slightly, and spoke in a voice like a devil whispering, "Dragon pupil from the throne."

Lu Mingfei swallowed silently.

"Then... what does that mean?"

"How does it feel?" Fu Nian leaned back.

Lu Mingfei felt that if he gave Fu Nian a glass of brandy now, he would be able to raise his legs.

"It feels like you're going to kill me." Lu Mingfei said hesitantly.

"Be more detailed."

"Being watched by a poisonous snake, I turned around and wanted to run."

"Then if I gave you a knife, would you jump on it and kill that snake?" Fu Nian looked at Lu Mingfei with a smile,
But there was never a sound on the other side.

Fu Nian laughed and looked at Lu Mingfei, "You will. As long as I put a weapon that can kill you with one blow, you will kill me without hesitation. What you are afraid of is only my power."

"But they're different." Fu Nian turned around and pointed to the window behind him, "Even if I put a gun in front of them, they didn't dare to let the bullet penetrate my body, and they didn't even look directly at me courage. Do you know why?"

"Because they fear me in their souls, this is the suppression from the blood." Fu Nian gently leaned his body next to Lu Mingfei's ear.

"You're not like them."

"I...but I might be different from you dragon kings. I have parents..." Lu Mingfei said cautiously.

"You mean Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini?"

"Is there any problem?" Lu Mingfei looked at Fu Nian hesitantly.

He found that Fu Nian's eyes were very strange, but for a while Lu Mingfei didn't know what the eyes meant, but the reason he knew himself was obviously not to convince the other party

"I really like that you are different, actually...actually..." Lu Mingfei fell into hesitation.

"Actually, all your abilities were bought with your own life," Fu Nian said.

"How do you know?" Lu Mingfei raised his head in surprise

"You told me." Fu Nian spread his hands.

At this time, Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered that they met Fu Nian on the night when they entered Tokyo and planned to sneak into the shrine. In that emotional state, he yelled and expressed his grievance, but This process also uncovered a corner of his biggest secret.

But now it doesn't matter whether this corner is noticed or not, he has come to the place Lu Lincheng said, and the Black Swan Harbor that the other party calls the origin of everything is not far from here.

He knew that he would know the final answer, or even if he didn't want to know the answer, the answer would appear in front of him.

This idea came to Lu Mingfei the moment he entered the Nibelungen, but at this moment, he was staring at the flickering red alarm outside.The premonition in his heart was extremely strong.

They all seem to be waiting for something, but it just so happens that they are that opportunity.

Lu Mingfei stared at Fu Nian who was opposite, and found that the other party was also looking at him seriously.

It seemed that as long as he didn't speak, he could keep staring at him.

"I...I." Lu Mingfei began to hesitate, "I'm really not what you imagined."

"What kind?" Fu Nian asked.

"Norton, Odin, even in Tokyo..." Staring at Fu Nian's increasingly dangerous eyes, Lu Mingfei swallowed Xia Mi's words abruptly.

"I really didn't kill them. I'm just an ordinary person. I was a crane tail in high school. When I was in Kassel College, I could only hang out with that piece of trash Finger.

Even the principal's class has failed several times, and even after he was wanted, he could only rely on the protection of his senior sister to avoid being hunted down.

Although I really want to work hard to be better, to be excellent, to be outstanding, like senior brother Chu Zihang, like Caesar," Lu Mingfei glanced at Fu Nian secretly,
"Of course I also want to be like you, who can easily learn and socialize with applause, but I'm really not a dragon, and I may not even be a hybrid."

"Yeah." Fu Nian slowly raised Erlang's legs, and quietly listened to Lu Mingfei's voice with his head on his head.

Lu Mingfei took a deep breath, "In the eyes of others, I may be really scary, because those dragon kings were all killed by me. Compared with those dragon kings who were killed, I may be more dangerous than them. But I'm not really in danger."

Lu Mingfei looked into Fu Nian's eyes.

"So it's true that your life is exchanged for power?" Fu Nian propped his temple with his left hand, his eyes were black with no emotion.

"Yes! I can really make a deal with the devil." Lu Mingfei said loudly, as if this would make him feel better.

"He said that I only need to sell a quarter of my soul to him, and he can help me do anything." After Lu Mingfei said these words, he felt unusually light, as if he was stuck in the A gap in the body suddenly opened.The boulder pressing against his chest was also relieved.


"Yes, anything, including killing the Dragon King, or even becoming the king of the world."

"Do you think so too?"

"Of course I didn't believe it at first, but when Norton died in front of me, when I felt the full force, I knew it was true."

"Is that so?" Fu Nian looked at the floor, his slightly drooping eyelashes covering his eyes, making it impossible to see what he was thinking.

"When did it start?" Fu Nian continued to ask.

"When I was waiting for the train at the Chicago train station at the beginning of my freshman year, I saw him because the train was late, but only I could see him, and no one else could see him..." Lu Mingfei hesitated for a while, "Maybe Except you."

