Chapter 594

Lu Lincheng, who was slowly getting his body out of the Mercury Lake below, suddenly felt terrified, and then rushed out towards the gravel wall not far away regardless of everything.

The orange light came out of the elevator above like two huge searchlights, followed by thunderous gunshots, and the bullets accurately landed on the road that Lu Lincheng was about to step on, splashing stones in the air Following Lu Lincheng's stagnant movements, he rolled over the road wantonly.

During this process, Lu Lincheng tensed his nerves to the extreme without hesitation, his dark golden pupils narrowed,

The movements of the whole person became vigorous in an instant, and the movement of running was like a cheetah galloping recklessly on the East African prairie.

Dodge the bullets fired in one second.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zero frowned, and the line of sight shot from the golden pupil also changed slightly at this moment.

Zero's field of vision has changed, just like a digitalized video game, each digital indicator is marked as if it has been opened, such as wind direction, speed, the expected route of the enemy, the hardness of the rock, and the explosion of the bullet power.

The pistol roared like a buffalo charging, and rushed towards Lulin City, which jumped up in mid-air.

The falling speed of Lu Lincheng became slow, and the fire light emitted by the bullet chamber spread outward at the speed of PPT every second and every frame.
Time at this second is as slow as time zero is turned on, the only difference is that in this time zero, no one is the protagonist.

Finally, at a certain moment, the speed returned to normal, and Lu Lincheng rushed towards the stone in front of him like a phantom, but the bullets chasing behind him finally caught up, and landed heavily on Lu Lincheng's calf. Location.

Lu Lincheng's forward movement stopped suddenly.The knee bends toward the ground uncontrollably.

The second bullet fell out of the gun,

And Lu Lincheng forcibly suppressed the pain coming from his body, and suddenly jumped up from the spot, and the bullet grazed his abdomen and smashed into the rubble next to him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Lincheng rolled into the area covered by the gravel.

As the violent action gradually calms down in the air,

The space seems to have returned to the quiet atmosphere before, only the sound of high-temperature boiling mercury resounding in the surrounding air,
The crimson slanting down from the sky became even dimmer, and even the faint blue luster flowing in the corridor on the ground gradually became darker and deeper, and the occasional traces of black flowing through it were even more like Vigilant as a small snake.

Lu Lincheng leaned quietly behind the gravel. Although it was called gravel, it was compared to the entire wall.

It fell off the broken wall, but it was still nearly five meters long.

Among this piece of rubble, even the smallest one is one meter long, which is enough for Lu Lincheng to hide in it.

Lu Lincheng wiped off the mercury dripping from the top of his head towards his eyes, and then focused on the wounds on his abdomen and calf.

Both the caliber and the power of the giant python are extremely amazing. If an ordinary person directly bears this shot, his calf may be directly shattered into a pulp. Sometimes it will fracture instantly and then bloody.

As for why Lu Lincheng's calf is still so intact.

Lu Lincheng quickly looked around the surrounding environment. Although the gravel was not particularly dense, it surrounded him in a surrounding manner. It seemed that they were completely knocked down from the wall by someone's punch. The rock at the center of the fist has been completely reduced to powder.

Where he is now is completely on the edge.

In the fog that was gradually thickening around, this was obviously an excellent hiding place.

Without hesitation, Lu Lincheng tore off the clothes on his abdomen suddenly, and got out of the cover of the clothes. The strong smell of blood passed along the tip of Lu Lincheng's nose and stimulated the brain nerves. This smell made him slightly startled.

It was a bit of a slowdown, although he had prepared before this, but after all, it was a knife that had been put on the table for decades. Whether it was in terms of combat response or a complete change of identity, he inevitably appeared. some slack.

Especially when he just faced a sudden attack, he can no longer completely compare with when he was young in all aspects.

"After all, I'm still old." Lu Lincheng sighed softly, and then took out a layer of steel plate that was as thick as a thumb from the bloody abdomen.

That's right, although he is no longer comparable to Lu Lincheng, who was at the peak of the past, but he stands in the position of the chairman of the safe haven today, never relying on the fighting power of a reckless man, but on the meticulous care, And the IQ blessing brought by a strong bloodline.

He is still very clear about his current state. Even if he is not clear, he can roughly understand what kind of position he is in with the demonstration made by Qiao Weini before.

This may still be at a high level for a mixed race, but his opponent has never been an ordinary mixed race or Deadpool.

He was fully prepared to go out today, whether it was the time or the direction to go out.

But it's a pity that the advantages brought by these details no longer existed at the moment when the python got stuck on his forehead just now, and he was preempted by others.

Even this time was far beyond my expectation, only the bulletproof suit and steel plate I wore played a vital role.

Under the steel plate is a thin layer of black bulletproof clothing. Their combination ensures that Lu Lincheng will not be directly broken by the middle when facing the gun.But what also played an important role in this process was the black box that Lu Lincheng held in his arms at that time.

After Lu Lincheng dismantled the wound on the calf, compared with the only bloody abdomen, the injury on the leg can be described as unsightly. The large-caliber bullet directly broke the bones of the calf through the steel plate. The aorta of his body couldn't stop the blood spurting outwards.

However, compared to the comminuted fracture that completely incapacitated the body, Lu Lincheng's current injury is better.

But Lu Lincheng didn't seem to feel anything about it. He stared at the wound on his leg, and without even wrinkling his head, he began to tear off the clothes on his body to make simple packaging.

This may be a fatal injury to ordinary people, but for the mixed blood that flows dragon blood in the body and the recovery ability is far superior to ordinary people, this is not a fatal injury, especially the main wound is still on the limbs, affecting The degree is directly reduced by one level.

