"All beings are of one heart."

In the land of Xianzhou, Su Li got a book, which was a treasure bestowed upon him by Emperor Tianfu, the champion.

"Ask how all living beings in the world can be of the same mind?"

Su Li looked at the words "All beings are one heart", and thought about this question that Emperor Tianfu had been thinking about for many years.

It is basically impossible to truly unite all beings, unless there is a very big villain, such as Tiandao, who persecutes everyone all the time, then it is possible for everyone to have the idea of ​​uniting all beings. Kill the way of heaven.

From this point, there are many people and all beings in the world of the tomb of the gods. For many years, there have been existences against the sky. Existence, Heiqi, Chu Xiangyu, etc., all unite together to kill Heaven together.

The sentient beings in that world have some mysteries of the unity of sentient beings.

However, the Heavenly Dao in that world also has many dog ​​legs under its command. If those dog legs are also sentient beings, then the sentient beings are not of one mind.

And after destroying the Dao of Heaven in that world, a new Dao of Heaven will appear, and the unity of all beings will be broken again, because the Dao of Heaven is high above, regardless of the world, many creatures in the world will go to a contradictory situation of opposing each other because of their own interests.

In just one country, ministers with opposite opinions cannot realize the unity of all beings, and in a family, it is impossible to achieve unity of all living beings between the legitimate son and the concubine, and those who carry forward with burdens and enjoy the beauty, it is impossible to achieve the unity of all beings.

"It is really difficult for all living beings to be of the same mind, unless there is only one living being."

Su Li looked at the reward given to him by Emperor Tianfu. These four characters are a treasure in themselves. As long as he can activate the power of these four characters, let alone the change of Dao Realm, it is considered a Dao Realm. 25 The six changes can't hurt him.

He looked at these four words and went to Ba Nan Province.

When he came back from the wild land, he already knew some news. The nineteenth prince, Gu Chensha, has made great achievements in the past few days, beheading many barbarians, and even beheading a few demon heads who have stepped into the Dao realm , so he decided to take a look.

"Master Hou is here. I have heard about Master Hou's feats these days. Master Hou actually went to the barbarian wolf temple with one sword and killed the statue of the wolf god. It is really admirable."

The nineteenth prince, Gu Chensha, heard the news of Su Li's arrival, came to greet Su Li, and smiled at the same time.

"It's nothing more than killing the statues of the wolf god. One day, it will be good to kill a few wild gods by yourself."

Su Li smiled slightly, and looked at the large courtyard of the governor's mansion, "Prince Nineteen, it's only been a few days, and you've already recruited quite a few talents."

He looked forward and saw five young people not far away, each holding a sword in his hand, forming a sword formation. The five young people interspersed left and right, like a net, like silkworms spinning silk in spring, and majestic summer rain. The autumn clothes are bleak, and the winter snow is withering. Apart from these four kinds of swordsmanship and sword intent, there is another kind of swordsmanship, which is so hot that it can drive people crazy.

"These five young men Hou Ye mentioned? Yes, the five of them did have many adventures. It is a miracle that they have all cultivated to the realm of martial arts masters in a small town. When I first saw them At that time, I saw the five of them teaming up and fighting an evil grandmaster back and forth, so he shot and killed the evil grandmaster and took them under his command."

Gu Chensha looked at the five people with the eyes of the champion, nodded, told the origins of the five people, and then stretched out his hand: "Liu Yu, five of you come here, come to see my father from the Dayong Dynasty. Champion Hou!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

When the five young men saw Gu Chensha calling them, they hurried over, and when the nineteenth prince said that the man opposite was the champion of the imperial court, they hurriedly saluted.

Although they are villagers above the town and haven't seen much of the world, they can still feel a little bit of it since they got the adventure, that is, the young man in front of him, the champion, is very powerful and has reached a An unimaginable realm.

Even their benefactor, the Nineteenth Prince, does not seem to be a match for this existence.

"See you Lord Hou!"

Liu Yu and others saluted Su Li.

