I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 555 Black Swan Harbor

Chapter 555 Black Swan Harbor

"Okay." Qiao Weini looked seriously at Lu Mingfei in front of him. "Son, I feel at ease with your words. Then you can take good care of your wounds and tell your mother what you want to do. Don't wrong yourself."

"I will take good care of my mother." Lu Mingfei nodded.

"You will be satisfied if you can be more careful, mom." Feeling the cold temperature in the room, Qiao Weini shook her head helplessly, "Drink some hot water to warm your body first, and I will give it to you later." Take some warming medicine, you don't look well at all."

Giovanni handed the cup in his hand to the other party, and walked towards the bedroom behind him,
"Don't worry about anything. Severe mood swings will affect your recovery. Don't think about anything today, just rest well. I'll ask the doctor to give you another physical examination tomorrow morning."

"Mom, can my body recover?"

"Of course." Jovini turned her head and replied affirmatively, "but son, you have to be mentally prepared."

"Will it be a long time?"

"A year or two. If it goes well, you will have to continue the treatment afterwards. Your blood needs to be cleaned and reinfused. During this process, the toxins in your body need to be discharged. Although your body's natural aging problem is relatively It’s difficult to solve, but we will find a solution after all, you have to have confidence in your mother.”

Saying that Qiao Weini had finished tidying up the quilt on the bed in the bedroom, she got up and came behind Lu Mingfei, pushed the wheelchair close to the bed, and then hugged Lu Mingfei onto the bed with her arms.

"Take a good rest and don't think about anything." Qiao Wei Ni looked at Lu Mingfei with gentle eyes and said.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?" Looking at Qiao Weini's eyes, Lu Mingfei finally made a hesitant decision.


"But mom, you must answer me." Lu Mingfei looked seriously into Qiao Weini's eyes.

Qiao Weini was taken aback, and looked at Lu Mingfei strangely, with a wry smile on his lips, "You won't ask any strange questions, will you?"

"Maybe." Lu Mingfei didn't answer directly, and he didn't dare to answer directly.Before the other party agrees, once you make a negligence and make a mistake, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Lu Mingfei just looked at Qiao Weini quietly.

"Okay, mom promises you, I know I will answer you." Qiao Wei Ni smiled helplessly.

"Mom, do we have a laboratory here?" Lu Mingfei got straight to the point.

"Lab?" The smile on the corner of Qiao Weini's mouth froze for a moment, and she looked at Lu Mingfei in front of her with some surprise in her eyes. "It really is a strange question."

"Of course there are laboratories. You don't know it until you go home. Our supplies are very scarce here, and meat is one of the most scarce among them.

So we need to produce artificial meat in the laboratory to provide us with the necessary energy supply, although their taste is really bad. "Giovini spread her hands.

"Mom, you know that's not what I'm talking about." After Lu Mingfei made a decision, he didn't hesitate again, "I'm talking about the kind of laboratory that conducts secret biological experiments."

"Son, why are you asking this?" The ease in Qiao Weini's tone gradually disappeared.

Lu Mingfei's expression fell into hesitation, "Mom, I want to make sure of one thing. You know that when Dad told me that I needed to have a cutting operation, he also told me another thing."

"whats the matter?"

"He showed me a picture."

"That boy?" Giovanni remembered the question and answer that broke the last nerves of the committee members at the meeting,

Qiao Weini deeply remembered the eyes of those committee members looking at Lu Mingfei, it was a kind of eyes looking at monsters.That scene at that time was deeply engraved in Jovini's mind, which is why she cared so much about the decisions made by the committee afterwards.

Lu Mingfei nodded, "Dad said he would meet me before the final operation."

Jovini nodded, "That little boy does exist in our safe haven, but because the other party's relationship is too important, he is sealed in a place that is difficult for us to touch, even if my authority does not go through the committee It is also difficult to enter into it with consent, but your dad is an exception, if he promises you, then he will definitely do it."

Lu Mingfei nodded.

