Chapter 259 Six Minds
"The Kongtong seal, like the Xuanyuan sword, contains powerful willpower, and the Pangu ax contains powerful energy. This is very good."

After Su Li obtained the Pangu Axe, he finally left Tianwai Village. This time, he rode the Black Dragon King to the current capital of Dazhou.

The new emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Yu Wentuo, had already returned to the court as a teacher, and also built a new mansion for Su Li, named Guoshi Mansion.

Su Li had a clone phantom who had contacted Yu Wentuo, so he didn't seem surprised at this situation.

After entering the National Teacher's Mansion, Su Li continued to practice.

The two artifacts of humanity——Xuanyuan Sword and Kongtong Seal contain the power of an unknown year. Last time, only the power of the Xuanyuan Sword helped him open up his second mind. Now, he wants to use his other minds as well. opened up.

Rolling wish power is a very strange energy, once it is sucked into the mind, there is no danger.

According to the cultivation method of Pan Wu's great supernatural power, Su Li opened up an independent spiritual space in his mind, which is the third mind.

That powerful willpower did not consume a lot, and opened up again.

When the sixth sea of ​​consciousness was fully opened up, the wish power of all sentient beings in the two artifacts was exhausted.

Su Li closed his eyes and meditated, and immediately saw six mysterious spiritual spaces in his head, running parallel to each other without interfering with each other.

Others have one mind, and he has six minds, but Pan Wu's great powers can be cultivated to perfection, and he can cultivate nine minds, nine times the magic power to fight, not simply nine times.

This kind of supernatural power is really terrifying.

It's just that the Panwu Dali supernatural power he won from Wanluo is not a complete version, and he can only cultivate seven minds. Obviously, although Hua Tiandu is generous and trusts in cultivating Wanluo, he also keeps a hand.

On the contrary, he seems to have given the complete version of Pan Wu's supernatural power to Yan Shuiyi, the first true female disciple of Taiyi Sect.

With the complete Great Origin Technique as the betrothal gift, Hua Tiandu also paid a lot of money.

Presumably Yan Shuiyi, the first true female disciple of the Taiyi Sect, should be very happy and moved.

"My current mana is the power of [-] million black horses. Although I have opened up six minds, each of which can hold two million mana, but now the five minds are all empty. And The first mind is only half of it now."

Su Li felt his own state.

Originally, he was in the realm of heaven and man, and he could only accommodate the power of one million black and yellow horses in his mind, but after the completion of the Great Devouring Technique, his mana increased again, directly to the point where he could accommodate two million black and yellow horses.

If he develops a complete seven minds, or develops nine minds after obtaining the complete panwu great power, and reaches the perfect state of heaven and man, and fills up the nine minds, his mana will reach a terrifying level. The power of eighteen million black and yellow horses.

It's unimaginable.

At that time, it is truly boundless mana.

However, Su Li also knew that no matter how powerful his mana was in the Mystical Ability Secret Realm, that is, the power of [-] million black and yellow horses would never exceed the power of [-] million black and yellow horses.

A master in the secret realm of longevity can surpass the power of a hundred million galloping horses.

According to ancient Taoist books, the power of a heavenly dragon is equivalent to the power of a hundred million galloping horses.

The number [-] million, in the dark, also represents a law of heaven and earth.

Beside it, is a herringbone.

Beside the herringbone, there is a "B", which looks like a dragon.

The Daoist book explains that people and dragons go hand in hand, that is, billions.

And above [-] million is "trillion".

A sign is an omen, a sign, and also a kind of luck, a rule in the dark.

That can only be obtained by an extremely noble existence in the secret realm of longevity.

One blow at will, the power of one trillion, the mana at that time can already destroy the world at will, possessing all kinds of incredible magic.

"It doesn't work if your mind is empty."

After Su Li used the two great artifacts Xuanyuan Sword and Kongtong Seal, the power of these two artifacts was obviously weaker. Su Li looked at the newly acquired Pangu Axe.

In the hands of the Great God Pan Gu, the Pangu Ax can open up the world and shatter chaos. Most of the reason is of course the power of the Great God Pan Gu, but it also contains a lot of powerful energy.

Now that Su Li refined the Pangu axe, he could refine a lot of energy in the Pangu axe, continuously increasing its strength.

This is a continuous practice.

Although Su Li had never left the customs, his aura was gradually revealed.

In the Great Zhou Palace, the new emperor Yu Wentuo has been enthroned for two months.

The world that was supposed to be chaotic has been unified, which makes Yu Wentuo feel good.

Two months ago, when he returned to the Great Zhou Dynasty, several forces raised their troops together, including Xianbei Tuoba in the north, Lu Chengzhi, the Western King in Taiyuan, and Nanchen in the south.

He marched in person and stood with the Western King Lu Chengzhi.

It has to be said that Xi Wang Lu Chengzhi is an extremely powerful figure, and his formation is very powerful. Based on the fighting on the battlefield alone, he seems to be a lot worse.

But this is a world of practice, and if you can't do it well, then fight alone.

Although he didn't have the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, he was still invincible after absorbing the avatar of Yang Su's Divine Fire. He quickly turned the tide of the battle by himself, and personally captured the Western King Lu Chengzhi, and put down the Western King's Rebellion.

He was about to lead the army to defeat Xianbei Tuoba's invasion, but some soldiers had already come to report that all the high-level officials of Xianbei Tuoba were killed and injured, and their generals attacked, and the Xianbei Tuoba tribe who would invade in the future was wiped out.

This ends another big event.

Yu Wentuo then went south and led his troops to face Nan Chen who was restoring the country.

Back then, he was the one who destroyed Nanchen's tens of thousands of troops with one sword and one sword.

Up to now, he was alone again, and once again wiped out Nanchen who had restored the country. Even Chen Fu and Chen Jingchou couldn't escape.

One battle will determine the universe.

Today's Central Plains only needs a complete Great Zhou, not another separatist force like Nanchen.

The Central Plains are unified, the world belongs to the heart, and the world belongs to the Great Zhou!
This is a good thing.

Yu Wentuo knew very clearly that a lot of credit was actually attributed to that fellow Taoist, that national teacher.

For example, the death of Xianbei Tuoba's high-level executives, and the disappearance of Nanchen Zhenguo's magic pot for refining demons.

This made him sweep other forces much faster.

But now, the movement from the land of the National Teacher's Mansion is getting louder and louder.

That terrifying aura made him even more frightened. Obviously, the national teacher is practicing a peerless supernatural power, and his strength is improving by leaps and bounds every day.

"The national teacher is getting stronger and stronger."

Yu Wentuo had long since stopped wearing golden armor, and now he was wearing an emperor's dragon robe, looking in the direction of the National Teacher's Mansion.

The breath there is like a giant Kunpeng beast, swallowing the river and sea.

Incredibly powerful.

This breath has been going on for a month.

Finally, at the next moment, all the breath disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a figure rose into the sky.

"National teacher, leave the customs!"

(End of this chapter)

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