Pushing the heavens horizontally starts from the wind and clouds

Chapter 1139 Chaos Heavenly Monarch: Is Su Li Comparable to Me?

Chapter 1139 Chaos Heavenly Monarch: Is Su Li Comparable to Me?
Su Li unexpectedly subdued all the warriors of time in an instant.

He didn't use too much force, but used his wisdom to analyze the technological civilization. In an instant, he mastered the technological civilization of the immortal world, so he also mastered these time warriors.

There is a scientific and technological civilization in the world of immortality. There used to be some modern scientific and technological civilizations in the Wuji Star Palace in the Wuji World. They were kept in captivity by the Wuji Star Palace. It seems that the existence of the Wuji Star Palace has obtained some technological civilizations. Those who want to observe technology develop.

But later, the entire Wuji world was captured by Su Li and entered into the Great Seal of Cangsheng, and the technological civilization also fell into the Great Seal of Cangsheng. Over the years, there was not much that could interest Su Li.

But the warriors of time in front of Su Li now contain extremely advanced technological civilization, and the sands of time that make up each warrior of time contain heavenly dragons, god tigers, ancient ships, large ships, fortresses, giants... countless blessings force.

Each time warrior is composed of [-] million sand crystals of time, which is actually somewhat similar to the idol-suppressing power of the holy king's world.

[-] million.

The numbers are somewhat the same.Once the [-] million sands of time in each time warrior awaken, the time warrior will display invincible magical powers.

Su Li collected these time warriors at once, carefully studied everything in their bodies, and gained a deeper understanding of technological civilization. The crystal kingdom of the gods in their bodies, which was as numerous as the Ganges sands, began to integrate the highest essence of technological civilization.

"Brother Fang Han, this is a product of technological civilization. You can also study it, and it will greatly improve your way of the era."

Su Li smiled and handed Fang Han a time warrior.

Now these Time Warriors completely obey Su Li's orders and are under Su Li's control.

"Thank you, brother."

There was a deep light in Fang Han's eyes, and he also studied the products of civilization in the technological age. Soon after, countless phantoms appeared in his kingdom of God, or huge ships, or steel castles, or All kinds of powerful monsters that can only be born in technological civilization.

Fang Han's power has skyrocketed, and his way of the era has been blessed by technological civilization, and his strength has been greatly improved.

He looked at Su Li, and saw that there were also various phantoms in Su Li's crystal kingdom, which produced a powerful blessing.

"Brother, these time warriors actually have numbers on their bodies."

Fang Han's mind moved suddenly, and he pointed out that the time warrior in front of him had a strange symbol written on it, but he could recognize that this time warrior had a serial number.


"These warriors of time, numbered from two to one thousand, and number one, should be the Lord of Time."

Su Li had already seen everything clearly, so he opened his mouth and said.

"It's too strong. I haven't seen No. 999 yet. Just [-] time warriors can clean up the existence of Tianjun. This place of origin is really a place full of treasures."

Feng Yaoguang exclaimed. "In the land of origin, there are so many good things, but the people of the origin dynasty don't come in to get the fetish, they are really guarding the golden mountain to beg for food."

"You can't say that."

Feng Baiyu shook his head. "The place of origin does have many benefits, but there are also many evil thoughts. If I were another person just now, I'm afraid I would have to fight with the warrior of time. After a long time, some ancient ideas in the place of origin will be peeped. It is very possible to attack together, not everyone is like the Infinite Heavenly Lord, who penetrated the mysteries of technology Zeng Min's civilization in an instant, and subdued the time warriors."

"That's right, there are only time warriors from No. [-] to No. [-] here. The real No. [-] is the Lord of Time. His strength far surpasses other warriors. Unfortunately, it was killed and fell, leaving only the remaining thoughts , but also in the land of origin."

Mibao also spoke, and just after her words fell, an extremely tyrannical divine sense swept over, and countless bright rays of light appeared in the Jiuyou Divine Wind, which made the Jiuyou Divine Wind calm down, and then a A tall time warrior appeared in the void.

This time warrior is more than ten times bigger than the time warrior just now, and he has a perfect feeling on his body, as if he was cast from an incomparably perfect crystal.

Su Li could tell that the other time warriors were made up of sands of time, each one was very clear, and there were a total of [-] million sands of time, but this time warrior couldn't see its texture at all. structure.

In other words, the sands of time have been perfectly fused into gemstone crystals.

Even, in the body of the sand of time, there is the unique realm of the unity of heaven and earth, which is unique to the artifact of good fortune.