Moreover, it is not the wounds on the body that have the greatest impact on Lu Lincheng at present, but the burns flowing on the surface of the body and the faint blue mercury mist floating in the air around it.

These are sharp weapons used to suppress the dragon clan, but this sharp weapon is also a slow poison for the mixed race.

When the measurement is reached, the impact of mercury on them is no less than that of the dragons, especially the hybrids with extremely strong bloodlines.

They eroded on the surface of Lu Lincheng's body. The dual force of high temperature and corrosion left fist-sized hot bubbles in the body. They landed on the wounds on the abdomen and legs, and even sprinkled salt directly on the wounds. The scorching pain stimulated Lu Lincheng's nerves.

But Lu Lincheng didn't seem to feel it at all, he just tore off the clothes on the wound silently, and took out the bullet casings inside with his fingers.

During this process, he didn't even twitch his brows, and after Jian Answer treated the wound, he rushed to the black box in front of him at an extremely fast speed.

The box had already been opened by Lu Lincheng when it fell into Mercury Lake.
He took a submachine gun from it, and roughly put the cover back on.

When he turned on the safety switch again, the scorching hot silver that emerged from it left streaks of white smoke on his palm like a soldering iron.

That is the result of a chemical reaction between sulfuric acid and an object.

At this moment, Lu Lincheng finally frowned slowly, but this brow was obviously not because of pain.It's because things can be bad.

He slowly opened the box, and the next second, his frowning brows eased a little.

What was placed in the box was a pitch-black dagger, it was not accurate to say it was a dagger, it was about the size of a forearm, the blade was straight, and it was engraved with various intricate patterns by some unknown means.

Those patterns are extremely strange, not like some kind of text, nor like some kind of painting, they are densely gathered together to form a confusing mystery.

Lu Lincheng glanced at the engravings on the black straight knife, and then looked at the four Optimus Prime-like bronze pillars outside the gravel out of the corner of his eye.

That's right, although the engravings on the straight knife are weird, it's not the only one, there are actually four in this not-so-large space.No, such engravings are also engraved on the bronze door at the entrance.

These strange engravings that cannot be studied by humans all come from an ancient and mysterious civilization, the Dragon Race.

This is also a powerful weapon from the Dragon Ruins.

There is also a concave outline placed next to the straight knife. This outline can probably be judged to be a submachine gun. Beside the submachine gun, there are several fist-sized grenades.

But what was horrifying was that one of them was cracked from the outside, like an egg broken on the way, with the egg white flowing freely in it.

It's a pity that what flows outside is not egg white, but rich and tangy sulfur.

As long as there is a slight spark, the sulfur will react violently with the mercury in the air, and then spread in the space at a very short speed, completely turning this place into a sea of ​​red flames.Under that high temperature, Lu Lincheng might be boiled in an instant.

This is Lu Lincheng's last resort.
But in the bumpy road, this almost became the only means.

Lu Lincheng carefully disposed of the broken grenade, and carefully separated the sulfur liquid from the flint and steel on the top. After making sure that it would not explode, or that it would not affect the surroundings if it caught fire, he carefully loosened it. tone.

Then his eyes fell on a heavy sniper rifle M82A1 Barrett at the core of the black box.

There are also two unassembled magazines next to the Barrett accessories, but the bullets in them are obviously different.

In the clip on the left is the obvious brass bullet,

But the bullet in the clip on Barrett's right is not an ordinary bullet, but a bullet equipped with a Philosopher's Stone bullet made from the purest soul.

This was originally his best weapon to use to occupy the home court, but in the case of losing the opportunity, it has become a plan to be eliminated.

He slowly picked up another pistol next to him, which was a Beretta pistol, which also contained the same Philosopher's Stone bullet.

This is his backup plan, but now it has become the main battle plan.

Lu Lincheng put Beretta behind his waist, grabbed the black one and put it on his right thigh. As for the black grenade in the box, Lu Lincheng didn't care about it for the time being. It was too dangerous to put on his body. If you are not careful, you will die together.He has no intention of using this thing for the time being.

During this process, Lu Lincheng's ears were always pricked up, listening to the movement outside,
Although it is quiet outside now, this quietness seems a bit weird at this moment.It's like the rumor that evil spirits haunt the silent hills, even if you don't encounter danger, you must tighten your nerves.

He quickly assembled the Barrett accessories in front of him. Although he has lost the best sniper position, it does not mean that Barrett has lost his role.

After everything was ready, Lu Lincheng slowly moved outwards with his back against the gravel.

At this moment, the surrounding white mist rising from the ground has become extremely dense for some reason, and the faint blue light rising from the ground shrouds the top, creating an inexplicable atmosphere for the surrounding space.

Lu Lincheng slowly poked out the muzzle of Barrett's gun, and looked at the situation on the side of the elevator with the scope.

The environment that could be seen clearly at first seemed to be covered with a layer of veil at this moment, blurred and hazy.That's a bad thing, but it's also a good thing.

The bad thing is that Lu Lincheng can only judge the figure of the enemy based on the outline above and the position in memory.But the other party also couldn't find himself.

But when Lu Lincheng looked around, his nerves were like strings being pulled tightly,
He did not find the figure of the other party.

With his eyes out of the scope, Lu Lincheng made a decisive and quick decision.

He fixed Barrett in the original position, and then quietly walked towards a gravel block at the largest position on the right.

In the human subconscious, the large and thick gravel there is actually the safest place, but for those who are looking for it, it is also the first target to explore.

For some reason, the surrounding silver mist seems to be increasing,

Lu Lincheng quietly advanced slowly around the gravel, and the Beretta in his hand was loaded silently.

At a certain moment, just as Lu Lincheng turned the corner, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.



(End of this chapter)

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