"Well, the few of you have had adventures, if I guessed correctly, the adventures you have had should be treasures left by the ancient God of the Five Seasons, and what you practice is the Five Seasons swordsmanship handed down by the ancient God of the Five Seasons. These five seasons of swordsmanship, the five elements are complete, and every detail is intricate, like spring rain, like Xia Lei, like autumn frost, like winter snow, like the scorching sun, and there is another scorching season besides the four seasons."

Su Li waved his hand, signaling Liu Yu and others to get up.

"Hou Ye is really sharp-eyed, and he can tell at a glance that it is the Five Seasons Sword. It is rumored that in the ancient times of my Endless Continent, there were five seasons in the sky, but in the fifth season, ten suns will appear in the sky, roasting the earth, mountains and rivers. The people were scorched, and the souls were tormented in the oven, and then a hero appeared and shot down the nine suns, so only the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter remained."

Gu Chensha nodded.

Beside Gu Chensha, Liu Yu and the others showed shocked expressions on their faces, as if they did not expect that the champion of the imperial court could see the skills they practiced at a glance, which is really amazing.

Before, they didn't know much about themselves, but now that Champion Hou arrived, he could see their secrets at a glance.

"The existence that can shoot down nine of the ten suns in my Endless Continent, I am also a little curious about what realm he has reached. Is it the existence of the 36th transformation of the Dao realm, or the existence above the 36 transformations of the Dao realm... "

Su Li also remembered this legend. The sun in the Endless Continent is not something that ordinary people can shoot down. The point where the Dao realm 33 changes from four to five to six.

And the fierce man who shot down the nine suns of the Endless Continent, could it be Tianzun, Tianyuan, or the realm of Tianshou.

"The existence of Dao Realm 36 Changes, what kind of existence is it?"

When Gu Chensha heard the word Dao Realm 36 Transformation, curiosity appeared on his face.

"The 27 changes in the Dao realm mean that there is no gap between the two worlds, which means that you can jump instantly with your physical body and break through the void. That kind of existence can reach Xianzhou from the capital in an instant, just like the former Grand Master Wen Hong of Xian Dynasty. This is the state, as for the 36 changes in the Dao state, it is his own transformation."

Su left the mouth.

"Grand Master Wen Hong?"

Gu Chensha's heart skipped a beat, and then a look of astonishment appeared on his face, "The Dao Realm has changed at 36, and he is free?"

"Yes, other transformations are free. They can change everything in the world, and all kinds of time and space are at ease. The so-called other transformations mean that in the cave, everything can be changed, and the energy of heaven and earth can be extracted to give birth to people, things, and sentient beings. To generate energy, one has to extract the heaven and the earth, so it is he who transforms himself into freedom. With the help of the "he" of heaven and earth, he evolves all kinds of freedom. If he does not rely on the way of heaven and forms a self-contained body, it will be a realm above the 36 changes of the Taoist realm, and perhaps His Majesty will have reached it This kind of boundary."

Su Li smiled.

"Father's realm has actually reached such a state, no wonder even many gods are not the father's opponent."

Gu Chensha's face showed shock. In the past years, he had never thought about the realm of his father, but until now he knew how high his father's realm was.

A realm above the 36 transformations of the Dao realm!

In his eyes, even the existence of five or six changes in the Dao realm is the existence of land gods, who can do all kinds of unimaginable things, but with 36 changes in the Dao realm, what can't be done?
"The emperor's state is very high, but our state is very low. It is very difficult to understand the emperor's artistic conception, but it is even more difficult for all living beings to understand the emperor's will. All living beings are of the same mind, how can it be so easy? .”

Su Li said.

"All beings are of one mind!"

Whether it was Gu Chensha or the five young people, they all felt a sense of grandeur when they heard these four words.

It is indeed very difficult for all beings to be united in one mind. How could ordinary villagers like them live in a small town be in one mind with the emperor. Because of the existence of those barbarian demons, their dream is to spend their entire lives in their own town in peace.

If they hadn't got some opportunities and barbarians invaded, they probably wouldn't have met the nineteenth prince, let alone the champion. will know.

