Chapter 581 Tension


The moment Lu Lincheng walked out of the Khrushchev building, he already knew why the committee called him.

He stood in front of the door of the building, and the fireworks sprayed by the missiles flying head-on made the courtyard as bright and bright as day, the red wind and waves rattled his windbreaker, and the snowflakes and scorching air waves blowing from the ground They scorched each other, and then formed a dividing line between ice and fire.

Lu Lincheng frowned slightly. What disappeared in front of him was a surface-to-air missile. As for the model, Lu Lincheng could not identify it through his eyes.
But as far as he knows, although there are quite a few missiles on Haven, in terms of models, they are nothing more than a few.

As the missile pierced through the air, the dispelled darkness swarmed in again, forming a boundary line between light and darkness under the dim street lamps.

Lu Lincheng didn't hesitate to stop and ask what happened, and immediately walked quickly towards the command building in the distance.

Is there a change in the Cerberus experiment?Or is it that the person who invaded Haven was discovered?

Various thoughts quickly flashed in Lu Lincheng's mind, but compared to the first one, the possibility of the second one being directly used by such a large-scale thermal weapon is higher, but it can make them When you start using missiles to kill Cerberus, does it mean that normal methods are no longer applicable?
He was skeptical about Lu Lincheng, who had just had a brief contact with Cerberus.

But if it is for the second case, he seriously doubts that things like missiles will really have an effect on the existence of that level?
The scene not long ago subconsciously appeared in Lu Lincheng's mind. He was standing in the ice and snow with Qiao Wei Ni in his arms,
Countless black mist instantly submerged him like a vast ocean. Although those things passed by his side one after another, just being in it, the feeling of suffocation that cannot be described in words was like throwing him into the endless deep sea among.

Fear, the fear extending from loneliness, he felt his own insignificance more than once in his life, but it was not as real and wanton as this time.

It destroyed his previous beliefs like rotten ones, and then trampled under his feet.Even before that he was fully prepared mentally.

That is not something that can be solved with human technology, at least not something that can be solved with a surface-to-surface missile like it is now.

Although the monster that invaded the Nibelungen would not be as terrifying as it was at that time, this level of power is still not something that can be easily resolved.

Lu Lincheng's footsteps were fast, his leather boots made a crunching sound when he stepped on the snow, and the windbreaker flew in the air along with the snow flakes splashed from his heels.

Around him, hurried figures were running in the snow, apparently the sound of the missile launching had caught their attention,
And as an unknown negative rumor gradually spread among the residents, it gradually caused panic.

This kind of panic is actually a kind of confusion in a more sense. The residents living in this safe haven are in a sense a collective style of military and civilian integration.

The militarized training they usually receive allows them to maintain a relatively stable attitude and a strong cohesion even in the face of a crisis, but this requires a strong commander as a prerequisite, and a commander to point them in a direction.

The only problem now is that even their superiors are completely in a state of bewilderment. Lu Lincheng was completely unaware of the situation outside before he received the call, and he didn't even hear the huge roar of the artillery fire outside.

Because of the confusion and confusion of the people outside, the surface-to-surface missile that is rapidly disappearing in the sky should not be the first.

When Lu Lincheng turned along the asphalt, a group of men in black combat uniforms and white research coats suddenly came up from the opposite side.

"Commissioner Lu, Commissioner Lu." The hasty voice came from the man at the front, with a serious face, and he could even be said to appear in front of Lu Lincheng in a panic.
But there is no need for the other party to continue talking.

Lu Lincheng knew what the other party wanted to say.He looked at the missile launch vehicle slowly driving out from the slope of the basement downstairs of Khrushchev ahead,

The opponent slammed into the tree trunk, his huge body was like a moving steel wall.

This is a ground-based mobile launcher for Scud tactical ballistic missiles, equipped with Soviet-era Scud surface-to-surface missiles,
This kind of missile was once widely exported all over the world. At that time, the safe havens that were extremely close to the Soviet Union began to purchase such missiles in large quantities.
Although there are many missiles such as NATO's Scarab missiles and Istandel missiles in Safe Haven, they are far less than the number of Scud in Safe Haven.
It's just that this kind of weapon has always been stored in the basement as a stockpile since it has existed in Haven for such a long time, and has never been used in actual combat.

When Lu Lincheng saw this missile launch vehicle, the other party was already in the stage of preparing to launch.

The flames of the explosion hit down from the launch port, and the terrifying air waves blasted outward from the missile vehicle to both sides. The combatants near the missile vehicle were instantly hit by a huge force and fell to the ground.There are many mixed races with strong bodies,
"Who launched it! Who ordered it to be launched!" Lu Lincheng's irritable voice sounded from the thick smoke. Although he was not affected by the roar of the bomb, the sound of the explosion at close range almost made him lose his hearing instantly. He felt that his ears were buzzing, and there were countless seals around his head.Anxiety is disconcerting.

Lu Lincheng, who didn't answer, not only him, but everyone around the launching vehicle felt their heads buzzing. They stood up messily from the air waves on the ground,
But before they stabilized their bodies, the sound of the explosion came down again. Lu Lincheng could only feel the ground trembling, and the next second the strong wind that overwhelmed the tree trunks mixed with the snow on the trees swarmed in. Just now The staff and fighters who stabilized their bodies fell to the ground again.

With the previous experience, Lu Lincheng was obviously prepared. After all, the launch vehicle was not just a Scud missile.

He tried his best to push away the staff in front of him, wanting to pounce on the missile launch vehicle to ask about the situation.

When Lu Lincheng was advancing against the smoke and dust, another scud was launched. Feeling the crazily shaking ground, Lu Lincheng knew that more than one missile launch vehicle was launching now.

