Chapter 565 Lu Mingze



Lu Mingfei's ears, which were catching wolves howling in the wind, suddenly trembled slightly, and then his whole body twisted towards his side with lightning speed.

His movements are quick and standard, from dialing the insurance to preparing the index finger in one go, without sloppiness at all. If an outstanding special soldier appears next to Lu Mingfei at this moment, he will definitely nod in relief, saying that he is deeply inspired by me. (Fingel: This special soldier is definitely not me.)
The wind quickly swept across the muzzle of the black pistol raised in both hands, but only empty snow and ice was exposed in his sight.

Lu Mingfei stared at the row of footprints on the snowdrift beside him, his whole body became stiff and tense as if he had been electrocuted.
"Who!" Lu Mingfei's hoarse voice sounded around, but the only response to him was the quiet air around him. At this moment, the sound of barking dogs in the distance seemed to become clear and dense again.
But now Lu Mingfei can no longer control the place so far away, his heart is pounding, looking at the footprints less than two meters away, Lu Mingfei can be 100% sure that he just heard the sound of stepping on the snow .

And the opponent should be very close to you, two meters away, if you are facing an outstanding executive elite, even if you open the safety of your pistol, you may not be able to press the trigger under the opponent's nose. It is already an extremely dangerous distance.

But the bad thing is, even in this kind of thing, he still didn't see the other party's figure.

Before Lu Mingfei came back to his senses, the sound of footsteps stepping on the snow sounded from Lu Mingfei's ears again.

Lu Mingfei's heartbeat suddenly became faster, his throat became abnormally dry, and before his brain could respond, his arm muscles twisted instinctively as if shooting backwards,

The revolver in his hand slammed down with his arm, Lu Mingfei's head followed closely behind,

The hard touch made Lu Mingfei's heart relax slightly, and Lu Mingfei said in his heart that he finally caught you!
In the next second, a fair face appeared in Lu Mingfei's eyes,

The muzzle of the revolver was stuck between the opponent's eyebrows, and the distance between himself and the opponent was less than half a meter.

But looking at the face of the other party under the eyebrows.

As the line of sight came to the brain, Lu Mingfei's pupils suddenly shrank inward, and the ferocious will condensed on Lu Mingfei's body a second ago collapsed from the foundation like an unfinished building.
Suddenly, the face in front of Lu Mingfei made a ferocious grimace.

"Wow!" The person who came made a funny move like a ghost jumping forward.

"Damn it!" Lu Mingfei, who was already in the middle of nervousness, yelled reflexively.The body jumped back like a grasshopper.

But sitting on the sled, the only back room he had was the size of two legs.

He stretched out his hand in the icy snowdrift, the cold made his muscles and nerves start to contract, and Lu Mingfei's brain instantly woke up.

He stared at the little face in front of him smiling at him.The rapid breathing kept covering his beating heart.

Above the heart, all kinds of emotions surged into his heart for a moment, but these emotions piled up in his chest, and none of them could rush out from it.

"Brother. Long time no see." Finally, when Lu Mingfei's eyes widened and he was at a loss.

The person on the opposite side finally spoke the first sentence, it was still a familiar voice, accompanied by a familiar smirk at the corner of his mouth.

Lu Mingze's small figure stood quietly on the vast snowy field, his clothes were still so elegant and exquisite, with an elegant white tie in the center of his small body, black suit and shiny leather shoes spotless. Standing on top of a snowdrift.If he had a gentleman's top hat and a silver-plated cane, he would be able to enter the British nobleman's ball without a ticket.

In contrast, Lu Mingfei was in a lot of embarrassment. The thick winter clothes wrapped him like a rice dumpling, and the cold boots on his feet were even more dirty with snow. , and even condensed ice crystals can be seen in the middle of the unkempt hair on the top of the head.Even if he had "excellent" prom experience at Cassel College, he might be taken for nothing.