"What's his name?" Fu Nian slowly stood up from the chair,
At this moment, Lu Mingfei had the illusion that the night was falling, and the already weak candlelight on the bedside table went out several times like a candle.

"He told me his name is Lu Mingze."

"Lu Mingze?" Fu Nian paused slightly with his back turned to Lu Mingfei's figure.

"Ah." Lu Mingfei nodded, "Actually, I don't believe his name is Lu Mingze either. My cousin Lu Mingze is a fat man with a height and weight of 1.6 meters who likes to surf and flirt with girls. She looks like a young lady..."

"What does he usually call you?" Fu Nian asked with his back to Lu Mingfei.

"Call brother if you have something to do, call a client if you have nothing to do." Lu Mingfei recalled.

Fu Nian slowly turned around and looked at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei also raised his head and looked at Fu Nian curiously. For a moment, he discovered that the other party he couldn't even see. If it wasn't for him, he could clearly feel that the other party was in front of him, but his eyes seemed to be painted over. A layer of honey generally leaves nothing to be seen.

"Someone is here." Just as Lu Mingfei wanted to ask in doubt, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming from the corridor outside the room.

"How is it in there?"

The sound insulation effect of the wall is very good, Lu Mingfei can barely hear the faint sound.

"It's very quiet." The person opposite replied.

Fu Nian leaned sideways on the edge of the window, slightly turning his head to look at the rushing crowd coming down late at night outside the window,
Many of them were residents of the nearby Soviet-style buildings, but some of them quickly caught Fu Nian's attention. They were a group of men and women with sharp eyes. They wore the same casual clothes as the surrounding residents, but they were different Appeared in the direction of Fu Nian, faintly surrounding the building where Fu Nian is currently located.

Fu Nian gently turned his head and glanced at Lu Mingfei who was sitting on the bed. What Lu Mingfei said just now filled a big blank for him, but this blank made him more firm in his thoughts on him.

Brother and brother, Fu Nian was still guessing whether the little boy might be Lu Mingfei's twin, but now he obviously doesn't have such worries.

Norton and Constantine, Fenrir and Jormungandr, the Dragon Kings have always been twins on the throne together.As for why Lu Mingze is different from them.

The specific reason is not clear to Fu Nian for the time being, but the form of the Dragon King has never been the only entity.

Fu Nian looked at Lu Mingfei, who was sitting on the bed unaware, his ears pricked up as if he was listening carefully to the sounds in the corridor outside.

These people definitely didn't come to look for Fu Nian. Although he was the main reason for the restlessness outside, he had the confidence not to be discovered.

It wasn't for him, it was for Lu Mingfei.

Fu Nian recalled that after he had just arrived in this building, he heard the content of Lu Lincheng's call. The other party obviously suspected the cause of the changes around him on Lu Mingfei, guessing that the appearance of the other party might have caused some problems here. Unknown response.

He made such a big commotion just now, they should have come to confirm Lu Mingfei's situation.

Those who can ask Lu Mingfei's situation in this base, and can not be vigilant by the other party.

Fu Nian only thought of two, Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini.

But the voice outside was obviously a female voice.


As Fu Nian exhaled the answer, the tightly closed room was suddenly pushed open from the outside, the oncoming wind rolled up the curtains on the edge of the window, and the cold air visible to the naked eye spread along the woman's feet towards the room.

Obviously, the opponent's footsteps should be very anxious.

"Mom." Just as the lights in the room were about to turn on, Lu Mingfei suddenly stopped Qiao Weini.

"Son, are you awake?" Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei, who was half lying on the bedside table, obviously a little surprised.

But as Lu Mingfei's voice fell, the lights in the room were turned on in an instant.

Qiao Weini looked around, and finally settled on the apple core next to Lu Mingfei.
"Son, are you awake already?"

"A little thirsty, I just woke up not long ago." Lu Mingfei followed Qiao Weini's gaze and saw the apple core on the bedside table, then turned his body and grabbed the dagger on the other side.

But before reaching out, Qiao Wei Ni took the first step to grab the dagger.

"Come on, mom, do you still want to eat? Or can I get you a glass of water?" Qiao Weini silently put the dagger behind her back and looked at Lu Mingfei with concern.

Then wrap your arms around his back so he can lean back comfortably.

"Mom, help me pour me a glass of water." Lu Mingfei followed Qiao Weini's movements and leaned back slowly. At the same time, Lu Mingfei also hurriedly looked around,
Fu Nian was obviously still in front of him just now, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?

"Mom, where did you go just now? Did something happen outside?" Lu Mingfei asked softly, feeling the chill that still remained on Qiao Wenni's body.

"Son, don't worry. This is just our practice time here, and we'll be fine in a while." Qiao Weini put down Lu Mingfei, turned around and poured a cup of hot water from the thermos on the floor next to the bedside table.

"By the way, son, do you still remember what your father told you?"


"Ask about meetings you've had outside."

"Remember." Lu Mingfei nodded.

"They want to call it in advance, but it depends on your wishes. If you don't agree, mom will be the first to say no." Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei confidently and said.

(End of this chapter)

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