Chapter 579 Giovanni


When Lu Mingfei opened his big eyes again, he found that everything around him had disappeared.

The black hellhounds around, the manic blizzard, and even the old mother who fell on the ground all disappeared, and the surroundings were so quiet that there was not even a little wind.

Lu Mingfei slowly stood up from the ground, and his painfully painful legs became relaxed and strong. He felt that his current state had a kind of relaxation after a hearty exercise. Not to mention the weakness before, now he just let It's not a problem for him to run another marathon.

He stood blankly on the snow-covered ground, with a hint of strangeness in his eyes. Although it is no longer snowing, this is the Arctic Circle, where the temperature is minus [-] to [-] degrees all the year round.
No matter how exaggerated it is, it is far from blowing warm air. Lu Mingfei looked around, but he still didn't find any problem. The wind is not there,
But it made him a little parched, as if he was putting a stove on his face to smoke.

Lu Mingfei started to move in one direction. That direction was not the direction his mother told him to escape from before, but the direction he saw Qiao Weini before he lost consciousness.

He didn't know what was going on with his mother now, but he knew that in his last consciousness, his mother was being besieged by countless hounds,

But looking at the previous direction now, not only did he not see the slightest trace of the battle, but his weak body returned to normal. He tried hard to recall the last picture in his mind, but the more he thought about it, his brain It hurts more.

Could it be that my mother performed some mysterious ceremony at the last moment, using a mysterious language at the last moment, just like in the TV series, sacrificing her own life, and finally fulfilling me,
Speaking of it, it seems that I have never seen my mother use any speech spirit in the battle, unlike my senior brother Chu Zihang, the speech spirit is as high-frequency as drinking water in the battle.

If my mother's speech spirit is really this kind of one-off, then...

Lu Mingfei slapped himself, secretly thinking that he was indeed a little flower who was harmed by TV dramas,

How could I think of my mother in such a bad direction at this time.

Restraining his wild thoughts, Lu Mingfei walked in the direction where his mother was before.

As his sight gradually looked into the distance, he discovered that there was a rather undulating snow hill in the distance, but it was connected with the snow surface under the cover of the blizzard before, and the ups and downs were not particularly violent at a long distance. Terrain is hard to spot.

When Lu Mingfei walked to the top of the small hill, a figure in the distance suddenly appeared in Lu Mingfei's field of vision, and Lu Mingfei was instantly overjoyed.
"Mom!" Lu Mingfei opened his eyes wide, opened his mouth and shouted forward with all his strength.

But the wind that I didn't feel before suddenly blew up, and then rushed back with Lu Mingfei's voice,

On the snow surface in the distance, a limping figure was slowly moving forward, sinking footprints deep into the snow layer.

It was the back view of a woman. Although the other party was wearing heavy winter clothes and wrapped her body tightly, Lu Mingfei still saw the straight knife that was only exposed outside the other party at a glance. The straight knife was hanging obliquely on the waist. up, up and down as the opponent moves,
Lu Mingfei was familiar with that straight knife. Even though Qiao Weini took it out during the fight, it left a deep impression on him in just a short moment.He knew that he must have seen it right, it must be his mother.

"Mom!" Lu Mingfei shouted again, and then chased after the opponent's figure with all his strength.

It may just be that the wind and snow behind the hills have subsided for a short time,
But as Lu Mingfei left this area and rushed towards the bottom of the hill, the oncoming cold wind gradually picked up, and the snowflakes mixed in it began to gradually become denser.

When Lu Mingfei ran one kilometer away, the wind and snow had already turned into a snowstorm, and the strong wind swept in again.

Lu Mingfei marched against the huge cold wind, fist-sized snow blocks began to come out, they hit his chest hard, hit his calves and knees, the tearing pain made Lu Mingfei frown for a while, Beads of sweat slowly dripped down his cheeks.

But fortunately, Lu Mingfei's vision was not blocked by the sudden blizzard. Although his vision could not be compared with the previous one, Lu Mingfei could still clearly see the moving figure of his mother in front of him.

