Chapter 570 The Wolves

"Mom." Seeing Qiao Wenni slowly throwing the rope on the ground in front of him, Lu Mingfei subconsciously put the revolver in his hand in front of the other party, signaling for the other party to use it.

Giovanni shook his head lightly, then took out another pistol from the white pocket, it was a black Beretta pistol, Giovanni unloaded the magazine from it, and stretched out his hand to look at Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a second, and quickly realized that he sent the magazine he had just loaded to the local hand.The actions between each other are very tacit.

"Son, our bullets are very limited, find the right time, and kill him with one blow." Qiao Wei Ni told while loading the magazine.

"Okay." Lu Mingfei looked at Qiao Weini and nodded affirmatively.

After finishing speaking, Qiao Weini pulled off the scarf hanging on her chest, turned around and squatted on the snow and began to be vigilant.Her snow-white winter clothing blended perfectly with the surrounding snow.

By this time, Lu Mingfei probably understood what Qiao Wenni meant, but after he understood it, he had to sigh again for his mother's extraordinary courage and the other party's professional quality.

She knew that relying on snowmobiles would not be able to get rid of the pursuit of the executive team behind her, and would even make them hunted like targets.

So after she put Lu Mingfei down, she rushed out on the motorcycle all the way, running wildly on the flat snow field, leaving obvious car marks to mislead the pursuit team of the action group behind her.

And the direction she chose to put Lu Mingfei down is also the place where the barking sounds are the most dense. Of course, the place where there are hell dogs is also a huge threat to them.

But it is also a huge threat to the operation team that hunts them down.Whether they are conscious or unconscious, they will avoid places where Cerberus may be present to avoid casualties.

Even if the executive team spends some time discovering that they have been deceived, the last thing they think of when facing an uncertain direction is the direction of Cerberus.During this process, enough time will be bought for Qiao Weini to escape with Lu Mingfei.

According to Jovini's understanding of the decision-makers of Haven and the surrounding environment, the path she chose is the easiest path to avoid being hunted down.

But again, this road will also be a road where they face great danger. The appearance of intensive barking means that the hell dogs are nearby, and they will be extremely easy to fall into the pursuit of them by the hell dogs.

And this kind of situation has extremely serious consequences for any mixed race, and a little carelessness may completely die without a burial place.

What's more, Qiao Weini is still carrying a Lu Mingfei who can be called a burden.

"Mom, why don't you leave me here." Lu Mingfei looked at a group of hell dogs that were getting closer and closer to them. They lowered their heads, and their ferocious fangs gleamed in their golden vertical pupils. The coldness of the forest.

In Lu Mingfei's line of sight, he could see no fewer than [-] hellhounds at the first glance. If he hadn't experienced the defense of Kassel Academy, if he hadn't experienced the trip to Japan, Just the sight of these hell dogs is more terrifying than the number of deadpools he has seen in his life.

And this is only the number at first glance. The ghost knows how many hell dogs are hidden behind these beasts.

Not to mention that the number of Philosopher's Stones in their hands is not enough, even adding all the bullets they are carrying now is not enough to withstand the first wave of impact of these hellhounds.At this time, although he can't think of a solution, he and his mother can always leave one.

"I'll buy some time for my mother, we may be able to last..." Lu Mingfei's voice behind her was abruptly interrupted by Qiao Weini's cold eyes.

Lu Mingfei looked at the pair of golden pupils that were no more gentle than poisonous snakes. Under the late night sky, they were as charming as wine in a champagne glass.

"Is my son's head frozen by this damn weather?" Qiao Weini said teasingly with an expressionless look. If she hadn't occupied both hands, she would have reached out and touched Lu Mingfei's head to look at him. Do you have a fever.

Lu Ming was at a loss for words, he knew what his mother was suppressing, if he dared to refute, or dared to say no, then the furious mother would appear in front of him next, and she would give way without hesitation Ming Fei submits to his will.

Violent means are not excluded.

