Gift natural power at the beginning

Chapter 155 You Said You Wouldn't Kill Me!

Chapter 155 You Said You Wouldn't Kill Me!

In the room, the atmosphere is dignified.

"Where are you from and what are you doing here?" Lin Mo asked in a deep voice.

"Us? We are bandits from Heifengzhai on Huaitai Mountain. We are here to complete the mission."

The one who answered was the first guy with a flat head to get kicked. After being beaten, he became the most active.

"What mission?"

The flat-headed man was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at the other two.

Lin Mo frowned, took a step forward, swung his arms round, and hit his head with a bang.


The flat-headed man was photographed against the wall, covering his head with his hands, and looked at Lin Mo in horror.

"You don't have good eyesight? I'm asking you something, why don't you look at me, what are you doing looking at them? They look good?"

Lin Molong squinted his eyes and roared. The red dragon scales on his body seemed to be alive, flowing slowly like magma, and his pupils shone with golden luster, as if they wanted to choose someone to eat.

Naturally, he didn't use any force just now, but he really did, with a strength of 10,000+ jin, even if he used [-]% of his force, it was enough to slap his head like a watermelon.

It was just for fear.

Sure enough, after this slap, the flat-headed man became more active.

Reluctance to speak out:

"Mission, the task is to collect and transport resources, all resources are needed, but spirit grass, medicine, dried animal meat, and spirit valley are the best! Then transport them to Ningyang,

This kind of mission was only dispatched four months ago. At that time, some people thought it was abnormal. After all, we are bandits, occupying roads and setting up traps, coming and going like the wind, bandits who rob caravans, and doing the work of bodyguards Didn't you lose your old job?

A small leader went up to respond, but unfortunately he was reprimanded. Because of this, the third leader, that is, Commander Li Shan, lost his temper, and was finally beaten up by Commander Dali, so he was honest. "

Because he was afraid of continuing to be beaten, the flat-headed man also added a lot of things.

"Shipping to Ningyang? Why do you want to ship to Ningyang?" Lin Mo asked with a pensive face,

"Ningyang is now a military-controlled area, and no one can enter except officials and businessmen. You bandits, can it be possible that you are doing good and serving the people?"

The flat-headed man was taken aback for a moment, and said with a sneer:
"We didn't send it to Ningyang City, but to Xiaolong Mountain."

Having said this, Lin Mo instantly understood.

Why did Li Shan and others want to buy Lin's firm? What the fuck is doing is a big deal of ransacking the family and exterminating the family. Who would dare to take over the ordinary firm?

Because the place they shipped the resources to, Xiaolong Mountain, is now the nail base of the Universal Teaching in Ningyang County!

The Universal Sect came from Yuzhou, took down Ningyang with thunderous force, and drove the three great masters of Ningyang to the county government in one fell swoop. Even though Dazhou transferred people from other counties and Huaiping, they still firmly held on until now.

It is said that today's battlefield is so fierce that every day there are warriors who die in battle, even grandmaster battles are not uncommon.

Once exposed, not to mention the Black Wind Village, even the Chifeng Village and the White Wind Village, there is no delay in fighting one by one.

"You guys are really brave."

Lin Mo sighed.

"But you, Black Wind Village alone, shouldn't be able to collect so many resources, right? Are there people from you in Annan Town?"

he asked next.

You must know that resource scheduling is not something that can be done in a simple sentence.

Especially scarce resources such as spiritual grains, elixir, and spiritual herbs, if you don't have a strong local network, you may not be able to buy them if you have money.

Let alone buying in bulk.

There must be many people involved, and the source must be a big force.

"Brother! If we say this, we will definitely die! I suggest letting him say it, and then add it together and confirm each other, so as not to make mistakes in the information."

Speaking of this, the flat-headed man hesitated, but as if forming a physiological reaction, he quickly covered his head with both hands, pointed to the bald-headed man next to him and said.

This action stunned the leisurely bald man, who was just about to stand up and yell at him, but when he saw Lin Mo raised his foot again, as if about to kick, he quickly said:
"Let me tell you, I am clear about this! I am the contact person!

The goods in Annan Town are supplied by the Feng family!The original plan was to clear the goods tomorrow and ship them to Ningyang. If you are not sure, you can ask him! "

The bald man spoke extremely fast, and he pointed directly at the last young man.

Seeing that the spearhead was finally pointed at him, the young man opened his mouth slightly, and immediately looked at the bald man in disbelief.

You must know that he and the bald man are the best brothers, eating together, practicing together, and even visiting brothels together, thinking that although they are not of the same mother, they are better than compatriots, but after all, they appear on the surface
He sighed dejectedly, and nodded helplessly, "Our contact person is the Feng family, Feng Yuangang. If the elder brother wants to run away, he must do so as soon as possible, because the Feng family's network is easy to find."

