I am the Dragon King in the Dragon Clan

Chapter 576 The Awakened Soul

Chapter 576 The Awakened Soul


The hellhounds chasing after Jovini rushed up one after another trying to tear off a piece of flesh from the opponent.

In the next second, the knife light formed a sharp net, tearing the Cerberus into pieces.

Giovanni stood facing the wind in the snowstorm, and the two black figures rushing towards him were also mixed in the snowstorm. Fist-sized snowflakes hit them, and then shattered into thumb-sized.

The Cerberus dogs around them were like vigorous cheetahs tightly surrounding them. They surrounded the snowmobiles. From time to time, several Cerberus dogs attacked the convoy, and then were repelled by powerful bullets.

The uninterrupted sound of bullets and the wailing of dogs barking along the cold wind whistled into the distance.

Neither the convoy nor the man in the suit stopped. The snowmobile still rushed towards Qiao Weini in front at the maximum Mach, and the man in the suit on the side gradually looked straight at him.

Countless eyes mixed with the desire of the hellhound all fell on the woman standing in the middle of the cold wind.

Qiao Wei Ni squatted down slowly, and spit out the hot and hot breath from her mouth. She is in a very bad state now.

The blood flowing from her arms and ribs has completely covered the wound on her thigh, her breathing is short of breath, her eyes are red, but the white fine dragon scales on her neck have begun to dissipate in a large area, covering the The blood in his body also became chaotic and weak.

Explosive blood has approached a certain limit, which is the fundamental reason why Qiao Wei Ni turned around and came back. She can't continue to run away. In order to maximize her own value, she has to rely on what little power she has left to fight for Lu Mingfei in the end. time.

At the time when Qiao Weini closed her eyes, the oncoming snowmobile had approached less than five meters away from Qiao Wei Ni, and it could be said that she could appear in front of her in the next second.

And the figure of Lu Lincheng standing on the roof of the car, and the red machine gun in front of the other party have also been exposed in front of Qiao Weini,

Qiao Weini and Lu Lincheng looked at each other, and there was no kindness about each other as husband and wife in their pupils.
On the contrary, Qiao Weini's cold vertical pupils and Lu Lincheng's frowning brows collided fiercely like a spear and a shield,
The brutal confrontation has been evolved countless times in the ever-shrinking midair, just waiting for the final decisive blow.

But when this moment is about to come, extreme speed appears behind them.

In the next second, Qiao Wei Ni flew up in Lu Lincheng's eyes, and the man in the suit smashed his fist on Qiao Wei Ni's abdomen in the posture of a heavy tank crushing him.

The hard dragon scales were torn from the middle like paper, exposing the bloody ribs in the air,
Blood dripped onto Lu Lincheng's cheeks with the cold wind behind him, and for a moment, those dim black pupils were as dazzling as a car headlight that suddenly turned on.

The dark night sky ahead suddenly became hot, and the back of the man in the suit was clearly exposed in Lu Lincheng's field of vision.

He suddenly threw out the action team member who was driving in front of him. His violent movements and terrifying power made Lu Lincheng at this moment completely look like a civil servant who only sits in the office and draws.
In the next second, Lu Lincheng stepped on the accelerator to the extreme, and his red and hot eyes stared at the back of the man in the suit in front of him and Qiao Weini, who was flying upside down in mid-air and splattered blood.
The snowmobile rubbed against the ground with a hysterical roar.

The man in the suit turned his head to look at the snowmobile that was rushing towards him at a high speed behind him, and his eyes met Lu Lincheng's knife-like eyes.
Not only the murderous eyes, but as Lu Lincheng suddenly grabbed the shotgun next to him, he shot the man in the suit fiercely.

Two shots!three shots...

Splattered bullets ricocheted from the man in all directions like a rain curtain, and the suit was shattered into rags, exposing the steel body hidden in it.

At this moment, the man in the suit seemed to have seen something that he had never expected, his brows were slowly knit together, and he looked at Lu Lincheng who shot at him crazily in surprise.