Lu Mingfei stopped shouting loudly. He had a miserable experience in the ice field, and he knew that at this time, the most important thing for him to do was to maintain his strength, keep his heat, keep his breath and then bury his head on his way.

My mother may not be walking fast because of the injury. As long as I speed up my pace a little, judging from the pursuit problem that elementary school students have learned, he will catch up to the opponent sooner or later.

"Mom, hold on." Lu Mingfei hunched his body against the snowstorm blowing in front of him. They hit his face like stones, and bruises appeared quickly in a very short time. However, Lu Mingfei Mingfei found that he gradually lost his sense of it, and an extremely focused will spread out from his eyes,

He has only one thought now, and that is to take his mother out of here, before no one finds out here, and before his mother's injury worsens, hurry up and get out of here!Get out of this safe haven.

As time passed, the will in Lu Mingfei's pupils became stronger and brighter.

The distance between him and his mother has gradually shortened,

"Mom! Mom!" Lu Mingfei began to call loudly. Even though there was a certain distance, Lu Mingfei was already impatient.

The forward figure of Fu actually paused after Lu Mingfei's voice sounded, as if he heard Lu Mingfei's voice.

Lu Mingfei's face brightened for a moment, and regardless of his frozen and purple face, he wiped off the icicles on his eyelashes and rushed forward.

The thick snow boots made a crunching sound when stepping on the snow, Lu Mingfei shouted vigorously while opening his arms and trying to hug each other.

The figure in front obviously heard the movement behind him, but surprisingly, the other party did not turn his head, but accelerated his pace in the next second.

Lu Mingfei behind him was taken aback, and his voice became louder and hurried, but the figure in front of him started to run gradually. As Lu Mingfei's voice behind him became more hurried, the figure of the other party also became faster, The originally limping body suddenly began to become smooth and agile.

Lu Mingfei stood there blankly for a second, then gritted his teeth and followed behind.

In this way, the two rushed into the desert blizzard spread by ice and snow in front of them.

He didn't know how long they had been here, but as the two of them gradually got deeper into the snow and ice, Lu Mingfei unexpectedly found a hut in front of him.

It can't be regarded as a hut, but a large square grid surrounded by four large boxes. This thing is covered by a thick layer of ice, and only the black iron sheet exposed outside is hard to ignore.

When Lu Mingfei discovered this place, the mother in front had already opened one of the doors, and then turned around and got into it.

Lu Mingfei narrowed his eyes, and continued to quicken his pace to keep up.

The door that appeared in front of Lu Mingfei was not locked, and there was a palm-sized lock hanging on the iron gate's fence.With the cold wind blowing in the distance, it fluctuates up and down.Lu Mingfei turned around and walked into the room without hesitation.

Behind this iron door is an elevator, and the elevator shows the location on the third floor.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lu Mingfei followed the elevator to the third floor below.

What appeared in front of him was a cement-paved passage, with dim candle lights flickering on both sides of the passage,
There is a layer of complex lines on the lampstand of the candle lamp. These lines follow the ups and downs of the candlelight above, and create outlines of different shapes on the ground.At this moment, this passage gave Lu Mingfei a strange feeling.

At the moment when this feeling arose, an idea was born from Lu Mingfei's mind suddenly. It was a ridiculous idea, but with the birth of this idea, it expanded rapidly uncontrollably, and finally completely disappeared in Lu Mingfei's mind. I can't get it out of my mind.

He is not particularly unfamiliar with the strange lighting method in front of him, or it is not particularly unfamiliar to a student who has taken classes at Kassel College.
In the first half of each freshman year, Professor Manstein will enforce an elective course called "If Dragons Could Talk" in the students' teaching schedule.

This is a hodgepodge of archaeological findings from various aspects of dragon religion, class, culture, architecture, and even diet.The main purpose is to give the students entering the academy a chance to understand the Dragon Race as a whole.

