Chapter 537 Fangs

Qiao Weini stared at Lu Mingfei and sighed helplessly,

"Mom, do you know that before I came here, I suffered a very serious injury. Various large-caliber bullets were embedded in my body, stuck between the bones, and even when I was unconscious, I can feel that my body is heavy like a condensed iron block," Lu Mingfei looked up at Qiao Weini with seriousness in his eyes.

Qiao Weini reached out and touched Lu Mingfei's head,

"But even with that serious injury, I recovered quickly, and even started the next round of high-intensity fleeing life two days later, but now." Lu Mingfei tried to raise it again own arm.

But unfortunately this time Lu Mingfei didn't raise it completely. He looked back at Qiao Weini behind him, "Mom, tell me, I'm not a child anymore, what happened to my body now?" ?”

Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei and sighed, hesitated for a moment and said,

"Son, your injury is indeed serious, but don't worry, we don't tell you just because we don't want you to think too much,

We have the best doctors in the world here, and the top ones are experts in stem cells and orthopedic neurology. Even if a person is born with disabled legs, they can still save them.But your illness troubled them rarely,
Your life index is very low. Although you look like a young man in his 20s, the organs in your body are already very old, and the cell division speed and self-healing ability are very low. In this case, we The treatments you've been given have had almost no effect at all,
Because your vitality is no longer enough for you to recover. In Chinese terms, it means that your vitality is exhausted. Qiao Weini's voice slowly appeared in Fu Nian's ears.

"Exhausted vitality?" Lu Mingfei stared blankly at the dim street lights in front of him. The deserted avenue was unusually quiet, only the whistling wind blew the distant voices softly whispering in his ears. .It seemed to be ruthlessly mocking him.

"But son, you don't have to worry. The experts here are no longer interested in simple medical problems because of their high abilities, but your situation has aroused their great interest.
For your situation, they have held two special seminars in a short period of time. Although it cannot be said that they have found a solution, they have found some symptoms. As long as you give them a little time, your problem is not obvious in the eyes of those old guys. not a problem. " Qiao Weini vowed to speak to Lu Mingfei.

"Do you trust your mother?"

Lu Mingfei nodded heavily, "Mom, of course I believe you."

Giovanni breathed a sigh of relief without a trace,

"As expected of my son." Jovini smiled sweetly.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about me. I'm actually very strong." Lu Mingfei hesitated for a moment and looked up at Qiao Wenni.

The light slanted down from the corner of the sky, and dripped into Lu Mingfei's eye sockets along the Milky Way.

Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei at this moment, and she found that those were a pair of very distressing eyes, like a pug on the side of the road. wagging his tail vigorously,

If you just give him a bite at this time, the next time he sees you being barked by other dogs, he will definitely step forward and bite you desperately.

She stared at those eyes, a soft place in her heart suddenly moved, and then hugged Lu Mingfei, "Son, I should have brought you back from the outside long ago."

Lu Mingfei's pupils dilated unexpectedly, the hug came unexpectedly, but what was even more unexpected was the feeling that appeared after the hug.

At this moment, he actually felt that there was something more in his empty heart. It was an indescribable feeling, like the sun hugging you into his arms, and the feeling of relaxation from the whole body made him feel unbearable. A little bit of vigilance.

This reminded Lu Mingfei of the scene many years ago when he was a child, when he came home from school, his mother stood in the crowd like a delicate rose,
He flew all the way into his mother's arms with his schoolbag on his back. The moment when his silk hair was flying, the sunlight mixed with a faint scent of perfume remained in his memory together with the time. Until many years later, he was still reminiscing about that moment. I feel that I am also trying to find that time in the world.

The wind passed in front of the dilated pupils, and time was frozen in Lu Mingfei's mind at this moment.

He also slowly wrapped his arms around Jovini's arm, and gently pressed his cheek against the other's arm.

"Mom," Lu Mingfei said in a very low voice, "Do you think that I might not be your son?"

