Pushing the heavens horizontally starts from the wind and clouds

Chapter 1531 One person, one bow, and two arrows are for Buddha!

Chapter 1531 A person, a bow, and two arrows are for Buddha!

In Su Li's hand was a treasured sword called the Panhuang Living Sword, which was standard equipment for the champion of the Yangshen World, and Su Li had long been respected in the Yangshen World, so it was very reasonable to bring a Panhuang Living Sword now.

The current level of the Panhuang Living Spirit Sword is not too high, but it is not too low either. Holding it in the hands of Su Li, who has nine changes in the Dao Realm, it can only be more than ten levels higher.

"Panhuang Living Sword? Was there an emperor called Panhuang in ancient times? There seems to be one, but how could his accompanying sword, the Panhuang Living Sword, fall into the hands of the champion? See, this treasure is the treasure of the Son of Heaven. Bao, very powerful."

Whether it is Lou Baiyue or the nineteenth prince Gu Chensha, they all looked at the Panhuang Life Sword, and saw that the sword was square, straight and bright, sharp but not murderous, giving people endless wisdom , courage, benevolence, and integrity, anyone who sees this sword will feel that this sword is simply adhering to the character of the ancient emperor, and it is definitely a treasure.

"Champion Hou has such strong luck. With such a treasure, even if a master of the [-]th and [-]th Dao Realm arrives, he may not be his opponent. However, the Champion Hou has the Panhuang Life Sword. should know."

Gu Chensha thought in his heart.

He felt that Hou, the champion of the imperial court, really had great luck, and had grown into a pillar of the imperial court. It seemed that although he had obtained the heaven-sacrificing talisman, his strength was still weak and he had not stepped into the Dao realm.

"This time, many gods of the barbarians actually promulgated an oracle. Any monk who kills anyone in the Great Eternal Dynasty will be rewarded. It is not very good. We should speed up to the frontier to avoid too much chaos."

Su Li put away the Panhuang Life Sword, and told Lou Baiyue and Gu Chensha about it.

"What Hou Ye said is that after the gods of the barbarians issue such an edict, I am afraid that those barbarian masters will come to kill the people of my Dayong Dynasty without capital. Possibly, and this time they have a chance."

Lou Baiyue nodded.

It is basically impossible for the masters in the secular world to step into the Dao realm by their own efforts, because most of the masters are scrambling in the secular world, getting caught in the vulgarity of the secular world, and the food they eat is not good. Possessing too much spiritual energy, it is almost difficult to enter the Dao realm by one's own ability.

But if they are rewarded by the gods of the barbarians, there is a great possibility that they will step into the Dao realm.

It is conceivable that the border area is not good now.

"I really don't know how far the situation in Xianzhou has developed. I'm afraid it's a bit corrupt."

Gu Chensha also took his eyes back from the Panhuang Shengling Sword, and he thought about the words of the Dao Realm Demon Lord who came earlier.

"In the border area, there are giant stones here, so it won't be too chaotic, but there will definitely be local turmoil."

Su Li looked into the distance, as if he could sense something.

"Jushi Hou Shi's house."

Lou Baiyue and Gu Chensha both stared.

Marquis Jushi is the true confidant of Emperor Tianfu, who has guarded the border for many years. Even when Emperor Tianfu was living among the people and was still a prince, they became brothers and fought in the world.

Later, Emperor Tianfu opened the mountains of Shizhou, transported the rocks to the border, and built the Great Wall of Giant Stones, which was presided over by the Marquis of Giant Stones.According to rumors, Jushihou's father is a huge rock in the mountain, and his mother is a young girl. As a result, he went up to the mountain to rest next to the huge rock, and after waking up, he became pregnant with Jushihou.

These words are not credible to ordinary people. After Jushihou was born, he was considered a disgrace to the family and was not tolerated by the family. Assisting the emperor to ascend the throne, and even leading the army for the emperor, has established a thousand-year feat.

In the imperial court, no matter who it is, it is necessary to give Hou Jushi some face, even Lou Chongxiao.

Jushihou's martial arts were unfathomable, he killed many barbarians and monster masters, and many gods of the barbarians descended to the oracle to kill this person, but they failed to do so.

Su Li did have some contact with this Marquis of Jushi. In the past, he and Marquis Jushi killed barbarians together, and they made some achievements together.

"No matter how you say it, killing the demons and exterminating the barbarians is the right way. This is the reason why we arrived in Xianzhou this time. After the matter has stabilized, I will go to see the Marquis of Jushi."

