Chapter 124 The Pink Prince
Su Li was counting the treasures this time with Fang Qingxue, and he saw not far away, a series of sword lights galloping, as if they were fighting.

An extremely bewitching young man in pink clothes flew over from a distance, and a pink flying sword spat out its light.

On the other side, there are also three disciples, who are dressed as inner disciples of Yuhuamen, but they are on the ground, each manipulating a flying sword, a spiritual weapon, fighting with the pink young man.

"The Red Dust Demon Sect, the Red Pink Prince!"

Su Li recognized the seductive young man in pink clothes, and immediately thought of what the elder of Yuhuamen said.

Prince Red, who is on the most wanted list of Yuhua Sect, as long as he kills him, he can get a Yinyang Longevity Pill.

That's exactly what you get without effort.

Su Li went to the underground world to kill a real Sirius Wang Molin, and he would reward him with a Yin Yang Longevity Pill, but if there was only one, it would be better to give it to Fang Qingxue.

But now if you kill Prince Red and get another one, this Yin Yang Longevity Pill will be useful.

"You Yuhuamen want to kill the prince, but you actually rewarded a Yin-Yang Longevity Pill. This is the supreme golden elixir that your Yuhuamen master spent the essence and blood of your body in the secret realm of longevity to refine. The prince misses himself a little bit. Kill yourself and go get this pill."

The pink prince is now suspended in the air, with a pink flying sword, shuttles non-stop, resisting all sword lights, and the clothes on his body, bursts of pink light, keep coming out, supporting a ball of light, Do your best to defend.

The sword light of some flying swords cut on the light sphere, and a pink peach blossom exploded.

These disciples have not cultivated to the mystical powers, they are fighting magic weapons.

Prince Hongpin has a flying sword and a suit of spiritual weapons.

And the three inner disciples of the Yuhua Sect also each have a flying sword, a spiritual weapon, obviously they have a lot of background in the Yuhua Sect.

"It turned out to be a disciple of my Ascension Sect."

Fang Qingxue looked over, and immediately recognized those disciples who were wearing the top-grade magic weapons of inner disciples of the Yuhua Sect.


Su Li nodded.

When he was still an outer disciple, he came to practice in the vast sea desert, and now other disciples are still practicing here.

The disciples of the Yuhuamen always have to go out, go to various places to slay demons and demons, and exercise their spirits, so that they can be promoted to the mysterious realm of supernatural powers and reach the sky in one step.

"They are about to decide the winner. I think if we don't make a move this time, the Yuhua Sect will lose three inner disciples this time."

Su Li's gaze was incomparably tricky. After a short look, he saw that at this time, the three inner disciples had already used all their trump cards. Among them, Su Li seemed to have seen one, named Xia Qiu.

In comparison, the Red Pink Prince has one against three, and still has spare strength, and the next step is to resort to the means of pressing the bottom of the box.

There are two ways of good and evil, and the disciples fight for magic weapons. It is extremely fierce and exciting, but if there is a winner, one side will die immediately. The danger is extremely dangerous, and life and death are on the line.

Whether it is the Red Dust Demon Sect of the Seven Branches of the Demon Sect, or the Yuhua Sect of the Ten Sects of Immortal Dao, they are all super big sects that span the world. The number of disciples of the two sects also has a large number of spiritual weapons. They are definitely not the kind of small sects. device support scene.

Just when the three inner sect disciples of Yuhua Sect dispatched three flying swords to kill Prince Hongfen and make an incomparable feat, Prince Hongfen let out a sinister smile and used the things at the bottom of the box.

Six Desires Thunder!

The Yin Thunder of Six Desires is not a magic weapon, nor a spiritual weapon, nor a treasure weapon, but a one-time poisonous item. .

Each of these thunderbolts is filled with the resentment of countless living beings, absorbing poison in the darkest place underground, nourishing it for decades, and then blending into the yin and yang thunder in the sky, reconciling with each other, and condensing into pills.

Once the thunder explodes, thousands of red smoke and thousands of phantoms will immediately explode, enough to make anyone's spiritual weapon lose its effect.

In an instant, the mana in the filthy spiritual weapon cut off the blood spirit inside, making it impossible for people to command the spiritual weapon.

That is to say, if a flying sword, a spirit weapon, is hit by the thunder, it will immediately fall to the ground and cannot be commanded anymore.

Especially people, as long as they absorb a little bit, they will faint immediately and become unconscious. No matter how powerful the physical body is, it is useless, because besides the poisonous gas, it also has thousands of poisonous souls and resentments, which pollute the human spirit.

Unless it is a strong person who has stepped into the mysterious realm of supernatural powers, he can stop the poisonous gas with magic power and prevent it from spreading.

This kind of thunder is extremely precious because each one can be sacrificed by killing countless living beings. After all, it is a magic weapon for the wrath of heaven and man.

Ordinary magic disciples dare not refine it, and it is easy for righteous disciples to kill demons and eliminate demons.

The killing between practitioners often only involves practitioners. The struggle between demons and Dao is aimed at monks who have stepped into practice, but like this method of killing ordinary creatures on a large scale and refining magic weapons, most People in the devil way don't bother to do it, only those frenzied and desperate elders of the magic sect will do it.

As soon as the Six Desires Thunder exploded, the three inner sect disciples all turned pale with fright, and despair appeared on their faces.

The red light spread out, revealing hundreds of hideous faces, as if opening the gates of hell and releasing thousands of wraiths and ghosts.

These ferocious faces are the poisonous souls in the thunder of six desires.

Puchi puchi.

These poisonous souls entangled a few flying swords, penetrated into the sword body at once, and then the flying swords fell one after another.

Clinking, falling on the sand, resounding dozens of miles away.

The flying sword, a spirit tool that cannot be exchanged in many cities in the world, is now like scrap iron, falling one after another, as if worthless.

Afterwards, thousands of poisonous souls floated over and rushed towards Xia Qiu and the others.

This is to lose the enemy and die instantly.

But Xia Qiu and the others did not die.

At this moment, a Dazizai Xuanjin Sword Qi and a Purple Electric Yin Thunder Saber pierced through the void.

Terrible zhenqi fluctuations, wherever it passed, destroyed all these poisonous souls.

Even at the next moment, the seven-kill sword array composed of seven spiritual weapons flying swords spun up, hanging down thousands of sword lights, and moved to the top of the red pink prince in just a moment.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Streams of sword energy fell down like water jets, reflecting the desperate expression of the red prince.

He was using the Thunder of Six Desires, intending to wipe out three opponents in one fell swoop, but he didn't expect that the next moment, a terrifying master lowered a sword array, and even wiped out his Thunder of Six Desires with terrifying true energy.

"Mysterious Ability Secret Realm! Mysterious Ability Secret Realm! Where did the supernatural power secret realm master come from!"


An unimaginable despair rose on his face, and at the next moment, a terrifying sword light flowed down, piercing the spiritual weapon clothes on his body, and then destroying his physical body.

The red prince died just like that.

(End of this chapter)

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