At this moment, Lu Mingfei could clearly feel that Qiao Weini's body froze behind him, and she quickly appeared in front of Lu Mingfei from behind,

Judging from the look on his face, Qiao Wenni was in a hurry, "You child, how can you talk nonsense, you are not my child, whose child can you be?"

But Lu Mingfei just looked at Qiao Weini quietly, did not answer but continued to ask, "Mom, do I have a younger brother?"

Qiao Weini's eyes suddenly became strange, she reached out to touch Lu Mingfei's head, and said to herself, "Is it because my brain is burnt out?"

Lu Mingfei let Qiao Wei Ni hold his forehead, and looked at Qiao Wei Ni with those serious eyes.

"Why do you suddenly think of asking this kind of question? You are my only son. How can you have a younger brother?" Looking at Lu Mingfei's serious eyes, Qiao Weini also said seriously.

Lu Mingfei stared at her for a long time. At a certain moment, his body suddenly leaned forward, and he hugged Qiao Weini tightly in his arms.
"Mom, you will always be my mother." Lu Mingfei's voice sounded in her ears like a raving, but it was also clear and burning like an oath, and every word he said was so firm.Like a knife pierced into the heart of a stone.

Qiao Weini was taken aback, and hugged Lu Mingfei tightly in her arms. "Silly son, you will always be mother's son."

Under the orange street lamps, the wind gently blows across the asphalt road, and the rolled up snowflakes are as crystal clear as glass.

After a long time, Qiao Weini slowly patted off the snow on Lu Mingfei's shoulders.

"Mom, let's go." Lu Mingfei whispered in Qiao Weini's ear.

"Okay." Giovanni nodded heavily.


Fu Nian walked slowly up the stairs, the steps on the limestone pavement were gradually parallel to the window at the corner,
Fu Nian looked out from the window, in the black end, the back of the wheelchair pushed by Qiao Weini was so firm and majestic.

Lu Mingfei, on the other hand, was quietly sitting in the wheelchair, his eyes fixed on the front,

It wasn't until their figures completely disappeared from Fu Nian's sight that Fu Nian disappeared from the window,
He continued down the stairs, different from the buildings outside, this is a black building with only one floor, its appearance is like a huge cage entrenched on the frozen ground,

In fact, this place is indeed a prison. The corridor Fu Nian just walked through is full of black rooms with iron bars. In the center of the room is a similar electric chair, and a series of torture instruments and electronic equipment. The only thing Fu Nian was most familiar with was a lie detector, which was the only thing he had ever seen in real at Kassel College.

But the rooms on the first floor were all empty, not to mention the smell of blood, but there was no trace of blood stains on the instruments of torture, and even the electric chair in the middle seemed to be unused, with spots of rust on it.

The reason why Fu Nian appeared here was because of the smell.

what smell,

Naturally, it smells like dragon blood.

It was Fu Nian's regret to let go of that woman named Natasha. Since he was given time to make up for it, he would not let it go.

But as Fu Nian gradually went deeper into the basement, he discovered that there were guards here, and...

Fu Nian stood quietly on the last step of the stairs. Less than half a meter away was a wall in front of him. On both ends of the wall stood men in white windbreakers. Even from this angle of Fu Nian, he They can all see the withered world tree logo on their shoulders.

The air is filled with the smell of smoky heat on the breath of the neck, the burnt black of the barrel, the fire of the ammunition, and even the smell of the friction between the handprint and the handle of the gun.

Fu Nian stood quietly on the spot, his breath rising and falling along with the air flow. During this process, the scene in the corridor gradually appeared in front of him.

Soldiers in white winter suits, winter hats and black sunglasses leaned against the wall in neat intervals. They held large-caliber shotguns and consciously surrounded one of the rooms in the middle.

Not only that, when Fu Nian gradually enlarged his sensory world, he found that there was another floor below this floor, and there were still white guards with weapons standing on the corridor of the next floor.