Some old men in their town, unless they are very bored, would think about what the current emperor would eat for a meal, how many steamed buns to eat, how many bowls of soup to drink, and whether there were many beauties in the house.

In addition, it seems that everyone is a person from two worlds.

"Show me your swords."

But at this moment, Su Li looked at the swords of Liu Yu and the other five, and said something else.

"Our sword..."

Liu Yu and the other five looked at Gu Chensha, the nineteenth prince.

"This is your chance. Lord Hou is the pillar of our Great Eternal Dynasty. He has already cultivated to the realm of nine transformations. He wants to see your sword, so he naturally wants to give you a chance."

Ancient dusty road.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Liu Yu and others sent their swords over.

"Master Hou, please take a look."


Su Li nodded, and looked at the five swords. Each of these swords had its own origin and was called the Five Seasons Sword. Inside, there are densely packed talismans surging. If such a sword is sacrificially refined by someone, it can absorb people's energy, and then feed it back, so that both the person and the sword will get a lot of benefits.

This is somewhat similar to his Panhuang Life Sword.

"Your Majesty, if you want all beings to be of the same mind, you need all beings to be strong. At least don't worry about some daily necessities and irritability. If such simple things cannot be satisfied, it is impossible for all beings to be of one mind forever. This time I met you, it is indeed a great opportunity for you, if you sacrifice these five swords well, it will not be a problem for you to cultivate to the Dao realm. According to my opinion, in the future, at least all monks should At least the monks in the Dao realm, and in the years to come, all the monks' realms can be upgraded without limit again."

Su Li's words were eloquent, each of his words seemed to have charm, and everyone felt that they had benefited a lot from hearing them, and when he spoke, many drops of Tianlu were sent into the five swords by him Suddenly, the spirituality of the five swords became stronger and stronger, showing an extremely sharp aura.

And inside the Five Seasons Sword, many formations seemed to be activated with the infiltration of the sky, and the power of the Five Seasons Sword increased several times at once.

Now even if Liu Yu and others don't know anything, just relying on these five swords, it is not a problem to kill the second transformation of the Dao Realm.

"That's Tianlu! Master Hou actually rewarded us with Tianlu!"

"Three drops of dew can make a master of martial arts do not eat or drink every day for a year, and practice martial arts every day, full of energy. But now Lord Hou actually rewarded our sword with many drops of dew. This is a great kindness!"

"Thank you Hou Ye!"

The five knelt down directly to thank Su Li, the champion, for his great kindness.

They are very smart and know what Tianlu is. If a drop of Tianlu is converted into money, I am afraid that the sum of all the counties cannot compare.

But now the random rewards from the champion marquis have caused earth-shaking changes in their swords. The sharpness of the sword has reached an unprecedented level, and their spirits are connected to the sword, and their cultivation bases are here. For a moment, he stepped directly into the realm of the master, and it seemed that he was not far from the real Dao realm.

"Thank you, Lord Hou, for training them."

Gu Chensha also spoke at this time, thanking Su Li for his training.

"It's nothing. This time I went to the land of the barbarians and destroyed the wolf temple. The emperor rewarded me with a few words, which means that all living beings are of one mind. Since all beings are of one mind, of course we must support and support those who are qualified to help them become stronger." further."

Su left the mouth.

While speaking, the four characters written by Emperor Tianfu also appeared in front of Gu Chensha.

"All beings are of one mind, all beings are of one mind. In this world, it is indeed a very difficult thing to fulfill the ambition of the emperor and to make all beings of one mind. Because there are too many weak and too few strong ones in this world. When sentient beings are too weak, they can't think too much, so I want to create a boxing method for the people of the world."

When Gu Chensha saw the words "all beings are one heart", many lights appeared in his eyes.

"Among the people in the world, there are many stupid people, ordinary people, and ordinary people, but these people also have hope and need to make progress. The world is the world of ordinary people, the world of ordinary people, not geniuses In this world, I want to create a kind of boxing, this boxing is called clumsy boxing. Let the clumsy and stupid people strive for self-improvement and be full of hope for the future."

Gu Chensha suddenly woke up.

On the side, Su Li praised.

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