"Why is it you!" Lu Mingfei's nerves relaxed visibly, "I thought I was attacked by wild wolves, and I didn't make a sound when I walked. If I were to shoot you, you deserved it..." Lu Mingfei's complaints kept appearing in the air.

"Brother, will you really kill me with one shot?" Lu Mingze's voice seemed to carry a trace of resentment, like a wisp of green smoke floating from the mountains, trying to catch it, but couldn't catch it anyway live.

Lu Mingfei instinctively looked up at the other party, and met a pair of pitiful little eyes.

These eyes made Lu Mingfei instantly think of the little yellow dog that used to be at the door of his aunt's house. He was squatting alone under the street lamp on the side of the road, and the other dog came staggering from the cold wind wagging his tail. The eyes are also so pitiful.

"Of course I don't..." Negative words were about to blurt out from Lu Mingfei's mouth reflexively, and when he was about to break through the gate, he suddenly got stuck in his throat.

won't he?

Of course he won't!
But that's what he's doing.

What he wants now is to escape from this safe haven, from this place full of dangers and unknowns, but this safe haven is inextricably linked with the other party, even Lu Mingfei already knows that the little devil's body is trapped in this place.

Isn't his resolute action now just to pierce the opponent's chest with a bullet?

"I..." Lu Mingfei looked at Lu Mingze on the opposite side and was speechless.
"Is brother going to leave alone?" Lu Mingze's eyes became more pitiful, and tears of grievance swirled in his eyes.


"Brother, is he going to abandon me alone again..." Lu Mingze's voice was like a nail suddenly piercing into Lu Mingfei's heart. He didn't know what happened, he just felt his heart beating hard. Twitching, a hidden wound was gradually torn open by a pair of giant hands.

Lu Mingze's eyes made him a little sad, and the other party's voice played in Lu Mingfei's ears like a hallucination, surrounding his ears.

The cold wind around him gradually disappeared, and instead, countless Lu Mingze appeared beside Lu Mingfei. They were very close to Lu Mingfei, their whispering lips and pitiful and wronged eyes circled around him.

Lu Mingfei suddenly became irritable, but under the irritability was the cowardice that dared not face it directly.

Lu Mingfei covered his head with his hands, his eyes were wide open,
"Brother, brother..." Lu Mingze's voice kept ringing beside him.

At a certain moment, Lu Mingfei was desperate to push Lu Mingze away and run backwards, but the moment he took his hands away from his head.

Lu Mingfei froze on the spot as if he had fallen to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and sweat dripped down from between his brows.

Everything around him disappeared.

He looked at the Cerberus less than 50 meters away in front of him, and he was at a loss like a fool.

It can no longer be regarded as a dog. The black monster that appeared in front of Lu Mingfei was four meters tall, and its four ferocious and thick thighs were like four telephone poles stuck on the snow.

Its head was drooping, steam was coming from the two big nostrils in front of the ferocious vertical pupils, and the two exposed fangs were stirring something up and down.

Lu Mingfei met its eyes, and the bone-piercing coldness quickly spread all over his body.

He hasn't seen anything in the past few years at Kassel College, Deadpool, Dragon King, but it's too bad that he really doesn't seem to have seen this kind of monster that can stand up to the height of a tank,

Can something like a dog really grow so tall? ! !

Numerous slots swirled wantonly in Lu Mingfei's mind like a wild horse running wild.

The Cerberus on the opposite side also galloped towards Lu Mingfei like a wild horse, with scales undulating on its swaying body. At this moment, it seemed that there was really a tank that could breathe towards Lu Mingfei. came running wildly.

Lu Mingfei quickly turned his head to look around, and Lu Mingze, who was originally surrounded by him, was gone.

"It's good if it's gone, so I won't be using this low-level monster to cheat my life!" Lu Mingfei thought carefully in his heart,

But thinking about it, he didn't dare to hesitate about the speed in his hands.

The revolver held tightly in his hand roared like an RPg, but the angry bullets falling on the running Cerberus was like the consequences of an egg falling on a rock,

There was no such thing as a staggered ejection, but it was directly flattened under the impact of high pressure.This scene somewhat surprised Lu Mingfei.