There are traces of guards at the front and back of the room on the first floor. They surround the room in front of them into a circle, but their whereabouts are very concealed, or their speech is very special, it is a kind that can take their lives When the characteristics are reduced to the extreme, their breathing, their heartbeat, and even the wind blowing around them will still be obviously downgraded.

There isn't a single surveillance camera here, but there are surveillance cameras everywhere,

In addition to these, there is also an automatic scanning radar here, which is similar to the snake, but Fu Nian only found one here. In order to avoid alarming the snake, Fu Nian did not disturb the electromagnetic biological signals.

This place is different from Kassel College, and it doesn't have the large scope field above. In such a small space, this kind of investigation-assisting speech function obviously plays an irreplaceable role.

Fu Nian slowly opened his eyes, a touch of pale gold flashed from his sight, and almost instantly, Fu Nian's figure disappeared from the spot.

The next second, when Fu Nian's figure reappeared, he had already arrived at the door surrounded by white guards.

In the long corridor, the white guards seemed to be unable to see anything, still standing there quietly with gun handles in their hands.

Fu Nian ignored these people, just stared at the locked doorknob in front of him, tilted his head, and then gently placed his right hand on the doorknob,


The doorknob was easily pushed open by Fu Nian.

As he pushed inward, the breeze brought by the air flow rushed through the corridor, and then shook a large white figure.

Fu Nian stared at the space in his line of sight and kept enlarging the space. At the end of his line of sight, there was a slim figure tied to a cross all over his body. It's just that women today are far less delicate and slim than before.
The saber was inserted through her shoulder blades into the cross wooden frame behind her, and the ferocious black dragon scales on the woman's wounds could still be clearly seen through the broken clothes, and the faint blood was reflected on the smooth obsidian-like dragon scales black shadows,

In the dim, almost pitch-black room at this moment, there was a strange aura.

Sensing the movement at the door, the woman's drooping head slowly lifted up. It was a pair of eerie and cold snake eyes. The pale golden light curtain moved forward along the feet, and then quietly stopped at Fu Nian's feet. edge position.

The cold breath spread upwards along the air at Fu Nian's feet, like a giant python crawling out of the humid rainforest, trying to quietly appear behind the enemy, and then use its fangs and venom to kill the enemy fatal blow.

The pale golden light moved upwards along Fu Nian's legs. Her rising speed was very slow. Beasts would behave silently before hunting. Although for most animals, this was to increase the hit rate, but for some animals For hunters at the top of the biological chain, this is a process of enjoyment.

They emit their own pheromones, and creatures in the hunted position will be terrified when they smell them, especially at the moment when they know they are about to die, their hearts will beat wildly, and their blood will flow faster, but bad Limbs are limp,

Then they will be greeted by the splatter of the enemy's fangs piercing the blood vessels, and the scorching blood will crazily stimulate the nerves of the hunting creatures, and that moment is the moment when they reach the peak of their lives in a very short time.

The golden light passed through Fu Nian's chest, and then spread upwards along his neck. The cold breath almost froze the surrounding air, and the snowflakes seemed to freeze on Fu Nian's neck.

At a certain moment, the coldness that fell on Fu Nian's neck finally came to an end, and his gaze spread along the surrounding walls towards the top. This moment was when the map came into focus and the fangs were about to stab.

But suddenly, when those eyes fell on the position of Fu Nian's chin, the eyes suddenly stopped,

Fu Nian clearly felt the gaze on his cheek shake.But at this moment, he is in a state of constricting his strength, let alone a mixed race or a real dragon king in front of him, the chance of him being discovered is not particularly high.

"It's you!"

After the fangs stabbed suddenly, what greeted her was not the instant peak in the world, but the severe pain after the scar was suddenly torn open.

Staring at the face in front of her, Natasha's pupils trembled wildly.

She looked at the opposite face in fear, it was a face that was severely carved on her wound.

(End of this chapter)

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