In the next second, the snowmobile and the man in the suit galloped past, and rushed toward Qiao Weini who was in mid-air.

The place where Giovanni fell was already covered with congregating hellhounds. They moved faster than snowmobiles. Coupled with the bloody inducement to them, the hellhounds had begun to be a little desperate stand up.

The machine guns on the snow field fired wildly at the front position,

However, some hellhounds still escaped from the fire net, and then jumped towards the hellhound in the midair. They bit the arm of Jovini in the midair, as if they wanted to tear it off.

Lu Lincheng dropped the shotgun in his hand and stood up suddenly from the snowmobile. The black windbreaker shrouded the ice field like night in the cold wind.

He stepped on the front of the snowmobile, jumped up from the speeding snowmobile with a push, and pulled out a dagger the size of a palm from his waist.
The cold light tore through the cold wind in front of him, and Lu Lincheng cut one of the hell dogs in half from the middle,
His movements were as smooth as cutting a plate of fruit, and the juice fell towards the snow below him along with the dagger.
At this moment, Lu Lincheng pulled out a pistol with an astonishing caliber from behind with lightning speed.

The vibrating air wave was conducted on the snow surface along the cold wind, and then smashed out a crack the size of a fist.

The hot bullet holes fall from above, and the ice and snow that freezes on it will gradually melt,

In the next second, a bloody monster also fell from the sky, but even if the opponent's head was split open like a burst watermelon,
The other party was still thriving and writhing on the ground in pain, and did not die immediately.

But this was obviously the beginning of another kind of pain. The hellhounds on the ground were attracted by the bloody smell of each other, and they became crazy. One after another, they fell down and bit each other, and were dismembered in the next second.

In the middle of the air, Lu Lincheng grabbed Qiao Weini's body,
At the moment when the opponent's body was in close contact with him, Lu Lincheng's pupils showed a rare trace of tenderness, but behind the gentleness was endless anger. Qiao Wei Ni had too many wounds on her body,
Although most of them have gradually healed under the strong recovery ability, the scars left on them are still shocking. He knows each other too well, and the two are not outstanding front-line fighters. This kind of effort is simply desperate.

He tried to cover the opponent's wound with his hand.

But without waiting for Lu Lincheng to take any action, Qiao Wei Ni, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up. When she saw Lu Lincheng's face, her body struggled defensively. It is even sharper.

Lu Lincheng obviously couldn't allow the opponent to resist, not to mention that Giovanni is completely in a state of extreme weakness. Lu Lincheng subdued Giovanni who was struggling in the frontier with one hand, and then stuck the large-caliber pistol in the opponent's body. Above the eyebrows.

"Don't move around." Lu Lincheng said helplessly.

Time seemed to be stopped at this moment, and Qiao Weini stared at Lu Lincheng, as if he was about to swallow the other party abruptly in the next second.

But Lu Lincheng just cast his gaze aside.

And just when the two were deadlocked and fell from mid-air.

The eyes of the man in the suit with his feet on the snow seemed to be suddenly aroused by some kind of memory, his brows were tightly knit together, and then he gently waved to a running hell dog not far away.

Suddenly, the Cerberus seemed to feel the horror of being on top of death. It turned its head slowly, and then met a pair of smiling eyes.

But even in the eyes of wild beasts, those eyes are extremely terrifying and cold.It subconsciously turned its head and jumped back.

In the next second, before the shudder was transmitted from the brain to the body, severe pain came from the body,
Then, in its line of sight, an extremely familiar white fang pierced towards the two foods in midair at extreme speed.

Lu Lincheng stared at the fangs coming from behind Jovini at a high speed, his pupils constricted suddenly, and then instinctively exhausted his strength to reverse in mid-air.


Like a balloon pierced by a sharp sword, its fangs instantly pierced through Lu Lincheng's body, and then pierced Qiaoweini's body again,
The splattered blood continued to move forward in an inertial posture, and then threw Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini fiercely into the hellhound group on the ground.

"Chairman!!" The middle-aged leader of the action team standing on the snowmobile and shooting wildly roared angrily.

