Chapter 587 Three missing one

There was a faint sound of wood bursting in the campfire.The smoke and dust of insufficient combustion is like a black ghost coming out of the abyss of hell, and the figure emerging from it has a trace of air-conditioning.

In the reflection of the bonfire, a small cross-legged figure sits on the ground. From time to time, in the rising candlelight, the owner who can occasionally catch a glimpse of the figure is a fair-faced girl, and it is very likely that she is a beautiful girl. Well, slender girl.

The flames continued to burn, and the sound of cracking firewood was mixed with the whistling of an unstoppable gust of wind. The weather outside at this moment seemed to be insane. Penetrate through the cracks in the wall.

The flames on the bonfire rolled wantonly with the wind outside, outlining illusory and mysterious shapes one by one.

The girl sitting by the fire propped her chin with one hand, staring blankly at a corner of the room with her big eyes.

Crunch, crunch.

As the sound in the room gradually became clearer, the raging wind outside seemed not so abrupt, but after becoming familiar with the sound, more complicated sounds appeared in my ears, the clearest of which was the one closest to the girl. It's the crisp sound of chewing potato chips.

Creak, creak, if it wasn't for the other party crouching next to the brazier holding a potato chip openly, Xia Mi would have thought that rats would appear in some ghostly place where there might not be any living things this year.

She glanced at the old woman opposite with her dazed eyes. Actually, she couldn't be considered an old woman. The other party obviously only looked like 27 to [-], but when Xia Mi was in contact with the other party, the other party always gave her a five-eyed look. The illusion of an old witch in her [-]s, the feeling of pushing me at the negotiating table is not at all something that a young man who has just entered society can do.

It is actually not uncommon for the body and soul to be out of sync, but even Xia Mi rarely encounters this kind of generational difference between the body and soul. At least for now, this is the first time she has encountered it. Two cases, the first being her dear brother,

However, there is still a certain difference between the two. This woman is not like a young girl, but an old witch who leans on a cane and sneaks a glance at a guy, while her stupid brother is naive. Like someone with cerebral palsy.

Seeing Xia Mi's gaze, Su Enxi subconsciously wanted to hold the potato chips in her arms tightly, but in a blink of an eye, her lightning-like thinking caught something in an instant, and she still had half a bag of potato chips in her hand. Potato Chips pushed Xia Mi who was next to him.

The reflection of the fire in her deep pupils was like a red lotus carved on obsidian, and the clear flowing water slowly passed over it, and then Xia Mi saw a pair of reluctant eyes inexplicably.

Xia Mi pursed his lips with disdain in his heart, and then a bright smile burst out from the corner of his mouth, "I don't really like eating this."

"Really, I remember that Fu Nian liked it very much, and I thought you would like it too." Su Enxi had a trace of innocence on her expression.It looks like a rabbit with its ears lifted.

Hearing these words, Xia Mi's little mouth pouted up to the sky, but within a short period of time, he felt a little helpless.I can only say to the old witch secretly in my heart.

Xia Mi is very clear at this moment, even Su Enxi is very clear at this moment, what kind of undercurrents are hidden in their calm surface.It's just that this surge can only exist on the dark side when the timing is not right.

Maybe their relationship was really good when they were in BJ, but when they met in this place, everything was destined to be broken like a dream.

Although Xia Mi is still not very clear about which faction the other party is in, but one thing that is clear is that she must not be one of her own.

And in this kind of place where the throne of power is touched, if it is not one of them, it must be an enemy.

This truth, in Su Enxi's heart, is like a mirror clearly placed in front of her. The boss's subordinates are just a few, and the long legs are performing another task. Sanwu disappeared inexplicably, and she is alone here alone. Frozen.

But unlike Xia Mi, there is a huge weakness in front of Su Enxi now,

She's not a combatant, she's just a little girl in charge of money! !
Maybe some of her tricks can help some ordinary mixed races by surprise, but this does not include elites who can leapfrog fights.
And...Su Enxi took a sneak peek at Xia Mi in her heart, and she boldly guessed that the other party might not be as simple as an ordinary elite.

Since it's not an ordinary elite hybrid... then it's...

Boss, you are going to kill my old lady!
So when Su Enxi knew that Xia Mi didn't like potato chips (she had already asked the other party when she took out the potato chips), she still chose to ask again in this way. The important thing is not whether Xia Mi likes to eat potato chips , and I don't want to bribe the other party with potato chips. The key purpose of this is actually the word Fu Nian.

Use these two words to remind the guy on the opposite side that although he is not his own, it is possible to become his own.

Su Enxi never thought that one day the relationship she would become a nympho would become her life-saving straw.

Xia Mi really didn't do anything, or he didn't want to do anything to Su Enxi at all.

Not only because of what Fu Nian said when he left, but in a more sense, the main battlefield of the battle is not on their side at all, and Su Enxi, apart from a slightly higher IQ, does not have much ability to influence the situation of the battle.And her slightly higher level is relative. In Xia Mi's eyes, Su Enxi's level is at the same level as Fu Nian's, and they all belong to others.

Finally, and most importantly, she has more important enemies.


As the iron door opened, the howling wind from outside was poured into the room like crazy.

The brazier placed in the center of the room was about to go out suddenly, but the next moment, the cold wind howling from outside suddenly stopped.

A pitch-black figure appeared at the door, and the tall and slender figure happened to block the cold wind coming from the gap.

In the dark and dim light, Su Enxi could vaguely see the figure of the person coming. He was not wearing a thick winter clothing that was difficult to move like them, but only a thin black kimono, with feet on his feet. Stepping on black clogs,
This kind of outfit, which can be seen everywhere in Shibuya, Tokyo, is actually not abrupt, but at this moment, putting this outfit on the Arctic Circle with an average of minus 5000 to [-] degrees is like keeping freshwater fish in the deep sea below [-] meters It's just as outrageous, and it's also weird.

