Chapter 589 King and King


The helicopter roared above the dark sky. After the mushroom cloud in the distance gradually shrunk, the dark clouds in the sky condensed into a circle like being stuffed into a washing machine, and then gathered and hovered above the sky.
And in the middle of the dark cloud, a huge vortex rose from the ground, and then enveloped the entire sky, like the embers left by a huge fire tornado after burning,
Yellowish sparks light up from time to time from the swirling vortex.Above the pitch-black sky, this scene is as magnificent as the end of the world that has just ended, but it also reveals desolation.

Regrettably, however, this place has indeed just experienced an apocalyptic devastation.

The vast snowfield and the blizzard that stopped countless lives were burned like pieces of paper,

At this moment, there is no trace of ice and snow on the Arctic snow field. The ice layer that has been frozen here for thousands of years has been vaporized almost instantly.

The ruins that were originally located in this place can't see the original traces at this moment, and the scorched soil spreads over the entire land.Fragmented gullies spread wantonly in it.

The scorching fire wave continued to circle upwards according to inertia as if it had no end.

In a certain direction, a black helicopter is slowly advancing in the fire waves against the strong wind, and at the door of the helicopter cabin, a man in a black suit is condescendingly watching the devastation below,

But a housekeeper standing behind him looked at the center of the fire in the distance through the black smoke and dust below.

In the center of the cracked earth, one after another extremely huge deep pits are located in it,
It seemed to be an underground cavity originally. After the explosion and bombardment, the depth of the sinking was obviously far greater than the depth of the surrounding area.
Among those deep pits, hideous cracks spread at the end of the line of sight like spider webs.

In the gaps of each spider web are endless fires burning in them, and the housekeeper's line of sight falls on those gaps seriously, as if he can see clearly the inside of the flames through those gaps.

He was looking for something, and he seemed to be looking forward to something.

The wind howled and shuttled in the air, and the scorching fire seemed to be able to ignite the whole person through the burning of the lungs.

If the light shield covering the helicopter blocked most of the wind, the helicopter would have fallen from mid-air after flying halfway.Even with the barrier of the photomask now, the temperature outside will always affect them inside.

This has nothing to do with the high or low temperature, but because the strong fire element shrouding this place has severely suppressed the wind element.

It's just that the fire element at this time is still much weaker than that of the nuclear explosion.

At that time, even they dared not go deep into it.

At a certain moment, the line of sight of the butler wandering on the ground suddenly stopped as if he had caught something.
Those eagle-dove-like eyes stared fixedly at a fiery gully somewhere, and then the will condensed in the whole person finally relaxed, but after the relaxation, there was a little regret.

"My lord, I found No. [-]." The housekeeper's eyes fell on a certain bulge in the flames, which was a gully that was almost completely collapsed, and a human-shaped outline was stuck in a lump.

He is only less than one kilometer away from the center of the explosion, and this range is almost the same as facing a nuclear explosion.And being able to find each other is also a kind of luck.

You must know that the core temperature of Justice 2000 could reach [-] million degrees Celsius when it exploded, which is almost at the same level as the temperature on the sun.

Under such a high temperature and close distance, let alone a living thing, even a piece of diamond will be graphitized in an instant.In an environment like the earth where carbon-based organisms exist in large areas, except for the bronze and fire kings who control the flames, almost no organisms can resist this kind of explosion.

Of course, even the King of Bronze and Fire cannot survive this power,
Although bronze and fire can handle the severe high temperature with ease, they cannot be safe from the violent impact force.

The energy generated at the moment of the nuclear explosion is nearly fifty times that of the twelve-level gust. This kind of power is also not something a dragon king can easily bear, and the only exception to this is the king of the earth and the mountain.

This is an unsolvable question.

In this case, it is already a miracle that No. [-] can leave a dry bone in such a temperature. Thinking of this, the housekeeper seemed to suddenly think of something, and his eyes wandered again in the raging fire, as if What are you looking for with purpose.

"Don't look for it anymore, he's over there." An emotionless voice slowly came from the mouth of the man in front of him.

Following the sound, the butler immediately turned his gaze towards the man.

That was the area where the flames were most concentrated, but the moment the butler set his sights there, he clearly felt the difference between it and the surrounding area.

The direction of nuclear bomb positioning error is actually not accurate. Compared with the error of less than three meters for tactical missiles, the error of Zhengyi No. 100 can reach [-] meters.

But the distance of a mere [-] meters is almost no error for this behemoth, because its hundreds of thousands of tons of explosives will wipe out everything within a [-] meters indiscriminately.

The only problem is that here, in the center of the nuclear explosion, there should be no difference in the battlefield, but there is an unimaginable scene.

The color of the fire in that area far exceeds that of the surrounding area.

The raging fire floating in the gully seems to be consciously flowing in a certain direction, making the color of that area much darker than the surrounding area,

It's just that this scene is not particularly obvious when overlooking the entire land. A large area of ​​fire is still burning, and even small eddies flow in some places due to uneven air pressure.

But as the nuclear explosion gradually lost its original power, the butler's vision in that direction finally changed.The relaxed eyes were gradually replaced by a dignified look.

He found that the fire element in that area was extremely rich, so rich that he felt the illusion that his body was burning at a glance. You must know that he is far more than two kilometers away from that location.

But if he could see the face of the man in front of him clearly, he would realize that he hadn't really found the problem yet.

But the truth didn't make the butler wait long. As the helicopter slowly approached the core area of ​​the nuclear explosion, the scene that appeared in the butler's sight gradually became clearer.

