Chapter 357 The Rising Two Dragons (Fifth Update!)

"Fellow Daoist Qingying, I will teach you the great art of refining treasures, and you must refine the Eight Parts Stupa."

After Fan Qingying taught Su Li the great chaos technique, Su Li also opened his mouth and taught Fan Qingying a three thousand way - the great treasure refining technique.

"Okay, fellow daoist, if these eight pagodas can be refined, I think its power will overwhelm the heavens."

After Fan Qingying obtained the Great Alchemy Technique, her face moved, as if she was pondering and analyzing, and then she sat cross-legged, opened her mouth to spit out rays of light, and began to refine the body of the eight-part pagoda.

"Speaking of which, I happen to have an artifact—the Haotian Tower, and perhaps its materials can also be used."

Su Li moved casually, and the Haotian Tower fell in front of Fan Qingying.

"Well, this saves a lot of effort. Fellow Daoists don't need to destroy this Haotian Tower. After I have mastered the Great Alchemy Technique, I can naturally transform this Haotian Tower."

Fan Qingying nodded, and beams of precious light emerged around her body, which was a vision that happened when she just started the Great Alchemy Technique.

One after another of precious light seems to have leaked from some strange world, which can provide great blessings for the refining of magic weapons.


Su Li also didn't care about Fan Qingying, one of the eight great artifacts in the Xuanyuan Sword Realm - the Haotian Tower was finally useful, which was considered a happy event.

Otherwise, it still hasn't transformed into his strength, and it's the same as not having it.

"These [-] million heavenly demons also need to be fed."

Su Li discovered that after obtaining [-] million Heavenly Demons, he had more things to do, and it was no longer pure cultivation.

But it is actually easy to feed these [-] million demons.

In the storage space of the Protoss he killed, there are countless elixirs that are as dark as cosmic black holes. They were originally used by the Protoss for cultivation, called Black God Pills.

This kind of elixir, ordinary monks can't eat it, otherwise they will die from poison and die unexpectedly.

However, this Black God Pill can feed Heavenly Demons.

Heavenly Demon is a strange race, created by the Protoss, so it can naturally be fed with the elixir of the Protoss, but generally speaking, the Protoss does not have such a luxury.

Taking the elixir cultivated by oneself to feed the heavenly demon is equivalent to feeding ginseng and deer antler to pigs.

The Black God Pill, for the protoss, is equivalent to the Nascent Soul Pill among monks,
Su Li was very interested in feeding these Black God Pills to the Heavenly Demon, and wanted to see the changes in the Heavenly Demon.

With a wave of his hand, he rolled up hundreds of thousands of "Black God Pills" and threw them into the group of demons.

These "Black God Pills" immediately turned into a black air current, which was completely absorbed by all the heavenly demons.

Immediately, the bodies of hundreds of heavenly demons swelled up, scales suddenly grew, and flesh and blood unexpectedly condensed into real shapes, cultivating into demon kings.

These heavenly demons have obviously reached the critical point of transformation, and now they are promoted to demon kings as soon as they are stimulated with the vitality of the black god pill.

Hundreds of heavenly demons were promoted to Demon King at once, and Su Li immediately felt that the power of the vows generated by the prayers of those Demon Kings was obviously stronger.

And some heavenly demons who were originally demon kings broke through to the next level at this moment.

Their realm was originally equivalent to the supernatural power level of human monks. After devouring the god race's black god pill, their mana was condensed and formed.

Of course, Su Li also saw that among the celestial demons, there was also a celestial demon king who was equivalent to a human cultivator at the fifth level of supernatural power, but he was still controlled by Su Li and converted to Su Li. After obtaining the Black God Pill, his strength to further improve,
However, it still requires a lot of fortuitous encounters to cultivate to the Guiyi Realm or even the Golden Core Realm.

"I think back then, I didn't have any Dao. After fighting hard to kill the Water Gu Heavenly Demon King, I got the first Dao - the Great Cutting Technique. Now even the Heavenly Demon King with five levels of supernatural powers has become my support. Pets, generate thought power for me. If they improve further and reach the golden core realm, it means that I have raised a demon king like the water gu demon king."

Su Li was a little bit emotional. His strength has improved these days, which is not unpleasant, and it is very refreshing.

As for the [-] million heavenly demons, Su Li also had ideas.

After Fan Qingying transforms the Haotian Pagoda into the eight pagodas, he will put all the [-] million heavenly demons into the eight pagodas.

The refining of the Eight Buddhas originally required the collection of infinite creatures, and then use the "morning bell" and "evening drum" to subdue them, generate pious beliefs, pray all the time, and generate vows to temper the "Eight Buddhas". ".

The real success of the "Eight Buddhas" is that [-] small worlds were opened up in it, and [-] million living beings in each small world prayed together for ten thousand years. A magic weapon transforms into a fairy weapon.

Of course, Su Li couldn't do this kind of ability.

Not to mention opening up three thousand small worlds, even if it is a small world, he can't open it up. It may be possible to do it after his cultivation has reached the King Realm of the Secret Realm of Longevity.

"Shenlong, Black Dragon King, you two, on the one hand, you must practice the Great World Art and the Great Alchemy Art, and on the other hand, the task of feeding the demons is entrusted to you."

Su Li turned his gaze again, looking at Shenlong and Black Dragon King.

The strength of these two dragons at this time is also advancing by leaps and bounds, but they are getting farther and farther away from him.

"Okay, master, we must do it!"

"Don't worry, we won't disappoint Master!"

Shenlong no longer had the habit of sleeping in the past. Now when he opened his eyes, he saw [-] million demons in the sky, indicating that he was under a lot of pressure.

What made Shenlong especially emotional was that his master's strength improved so fast, if he didn't pay close attention, he might be abandoned.

"It's too strong, master! That's [-] million heavenly demons."

The Black Dragon King, the Dragon King, looked at the blackness and felt very panic.

The terrifying heavenly demons, led by the demon kings one by one, formed sixty-four demon formations.

A magic formation is one hundred thousand heavenly demons.

Such a heavenly demon condensed into a large formation, which is no longer something they can deal with.

So the two of them have to become stronger and must be valuable.

"Shenlong, we have to hurry up and rise up, otherwise, if the master one day saves us, it will be a bit miserable."

The Black Dragon King and Shenlong Divine Sense are communicating.

"Well, the new way master learned is really terrifying. Fortunately, it didn't save us and let us have our own sanity! I don't want to be like those guys."

Shenlong also nodded.

As the master, the dragon must rise up of course!

"Great world technique!"

The Shenlong and the Black Dragon King looked at each other, and they all made a big way together.

When this avenue appeared, above their heads, there seemed to be a great world of dragon power. The violent and turbulent dragon energy vented from the void, and was immediately caught by the two dragons, which quickly increased their strength.

"Great World Art, does this ability still exist?"

Su Li looked at it and praised it.

At this time, there was a terrible vibration suddenly in the land of returning to the void.

It seems to be the side of Taiyuan Immortal Mansion.

 No manuscript saved!Crazy code words!Ask for a monthly ticket!I will try my best to explode!It's the last day!

(End of this chapter)

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