Chapter 341 Battle of Immortals and Demons (Come to subscribe!)

Su Li knew this person.

He is Hua Tiandu's master, an eternal giant in the Secret Realm of Longevity.

If Hua Tiandu becomes the next head teacher of Yuhuamen, then Ruyizi can rely on Huatiandu's master status to get a lot of resources from Yuhuamen, and it is also possible to cultivate an immortal body in the future.

And if Su Li becomes the next headmaster of the Yuhua Sect, he will naturally pay more attention to elders who are close to him like Elder Tian Xing, and the resources will also be tilted towards these elders. The so-called Ruyizi will not get the resources of the Yuhua Sect at all.

So, this is a natural opposite thing.

Su Li hadn't defeated Meng Shaobai before, and when he killed the Ghost Emperor, Ruyizi didn't think much of him, but that won't be the case in the future.

Of course, Su Li didn't care about it for the time being.

His most urgent task at the moment is to thoroughly refine the few Taiqing Yuye Great Return Pills, and increase their mana to the strength of a hundred million horses.

So, Su Li continued to practice.

This process is not difficult, it is just a matter of time.

Su Li's mana continued to increase and improve.

Just when Su Li was retreating in the Little Immortal Realm, outside the Yuhua Gate, in the Land of Returning to the Void, something happened.

The three true disciples of Taiyi Sect disappeared.

This matter seems to be a trivial matter, and it is normal that there are not many disciples in Guixu Land, but it is not a trivial matter if it has something to do with the Supreme Unity Sect.

In the land of returning to the void, on a deserted island, some monks have already gathered.

If you look carefully, you will find that these monks are wearing gossip purple gold Taoist robes, which are the clothes of the true disciples of Taiyi Sect.

At a glance, there were six middle-aged Taoists.Every Taoist is a master of supernatural powers at the fifth level of heaven and man.

"Reverend Changchun, we have received a talisman to ask for help from our junior brother, and we have rushed here, but why, there is no one? Could it be that the three junior brothers have met a murderous hand?"

Among the six Taoists, one Taoist showed a puzzled expression on his face. "Thieves are rampant in this sea, and some casual cultivators are extremely vicious. If they encounter three injured senior brothers, they may directly kill them. That would be a big disaster."

"Hmph! Between heaven and earth, who dares to deal with my disciples of the Taiyi Sect! I dare say that even the Forty Great Thieves, the No. [-] Qitian Bandit, would not dare to kill my true disciples of the Taiyi Sect!"

Immortal Changchun shouted.

While the Changchun real man shouted loudly, suddenly, more than a dozen golden lights flew over at the same time.

Every ray of golden light rubbed against the atmosphere, and a long tail of fire appeared, rushing the sea to the sky.

Seeing these dozens of golden lights, Master Changchun quickly said, "You also received the talisman?"

"Master Changchun, did you also receive the talisman? We also received the talisman from the three juniors to save our lives. We put down the elixir and rushed over immediately. That damned commander-in-chief dared to deal with my Taiyi sect disciple, his Life is over!"

These dozens of golden rays of light showed their figures, and they were all masters in the realm of heaven and man, with solemn faces.

In an instant, twenty-one masters of the Heavenly Human Realm appeared.

The strength of Taiyimen is really terrifying.

However, things are not over yet.

In the next few hours, disciples from the Taiyi Sect flew over one after another.

Among them, there are no disciples who have cultivated supernatural powers. The cultivation base is only a secret realm of the physical body, but everyone is a treasure.

There are also some who have cultivated to the first level of the supernatural secret realm, but because of insufficient merit, they are still only inner disciples of the Supreme Unity Sect, not true disciples.

The true disciples of the Taiyi Sect, not only when their strength has reached the supernatural realm, but also must subdue demons, save lives, and accumulate merit. Only when the merits are reached can they become true disciples.

Unlike the Yuhuamen, the disciples of the Mystical Ability Secret Realm are equal to the true disciples.

These inner disciples of the Taiyi Sect who have reached the mystical realm of supernatural powers stand in the void, waiting quietly, each with a treasure.

And with the passage of time, there are more and more Taiyi sect disciples here, there are also some casual cultivators, and there are more and more disciples from other sects nearby.