Ancient dusty road.

"That's it."

Su Li nodded.

The warship continued to move forward. Although there were some blind-eyed barbarian monks who wanted to kill Su Li along the way, nothing serious happened. After driving for more than 4000 miles, they finally crossed Shizhou and came to Xianzhou.

The land of Xianzhou used to be a country, dozens of times that of Shizhou. The land here is fertile, the climate is good, there are rivers everywhere, and the products are rich. The people living in this big state are brave and aggressive.

According to the theory, after the destruction of the Xian Kingdom, Xianzhou can be divided into many states again, and divided, but because of the initial pacification, there were too many murders, and the forced division of the state was worried about stirring up variables, so it was left behind.

After the canal arrived in Xianzhou, the water flow here calmed down again. Looking around, there were rivers and lakes everywhere. On the surface of the river, there were hundreds of boats scrambling. There were so many boats coming and going that Su Li's warship moved slowly. stand up.

Su Li saw that there were many ships on the canal, including merchant ships, cargo ships, and many military ships to maintain order. There were iron cannons erected on them, and the pitch-black barrels threatened all criminals.

However, all the warships gave way to Su Li's battleship and the Champion Hou's flag flying high, and cleared the way ahead.

Lou Baiyue and Gu Chensha had already left Su Li's boat at this time, and they also had boats, and they hung the word "Imperial Order" on their boats, which meant that the imperial envoys were on patrol, and everyone should stay away.

Suddenly, a large ship in front of us was approaching, with the king's flag hanging from it.

"According to the order of Prince Vatican, come to welcome the imperial envoy. Prince Vatican has prepared a banquet, please go to the banquet."

The big ship stopped, and a small boat flew by, and the people on the small boat spoke respectfully to Su Li.

"Prince Brahma, Gu Fansha."

Su Li looked forward and knew that the third prince of Emperor Tianfu, Gu Fansha, was on the big boat.

The reason why it was named Fansha was because the third prince's mother was from the Fan family.

The Brahma family inherited the orthodoxy of the ancient Buddha, and also possessed two treasures, a bow and two arrows.The name of the bow is Liberation, and one of the two arrows is called 'Chang' and the other is called 'Impermanence'.

It is said that if you want to be free, you must understand the principles of permanence and impermanence, and that person, a bow, and two arrows just form the word "Buddha".

That is to say, whoever obtains the bow of liberation and the arrow of permanence and impermanence may comprehend the mysteries of Buddha.

Regarding permanence and impermanence, as well as the bow of liberation, Su Li has some comprehension in many worlds, and he has a lot of comprehension about the word Buddha.

"Let's go, let's go see the Third Prince."

Su Li's expression was calm, and he went straight forward.

And Lou Baiyue and Gu Chensha followed Su Li forward, Gu Chensha didn't have a smile on his face, his eyes seemed to be thinking, as if he was thinking about how to fight his third brother after a while.

"Congratulations, Mr. Imperial Envoy!"

Seeing Su Li, Gu Chensha and Lou Baiyue get off the boat, many officials knelt down on the ground.

"Get up."

Su Li said lightly, and looked at the leader in front. The man was wearing a battle armor and a purple gold crown. He looked only in his early 20s, but he had a calm demeanor. It was the third prince, Gu Fansha.

"Hahaha, I have long heard that Champion Hou will come to Xianzhou this time. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. And old nineteen, you are here too. I have been paying attention to it since I received the order from Shangshufang , I heard that you were attacked by the remnants of the Demon Cult on the way? Are you all right?"

This young prince was the third prince, Gu Fansha. When he saw Su Li and the others coming, his face was full of smiles and his voice was quite concerned.

"It's just a remnant of the Demon Sect with six changes in the Dao Realm. It's nothing to worry about, but he dared to attack me, which is enough to show that the situation in Xianzhou is not optimistic. Prince Fan, what is the current situation?"

Su Li opened his mouth and directly entered the main seat accompanied by many senior officials.

Xianzhou has 24 provinces, and the governors of each province gather here. In addition, generals from various provinces also come.

These governors and generals looked very respectful, and especially when they heard the existence of Champion Hou say, "It's just a remnant of the Demon Cult with six transformations in the Dao Realm", all of them showed expressions of shock and respect on their faces.

It's just the six changes of the Dao realm!
This is just too loud a word.