The moment this idea came up, Lu Lincheng immediately turned around and walked towards the other side. Although he didn't know what happened, but such a large-scale missile launch is obviously not something that a launcher can understand .

The matter that none of his committee members understand should obviously be extremely urgent. The most important thing for him now is to rush back to the command room instead of wasting time here.

Lu Lincheng rushed out of the thick smoke in a panic, his messy hair and dust on the windbreaker made him look extraordinarily embarrassed now.

Things obviously did not go the way Lincheng expected. Turning his head and looking back, the tumbling dust formed a huge cloud of smoke, and within the outline of the thick smoke, several huge launch vehicles were lined up.
The superimposed roar and the flames shining in mid-air are as shocking as the end of the world.

But when Lu Lincheng was about to turn around and leave, Lu Lincheng's peripheral vision suddenly caught the glass of a launching vehicle.

In the next second, his serious eyes changed color in shock as if he saw something terrifying.

He rushed towards the missile launch vehicle regardless of the continuous blast, took out a pistol from behind and shot at the glass of the launch vehicle.

As the glass shattered, Lu Lincheng appeared with a vigorous figure holding the car door open. The next second, his horrified eyes finally spread to his face.

No one in the car!

Lu Lincheng rushed towards another launch vehicle in disbelief, the driver's cab was still empty, the dim space was illuminated by the shining blue screen,
Under Lu Lincheng's strong eyesight, he could still see the dust scattered on the steering wheel. This was not the dust from the broken windows, but the dust accumulated in the cab without being cleaned for a long time.This proves from the side that they have not used this deadly weapon for a long time, and even the maintenance time and maintenance staff are lazy.

Seeing this, Lu Lincheng didn't hesitate at all, turned around and ran towards the command room.


command room

A man in a white coat stood quietly at the front of the staircase room, and behind him stood men in white coats.

Their backs were reflected on the silver wall behind them, vaguely outlining an extremely tense atmosphere.

In the direction of the door, two burly men wearing thick white winter clothes leaned against the silver wall, in stark contrast to the black submachine guns in their hands.

The room was quiet without the slightest sound, but the bloody scarlet light kept shining in every corner of the room.

Suddenly there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.
It can be said that the voice appeared in the middle of the corridor in an instant, and then came to the direction of the door in the next second.

Lu Lincheng hastily pushed open the door of the command room, and in the next instant, a glaring scarlet light spread across his face,
Lu Lincheng's gaze was subconsciously placed on the big screen in the center of the room, and a huge red exclamation mark kept flashing on the screen,

And under the exclamation point, there is the monitoring screen of the whole safe haven. In the past, these screens were monitored by the secondary screen next to it.
And the above content is nothing more than the blizzard weather on the outskirts of the safe haven. Except for the occasional hellhound that appeared and was wiped out, the surveillance footage has been almost the same for decades.

But at this moment, there were missile launchers and silos all over the surveillance screen, and the spewing flames and spreading dust made the screen look like a mess.

From the west to the east, from the north to the south, although Lu Lincheng was mentally prepared, when he saw this scene again, he still lost control of his expression.

When he saw the scene in the command room, his heart began to sink continuously, and the icy cold surged up his spine, and then he was tightly restrained by his reason in front of his chest.

"Dr. Duden!" Lu Lincheng's eyes met the eyes of one of the professors who turned back.

"Lincheng." Dr. Duden burst out with an ugly smile that could be as ugly as it could be. It was difficult for everyone present to smile wantonly as usual.

"What's going on! What's going on outside, why are the missiles being launched in such a large area?" Lu Lincheng's hurried voice seemed unusually abrupt in the quiet air.

But at this moment, Duden Boss couldn't answer him, or in other words, almost no one present could answer this question except the old man standing in the middle.

When Lu Lincheng looked at the old man's old back, the other party slowly turned his head and turned to look at Lu Lincheng.

"Lincheng." The old man's voice was as kind as his eyes,
"Chairman, I just found out that there is no one in the missile launching vehicle. Is EVA operating?" Lu Lincheng asked respectfully.This old man is now the first group of rulers in their safe haven, and there are rumors that his age may only be a little younger than Angers, the principal of Kassel College.

The Eva in Safe Haven is not the Eva in Kassel College. Although the two have the same name, they belong to two systems.

Of course, it is impossible to say that there is no relationship between the two. It can only be said that the Eva in the safe haven is a weakened version of the Kassel Academy EVA.

The old man looked at Lu Lincheng and shook his head slowly.

"How's Mingfei's situation?" Unexpectedly, the other party directly asked about Lu Mingfei.

"He has already agreed." Lu Lincheng looked into the other's eyes and said.

"But we are required to treat Qiao Weini with all our strength." Lu Lincheng added.

"Okay." There was a hint of a smile in the chairman's kind eyes. It was a smile that radiated from the inside out. This smile reassured Lu Lincheng. It may mean that things are not as bad as he imagined.

The chairman looked at Lu Lincheng and nodded, then looked at Dr. Duden, who was wearing a white coat beside him,
"Chairman." Dr. Duden said immediately when he saw the old man who turned his head.

"Since you agree, let's prepare for the experiment."

The old man's voice obviously stunned Dr. Duden, and then he looked at the bright red screen behind him. If he hadn't turned off the alarm sounds in order to avoid panic, the urgency here might have Take it to the next level psychologically.

But looking at the other party's firm eyes, Dr. Duden nodded slowly, "Chairman, then our side..."

He looked at the screen behind him. Without the order from his superiors, the situation here gradually became completely chaotic.



(End of this chapter)

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