Gift natural power at the beginning

Chapter 23 Mountain Badger

Chapter 23 Mountain Badger
Dalong Mountain is located in the east of Huaitai Mountains, spanning Huaiping County and Dongyang County. It is overgrown with trees, lush and lush, and there are countless strange mountain spirits. It is said that there was a dragon dwelling in it in ancient times, so it was named Dalong.

The team drove along the mountain road. Fortunately, the mountain road was repaired and widened regularly, so it was not difficult to walk. The wheels of the car ran over the wet mud and left rows of ruts, making a creaking sound.

The expressions of the supply teams who were patrolling began to become more solemn. They all held steel knives and tried their best to observe every move around. Even Sun Xinglie, who was walking in front, took down the fine iron rod behind him and carried it on his shoulders.

"Everyone can spray insect repellent powder, spray each other, keep rotating, pay attention to vigilance,"

Sun Xinglie said coldly.

Dalong Mountain is not like the hill where Dachan Temple is located, it retains the most primitive atmosphere, even more so in recent years.

Walking here, in addition to worrying about all kinds of strange and dangerous mountain beasts, you also need to be careful of a large number of poisonous snakes and ants.

However, both misfortune and fortune depend on fortune and misfortune. Although the environment of Dalong Mountain has become worse and worse, it seems to return to the ancient times, but many fertile wild medicine fields have also been born.

"Walking in this mountain, if it is a mountain road, it's fine. In the rest of the area, in addition to paying attention to the surroundings, you should also pay attention to your feet. If you are not careful, you will sink in." Chen Gang pointed to the roadside, which was made of damp leaves and rotten trees. The soil, tossed a stone, and the stone was concave at once, and continued to teach the experience.

"Insect repellent powder is a must-have in the wild. Sometimes ferocious mountain beasts are not scary. If you really can't beat them, you have to fight them. After all, annoying insects and ants are really disgusting. If they bite, they will be a big red envelope. Bad luck. When encountering poisonous insects, there is a danger of death." Chen Gang sighed a little, "Of course, if I reach the life-defining realm, I don't say it. At that time, the blood is so strong that it can even be reflected in reality. Plus, it's no exaggeration that flies can't fall, ordinary ants are directly shocked to death!"

Listening to Chen Gang's explanation, it was interesting and interesting, and I learned a lot, but everyone realized that this mountain forest may not be like the biography of the novel to find a valley or hide in a beast king, fight each other and die; find a cliff Jumping means that the magical treasure falls on the head, but it is full of dangers, and the slightest carelessness may lead to death, and it is no longer as easy as before.

"So this is the real mountain forest, where risks and opportunities coexist. Although murderous intentions are hidden, they are also rich in resources. Not to mention cherishing medicinal herbs, some mountain beasts with surging qi and blood are also great supplements themselves, even the region. It is a holy place for cultivation itself, don’t you feel that since you entered Dalong Mountain, your qi and blood will be more active?”

Seeing the expressions on most people's faces, Chen Gang couldn't help laughing, shook his head and said.

It is also considered a big stick and a sweet date.

Lin Mo, who was sitting in the backmost supply car, nodded secretly after hearing this.

Since I entered Dalong Mountain, I felt that it was like entering an oxygen bar in a previous life. People became more energetic, and their qi and blood became more excited, giving people a feeling of wanting to punch a few times.

It's a bit similar to the feeling when he was in the Xu family's inner mansion.

After that, Chen Gang continued to teach his experience.

From the common plants in the forest, what is poisonous, what is not poisonous, what can be eaten, what cannot be eaten, or can only be eaten less.

As for the description of the form of some mountain beasts, roughly what level of strength corresponds to a warrior, what are their weaknesses, and the countermeasures after encountering them are all explained.

Obviously, he came prepared, and even brought some plant specimens and mountain beast illustrations on his body to facilitate teaching.

Lin Mo nodded secretly, desperately absorbing these invaluable experiences like a sponge.

In his opinion, these common sense experiences are to a certain extent more precious than some martial arts secrets, because they are summed up without knowing how many lives were spent.

As you go deeper and deeper, the tall and dense bushes that appear in groups begin to disappear, replaced by towering ancient trees that tower into the clouds. Seriously.