Looking at Lu Mingfei who stopped talking, Qiao Weini nodded in satisfaction.

She looked past Lu Mingfei on the sled, and looked at the hellhounds behind them who were slowly advancing with their heads lowered.

Although the number of people who appeared behind him was indeed a bit beyond Jovini's expectations, the matter was not so bad that it could not be undone after all. At least in the current period, these hell dogs came towards them in batches. .

The most recent batch of visual inspections only had a dozen or so, but even so, a dozen or so hellhounds are an extremely terrifying number in the eyes of mixed races.

At this moment, Qiao Weini released her once proud young lady's aura to the extreme, and the murderous aura hidden in it was blown into the hellhound group along with the whistling snow wind around her.

At this moment, there is nothing to hide. The wolf itself is a creature that obeys the law of the jungle. Even if it becomes a dragon subspecies, some things engraved in their genetic bones are difficult to change. What's more, the dragon civilization itself follows the law of the jungle. Laws, even this cold natural law will be more vividly performed on them.

For this kind of beast, there is no other good way except to beat them severely. This is what Qiao Wei Ni had already decided when he decided to go this way.
Although the development of the matter is a bit beyond Qiao Weini's expectations, compared with other escape directions, there is still a glimmer of life after all.

At the time when Jovini looked back, the Cerberus, which was crawling and bowed its head, had already started to speed up gradually.

It was also at this time that Giovanni shot, without hesitation.

And when she came up, she shot continuously. She held the Beretta with both hands, and the sound of the explosion of the bullets in the extended barrel was still clear and shocking even in the silencer.

When Lu Mingfei turned his head in a hurry, he met a hellhound that had fallen on the snow. The splashing snow covered part of Lu Mingfei's vision.
But before Lu Mingfei could blink his eyes, a bigger hellhound came rushing in, trampling on the corpse of his companion who had just fallen.

At this moment, they have completely let go of their forward pace. The black figures are like ghosts running from the dark hell, their huge feet are firmly covered on the snow, and when they get up again, they are full of splashes. Snowflakes and a fractured line along the ground.

The cheetah-like swiftness is vividly reflected in them.

Moderate gunshots spread along the snow wind into the distant group of hell dogs, and these sounds quickly aroused the movement of the distant hell dogs. The hell dogs crawling and hanging down on the snow began to speed up gradually. It's just that they don't run wild like the dozen or so hell dogs in the front.

They seem to be waiting for something, and the final result of this waiting is to be initiated by the fierce-looking and unusually huge leader of the hellhound at the front.

Jovini didn't intend to escape, and she didn't even intend to use bullets to finish this guy, after killing several hellhounds in a row.

Under Lu Mingfei's horrified gaze, Qiao Weini suddenly tore off the white cloak on her body,
She threw one of the Berettas to Lu Mingfei, then pulled out an arm-sized straight knife from her waist and rushed towards the Cerberus.

Lu Mingfei was taken aback. He knew that his mother might be very fierce, but he really didn't expect that the other party would dare to charge towards the Cerberus army alone.

Silence, killing, cold-blooded, these are the pronouns of my senior brother with facial paralysis. This kind of thing that they can only do if they don't agree with each other is something they can do!

own mother...

The shock made Lu Mingfei lose his sanity, but the fear made Lu Mingfei quickly raise the Python revolver in his hand to cover Qiao Weini.

He didn't want his mother to pay a heavy price for him, although now his mother had already paid a lot for taking him out,
With the support of the night vision scope, Lu Mingfei's wrists were shaking wildly. Every time he fired a shot, one of the hellhounds running wildly on the snow fell down.Not a single Cerberus survived the bullets of the Philosopher's Stone.Not even serious injuries.

When Giovanni rushed to these hell dogs, there were only two of dozens of hell dogs left.

But even so, there is already an extremely obvious gap between the two Cerberus, which is close to three meters in size, and Giovanni,
But Lu Mingfei didn’t dare to continue shooting anymore. The Cerberus was running so fast that it was difficult to aim, not to mention the figure of Qiao Wei Ni appeared between them.
Lu Mingfei didn't have much hope for his shooting skills, but at this moment he was aiming very carefully.But just can't find the perfect timing.