He took a hard look at the man in the suit who was standing upright in the wind and snow behind him, and the man in the suit finally gave a very satisfied smile.

"Back! Back! Back!" Unexpectedly, he fell hard into the hellhound, and the injured Lu Lincheng roared back as he watched the rushing group leader.

The leader of the action team listened blankly to the voice coming into his ears, looked at the hellhound that was pounced on the two of them, and for a moment didn't know whether to listen to his instinct or the other party's orders.

But all of this is not important anymore, it was too late before Lu Lincheng roared out.

Because Lu Lincheng, who turned and fell in mid-air, saw Lu Mingfei.

A Lu Mingfei who stood there in a daze and stared blankly at this scene.

Lu Mingfei didn't know why he saw this scene, and he didn't even know how he walked back step by step.

He believed what his mother said, believed that the hellhound had already withdrawn, and also believed that after his father came, his mother would be fine under the side effect of the blood explosion.

He had already seen the big mountain, and felt the direction of the exit by instinct.

But when he was about to leave, he suddenly hesitated. He thought about his mother's last words before she left. She said, "Mom loves you."

At that moment, time seemed to be pulled back by a huge force to the scene when my mother left for the last time ten years ago.

What the other party said at the time seemed to be... Mom loves you...

On that day, Lu Mingfei watched his mother get on the plane in an incomparably satisfied kiss, and then they completely disappeared into Lu Mingfei's world like the fallen leaves of that autumn.
The only thing left is the greetings from the distant envelope from time to time.

He suddenly became frightened, he found that this scene was as similar as that at that time,
The gentle smiling face of my mother coincided with the proud young woman back then, and the time also coincided with the coming winter back then, and the ending at that time was that I tried my best to catch the only clue to find them location of .

And after I let go this time, can I really see my mother again?
He thinks he can't.

He felt that if he continued on, he would lose that person completely.
The cold wind mixed with the roar of gunfire and the barking of dogs came from behind. From that moment on, Lu Mingfei's world was no longer quiet.

His ears seemed to be turned on with a loudspeaker, the roaring gunshots began to howl, the bleak cold wind began to mix with a trace of scorching heat, and even the muffled voice of his mother began to appear around him.

He started to rush back desperately, afraid that something terrible would happen if he came back a second late, even though his newly recovered feet were in severe pain like a knife cut.

Lu Mingfei covered his face with trembling hands, quietly, without making a sound,

He looked in disbelief at the two figures slowly falling from mid-air into the black vortex,

At this moment, he couldn't believe what happened before him, and he didn't want to believe what happened before him, so he instinctively covered his eyes, like burying his head in the wings of an ostrich.

Lu Lincheng's desperate roar continued, "Back! Back! Back!"

The sound was disturbing like a ticking time bomb that was about to end.

"No, no, it's not true, it's not true." The boy knelt on the ground and cried silently, tears falling from Lu Mingfei's cheeks like a broken kite.He saw with his own eyes that Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini, who had been pierced through their chests, fell into the black vortex of the hellhound. In Lu Mingfei's eyes, it was the gate of hell opened by the god of death.

The man in the suit standing in the distance looked at this scene with weird eyes,
He instinctively felt that there was something strange about to happen around him, but after careful observation, except for Lu Lincheng and Qiao Weini who were being bitten by the hellhound group,

Everything seems to be the same.And the man who saw Lu Mingfei for the first time didn't notice anything unusual about him.


Suddenly, a hysterical roar exploded in the air.In the end, the thread that imprisoned Lu Mingfei snapped in the air.

Among the chilly hairs of the man in the suit,

A pair of extremely huge dark golden rays of light slowly bloomed from behind.

"How dare you! You guys! How dare you!!"

The full roar echoed on the ice field, its sound was vast and shocking, like a waterfall hanging from the sky, no one could match it.

In fact, these are indeed two voices, but they are two blunt voices coming from one body.

At this moment, it seemed that a terrifying soul had awakened in Lu Mingfei's body.

(End of this chapter)

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