But this outrageousness didn't actually cause the two women in the room to vibrate, and it didn't even cause the slightest ripple.

Even Su Enxi, who was crouching in front of the brazier with her body in her arms, just glanced at the face of the visitor, and when she found that the face of the visitor was not the one she expected, she also staggered her eyes without a trace.Then he continued to deal with the few potato chips left in his hands, but he was frantically calculating the crisis that might arise next and the solutions he needed to adopt.At this moment, her brain is like an overloaded computer.

"Someone is coming." In the howling cold wind, the voice of Fengjian Liuli standing at the door rang out. His voice was actually not loud, but the moment the other party spoke, the whistling wind seemed to be overwhelmed by an invisible force. The power was suppressed.

The surrounding air was eerily quiet.

"Come in." Xia Mi was still sitting beside the fire with his chin propped on one hand in a daze, as if he was not at all surprised by the guests who were about to appear in this blizzard.

The clogs and the floor made a crisp knocking sound, and the kimono slowly rose and fell in mid-air with the movement of the steps. The long knife at the waist was held in the center by a slender hand. His movements were also unhurried, just Like the fire burning in the brazier now, it rises lightly, and then goes out in the dim cold air.

"The snow outside seems to be getting bigger?" Su Enxi said inexplicably.

After Kazama Liuli slowly stood behind Xia Mi, the room immediately fell into a strange silence. Even though the wind outside the door kept whimpering, the atmosphere in the room fell into a strange silence among.

But this quietness also objectively magnifies the impact of the snowstorm, but the only difference is that the snow outside has really grown a lot.

Moreover, it is obvious that the howling cold wind outside is becoming more rapid, and the dense snowflakes are hitting the ground like waves, so that Su Enxi has the illusion that a lonely boat is floating in the middle of the sea.
This feeling is very real, the feeling of suffocation and the oppressive atmosphere that can be seen everywhere are extremely clear.

And this feeling appears almost instantaneously, just like the sudden appearance of dark clouds turning day into night under the scorching sun, and the sudden downpour of rainstorm in a second, which makes people caught off guard.

Even Su Enxi had some psychological preparations before, but when this kind of power appeared overwhelmingly, the whole person's mood was still difficult to adapt.

And in this kind of thing, she can only relieve her emotions by eating potato chips non-stop.But on the surface, she has brought out her indifferent aura of female elite in the workplace to the extreme, her eyes are always shining with confidence, and there is always a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.Much like a female manager about to attend a client meeting.

If she had a white shirt now, she would be more confident.

"Shall we play mahjong?" Surprisingly, Xia Mi didn't answer Su Enxi directly, but said a very inexplicable sentence.

Su Enxi glanced at Xia Mi strangely, their eyes intertwined,

Su Enxi consciously looked at Kazama Liuli behind Xia Mi, he embraced the long knife with both hands and quietly leaned against the shelf behind him, closing his eyes tightly, the softness and coldness blended together almost perfectly, making it impossible to see each other at all What do you want to play mahjong?

"There don't seem to be enough people." Su Enxi didn't object, but looked at the blizzard that was so dense that the darkness could not be seen at the door.She had clearly realized what was going on.

"Enough is enough now."

As Xia Mi's voice slowly fell to the ground, a low sound of horse hooves appeared in the blizzard,

The moment the sound sounded, the sound of the whole world seemed to disappear. The howling wind outside, the clang of stones hitting the roof, and even the creaking sound of the shelves behind them gradually disappeared. The whole world seemed to be alone. One voice remains.

The sound of a horse's hooves on a hard road.


The sound was mixed with the clash of steel and scales.

A bright light appeared in the dense snowstorm, and the light penetrated the dense snow layer and irradiated on the floor of the room, forming a strange but slender shadow.

Su Enxi maintained a calm posture and looked at the white light at the door, but her inadvertently trembling fingers showed that the other party was already panicking.When Kazama Liuli came in, she had already prepared her heart. When Xia Mi said to play mahjong just now, she also reminded her that the visitor was unusual.

But even so, it was still difficult to calm down when the other party really appeared in front of him.


A manic thunderstorm resounded in the white light.

Su Enxi heard the neighing of the horse, but she thought it was her hallucination.

Although it sounds like the neighing of a horse, if it is really recognized that it is the neighing of a horse, what a giant that horse would be!

Its roar is deep and majestic, as if it is roaring with thunder in its mouth, and lightning will burst out from its nostrils.

As a matter of fact, there were indeed electric lights penetrating through the white snow dust.

In the faint blue light, a tall horse body was outlined in front of Su Enxi.

Su Enxi's heart has been completely shaken. Although she knows that some myths actually exist, it is clear and clear that when the myths really appear in front of her, it is a completely different mood.

The white outline gradually became clear, and soon a horse as tall as a mountain appeared,

It is clad in a silver-white armor with staggered metal patterns, and the crystal-like glow flows from its white fur.

This is not an ordinary horse. It has eight majestic legs, and its powerful muscles are like intricate old tree vines entrenched on its body. To bite and fight with a second-generation species.

The dark golden horseshoe stepped on the ground, and the thick snow and ice emitted thick white smoke,

The mask on the horse's face adds a touch of mystery to the already majestic and mighty figure.

In the gradually clear vision, Su Enxi also gradually saw the root of the thunder and lightning.

It was indeed the neighing of a horse, but it was also the sound of thunder. Thunderstorms and lightning intertwined in its nostrils, like a huge steam engine installed in its body, following the metal nostrils on its breathing mask Steam and lightning spewed out from within.Infinite shock to those who witnessed it.



(End of this chapter)

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