Pushing the heavens horizontally starts from the wind and clouds

Chapter 1174 What is happiness, this is a question

Chapter 1174 What is happiness, this is a question

Su Li and Wang Lin walked on the official road in the human world, experiencing the feeling of being transformed into a mortal.

But soon, a group of carriages appeared behind them, and there were nearly a hundred big men riding horses around the carriage. These people's eyes were bright, their temples were bulging, and they were obviously martial arts masters.

Lu Xing, the middle-aged man who had stopped the strong man from lashing Wang Lin earlier, was standing next to a carriage, talking with the existence above the carriage.

This official road is not wide. When the carriage passed by Su Li and Wang Lin, four big men stood in front of Su Li and Wang Lin, as if they were not allowed to get close. In front of Wang Lin.

"Brother, for the disease of evil wind, do you have symptoms relief?"

"But someone is sick?"

Su Li looked at Wang Lin, this old devil in the cultivation world wanted to truly integrate into the mortal world, but he didn't refuse for the first time, but asked.

But someone is sick?

Of course someone is sick.

No one is sick, and Lu Xing will not come to ask.

However, Lu Xing said that the sick person was a maid, but both Su Li and Wang Lin could tell that the sick person was actually a young lady.

That lady didn't suffer from any evil wind disease, but was poisoned.

A monk in the Nascent Soul Realm wants to heal a sick mortal lady. There is no difficulty. Wang Lin directly sent a leaf to it. His spiritual power attached to this leaf, and it became a hundred years in an instant. Willow leaves, so there is the possibility of curing diseases.

"Century Willow Leaves!"

An old man suddenly looked over with an incredulous expression on his face. He took a deep breath and looked at Wang Lin with surprise. "I don't know if there are any taboos in taking this substance?"

"You can eat it raw."

Wang Lin smiled but wasn't smiling.

"Thank you."

The old man nodded quickly and returned to the carriage respectfully.

Lu Xing gave Wang Lin a weird look, and said with a wry smile, "Brother, why don't you go on the same journey with us?"

Wang Lin looked at Su Li.


Su Li nodded.

Su Li and Wang Lin each rode on the same horse, walking slowly in the world.

This was a novel experience. Su Li hadn't walked in the human world for a long time. In the past years, he had always been aloof. Walking in the human world now gave him a different feeling.

After marching for several hours, the team stopped, there were big men guarding, and some female family members were chattering, and they began to prepare food while they were talking, and some even cast their beautiful eyes on Su Li from time to time, and said to each other with a charming smile wearing something.

In fact, it's no wonder that these female family members looked sideways at Su Li. An existence like Su Li walking in the world can be said to be a god walking in the heavens, full of unspeakable charm. These women all worshiped before him.

"Power in the world."

Su Li was sitting under a big tree, looking at the gradually dimming sky, he was in a peaceful state of mind.

Traveling through the heavens and worlds, what changes is a state of mind.

In the Great World of Immortality, there were too many fights and too many opponents, and he couldn't stop. Now he was in a peaceful state of mind, looking at the bright starry sky.

Above the starry sky are dots of light, and each dot of light is a planet.There are many creatures living on those planets.

"The scenery here is so good that I haven't stopped for hundreds of years."

Sitting not far from Su Li, Wang Lin was also looking at the starry sky. At this moment, his mood was very calm. The killing years of the past hundreds of years seemed to dissipate, but when he calmed down, the spiritual power in his body actually flowed faster.

Because it is quiet, it is faster.

At this moment, Wang Lin went further on the path of Yuan Ying.

Su Li looked at this scene and praised it a little.

Because it is still, it moves.

Because it is slow, it is fast.

There are always some truths in the human world, but in this mortal world, on the high throne of the head teacher, there are not all the truths between heaven and earth.

Su Li's crystal was circulated in the kingdom of God, deducing this little truth, but after his deduction, the little truth went to a more terrifying situation.

Just after the two of them calmed down, a girl in her twenties, wearing a big red flower jacket, came towards the female family members, holding bacon and a jug in her hand.

The fragrant wind was blowing, and soon the woman came to the front, put the food aside, and said "thank you" to Wang Lin.

This woman was the one who was rescued by Wang Lin, and now she has returned to normal, and now she has brought bacon and wine pot.

"Take it slow, gentlemen."

The woman looked at Su Li and Wang Lin curiously, and always felt that there seemed to be something magical about them that attracted her, but after all, it was her daughter's home, so it was very rare to muster up the courage to deliver wine, and it was impossible to continue to be there. Here to stay.