The splattering flames lit up on the hellhound's body, revealing the rough tendon flesh and the hideous and hard scales on it in the darkness.

Lu Mingfei stared at the bullet that didn't work at all as if he was stupid. You must know that this is already the strongest method he can use.

After running out of bullets, he didn't even have a chance to run.

Another gunshot sounded, and Lu Mingfei held the smoking revolver tightly with his trembling hands.

The last bullet landed on the head of the oncoming Cerberus with Lu Mingfei's incomparable expectation.

There was no accident at all, the bullet was like a stone falling into the center of a lake, except for a few sparks splashing out, it didn't even leave a half dent in the opponent's body.

On the contrary, the frequent throwing of stones at the opponent aroused the roar of the Cerberus, and the speed of galloping on the snow field became faster.

The blowing wind made Lu Mingfei freeze in place for a moment.

At such a close distance, he could even clearly feel the scorching breath coming from the hellhound's sniff and mouth.


A beast-like roar rolled wantonly in the hot air.

The thick blue-black fog gathered into a huge vortex and entangled in the steel keel. The constant vibrations from the air below dispersed the vortex again and again, and then brought them together from the other side.

Youlan and Chijin are like two dragons fighting together in the sea, causing the whole earth to tremble rumblingly.

A monster stuck in the crevice of the broken stone pulled itself out from the wall of the iron-juice city.Although the ferocious fangs were broken and the ferocious dragon armor was loose, it still couldn't conceal its desire to vent its rage.

The huge and ferocious dragon wings waved behind him, but before it fully exerted its basic take-off effect, a huge black shadow that came oncoming smashed him in again with a bang.

A particularly ferocious crack appeared on the hard steel wall, a dragon wing was directly broken in it, and the pale keel was exposed to the air.

The roar of the beast whispered in the ruins was angry and powerless.

There were three high-intensity earthquakes in a row, and the cracks on the steel wall spread upward along the original gap, and it felt like the underground world was completely torn down.

The five superimposed monsters let out a low growl, and sharp spikes kept rising from the ruins.Then he rubbed and collided with the classmate with the same hard body above him, sparks were as common and natural as breathing.

But the monster on the top seemed to have been completely knocked out halfway, and it was firmly pressed on top of them and could not move. What's worse, the weight of the top monster was so heavy that no matter how the guy underneath turned it would not be able to move. Can't squeeze out half a point.

If the guys who are pressed down are lucky enough to take a look outside, they will find that the weight of the guy on top of them is not a strong point. Although he is a huge black and white giant bear, his size is not enough With the combined weight of the four Deadpools below him.

But he was still firmly suppressing the bottom, and the giant bear deadpool on the top was indeed heavy to death, but it was not his own weight, but the weight crushed in the blood of the giant bear deadpool.They were able to sway freely in the mid-air one second, but stood still like a rock in the strong wind the next second.

On the other side not far from them,
Fu Nian suddenly turned around and kicked, the terrifying power was as terrifying as a landslide, and directly blasted half of the body of the bat deadpool who was sneaking behind him into pieces, and a large piece of blood fell from the sky like a waterfall.
They dripped into the alchemy matrix tunnel on the ground, white smoke rose from it, and then the bat that was crushed by Fu Nian's foot began to recover rapidly as it flew backwards.

The damaged keel was rejoined, and the muscles that exploded on the spot grew from the keel at a speed visible to the naked eye. The dark and hard dragon scales became harder than before.The bat, which was originally only 1.5 meters in size, has grown back to a length of two meters.

But Fu Nian can't control this guy's rebirth now, because he is surrounded by twenty or thirty dead servants of various types.

Giant pythons, blood foxes, forest wolves, bats, and even the most common hellhounds outside are more common here.

In the gap at the side of his body, Fu Nian suddenly stretched his right hand towards the air, and a terrifying force descended directly from the sky with a strong oppressive force.



(End of this chapter)

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