In front of the battlefield, Jovini stared very intently at the two monsters that were about to pounce on her. At close range, her pupils met the gaze of one of the hellhounds.
But what is surprising is that the first one to avoid the line of sight turned out to be the ferocious hellhound on the opposite side. The distance of two meters passed in a blink of an eye, and the light in Qiaowei Ni's pupils became more and more intense.

At a certain moment, the sharp claws of the Cerberus are about to appear on Giovanni's chest, and the straight knife in Giovanni's hand is about to penetrate the neck of the Cerberus.

Time seemed to stop suddenly at this second, and the cold wind in the air blew traces of time, and the snow dust kept a short anti-gravity in the traces.

But this moment is really only a moment, and in the next moment, an unusually bright pair of pupils shone in the cold wind, and the lava-like golden color spread to every corner of Jovini's pupils as if it would melt the whole world.

There is no human emotion in Jovini's pupils, not even the emotion of a beast. The scorching strong light fills her eyes, and the god-like majesty tilts down from the sky.

The two ferocious hellhounds stopped suddenly,
In the next second, Giovanni, who was walking, appeared in front of the Cerberus at the front, and the straight knife in his hand was like a judgment from the sun with the brilliance of burning everything.

Lu Mingfei only felt that when his eyes lit up, he could clearly see the red lines spreading on the blade of the straight knife. They were like vines entwined around the tree trunk and awakened little by little. It penetrates into the head of the hellhound.

The seemingly unusually hard defensive dragon scale was pierced through Giovanni's hands like paper paste. Giovanni turned his wrist and chopped off the Cerberus' head from it like throwing garbage.

The big dog that was ferocious and ferocious in the last second, a thigh-thick noodle cut appeared in the next second,
It exposes Lu Mingfei's sight in the distance, and also exposes ignorance to the cold wind.

For a moment, Qiao Weini's figure was engraved in his mind for a long time like a god of war.

After cutting off the opponent's head, Giovanni didn't hesitate at all. He stepped sideways and rolled over to avoid the bloody mouth of the hellhound. The sound of the guillotine closing echoed in the air.
Seeing the prey escaping, the other party swung its tail in place, and the tail behind it was like a whip and slapped towards the place where Giovanni landed, but Giovanni continued to roll on the snow, and the whole person was at a strange angle After a turn, he appeared in front of the Cerberus again.

One large and one small pupils stare at each other in the air,

With a bang, the smoke shot up into the sky and exploded on the spot.

Giovanni held the gun in his right hand and stuck it under the chin of the Cerberus, and the muzzle of the gun was slowly emitting white smoke.

The last hellhound fell to the ground in response, along with the sound of running wildly on the snow.

The group of hellhounds in the distance looked at a dozen of the same kind that were dead or injured in just a few moments, and stopped to look at the strongest hellhound that was looking at the front.

At this time, the distance between the two hostile parties was less than a hundred meters away.

Jovini slowly got up from the snow, she patted the snow on her body, then took out a magazine from her back pocket as if nothing had happened,
Slowly reloading in front of a group of monsters, during this process, her red-eyed lava stared at the strongest hellhound less than a hundred meters away.

She knew that that must be the leader of this group of guys, and it would be that guy who can dominate the next battlefield situation.

If she still had bullets, she would definitely pour them into the opponent's body without hesitation, so maybe the wolves would automatically collapse.

But the bad thing is, the bullet she just fired is already the last Philosopher's Stone in her hand.Her current loading posture is just to deceive the beast who can't recognize the bullet.

Who doesn't know how to plan an empty city?

As for whether the Philosopher's Stone still exists on Lu Mingfei's side, she thinks there should be, but the distance from Lu Mingfei's side should not be within reach.

Or to be precise, the hit rate is not high.

(End of this chapter)

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