Among them, four to five hundred inner disciples from the Supreme Unity Sect came, and the worst cultivation among them were all masters of the Divine Transformation Realm, and their physical bodies were above ten horses.

As for the true disciples, there are more than [-] people, and more than [-] people are all masters of the fifth level of supernatural powers.

The combination of these two dozen real people is enough to sweep thousands of casual cultivators nearby, and even make many sects of the Demon Sect and Demon Dao tremble and be vigilant, for fear of killing the door, killing demons and eliminating demons.

"The only senior brother is here! I am a disciple of the first sect, let's welcome together!"

At this moment, another true disciple of Taiyi Sect flew over from the sky, and as soon as he flew over, he opened his mouth and made a sound as if he was reading an imperial decree.

When the twenty real people heard this, they quickly cupped their hands and said loudly, "Welcome to the only senior brother!"

At the same time, hundreds of inner disciples and more than fifty true disciples also shouted at the same time: "Welcome to the only senior brother!"

Suddenly, a huge sound wave blew away many dark clouds in the sky, revealing bright stars.

The sound even reached thousands of miles away.

This kind of momentum is thousands of times grander than in the secular world, where the officials call long live, long live, long live, long live.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of music suddenly came from the sky, and ninety-nine women flew out, playing flutes and musical instruments.

Then, ninety-nine handsome men flew out, holding banners in their hands.

Then, nine golden dragons, all of which were as big as the Black Water King Snake, came slowly, pulling a huge throne.

The nine golden dragons, majestic and majestic, soared in the sky, walking steadily, slowly and dignifiedly, coming down from the sky.

Everyone felt a huge pressure.

In the huge throne, sat a Taoist, closed his eyes and meditated, and remained motionless, as if the emperor of heaven came down to the world and toured the rivers and mountains.

"Four-clawed golden dragonfly, this is a thing that is called the ancient snake species together with the black water king snake and the giant python. The mana of that one golden dragon can sweep us away. Now the nine golden dragons are actually pulling people away. car."

A casual cultivator muttered to himself in shock.

"Qingsheng, this is the great supernatural power among the true disciples of the Taiyi Sect, Senior Brother Song Weiyi! The disciples of the Taiyi Sect, the most outstanding great supernatural powers, are all given the word 'one' in their names. All of them have cultivated golden elixir seeds, or the laws of heaven and earth, or even changed their lives against the sky. For us, they are all at the same level as gods."

A casual cultivator actually cultivated to the realm of heaven and man, but in front of this kind of ostentation and momentum, he felt his insignificance.

There was envy in his eyes.

"The only senior brother, we received the talisman and rushed here, only to find that the three junior brothers had disappeared. We sent people to search everywhere, but we couldn't find them."

At this moment, Changchun Daoist and other Daoist people respectfully stepped forward to report.

"There's no need to look for it, the three juniors have already been killed! When I came to this deserted island, I sensed a strong sense of resentment and death. It was left behind by the three juniors."

"What, the Demon Commander actually dared to kill our disciples of the Taiyi Sect! The Innate Demon Sect, I really want to die! They must be destroyed!"

Master Changchun was furious when he heard the words.

"In this matter, we must first capture the Demon Commander and ask clearly. If he really killed my Taiyi Sect disciple, he is doomed to die. Even the Demon Sect Great Emperor Ying Xiantian cannot protect him. Of course, if it is not Mo Shuai, but someone is setting the blame, then we must investigate thoroughly, and find out the truth."

This "only senior brother" who had a great show spoke slowly.But every word has a shocking magic power, as if the words from his mouth are all truth.

"Listen up. Immediately notify all sects and sects to issue an order to hunt down and kill the Demon Commander! I will go back and discuss with the elders. I will besiege the Xiantian Demon Sect and force Ying Xiantian to hand over the Demon Commander! This time, If the Xiantian Demon Sect doesn’t give us an explanation, my Taiyi Sect will completely destroy the Xiantian Demon Sect!”


All the disciples of Taiyi Sect spoke in unison, with the anger to punish everything in their words.

"Summon down and issue a killing order from Heaven!"

"All the sects of Immortal Dao must come, and together we will crusade against the Innate Demon Sect!"

"If you don't give an explanation, the Innate Demon Sect will be destroyed!"

More than twenty real people roared wildly, and the sound radiated far, far away.

The bloody storm between immortals and demons seems to have kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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