This turned out to be an artifact of good fortune after the fall!

Lord of Time!
Obviously, this time warrior is the Lord of Time, No. [-] warrior.

As soon as this Lord of Time appeared, he contained an invincible power. The realm of the unity of heaven and earth allowed him to change the laws of the plane with a single movement, and create world after world with just a word.

When the Lord of Time appeared at this time, there was a loud roar first, and a thousand lights sprayed out during the roar, turning into a bright, crystallized solid, which seemed to immediately seal Su Li inside.

Without even thinking about it, Su Li waved his hand and punched out the Infinity Fist, breaking through the condensed air, and in an instant, collided with the big hand of the Lord of Time.


Su Li remained motionless, condensing his strength, while the Lord of Time was full of light and restrained, as if he was condensing his strength, and was about to launch another terrifying blow.

"Not bad."

Su Li looked at the Lord of Time with a satisfied look on his face.If it is an ordinary Tianjun, if he is punched on the body by his punch, it will explode immediately. As a result, the Lord of Time is still not moving. Obviously, the Lord of Time is not inferior to a god. I'm afraid it can increase the cultivation base of another era.

"Everyone work together to help senior brother! I have already felt that there are many ancient ideas around, and as long as senior brother Su Li is a little negligent, those ideas will attack us."

At this moment, Fang Han spoke, and he immediately placed his body in Su Li's Divine Kingdom, mobilizing his own strength.

At the same time, Feng Baiyu, Feng Yaoguang, and Xiaohuang also accommodated their mana into the Infinite God Formation together, and suddenly felt the incomparably powerful power, and at the same time, they also had a feeling that they saw the surrounding void. Some terrifying thoughts seemed to be waiting for both Su Li and the Lord of Time to suffer.

But at this time, Fang Han sacrificed the word "Xiang" from the Gate of Eternal Life, and Mi Bao also activated the Fen Baoyan in his body, and waves of power activated Su Li's crystal kingdom.

"Very good, very good. Today I captured the Lord of Time."

Su Li had just fought head-on with the Lord of Time. He was neither in the upper hand nor in the wrong. It could be said that he was evenly divided. Just as he was about to continue fighting the Lord of Time for thousands of rounds, he felt Fang Han and Mibao. When someone exerts his power and integrates his fetish into his infinite god formation, his power will immediately increase steadily.

Su Li threw out a rolling punch all at once, which was enough to overturn the heavens, and evolved into an infinite killing move. Rolling came, the momentum was invincible and boundless, and the power of his previous punch was actually increased several times.

That's right, several times.

The addition of two gods increased the power of Su Li's punch several times.

Wherever this punch passed, there were waves of terrifying power, just like a great river falling into waves, rain falling into heaven and earth, and autumn water flowing into the sky, all in one go, and the entire origin of the punch felt shivering.

At this moment, Su Li seemed to have broken away from the level of Tianjun, and reached the level of a king of immortals.

With one punch, all the magic power of the Lord of Light was defeated, and his whole body flew upside down, but its body was still not damaged at all, showing its strength.

But the light in its body was almost extinguished by Su Li's punch, and it might take some time before it can gather enough strength.

While you are sick, I will kill you.

Su Li had already understood the way of technology, and knew that now was the time to deal with the Lord of Time. His whole body turned into an infinite array, covering it all at once, sealing the Lord of Time within it, and began to refine it thoroughly.

At that time, the Lord of Time seemed to want to continue his strength so as to launch a counterattack against Su Li, but Su Li directly sacrificed the King's Robe of Shanna and sealed it again.

It has to be said that the Lord of Time is very powerful, but when he met Su Li, he directly used the King's Robe as the eye of the formation. The Lord of Time was unable to break through it at all, but was wrapped in the robe and couldn't get out.

The King Pao of Moment is the attire that the Lord of the Pill Realm put his best efforts into creating.

There was no pressure to seal the Lord of Time at once, but on Su Li's face, there was a dignified and strenuous expression, as if it was difficult to refine the Lord of Time.

oh oh...

At the next moment, suddenly, there was a howling of wolves in the void, and the ear-piercing sound waves vibrated, even causing the space to explode. A huge wolf claw, like a fortress in an ancient war, slapped Su Li. And down.

It was the Lord of Greedy Wolf who made the move!

A wolf head, human body, green eyes, flashing endless green fire, the greedy wolf god, behind the wolf claws.