From time to time, the breeze blows, the branches and leaves flap, making rustling sounds, somewhat like a baby crying, which adds a bit of gloom.

Along the way, except for some small mountain beasts that came in, nothing unexpected happened.

After walking for about half a day, the team stopped, rested in place, and began to make meals and replenish energy.

I ate the dry white flour cakes that were made earlier. The core was made of fine flour. The chef's craftsmanship was good, and the bite was very tough. It seemed that there was sugar water mixed with sugar.

After eating and resting for another quarter of an hour, the team set off again.

According to what Lin Mo had inquired about, from Ningyang to the Xiaolongshan base, we set off in the morning and arrived just in the evening, so there was no need to stay overnight, but the itinerary should be more compact.

After turning over another mountainside, the surrounding area is even more inaccessible, and even the carriage road that has been opened is a bit narrower.

The convoy passed by a large stone monument, and the one exposed on the ground was as tall as three people.

After the wind and rain, the surface of the tablet is no longer complete and smooth, and moss has covered half of the potholes on the surface of the tablet, and the word "You" can be vaguely seen on it.

"This section of the road is going to be a lot more dangerous, everyone should be vigilant for me!"

When Chen Gang saw the stone tablet, he couldn't help but whispered, the original state of slack disappeared, he straightened up, and there was a green-faced steel knife in his hand.

From now on, it has truly entered the Dalong Mountain. Even if there are warriors from the Xiaolongshan stronghold patrolling the surrounding area every day, and even splashing the feces of high-level mountain beasts, accidents are still inevitable every time they enter the mountain.

Sun Xinglie, who was walking at the forefront, also raised his hand slightly, and the atmosphere of the entire team became tense.

Lin Mo was a little puzzled. Just as he was about to ask Li Yuan, who was sitting beside him, if he had anything to say, his expression suddenly changed.

"There is a small beast tide!"

The next moment, there was a low shout from the front, followed by a long and two short shrill whistle.

Sun Xinglie in front of him flickered, jumped off his horse, and shouted:
"Everyone is on alert, fasten the horses close by, the supply team is in front, the apprentices are on the side, and observe the surroundings!"

It didn't take long before I heard rumbling, rumbling, the ground trembled like the earth was shaking, and countless birds and beasts rose into the sky in the distance, as if they were frightened.

Didn't give everyone much time to react, only heard a hoot, followed by a scream of "ah".

A supply team member not far from Lin Mo fell to the ground with a bang with a sound of a steel knife, clutching his neck with both hands in pain, desperately trying to stuff something inside, but the blood was dripping from the crevices of his hands without money. The man suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.

"What's the matter?" "Grass, the cow has fallen!"

"I'll hang your mother, let's see if I can save you!"

The supply teammates who were far away did not dare to move rashly, and the ones who were close quickly ran to Tie Niu, shook their heads and stood up after a few breaths, and picked up their weapons again.

A large lump of flesh was torn from the neck, and more than one-half was lost, and the trachea was gone. How can I live?
Come fast, go fast, a person is gone.

Lin Mo saw the passing, a black figure jumped out directly from the nearby bushes, and the speed was very fast, a bit like the badger in the previous life, jumped and rushed to the iron bull, but the iron bull had no time to react.

"It's a mountain badger, but why is the mountain badger running at the front?"

Chen Gang, who was close, also stepped forward to look at the wound, and immediately came to a conclusion in his heart, and his face could not help but appear solemn.

Beast tide Beast tide, what is a beast tide, generally speaking, the mountain beasts in the mountains and forests are driven or intimidated by the beast king deep in the mountains, and they run away unconsciously.

It stands to reason that when a beast swarm occurs, the one who runs at the front means the weakest, but the mountain badger is not weak. It is difficult to survive in the ordinary Tongjin realm alone. Small animal swarms should not be so terrifying. .

He didn't make a statement. Saying this at such a time would be harmful and useless, and it might just be that he was overthinking it.

But even if it is not said, the downsizing still makes everyone panic.

This time not one, but a group!
Lin Mo felt his heart skip a beat, and there was a gust of wind breaking, followed by several black shadows, jumping out of the forest towards the convoy, and rushing towards everyone in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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