At a certain moment, under the watchful gaze of the housekeeper, a pair of huge vertical pupils suddenly shone in the dark red flame vortex.

It was a pair of sharp and cold vertical pupils.

It appeared so abruptly that it caught people off guard.

The butler stared at the vertical pupil, and only for a moment when he met his eyes, burning pain rushed from the butler's body towards the top of his head, but what's worse, the coldness on his back also spread rapidly The speed spread towards the chest.

The two completely different forces collided in his body in an instant, making the butler's expression extremely ferocious, and he let out an unbearable howl of pain.

What's even more frightening is that the fire started to burn from the position of his chest,
Burn from the inside out!

The steward's painful wailing continued to spread outward from the helicopter. At the same time, pieces of dragon scales emerged from the steward's body under the stimulation of the fire. It is indeterminate.

The Patriarch standing in front of him frowned, and slowly took a step forward, blocking his body in front of the steward.

At this moment, it was obvious that the raging fire covering the butler's body was much smaller.The pressure shrouded in the cabin was carried by a pair of shoulders.

The steward's heavy breathing came from behind, but in this heavy breathing, one could obviously feel a sense of relief. Compared with the torment just now, the fire burning on his body is still painful, but it is better than before There are too many.At that moment, the housekeeper had the urge to commit suicide immediately.

It's just that the relaxed breath was not fully exhaled. In the next second, a wave of high temperature that distorted the air rushed up from below, and the flame that had just dimmed burned more rapidly on the butler's body.

"Ah!" The shrieking scream suddenly pierced through the clouds, not only the butler behind him, but even the man in the suit standing in front of the butler was shrouded in a scorching heat that was hard to dissipate, and sporadic sparks began to flow from the man's body. Splashes and splashes.

But it was blocked outside the body by a faint wind layer rising from the skin.

Raging power roared from the flames at the bottom towards the helicopter above the sky.

The moment this force appeared, the speed of the surrounding flames had obviously undergone a qualitative change. If it was considered to be an extremely fast Mercedes-Benz bicycle before, the speed at which the flames gathered underneath could be called It's a high-speed train.

A huge flame vortex quickly formed on the vast land, and the terrifying burning climbed to the extreme in an instant.

The butler behind the man in the suit was instantly engulfed in flames. Even under the high-speed flow of the wind blade defense, the man's black suit began to burn.

The helicopter began to turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye. The intense heat turned it into a boiled kettle. Visible iron juice dripped from the hatch and the rotor towards the sea of ​​flames below. In this high temperature, there was no sign of explosion at all.The butler who was burning in the fire behind him showed no signs of being reduced to ashes immediately.

The shadow of pain slanted down from the sky like a huge hand.

The man in the suit's gaze became a little gloomy, but this gloomyness had existed from the beginning.

He didn't care about the housekeeper behind him anymore, and he didn't even pay attention to the small pinch of flames that gradually began to appear on his body.

He stared condescendingly at the center of the flame vortex, his cold vertical pupils carried majesty and disdain like a king.

At the same time, it also carries a rare solemnity and seriousness.

Unlike the butler behind him, the man knew the power of a nuclear explosion, as well as the limit that a Dragon King could bear.

He participated in the design of the strangling operation against outsiders, and he is also fully aware of the power and effect of this plan.

But even so, the scene in front of him still exceeded his expectations.

Behind this, the information contained is huge, and it is also unbelievable.

This does not allow him not to really take it seriously.


In the center of the vortex of flames underground, Fu Nian sat peacefully on a dark gold throne made of flames, with one hand supporting his temple, and one hand surrounded by a circle of flames.

When the other party was staring at the abyss, the owner of the abyss was also staring at him.

The flames gathered under the throne, and the throne began to climb in the piled up flames, and finally the flames formed a mountain and appeared on the ground.

The throne stood quietly on the highest peak of the mountain, and Fu Nian slowly raised his legs, his lava-like golden pupils quietly watched the black helicopter hovering in the sky.

It's not clear whether it was too troublesome to look up, or Fu Nian was not in a good mood, and his index finger, which was playing with Huo Huo, suddenly fell down.

In an instant, the scene like the collapse of the sky reappeared on this land.

The vast mountain-like power smashed down like a huge invisible palm.

The helicopter that was melting in the sky unexpectedly fell towards the earth like a meteorite, with terrifying power carrying an order that could not be refused.

The flames of the explosion resounded across the entire land, and the spreading air waves rolled over the surrounding flames, and then affected the entire flame world.

Soon, a flame-repelling field spread towards the surroundings, it was a mask made up of tiny wind blades.They cut the air, smashed the flames, and split the world in two.

Fu Nian looked down at the wind blade field spreading from the flames.

He didn't choose to refuse, but stretched out his hand, and a stepped passage made of flames spread towards the ground below.

The passage spread in flames, and the huge wall of fire towered majestically like a guard.At the same time, with absolute surrender and loyalty to the king.

The passage leads straight to the field of the wind blade, exposing a half-dragon king in a black suit to the end.

The other party didn't seem to show much anger about the crash, but just stared at Fu Nian opposite with a kind of gloomy eyes.

Majesty flows in its eye sockets, this is a real king sitting on the throne.

He walked slowly to the edge of the field, and then stretched out his hand, and an Iron Throne quickly formed behind him.

Regardless of the dying butler behind him, the man directly sat on the throne behind him.

Erlang raised his legs naturally, and patted the throne lightly with his fingers.

Ancient, mysterious coercion shrouded in an unimaginable way.

At this moment, the two kings from the top of the dragon clan sat face to face in this way.



(End of this chapter)

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