It is the Lord of Greedy Wolf, the invincible Heavenly Sovereign who almost broke through the gate of origin just now, and flew out. In the era when the beast way ruled three epochs ago, he had killed an unknown number of Heavenly Sovereigns and ruled the world.

However, it also fell away later, leaving only instinctive thoughts, but this kind of thoughts are not something ordinary Tianjun can resist.

"Quack quack, finally there is a heavenly king here again, and he is still fighting to the death with the lord of time, very good, very good, as long as I capture you, I can use your blood to live again and break the barrier of origin. The blockade of the door, at that time, I, Lord Greedy Wolf, will definitely turn this era into an era of beasts again. Only wild beasts can rule this world. You, immortals, gods, demons, and Buddhas, are all our food! "

Huge wolf claws, suppressed, greedy flames, burning blazingly.

But at this moment, a mocking expression appeared on Su Li's face. He looked at the wolf's paw that had been killed, and immediately grabbed it with his big hand, and a blood-red coffin shot up into the sky. Under his urging, it seemed that even the sky could pretend Down.

The Lord of Greedy Wolf almost didn't know what happened, so he was sucked into the coffin by a sudden blow, and then disappeared completely.

It was actually sealed by Su Li at once.

Su Li had been prepared for a long time, knowing that the Lord of Greedy Wolf would definitely take advantage of the moment when he refined the Lord of Time to launch a sneak attack, that's why he showed a struggling expression on his face.

This kind of trick actually really fooled the Lord of Greedy Wolf!
Now that Su Li sealed the Lord of Time with the king's robe, and the Lord of Greedy Wolf with the coffin of the sky burial, he immediately began to use his power to refine these two existences.

"The Beast Dao, which has already fallen, wants to replace the Immortal Dao. It's really courting death."

Without hesitation, Su Li mobilized all the fetishes in his body, including Fang Han's Xiangzi, and Mibao's Fenbaoyan. They reversed time and space in an instant, and immediately refined them.

"No, I can't just fall here, I am the Lord of Greedy Wolf, no one can refine me, I will fight with you!"

The Lord of Greedy Wolf erupted with unprecedented strength and desperately resisted Su Li. On the other side, the Lord of Time was much quieter and did not speak, but it accumulated strength and began to fight back.

However, whether it was the king's robe or the coffin of the sky burial, their defenses were invincible. No matter how they attacked, they couldn't break through Su Li's defense.

Instead, Su Li was assisted by two gods, his power increased greatly, and he screamed when he refined the Lord of Greedy Wolf.

These two evil spirits, one is one of the supreme leaders of the "Beast Way Civilization", and the other is the most powerful product of technological civilization. Now they are obviously at a disadvantage. With Su Li's continuous refinement, his essence has begun to be lost. take away.

The Lord of Time punched again, piercing through nothingness, but he was still unable to break through.

The Lord of Greedy Wolf is the same, his aura is getting weaker and weaker.


At the end, the screams of the Greedy Wolf Lord stopped abruptly, and then countless energy radiated out, condensing into a picture of thousands of wolves howling at the moon behind Su Li.

Wolves are greedy wolves.

And the moon is a blood-red moon.

This is the pinnacle of the essence of animal civilization. The blood-red moon and wolves appearing in Suli's Crystal God Kingdom, which was as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, immediately gave Su Li's Crystal Kingdom a lot of ferocious, beast-like aura.

This is the civilization of the animal way, which is integrated into the way of infinity.

Refining and transforming the Lord of Greedy Wolf, Su Li's body rolled, his strength became more powerful, and the magic power he was circulating was extremely powerful, casually infiltrating some of them into Fang Han, Mi Bao, and Feng Baiyu's bodies gave them great benefits.

However, the biggest advantage is that with the fall of the Lord of Greedy Wolf, the crystals in the king's robe were shattered in an instant, and the Lord of Time was crushed and shattered by Su Li. Countless technologies, Taoism, and civilization were accommodated in his body.

Su Li's body suddenly became perfect, and with a little movement, countless civilizations rose one after another.

His strength has almost reached the peak of the six epochs, and it is about to break through to reach the terrifying level of the seven epochs.

If Fang Han's Xiangzi and Mibao's Fenbaoyan are added, his mana, wisdom, and strength can all be compared to the existence of the eight eras.

In other words, his current mana, wisdom, and strength are already equal to the ancient existence of Chaos Heavenly Lord.

This kind of progress is really too fast.

"This is a really nice place."

(End of this chapter)

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