"What do you want to be sure about?" Looking at the doubt in Lu Mingfei's eyes, Qiao Weini knew that the other party was not asking this question.

"I wonder if the place where he was trapped is far away from here?"

Lu Mingfei hesitated and explained, "There is one thing that my mother may sound unbelievable, but that feeling really exists. Every time I get close to each other, I will have a very strange feeling, similar to induction or something. thing."

In the following remarks, Lu Mingfei actually lied to Qiao Weini. When he met Lu Mingze, he didn't feel any sense. He always appeared suddenly and then disappeared.

But the reason why I know these things is because Fu Nian told me that there is a certain feeling between the twins of the Dragon King.

"He's not trapped in a very far away place, on the contrary, he's still very close." Giovanni shook his head, "As for the specific location of that little boy, let your father take you there, it's just that place Does not exist on the surface."

He is very close to Lu Mingze now?Lu Mingfei was stunned suddenly.

This sudden news surprised him, but it was not his original intention. He originally wanted to use this method to determine whether the experimental base outside existed.
Then, in the picture slowly, ask the specific location of the [-] laboratory, even if you can't get the specific location in the end, you can determine the approximate direction.

But what he really didn't want was that he hit a wall when he came up.The sentence that the distance is very close completely blocked Lu Mingfei's subsequent questions.

"Son, is there something wrong with your body?" Seeing Lu Mingfei's hesitant expression, Qiao Weini asked with concern.

Just when Lu Mingfei was about to speak, his body froze suddenly.

A faint tingling sensation came from the back of his head, Lu Mingfei's pupils dilated, and he fixed his eyes on Qiao Weini's back.

In the dark corner, a small purple-blue electric arc snake slowly appeared in the direction of the bedroom. The head of the snake full of agility swayed slightly along the direction of Lu Mingfei's line of sight, and the sound of electric current burst out from the other party. come out.

It floated slowly but firmly in the air, its tiny snake head stared into Lu Mingfei's eyes.

Qiao Wei Ni seemed to feel something, turned around suddenly,

It was also at this moment that the little snake in front of Lu Mingfei suddenly disappeared from the spot, and a sense of impact that touched the center of his brow fell on his body.

"Ask directly for the specific location. Someone is coming."

The familiar voice made Lu Mingfei startled again, it turned out to be Fu Nian's voice.

He looked around and focused on where Fu Nian was before, but there was still nothing there.
He suppressed his urge to continue to look around, his gaze met that of Joviani's when he turned around.

"Mom..." Lu Mingfei wriggled his lips.

Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei strangely, but there was a strong sense of concern in it.

"I'm really fine, mom." Lu Mingfei was full of gratitude to Qiao Weini who always cared about her body.

"It's fine." Qiao Wei Ni seemed to have something on her mind, and her emotions were not as high as before.

"Mom, I have one last question." Looking at Qiao Weini who seemed to be about to leave, Lu Mingfei said quickly.

"Why do you have so many questions?" Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei and sighed, "The last one, go to sleep after finishing talking, and talk about other things."

"Okay." Lu Mingfei nodded affirmatively.

"Just ask."

"Does mom know where the [-] laboratory is?"

The air in the bedroom instantly became quiet, like a super-powerful vacuum machine, the air in the room instantly became a vacuum, and even the sound of breathing and heartbeat did not exist at this moment.

A chilly aura burst out from Jovini's body uncontrollably, and the powerful bloodline from the mixed race brought a strong deterrent force in the air.

Maybe Lu Mingfei didn't feel anything before, but now the weak Lu Mingfei obviously felt the pores of his skin shrink.

In the next second, his heartbeat began to speed up, but the breathing that should have been coordinated was as if his mouth and nose were blocked by wet and sticky mud. His suffocation was like a big hand firmly pinching Lu Mingfei's heart. turned pale at a rapid rate.

Qiao Weini obviously did not expect that her inadvertent emotional release would have such an impact on Lu Mingfei. She hurriedly put away her aura, and rushed to the bedside table behind her to take out a tranquilizer and inject it into Lu Mingfei. in the non-body.