"I haven't drunk the wine in the world for a long time."

With a jug of wine in front, both Su Li and Wang Lin could see all the ingredients in it.

"Me neither. The last time I drank was with my parents. After entering the world of cultivation, I seldom drink."

Seeing the wine, Wang Lin seemed to arouse his emotions, so he drank it.

Su Li also tasted it, the worldly wine didn't taste much to him, and he could only feel a little bit of bitterness if he had to block his powerful spiritual perception.

The two existed in this mortal world looking at the starry sky, drinking, and the strong men who escorted the convoy became more courageous after drinking, and ran to some female relatives to talk softly, looking for the courtship.

"The matter of life is very miraculous. A union of a man and a woman can give birth to life. If in a world with reincarnation, this matter involves many avenues."

Su Li looked at the man and woman who wanted to applaud together, and smiled.

"Reincarnation? What is... reincarnation."

Listening to this word, Wang Lin inexplicably felt a little heavy and mysterious. This word seemed to contain too many truths in it, which made him feel broad and profound.

"Everyone has different ideas about reincarnation. I used to think that reincarnation is to turn my enemies into dogs, let them reincarnate into beasts, and punish them severely. But then I found that reincarnation is a kind of hope and a change of luck. , is a kind of deduction, because reincarnation deduces the best future. Of course, you can also have cognition about reincarnation.”

Su Li talked about reincarnation.

"Is reincarnation a kind of hope? A kind of change of luck?"

Wang Lin was thoughtful, but he still felt that it was too advanced. The senior in front of him had obviously reached a terrifying level, and he was far above him in comprehension of the Dao.But in the future, he will spend enough time to comprehend various avenues.

Su Li and Wang Lin were talking about reincarnation, but other men came over and invited them to drink together.

Between monks and mortals, they laughed and fought with each other. Later, some bold and bold female relatives also participated. Among them, the lady who was rescued often put her beautiful eyes on Wang Lin. Under the bright light, already thinking about how to educate their grandchildren after they are born,
It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that they all fell asleep drunk.Those female relatives returned to the carriage and slept in their clothes.

The entire convoy gradually fell silent, and there was only one or two crackling sounds of burning wood from the bonfire, but this sound did not affect rest, but seemed to promote sleep and make people sleep more soundly.

Su Li sat cross-legged, with bursts of peace in his heart. Just now, he drank with these mortals and was infected by their joy. Su Li had a different feeling.

After practicing for such a long time, I almost dare not have any delay. After all, in the world of immortality, everyone is a peerless genius, and everyone is advancing by leaps and bounds. If there is a little delay, others will overtake them.

After finally cultivating to the realm of golden immortals, I saw that there were golden immortals everywhere. After finally cultivating to the realm of ancestor immortals, I entered a new circle, and I saw that this circle was full of ancestor immortals.

Even if he has reached Yuanxian, he dare not relax, because at this time the opponents have all become Yuanxian, and there are even semi-saints and saints.

Those saints will not show mercy to you just because you haven't broken through the realm, and some saints prefer to kill geniuses.

When Su Li practiced to the realm of the Holy Immortal, in front of him was the Supreme Immortal Emperor, the existence of the same life of heaven and earth, and after finally reaching the same life of heaven and earth, the attack of the king of heaven came.

After so many years of fighting and killing, the happiness has indeed decreased a lot. If it is purely about happiness, it is true that there have not been many times when I have been as happy as today.

Drinking with mortals, watching the bonfire bursts, and a lot of worries are less, which is also a kind of happiness.

Su Li even fell asleep completely that night without thinking about anything.

When the next day came, he finally woke up, not far away, Wang Lin was already swallowing the dense purple air between the sky and the ground.

And Su Li stretched his arms. This is the first time he has slept since he practiced for countless years?
After stepping into the practice, basically there is no need for any sleep, and every time Su Li maintains the peak state, it is impossible for him to be attacked while sleeping.

But this time, he fell asleep.

After waking up from sleep, there is a different feeling.

It is indeed very different.

Su Li's cultivation had originally reached the realm of a heavenly monarch, and he claimed to be omnipotent, omnipotent, and omniscient, but he had never slept or even dreamed, so how could he be said to be omnipotent.

Experience the experience, don't have a taste.