It is very difficult to know how many monks want to cultivate to the Dao state. Among the many sons of the emperor, only a few can cultivate to the Dao state. Princes like the ten princes are still in the master state. But now in the mouth of Champion Hou, what they heard was nothing but the remnants of the Demon Cult with the Six Transformations of Dao Realm!

This sentence is really too domineering, anyone else would think it is too presumptuous, but this sentence is said by Champion Hou, no one does not think it is presumptuous.

The cultivation base of Champion Hou has already reached the Nine Transformations of the Dao Realm, and it really didn't take much effort for him to kill a demon with the Six Transformations of the Dao Realm.

"Hou Ye's majesty, this king is deeply admired, I think this king is the son of the father, and the years of cultivation are only five changes in the Dao realm, and Hou Ye's cultivation has already reached the Nine Changes in the Dao realm. pillars."

The third prince, Gu Fansha, was also shocked when he heard Su Li's words, then he smiled and praised Su Li.

"I am indeed the pillar of the court."

Su Li smiled, showing no modesty, "But I heard that there are people in Xianzhou who are not the pillars of the imperial court, such as the governor of Nabanan, come out for me."

While Su Li was speaking, his complexion changed slightly, and suddenly the governor was terrified, rolled out in a hurry, and immediately knelt down in front of Su Tuan.

"I heard that on the [-]rd of last month, the Heisha sect caused chaos in Tao County, An County, and Tea County in Ba Nan, and even the barbarians secretly fanned the flames, causing the three counties to become corrupt. As the governor , why not send an army to wipe it out."

Su Li looked at the governor, and immediately the governor felt as if he was being watched by a god, and his whole body lost all vitality.

"Your official... your official is also prepared, and has sent a large army to surround the intersection of the three counties to prevent them from spreading. But there are so many experts among them, and my official... can't wipe them out for a while, please forgive me, Lord Hou!"

Governor Ba Nan immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

"Yeah, Lord Hou, I've heard about this too. I heard that in the land of the three southern counties in Naba, there is a barbarian god envoy who has six transformations in the Taoist realm, and the existence of refining qi into a gang, and he has cultivated a congenital gang." Qi, Governor Ba Nan is not even in the Taoist realm now, how can he fight."

The third prince also spoke at this time, asking Su Li to spare Governor Ba Nan's life.

If the person in charge this time was Lou Baiyue or the nineteenth prince Gu Chensha, he would be careless, but this time it is the champion Hou Suli, he must not be careless. The main thing is to kill chickens and monkeys, behead Ba Nan governor, then he will lose one of his subordinates.

This Ba Nan governor is his man.

"Governor Ba Nan, since you are unable to suppress the thieves, you yourself and your soldiers and horses will all be dispatched by His Royal Highness Chen Guogong. If you can make credit, I don't have to pursue your credit. I have no choice but to commit your crimes, you know."

Su Li took a few glances at Governor Ba Nan, and made Governor Ba Nan think that he had no chance of survival, but when he heard that Champion Hou decided to spare his life, he suddenly felt like he would survive the catastrophe.

"Yes, yes, I will obey the order."

"Everyone, don't be negligent. Those who should be eliminated will be eliminated. If there are no masters, this Marquis has quite a few masters. There are dozens of people whose Taoism has changed from time to time."

Su Li's gaze swept across the field, and he clapped his hands. Dozens of his subordinates arrived, all of them were wearing armor, and they had flying swords in their hands.

"Those barbarians sacrifice living people all the time. This is something I don't want to see. The military situation is urgent. You must cooperate with all your strength. If you don't have enough experts, I can lend you some here. If you dare to shirk, you will be severely punished." .”

"Yes, I will obey!"

No one dared to say no.

Even many governors were stunned, as if they didn't expect that there would be so many masters of Dao realm under the command of Champion Hou.

"Why, there are so many masters of the Dao Realm under the command of Champion Hou? Thirty to fifty masters of the five transformations of the Dao Realm! If I had so many masters, I would have established immortal achievements here and won the title of Emperor Father. Approved!"

The face of the third prince, Gu Fansha, was full of shock. He looked at the coming masters of three or five changes in the Tao, and really couldn't figure out how the champion Hou Mingming was not even a prince, how could he rise so fast, Even not only the champion Hou himself, but also his subordinates are very powerful, how did this happen.

Even they, the princes of Emperor Tianfu, are far inferior to the champion!
"Sourcing, must be soliciting!"

The third prince was shocked.

At this time, Su Li also left here.

He is going to Xianzhou for a walk alone.

(End of this chapter)

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