Half a minute later, Lu Mingfei slowly recovered from his weak state. His mood swings today had caused serious damage to his body, and he was even more mentally exhausted, but he had to support his body and keep going.

"Son, how are you, how are you, son?" Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei who was gradually recovering but paler and asked eagerly.

"Mom, I'm fine." Looking at Qiao Weini's eager face, Lu Mingfei also knew what sensitive nerves he might have touched just now.Only then will the opponent appear such a gaffe.

"Son, how do you know about that place?" Qiao Wenni looked at Lu Mingfei seriously after her emotions gradually calmed down.

"Mom, it was Lu Mingze who told me." In a weak state, Lu Mingfei's brain also began to show a bit of stagnation.

This wasn't a big problem at first, but following the question and answer just now, Qiao Weini, who had a keen mind, could quickly discover the loopholes in Lu Mingfei's words.

"Son, if you answer me a question, I'll tell you about the place."

Lu Mingfei nodded.

"Does the person who attacked our safe haven have anything to do with you?"

"No." Lu Mingfei nodded affirmatively.

"Son, you know who he is, right?" Jovini's eyes suddenly became serious. "Son, you are by our side..."

"Mom!" Lu Mingfei suddenly interrupted Qiao Weini's voice.At this moment, his eyes were red and bloodshot.

Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei in surprise at this moment and was stunned.

"Mom, can I trust you?"

"I believe it, of course I can." Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei who was suddenly emotional, and nodded quickly.

"Then mom can trust me, and should trust me." Lu Mingfei said.

"Okay." Giovanni, who hesitated for a moment, nodded fiercely.

Lu Mingfei began to remain silent.But Giovanni understood.

"That place is the coordinates your father gave you." Jovini said slowly.


"The Black Swan Harbor?!" Lu Mingfei was taken aback.

"Yes." Giovanni nodded.

The room fell into a brief silence. During this process, the way Lu Mingfei looked at Qiao Weini also changed slightly.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Weini actually found that Lu Mingfei was staring at him with strange eyes.That look made Qiao Weini a little strange, and at the same time a little uncomfortable.

"Mom, you are a little different from before." Lu Mingfei's voice was full of strong emotions, but it was a sad and lonely emotion, like a child who was angry.

"In my memory, my mother is a middle-aged woman who cooks badly and has to quarrel with others when buying vegetables. My father is a middle-aged uncle who keeps a fixed salary and worries about quitting smoking every day..."

Qiao Weini looked at Lu Mingfei at this moment, and she suddenly understood something.

Lu Mingfei also looked at the beautiful woman in front of him,

Even though time has passed the best years of youth in her body, this not only did not make her lose her original brilliance, but gave birth to an unusual elegance in the precipitation.Like a cheetah, she walks gracefully and calmly, and hunts fiercely.

In Lu Mingfei's memory, his mother's toughness belonged to a kind of strong personality,

But now in Lu Mingfei's view, he clearly knows that it is an inner strength supported by a strong strength, which is like the difference between aunt and Nuonuo,
Lu Mingfei used to think that his mother was a weakened version of his aunt. Although he was very arrogant to outsiders, he really protected Lu Mingfei, but now Lu Mingfei found that his mother was an enhanced version of Nuonuo. Her keen nerves, The ultimate reaction speed, even Lu Mingfei rarely sees it in Nuonuo.

There is also the majesty that he felt naturally emanating from Lu Lincheng, that biting but calm murderous aura.All this caused a great sense of tearing between them and their parents in their memories.They are no longer ordinary citizens, but high-ranking mixed races, although Lu Mingfei has already prepared himself psychologically for a long time.

But when the mother's sudden aura descended, it also trampled on the defense he built in his heart.

Now Jovini has stretched this feeling to the extreme

Standing together with Lu Lincheng, she looks like a talented woman, but if there is another Lu Mingfei among them, when looking at the photos, someone will point to Lu Mingfei and ask, who is this...

But this sense of tearing did not create a sense of distance.

(End of this chapter)

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