The people in the distant convoy woke up one by one. At this time, the entourage who was always on the carriage, that is, the old man, got off the carriage, took a deep breath, and flexed his fists and feet in an open space. There was a set of punches.

It looks a lot worse than the Songhe Wanshou Fist of Yuhuamen, but this set also has the effect of strengthening the body.

The old man went to look for Wang Lin and asked about the hundred-year-old willow leaves. However, Wang Lin's status could be the old man's grandfather.

On the contrary, the young lady who was rescued by Wang Lin seemed to have fallen in love with Wang Lin, with admiration shining in her eyes.

"When a practitioner goes to the mortal world, those mortal women can only feel sad."

Su Li knew all of these things clearly. Practitioners in the cultivation world had a unique charm that no ordinary person in the mortal world could resist.

It is not a good thing for a mortal to fall in love with a monk.

Wang Lin also knew this truth, he was old enough to be a girl's ancestor, so how could he disturb the girl's life.

Walking along the way, the capital city is within sight.

Su Li looked at the capital of the mortals in the fourth-level cultivation country, and there was nothing magical about it. Although there were some monks, the most powerful ones were only at the level of alchemy, and the rest were at the level of foundation building.

"I'll take my leave."

After entering the capital, Wang Lin bid farewell to the lady, and together with Su Li, they came to a relatively remote place in the west of the city and rented a small shop.

If you want to transform into a god, you must first transform into a mortal, understand life, and comprehend the way of heaven. This is Wang Lin's way of thinking about breaking through the realm of transforming into a god.

As for Su Li, he also wanted to feel a different atmosphere in the mortal world, so he also came here.

The so-called small hermit hides in the wild, and the big hermit hides in the city. Su Li, the supreme being, is now hiding in this bustling mortal capital, and Wang Lin is also hiding here with him.

Su Li looked at the various living beings in the capital, paying attention to all of them, and images emerged around him.

That is the business of all, the world of mortals.

As for Wang Lin, he didn't notice the capital city. There was an extra carving knife in his right hand, and he carved on a piece of wood one by one.

Gradually, in the depiction, Wang Lin vaguely found the family affection that had passed away for hundreds of years. In the depiction, he seemed to return to his childhood and the small mountain village where he lived for a long time.

The spiritual power in his body also suddenly began to circulate, following the carving knife in his hand, it gradually merged into the wood carving, getting deeper and deeper.

A piece of wood is constantly changing, and finally turned into a wood carving. The wood carving is a middle-aged man with a kind smile on his face.

This person is wearing coarse cloth, especially on his hands, which are full of tiny rough marks.

Although the wood carving looks a little rough, it seems to contain spirituality, and bursts of spiritual power spread out from it.

This is Wang Lin's father, who passed away many years ago. He has lived for more than ninety years, which is not bad.

After being silent for a long time, Wang Lin put the wood carving aside, picked up another piece of wood, immersed himself in it, and began to carve one by one.

After one night, he carved another middle-aged woman. This woman also had a very kind expression, her eyes were looking into the distance, as if she was waiting for the child who had gone away to come back.

This is Wang Lin's mother.

It is also at the end of life.

Time passed by slowly, and Wang Lin's carvings never stopped. He recalled his memory, and there was no rest in his hands, so there were many, many people in the shop. These wood carvings were male and female, old and young. Less, all kinds of actions are available.

These wooden figures are all residents of the mountain village where Wang Lin lived in the past. They all died of old age, but they reappeared in Wang Lin's hands.

The past is no longer coming back, Wang Lin can only bring them back by relying on memories.

Another flood dragon was carved out by Wang Lin. This is a monster he encountered in the Sea of ​​Cultivation Demons in the past years, and he reshaped it.

There is another bell and drum, which looks like a tortoise, but it is very fierce and powerful, and it is also a fierce beast of the Sea of ​​Demon Cultivation.

There are also many fierce beasts, which were shaped by Wang Lin.

There are hundreds of thousands of monks, all of them are very ferocious, and each monk reveals a kind of resentment. The monks who were beheaded by Wang Lin still have a very strong resentment after being shaped now.

"It's been so long."

The more Wang Lin carved, the more strange he felt.He felt as if time had flowed backwards, back to the difficult days of the past.

"You killed a lot of people."

Su Li was also working on a painting, he glanced at the murderous look revealed by the wood carvings in the field, and spoke leisurely.

In this painting of his, there are more people appearing on it, and they are actually the creatures of the entire capital, and they can still be agile.

(End of this chapter)

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