After asking, Lin Mo looked at Lin Junyang.

Seeing that he also nodded, he sighed and stepped forward slowly.

"Brother, you said you wouldn't hurt me!"

The flat-headed man was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized what was going to happen next. He reacted most violently and shouted.

The tone is resentful and unwilling.

Instead, he let out a deep sigh.

After a while, three screams sounded.

Immediately after, the corpse was thrown, the corpse water, and the special aromatherapy, and the process was completed in one train.

Then Lin Mo and Lin Junyang didn't even have time to pack their things, they jumped out from the door wall, their bodies were like lightning, and landed on the back of a sky eagle that descended from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into a black spot in the sky.

In fact, Lin Mo didn't want to kill anyone, but unfortunately, if he didn't, heifengzhai, the Feng family's temperament, knowing that these three people betrayed information, would only lead to a dead end.

In order to save them from suffering, it is better for him to do it himself, at least he walked away peacefully.

By the way, it is also in line with the natural law of cutting weeds and roots.

After all, the flat-headed man looked at him with veiled hatred more than once, thinking that he hadn't noticed, but it was clear that if he gained power, he would definitely come to Lin Mo and have a two-level reversal.

Simply kill the matter directly, anyway, it means not to hurt, not not to kill.

The cold wind is blowing, the body is scraped like a falling knife, the snow is falling, and there is a scene of thousands of mountains and birds flying.

Lin Mo and Lin Junyang flew swiftly in the sky on an eagle, and their destination was naturally Annan Valley.

This matter involves a lot, it is better to discuss it with Lin Yuanqiao.

About touched a cup of tea.

There are four exits in Annan Town, and martial law is imposed, and no one is allowed to enter or exit.

Immediately afterwards, at the Tongle Inn, Feng Yuangang led a group of black-armored warriors to surround the inn.

"Second Master, what is this?"

Soon, a beautiful young woman walked out of the inn, swaying her buttocks, walked up to Feng Yuangang, and asked in a low voice.

She is the proprietress of Tongle Inn.

"I'm looking for two people, and I want it now."

Feng Yuangang took out a piece of white paper from his bosom, on which were drawn two portraits, painted with a brush, it seemed that the painting was done not long ago, the ink was still wet, and there was a faint fragrance of ink.

In fact, it was indeed 3 minutes ago, based on the description of the eyeliner in Wei Liang's five people's house, and a comprehensive comparison, it was drawn by a master painter.

The portraits were of Lin Mo and the other two.

Investigating their facial features, there are seven or eight points similar to each other!
"I'll send someone to look for it right away. Do you want to collect all the soldiers under your command so that you don't have to wait?"

A loud slap.

There was a red slap mark on the woman's fair face, and the bun on her head was also messed up, turning into disheveled hair, and she looked at Feng Yuangang in a daze.

"I didn't make it clear? I want you to find someone now! Find someone! If no one can be found, I will let you go to the brothel to be the shopkeeper!"

Feng Yuangang's eyes were about to burst, and the veins on his forehead popped out, and he roared loudly.

"Now the black armor is surrounding the inn. Anyone who dares to cross the border will be killed without mercy! I don't care who it is!"

With a big wave of his hand, the black-armored warriors behind him gave a "hey" and drew their swords clangingly. Teams rushed out and surrounded the inn.

Feng Yuangang couldn't help being impatient.

After sending people to investigate, and knowing that Li Shan's disappearance was most likely related to the Lin family, he rushed here without stopping.

The reason is that Li Shan has his Feng family and Heifengzhai, the secret letter of the universal religion on him, once discovered,

It will only be broken by a strong man and pushed out as a scapegoat. At least the family will be ransacked and the family will be wiped out. There is a high probability that hundreds of years of inheritance will be destroyed.

Even Feng's backers can't save them!
Soon, the news came out.

A group of people arrived at a courtyard in a hurry.

Feng Yuangang kicked open the door, and a large group of people rushed into the room.

Unfortunately, it was already empty.


The chairs in the house are still warm, which proves that they have not traveled far.

But how long?The whole town is under martial law, how did you escape?Could it be by flying? !

The expression on Feng Yuangang's face changed from doubt, to anger, and finally to bewilderment.

"It's a pity that the monk can't run away from the temple! The eldest brother of the Lin family's second bedroom is still in the valley, and the spiritual source is not yet mature, how can he run away?!"

Feng Yuangang suppressed the anger in his heart, pushed away the black-armored warrior behind him, and walked quickly out of the courtyard.

Although the Lin family is strong, but now they have to take advantage of that white ape to be wretched in Dayan Mountain and act unscrupulously. Do you really think that no one dares to do anything?
He's going to call someone!
(End of this chapter)

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