At the beginning, Lu Mingfei was very interested in this course, although he failed in the end, ah, this is a digression.

But in the first half of this course, Lu Mingfei still listened carefully. In one of the courses about architecture, Manstein showed them a set of photos, which were once the operation commissioner went deep into an old relic of the Dragon Race. photos taken when
The photos are old, but you can still see the significant gap between the architectural style and the modern one.And one of the photos in the original group was specifically about the perspective of the corridor.

While the candle lamps hanging on both sides of the wall in the corridor in front of him and the candles carved on the candle lamps cannot be said to be almost the same as the ones in the photo, they can also be said to be exactly the same.

The environment here is very simple, but this kind of simplicity highlights the existence of these candle lamps even more. They are like little snakes entangled up and down on the candlesticks, staring at Lu Mingfei with cold pupils.

If Professor Manstein hadn't once said that these things are just for decoration, he might be drawing his gun now.

Just as Lu Mingfei set his eyes on these street lights, a figure suddenly flashed from his peripheral vision. When Lu Mingfei looked at the other party thoroughly, he found a figure appearing at the end of the corridor.

She turned her back to Lu Mingfei, and there was a certain expectation in the familiar figure
Although his dim vision was somewhat blurred, Lu Mingfei still recognized the other party's identity at a glance. It was the figure of his mother whom he had been chasing all the way.

She turned her back to Lu Mingfei, her lowered eyes were staring ahead as if she was observing something.


Lu Mingfei's voice was as clear as thunder in the quiet passage.

The opponent's body moved.This time, Lu Mingfei was sure that the other party must have heard his voice.

He stepped forward quickly, and his black leather boots made a hasty and dull sound when he stepped on the ground.

The other party obviously didn't try to avoid Lu Mingfei this time. The moment Lu Mingfei's footsteps sounded, the other party also slowly turned around.

But looking at the figure who turned around and turned to him, Lu Mingfei's forward steps froze in place for an instant.

Then it's never possible to take the next step.

He looked at the figure that appeared in front of him in astonishment, and it was difficult for him to express his feelings in words for a while.

What kind of mother is on the other side, and even said that there is an absolute difference between her and my mother.How could I...

He looked at the smaller figure standing in front of him. It was a girl, a girl wearing thick winter clothes and a big winter hat. Her body was very small. Suitcase size.

There is a huge size gap between this and Qiao Wei Ni.

And...and it's impossible for me to recognize this face by mistake.

Lu Mingfei looked at the girl who turned around with some tears in his eyes.

Lu Mingfei was no stranger to her, he could even be considered very familiar with her.

"Ling, why are you here?" Lu Mingfei's hoarse voice was clear in the passage, "Where's my mother?"

Lu Mingfei instinctively thought that he followed the wrong number of stairs.

Although the figure of the other party made Lu Mingfei quite astonished, it was only for a short time. The appearance of the other party did not pose any threat to him.
On the contrary, the other party gave him an inexplicable sense of peace of mind. They had a good relationship when they were in Kassel College (Lu Ming did not unilaterally confirm this.) He made cheat sheets for himself many times to help him pass the exam, so that he would not Like Fingal, who became the tail of the whole school, zero's credit is at least half.

From the first time he saw this iceberg girl, he had a strange feeling, as if there was an invisible bond between them connecting each other.

And to some extent, they are still allies.

Once on Kobe Bay in Tokyo, I risked my life just to save the other party.Without hesitation, he fought with the Dragon King.

"Wait for you." Zero's lips moved up and down slightly.

There was obviously no sound, but Lu Mingfei instantly understood what the other party was talking about.

"Wait for me? Where's my mother?"


"It's impossible!" Lu Mingfei shook his head blankly, looking at the figure in front of him in astonishment and shaking his head again and again.



PS, it's not that the transmission is wrong, but the anti-theft. If it is not updated before ten o'clock, it is the anti-theft chapter.Will change back around twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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